Parental Rights v Parental Responsibilities

legal shmegal Kids don't break like eggs, if we treat them like eggs they'll be unable to handle being a grown up. More frequent spankings is what's needed. In public, for my kids, I flick them on top of their head. Hurts, gets the point across, no discussion necessary, we go on like nothing happened. Confining a child is more abusive than striking a child.

Kids meaning not legal adults, should have no right to make any decision themselves, unless they become legally emancipated and can function as their own legal guardian. All decisions are privileges, then you do what I say or pack yo shit!
Generally speaking, the violence is simply the most convenient method. It's like putting down your grocery cart, hauling the kid up, leaving the store, going home, and dealing with it in some longer manner. It's inconvenient, I admit. Frankly, I can see how it would be a lot easier to just smack the kid.

What if it's not terminal? In Washington state, we have a ballot measure coming up, and people are, of course, distressed. Interestingly, though, the opposition to the right to die includes the religious.

I say interestingly because we had a case recently in which the court sided with a fourteen year-old indoctrinated into his aunt's religious beliefs who chose to decline treatment and die of leukemia before any outcome was certain. He was dead within a couple of days.

For others, though, it's not a matter of days, but months. In those cases, the outcome is already certain. In this boy's case, his action is what made it certain.

So what then? What if your son's reason for dying is that he believes the Bible tells him he shouldn't have a blood transfusion?

At present, the only thing you could do to legally help him reach his goal—at least, where I'm from—is sit by and hold his hand and give him the occasional, prescribed opiate dose while he suffered over a period of weeks or months.

your right in the UK thats all we can do, but we can fly them out to (i think) its holland to assist sucide, thats it waht is going to happen if i dont recover from this bout of illness
the question isnt wether to let him or not but rather to determine WHY he wants to die.

No it isn't. The child sez I want to die. Do you kill it? Allow it to kill itself? Force them to continue to live?

WHY is beside the point. I don't care if they got a hangnail, or are a parapalegic, or have brain cancer. No child should have the right to make decisions without consulting their parents. If they want to claim child abuse or something, they should be allowed to seek other guardianship, so 1 decision-they are allowed to tell on their guardian to a person in authority. That's about right.
My husband? How did this go from a child to a grown adult? How about if we stay on topic? How about if you ask a question that is relevant to the topic?

If my child had bone cancer and had to have his leg removed, it would happen. If they had a brain tumour that needed to be removed, but he would lose his sight, it would happen.

It's his leg. He'll still be missing that leg when he's 35. Do you really have the right to make a decision that will affect him long after you are no longer responsible for him?

If I was forced to have my leg removed by a parent, I would be 6 feet under. As with the colostomy bag, I would rather be dead than so extensively mutilated.

Kids meaning not legal adults, should have no right to make any decision themselves

Bollocks. You are your own person long before legal adulthood.

If my mum wanted my jagged molars straightened so I didn't bite my mouth lining, and I didn't, does she have the right to force that on me??
It's his leg. He'll still be missing that leg when he's 35. Do you really have the right to make a decision that will affect him long after you are no longer responsible for him?....

I don't know of anyone on this board who would agree with that.
A doctor tells you that your child has bone cancer and to save their life, they will have to have the leg amputated. Parents will pick their child over the leg. I would like to meet the parent that wouldn't.....besides Asguard. And given time, when you have a child of your own, you will change your mind. I'd bet my life on it.
I don't know of anyone on this board who would agree with that.
A doctor tells you that your child has bone cancer and to save their life, they will have to have the leg amputated. Parents will pick their child over the leg. I would like to meet the parent that wouldn't.....besides Asguard. And given time, when you have a child of your own, you will change your mind. I'd bet my life on it.

I'd have the leg amputated, but it my child (if they are older, like 16 or 17) was hell bent against it I wouldn't force it on them. The doctors wanted my grandfather to have his leg amputated and since he was unable to care for himself his wife was his "legal guardian" (I'm not sure what the correct term is). When the doctor's told him he said no, so they ignored him (like their supposed to I guess) and asked my grandmother who said of course, but he was firm about his decision he continued to say no, he didn't care what the doctor's said and he wanted to die at home. So she respected his wishes. I would like to think that my parents would do the same for me if I felt that way about a problem I had.
I agree with you CutsieMarie, and I stand by what I said a couple of posts ago, it's that person's decision.

I don't think I could do that to someone (force them to have a leg amputated or some such). It's so selfish. It's considering your wishes and not theirs.
I agree with you CutsieMarie, and I stand by what I said a couple of posts ago, it's that person's decision.

I don't think I could do that to someone (force them to have a leg amputated or some such). It's so selfish. It's considering your wishes and not theirs.

What age are you making that distinction at? A 3 yr old? A 10 yr old? A 17 yr old?

Come hell or high water, my kid is losing the leg.
What age are you making that distinction at? A 3 yr old? A 10 yr old? A 17 yr old?

Come hell or high water, my kid is losing the leg.

Hmm, grey area.

I think in all honesty and I would not have my kid's leg cut off at any age.

You would force your 17 year old to have his leg cut off?

I know if that had been me as a kid, I would not be here right now. I love life, but I do not love it unconditionally. You cut my leg off, you deal with the sight of my rigid white dead body with a blade in my gut and an empty pain killer packet on the floor.
You would let your child die of cancer when they didn't have to?

If they were fully aware of the consequences of their decision not if they were being moody or having a lapse of judgment, and could convince me that it is what they wanted. I would have a difficult time accepting it, certainly, but I believe in respecting (competent) people's wishes. My mother and I got into quite a few disagreements over my medical decisions when I was about 16 or 17, but each time she conceded, because each time I had to remind her it's my body and my life.
If they were fully aware of the consequences of their decision not if they were being moody or having a lapse of judgment, and could convince me that it is what they wanted. I would have a difficult time accepting it, certainly, but I believe in respecting (competent) people's wishes. My mother and I got into quite a few disagreements over my medical decisions when I was about 16 or 17, but each time she conceded, because each time I had to remind her it's my body and my life.

Well said Cutsie. That's what I would do too - I would give them some time to think about it, so if they were influenced by anger or other uncontrolled emotions, that would level out and they'd have thought it through rationally. Then I'd respect their decision.
I'll ask him.

He said he would lose the leg. He said "why would I give a crap if other people had a problem with my fake leg"
I don't know why he thought people would have issues with it, but its what he said.