Palace 'ghost' caught on camera

The only technical points I see you refer to is "bullshit" and "liar", and neither are those are Technically true, because for them to be true they would have to be proven "without shadow of a doubt".

I do not need to worry about the burden of proof, as I don't need to prove that the equipment exists and the feat is possible, what you need to do is prove why that can not be. Simply you can not and will not supply evidence to support that my claim is a lie.

If you were in a court right now the entire position of the Arbiter (Judge and Jury) would be to try and look at things from both perspectives without drawing a conclusion from the start. Your stuck with a conclusion and are not prepared to see past the end of your nose.

You are the typical hung court, thats thrown out the "Innocent before proven guilty", therefore I'm innocent of a lie since you have not the foundations to build a guilty verdict.

If your really stuck about proving what I say to be unfoundered (which you will not), then I would suggest having words with your peers, although I would use a bit more professionalism than you have here or they might be offended.
Oh man, I couldn't contain myself...

From stryder's old page:
While I was playing the game, other users around the world interacted through little graphical characters that had speed bubbles. I didn't take much notice to the fact that I was actually reading these bubbles but hearing peoples voices for each of the characters. (Later I would find out that these were and are people involved in the Experiment/project that involves me.)
At that period of time the Holograms started appearing again, and this time accompanied by voices.
I continued dealing with what they threw at me until they decided to pull a Matrix manoeuvre, one of their guys tried to say "I am Morpheus" (there guy as morpheus), and I said "No your not, I'm Zeus and you can't be Morpheus!"

And his other homepages:

Both of which make it clear that he is purely a self-important (possible psychotic) cyberpunk without any real knowledge of what he talks about in this thread.
As I said I've been Reverse Engineering the equipment.

Let me put it plain to your Persol, There are alot of sorded projects that go on behind closed doors, ones that tend to use people because they spot an ounce of ability (notibly in the field of logical progression). The problem is though those types of people tend to do their thing illegally.

My explaination of what occured through the old sites was an attempt to explain what has been going on. You would see it as a medical condition due to your uneducated perception, but I see it as having a better understanding of how people like P.K.Dick, John Nash, Harold Hughes and many other people were subjected to equipment that hasn't come fully to public light.

In fact the duration of time at which I was writing the explanation of the occurances the entire emphasis of those party to the "homeopathic ailment" were methodically using Debunking methods through harassment, probably just for this very occurance of someone bringing it up in a public forum.

As for the contents of the sites, well you'll notice your refering an OLD cache, I know it's OLD although your bound to try and tell me I'm lieing.

As for, I'm currently retrofitting it although I will not be putting research material onto it since the site is not meant for that.
However I will have a site covering the basic research material in the future since I'm going to be writing a game which requires the overall physics for the universe that is going to be created.

Still however, this does not cover any proof, Ever read Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe"? Perhaps you should take a look.
Stryderunknown said:
Still however, this does not cover any proof, Ever read Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe"? Perhaps you should take a look.
Actually yes, perhaps YOU should. You would realize that it doesn't have anything to do with this discussion.

So to summarize, you know about this equipment because you are the focus of a conspiracy. LMFAO.
Persol it does have substance to the conversation, which you blatently are not acknowledging. I would suggest that enough evidence has been submitted on my part (if not more than the current topic needed), in fact your pushing this whole thread beyond the scope of the original topic with your unfounded attacks and criticism.

I would question to if you are qualified to teach (Which you I doubt you can't since you seemingly lack the qualities of empathy and understanding) and even question to an extent if you have asked MIT if you can leech their course material.

I think I was right to think you a plaguriser just by that account alone.
Persol it does have substance to the conversation, which you blatently are not acknowledging.
Hmph, then PLEASE point it out. I'm begging you. Or did the voices in your head tell you to say that?

I would question to if you are qualified to teach (Which you I doubt you can't since you seemingly lack the qualities of empathy and understanding)

When somebody lies to be and others, they get no empathy. But I'm glad that 'you i doubt you'. I've never seen that happen before.

and even question to an extent if you have asked MIT if you can leech their course material.

Hmm, perhaps you had a look at their course license, and the statement that goes with it. No, you didn't... you are just talking out of your ass more. But then you were going to sue me for liable. Why should I expect you to realize what Creative Commons says?

I think I was right to think you a plaguriser just by that account alone.

Hmmm, you will notice that I link directly to the source... and that MIT released their courses for this very reason. But nice try dumbass.
Persol if you want to get technical with the grammatic mistake, then you should look through the number of errors in your posts.

I'm not going to reply to the rest of your post content for the simple reason that this is going further from the topic if I continue along that route.

So to round the current thread up, On the one hand you have a picture that some claim is evidence of a ghost, on the other side is the potential (although I would prefer to say fact) that it was faked.

There are many ways to fake such pictures, there is doctoring of the tape/digital media, there is the potential to project images to the camera (Which Persol argues is impossible without providing any evidence dismissing my claim)

There are factual pieces you can find on the internet about such equipment, including one particular Cult group in the South of France using projection equipment to create "Religious Symbolisms" to forwards their sect.

Don't forget the old fashioned method of a guy in a sheet, that worked for many years before this image.

Just wait till we get to the topic of corncircles, and Persols going to blow a vein or something.