Palace 'ghost' caught on camera

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
You say such equipment would make millions, I personally would ask how, All I can see of such equipment is one problem after the next.
The military alone spends millions on less advanced 'free air' display research.

My understanding of the equipment is based on 5 years of reverse engineering some equipment, but thats all I can tell you of that since I was never clued up to where it was originally from.

Bullshit. What do you do that you had 5 years (hell, that it even took 5 years) to 'reverse engineer' this equipment. And even after 5 years you can't explain it's functionality? Bullshit. I have been interested in such technology since they were projecting images using LEDs. Never has anybody been able project well onto clean air. If you do not see the other applications for this technology, then you are more shortsighted then you seem. On top of the millions in military applicatoins, you'd have many more millions in advertising. Hell, the people with much less advanced 3D displays are already making millions.

Your suggestion is pseudoscience at it's worst. "Oh, I've seen it, but can't explain how it works, or where it came from. You'll just have to trust me."
Currently you misread my explanation of "projection", your concerning yourself with how to project a doppler "onto" something.

There is an understanding that passive equipment like a Satellite dish actually generates an active doppler from the background radiation that can be focused to a point, in fact it's the cause of some abnormalities during flight that some pilots report and don't understand.

My explanation for projection however was really centred around a different method where there is a spacial fold between two points in the universe, One being the Target location, the other being the location where the hologram is projected.

An experiment that was actually documented on such displacement of photons, was done in Australia.

The point I would like to make here is that the actual photons that are used to create the hologram aren't "teleported", it's actually the ambient effect caused when the photons hitting the gases of a sealed tube. The actually "light" that is taken into the teleportation setup is the reverberation of radiation from soliton bombardment throughout the gas within the chamber.

A newer variation actual removes the tube altogether and just takes the data straight from a VR program on a computer.

There are also pieces to the puzzle that can be found in electromagnetic manipulation, such as the poltergeist machine.
(Which although it has been removed from the location documented is now located in a proper laboratory.)

Such use of an array matrix allows the creation of Stiffening fields of electromagnetics that can be used to "slow" a photon into a position through the matrixing of two different frequency formations.

This was actually done in an experiment by MIT in an attempt to show the rest mass of a photon.
(feel free to try and find more information on this)

hopefully the above should cover a small amount of the information to give you a brief understanding of what the equipment entails.

Looking closer at the actual image under discussion anyhow, would not merit the use of such equipment, in fact closer inspection concludes falsity when you look to see that the "bluring" covers the walls, walkway and door not just the "ghost".
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Yet more BS?

Originally posted by Stryderunknown
For me to explain how something works to someone thats a "technomage", would be like handing a dodgy cultgroup blueprints.
Wait, so what exactly makes a group interested in technology a 'cult'?

There is an understanding that passive equipment like a Satellite dish actually generates an active doppler from the background radiation that can be focused to a point

Actually, no.... it doesn't.

in fact it's the cause of some abnormalities during flight that some pilots report and don't understand

It's called 'static'.

My explanation for projection however was really centred around a different method where there is a spacial fold between two points in the universe

LMFAO. So not only can they project images, but also fold space. And you don't see the other applications of this?

An experiment that was actually documented on such displacement of photons, was done in Australia.

Regardless of not having anything to do with your original claim, this is simply entanglement... which is of no help here due to the requirements.

The point I would like to make here is that the actual photons that are used to create the hologram aren't "teleported", it's actually the ambient effect caused when the photons hitting the gases of a sealed tube. The actually "light" that is taken into the teleportation setup is the reverberation of radiation from soliton bombardment throughout the gas within the chamber.

That is not what the experiment was about at all. It was an entaglement experiment.

A newer variation actual removes the tube altogether and just takes the data straight from a VR program on a computer.

More bullshit. Do you know how entaglement works?

There are also pieces to the puzzle that can be found in electromagnetic manipulation, such as the poltergeist machine.
(Which although it has been removed from the location documented is now located in a proper laboratory.)

LMAO. Let me guess, it fell off the back of a truck right?

You just keep me laughing. This link have nothing to do with you original claim.

Such use of an array matrix allows the creation of Stiffening fields of electromagnetics that can be used to "slow" a photon into a position through the matrixing of two different frequency formations.

You felt that you didn't break enough laws of physics today? Photons do not slow. Only the number of absorption/emissions and wave speed.

This was actually done in an experiment by MIT in an attempt to show the rest mass of a photon.

Which once again has NOTHING to do with your claim... let alone your interpretation of these experiments being wrong.

hopefully the above should cover a small amount of the information to give you a brief understanding of what the equipment entails.

Yes, now I am certain that it is actually a pink flying elephant.

Looking closer at the actual image under discussion anyhow, would not merit the use of such equipment, in fact closer inspection concludes falsity when you look to see that the "bluring" covers the walls, walkway and door not just the "ghost".

You've got to be kidding me. Most digital CCTV systems show this type of blurring... not to mention that it was further compressed to put on the net. And that is completely ignoring that this is probably just a guy in costume... but I guess when you have a magical hologram machine anything is possible.
Persol, I was trying to keep away from the personal attacks, admittedly I let one slip and then removed it a bit later (ergo an edit)

Looking at your blatently offensive method of writing your just proving yourself to be an arse. I think if I was to present you with all the information, blue prints the works you would just sit there and spout this froth out of your mouth.

What I was mearly trying to point out is there are many sub-parts to the whole process to generate something on such a scale. You tend to think the scale doesn't exist, if it wasn't for knowing different I would think the same too.

I'm not going to give you evidence because I'm not having some group trying to recreate this outside of a controlled environment. Such groups annoy me as they don't follow particular guidelines and seem to think that laws were made to be broken and not adhere to.

Such people jeopardise us all since those laws aren't necessarily created to stop them doing something, just stopping them doing something terrible. So I won't let that mistake occur by not mentioning the problem with "cult groups" at least.

Now if your going to continue to "Troll" around here go ahead as I'm not offended, but do realise that these forums do get spidered by multiple archiving systems and search engines, that could bring anything you say back at any point in the future.

I think if I was to present you with all the information, blue prints the works you would just sit there and spout this froth out of your mouth.

No. I would build the damn thing... as would many other people. That's the joy of disposable income.

I'm not going to give you evidence because I'm not having some group trying to recreate this outside of a controlled environment. Such groups annoy me as they don't follow particular guidelines and seem to think that laws were made to be broken and not adhere to.

You truely are an idiot. First, the 'evidence' you have tried to give had nothing to do with your claim. Second, your claim that 'such groups' 'think that laws were made to be broken' then show it. Why the hell you think laws need to be broken to build stuff is beyond me.

Now if your going to continue to "Troll" around here go ahead as I'm not offended, but do realise that these forums do get spidered by multiple archiving systems and search engines, that could bring anything you say back at any point in the future.

Yes, and I honestly don't care. You have completely made stuff up, and then insulted a group of people for no apparent reason... and you call me a troll?

You seem to have no idea wha the benefits of such technology could actually be, yet claim to have seen some... from an 'unknown source' none the less. Do you always get flying blue pigs from 'unkown sources'?
Persol, there is a difference between "Unknown" and "Undisclosed".

"Unknown" is when someone doesn't have a source, "Undisclosed" is when they do but can't "disclose" the information.

The Sources I mentioned are enough to give a person the physics of the equipment without actually showing them how it works, Afterall you mentioned yourself "It's worth money" and therefore it remains cryptic.

My mentioning people "not abiding to rules" was basically trying to explain that some people cut corners where they should not and in turn some experiments that have been done have outcomes that nobody wants to allow people to hear about. Those outcomes would have been different if "rules" had been followed. (The rules in this instance means guidelines, like 'For every action their is a equal and opposite reaction' although Newton didn't mean it in this form, people should consider the consequences of their actions)

Lastly the other point is that some people that take it upon themselves to develop, experiment and invent, steal equipment from the schools, colleges and universities to develop whatever it is they are attempting to do. Do you think such people would give two hoots about moral dillemas or guidelines?
You have a whole busload of strawmen don't you?

"Unknown" is when someone doesn't have a source, "Undisclosed" is when they do but can't "disclose" the information.
Yes... and lying is when somebody makes something up and talks out their ass.

The Sources I mentioned are enough to give a person the physics of the equipment without actually showing them how it works

Actually no. As I pointed out in detail, the links have nothing to do with your original claim... and the physics behind entaglement allows no such thing as you describe.

My mentioning people "not abiding to rules" was basically trying to explain that some people cut corners where they should not and in turn some experiments that have been done have outcomes that nobody wants to allow people to hear about.

No, you were specifically talking about a group I belong to... without any reason for saying it.

Lastly the other point is that some people that take it upon themselves to develop, experiment and invent, steal equipment from the schools, colleges and universities to develop whatever it is they are attempting to do.

Once again, you were talking specifically about a certain group. Not only do you lie about seeing such technology, you then extend unfounded attacks onto a group of which I belong.

Do you think such people would give two hoots about moral dillemas or guidelines?

Such people as you mentioned, obviously not. Otherwise they wouldn't be stealing now would they?

Do you think that someone who knows very little about physics and lied about having knowledge of specific technology would then tell the truth? Obviously not. As you've stated before, these are public forums. If infact this fake technology was a secret, you wouldn't have posted about it in the first place. The sad fact is that for one reason or another you decided to lie.
I'm going to let you off the slander, not because what I said was untrue but because I wouldn't want a conversation to end that way. However if you truly think I'm lieing then I'll happily take you to court over it.

I mentioned in a few post previous that I was wrong to mention your group in the way that I did, and this most recent post did not imply that you "group" didn't take into account such guidelines, I was mearly stressing that some people in a hurry to get somewhere tend to forget the most basic of disaplines resulting in results that remain unpublished.
I'm going to let you off the slander, not because what I said was untrue but because I wouldn't want a conversation to end that way.
LMAO. Perhaps where you can point out where I slandered you. Oh you must mean when you lied.

However if you truly think I'm lieing then I'll happily take you to court over it.

Please do, or do your lawyers also not exist?

I was mearly stressing that some people in a hurry to get somewhere tend to forget the most basic of disaplines resulting in results that remain unpublished.

So they didn't publish their results on the device you claim (which would make them both rich and famous) because they were in a hurry?

You are making a very sad attempt to cover your ass.
Actually Persol, the reason I suggested it didn't inflate to that was I'm not in the habit of sueing people to take away their hard earned cash, even if they have been slanderous.

You can re-think it if you want, otherwise message me your details and I'll get a lawyer in contact with you post-haste.
Stryderunknown said:
Actually Persol, the reason I suggested it didn't inflate to that was I'm not in the habit of sueing people to take away their hard earned cash, even if they have been slanderous.

Not really. Any lawyer in any country would laugh your ass out of court faster than an entangled photon (but you wouldn't get that last reference would you). Persol, keep up the good fight. I'm so sick of people making extraordinary claims and than claiming slander when someone calls them out for it only to try and cover their ass with more bullshit.
Stryderunknown said:
Actually Persol, the reason I suggested it didn't inflate to that was I'm not in the habit of sueing people to take away their hard earned cash, even if they have been slanderous.

You can re-think it if you want, otherwise message me your details and I'll get a lawyer in contact with you post-haste.
LMFAO. And you are going to sue me for what? Slander saying that you lied? Of wait, to prove it was slander and not the truth you'd have to demonstrate that you didn't lie. that would require you to have this mythical machine. Not much of a case dumbass. As for calling you dumbass and the like, they are obviously opinions (even if well founded), and are not subject to slander.

If you really want to sue me, you could easily get my information from my webhosting company. That would be Otherwise, I'm not giving some quack on the internet my address.

Hope you have a good day! ;)
Persol, You say I lie... I say I don't, And I'm going to be sticking with the fact that I haven't lied. Lieing is what people do when they aren't telling the truth, therefore I have not lied.

If you still or anyone else intends to argue otherwise, then you better be the ones bringing the evidence to the stand because I don't need to support my claims to people on a bulletin board. You should realise that bulletin boards aren't exactly the starting point for revolutionising science or bringing discoveries to the table, they are in some cases for academics like yourself to realise "When to grow-up!".

The reason I haven't supplied evidence is I'm not authorised to do so, If I was your banter would never have got this far.
If you still or anyone else intends to argue otherwise, then you better be the ones bringing the evidence
Thanks, already did that.Or have you already forgotten where I pointed out your errors in claiming the powers of entaglement?

The reason I haven't supplied evidence is I'm not authorised to do so

LMAO. You were authorized to reverse engineer it though? And auitohrized to mention it in the first place? Uh huh. Got any more magical pink flying elephant alien technology, liar?

What a quack.
I searched through your past posts, and you know what, there isn't one instance of evidence suggesting that entanglement couldn't be used to generate a hologram, Now I wonder why that is?

In fact Persol, What is the very fundemental aspect of Matrice mechanics?

You tell me that it's impossible to project a matrice of wave formations to generate a solid looking hologram, yet you are comprised of a vast number of wave formations to give you the illusion your solid. You haven't got the foggiest when it comes to understanding the universe around you, do you?

You should view to discuss things to the fullest to see what you can learn, rather than slamming a door shut and ridiculing because your too dumb to understand, and too lazy to go do some homework.
You don't seem to understand, Firstly if you projected the light directly it would be the in the wrong frequency ranges, if you want to generate a spectral image you would have to have the photons rebound off molecules generating a soliton reverberation throughout the shell. This means that both the photon goes to the position of the viewer and the "smaller" wave reactions caused from the reverberation of molecules.

Since the entire method involves removing the molecular presense from the equation it requires finely tuned electromagnetic stiffening of the spacetime at the area that is being projected to. A generalisation of this is "Blackholes and Quasars" which you can find information about on the net, but in laymans terms the generation of well placed differently polarly aligned frequencies, allows for enough distortion of timespace to actually "slow photons down, or even repell them (Of course repelling needs the frequencies to be in a similar range to that of the wake of a photon bombarding a molecule.)

So do me a favour Persol, stop calling me a liar and acting like a damn kid.
You don't seem to understand, Firstly if you projected the light directly it would be the in the wrong frequency ranges

Actually, no. It's a camera.

The rest of your post is just more bullshit.

Persol (still waiting to be served)
Persol, I already told you, I'm not sueing you purely because it's worthless to sue you, it would only prove your ignorance and you wouldn't really learn anything from the occurance.

As for saying "Bullshit" to what I stated, your now stateing that any professional with a Phd that closely examines the universe to microscopic preportion, are also filled with BS. It's funny though that the "BS" that you claim they are filled with is what wins them awards and furthers mans evolution through the investment in technology and science.

I would of thought you being a "technomage" would mean that you would "Embrace" any evolution towards understanding, not try to stick daggers where daggers do not belong. I would suggest you try to cool your overall method of writing, not because it offends me but due to the fact that any professionals reading your responses are going to realise just how "unprofessional" you truly are.

So on the one hand you have you allegations of me being a liar, and the other your blatent lack of professionalism, it's up to the community to decide whats what in this instance, although I know the hardline architypes of those that debunk for the pure need to "troll" are more than likely to join your cause, but I say "Let them" afterall you lot need to be taken down a peg or two.
Persol, I already told you, I'm not sueing you purely because it's worthless to sue you, it would only prove your ignorance and you wouldn't really learn anything from the occurance.
No, you are not suing me because that claim, like your other claims in this thread, was purely a lie.

As for saying "Bullshit" to what I stated, your now stateing that any professional with a Phd that closely examines the universe to microscopic preportion, are also filled with BS.

Hmmm, please provide ANY link that claims the things you are claiming.

I would of thought you being a "technomage" would mean that you would "Embrace" any evolution towards understanding, not try to stick daggers where daggers do not belong.

Embracing understanding is good. Pointing out liars is also good. You are most certianly a liar.

I would suggest you try to cool your overall method of writing, not because it offends me but due to the fact that any professionals reading your responses are going to realise just how "unprofessional" you truly are.

I really don't care. If you were telling the truth, then I would treat you with respect... but currently you are not, and I will not.

So on the one hand you have you allegations of me being a liar, and the other your blatent lack of professionalism

If you came into my office claiming you had this magical hologram machine, but then were unable to produce it, demonstrate it, or even tell me how it works I'd laugh your ass out. If you then procedded to come back with your van full of strawmen you'd be asking to be mocked.

afterall you lot need to be taken down a peg or two.

Yes, I would like to see you do this. If this technology actually existed it would be a great breakthrough. Unfortunately you are simply a liar.

As for your pseudo-science explanations:
1) Another more elaborate variation involves the usage of radiological manipulation
Otherwise none as the use of light
2) For instance, what job would a parapsychologist have if it was found they had been preying on the guilibility of everyone and that there was nothing paranormal about such occurances?
Um, he'd make millions off the military, advertising, and other resultant technologies
3) My understanding of the equipment is based on 5 years of reverse engineering some equipment, but thats all I can tell you of that since I was never clued up to where it was originally from.
4) There are also pieces to the puzzle that can be found in electromagnetic manipulation, such as the poltergeist machine.

As for your false claims:
1) create some visual effects through generate a paradox (and inturn creating dark matter through not placing enough distance with the true universe in the paradoxes creation)
2) those particular frequencies might not be seen b the human eye when looking that them from a right angle position
3) This can involved the use of vacuum equipment to help with the innitial project, causing the area around the apparition to be effectively cold.
4) the reality is that such equipment does exist
5) It's possible to provide links to equipment that would be a preportion of the equipment that would need to be setup
Yet you have been unable to do so
6) You say such equipment would make millions, I personally would ask how
Obvious evidence that you have not thought about this for the 5 years you claim to be reverse engineering it. The uses are very obvious if you actually thought before you posted
7) Currently you misread my explanation of "projection", your concerning yourself with how to project a doppler "onto" something.
Funny, you previously stated it was being projected onto dark matter
8) The point I would like to make here is that the actual photons that are used to create the hologram aren't "teleported", it's actually the ambient effect caused when the photons hitting the gases of a sealed tube.
Once again, no... it's not.
9) For me to explain how something works to someone thats a "technomage", would be like handing a dodgy cultgroup blueprints.
10) Persol, there is a difference between "Unknown" and "Undisclosed".
Yes there is, but you even stated yourself that your source was unknown
11) However if you truly think I'm lieing then I'll happily take you to court over it.
Yet another lie. I'm STILL waiting for my court papers damnit
12) Firstly if you projected the light directly it would be the in the wrong frequency ranges
Actually no, as your first poist said completely the opposite... and obviously we CAN project light directly as we do it everyday

It is telling that every technical point I brought up you completely ignored in your response.

Regardless, I'm done here. I've had enough of you trying to weasel your way out of the initial lie. Have fun liar.

Yours always,
Persol (looking forward to being sued)