Palace 'ghost' caught on camera

That's pretty cool. I wonder why they used the door though:)
A feelgood moment

It's certainly a feelgood moment, but I'm waiting to bust out the good dope and start thinking about the implications until we get some more--or rather, anything at all more than this image.

I'm fully prepared for this event to be some sort of error, technical detail, hoax, or deception. In the meantime, the thought that someone is apparently so genuinely sure they have an anomaly that they're willing to break the story ... that's pretty cool.

We'll see what comes of it.
Fun pic, although I do rather wonder why a 'ghost' would go round repeatedly opening fire doors. Begs a few questions, like, how does a ghost know how to do that, why do they do that, that sort of stuff.

Nice robe though, a little festive, almost, ....
I'd aim color hi-res digital cameras all over that door from every angle. I'd put a tripwire on the door to start the cameras. When there's only a grainy black & white still shot it smells like a hoax.
I want to know if there are motion sensors in the hallway. You'd think there'd HAVE to be. Did they catch anything? Why aren't they mentioned? What about the other cameras? There shoudl be a hallway came behind the "ghost". What does it show? Who else was in the castle at the time? Blah blah. You'd think there'd be a ton of info to rule out a person standing there.

Hard to say without further info. That picture doesn't indicate to me that it's anything other than a dude in an old looking robe, though it's tempting to speculate further.
I want to know if there are motion sensors in the hallway. You'd think there'd HAVE to be.

The Tower of London has about as much security and personell as Buckingham Palace. Motion sensors aren't really that nesassary, and keep in mind that it is a midevil castle. It's not unreasonable to think that not every area is going to have electricity readily available. But yeah, I can see your point. If they exist, surely someone would have checked by now?

You guys can realax. There is going to be a debunker somewhere following the story and if there are motion detectors, or someone in the hall, or any mundane explanation to be found, no matter how bizzar or even impossible in it's own right, it will come soon enough.
Well not to allow Xevious to think that no one would come forwards:

Such pictures are either straight up hoaxes through doctoring of images, or more elaborate ones that require alot of work in the Physics department.

For instance there is the possibility that such infestations are actually very elaborate experiments where certain Doctors/Professors have harnessed methods of generating alternate realities (parallels) and use them to create some visual effects through generate a paradox (and inturn creating dark matter through not placing enough distance with the true universe in the paradoxes creation)

Another more elaborate variation involves the usage of radiological manipulation. Camera's are effected greatly by particular frequencies of light, I'm sure if you've ever used a remote infront of a camera or pointed a lazer pen at one you'll notice that it's very easy to create "Over exposure" of the len's light limit.

I mention this as those particular frequencies might not be seen b the human eye when looking that them from a right angle position (a lazer pen leaves no trail) so it's possible to generate a "Ghost" without any witnesses being wise to it existing around them.

Lastly there is a method of merging both methods together, to generate a radiologically (holographically) created apparition to appear at a point in time space without actually projecting the hologram through dopplers. This can involved the use of vacuum equipment to help with the innitial project, causing the area around the apparition to be effectively cold.
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
For instance there is the possibility that such infestations are actually very elaborate experiments where certain Doctors/Professors have harnessed methods of generating alternate realities (parallels) and use them to create some visual effects through generate a paradox (and inturn creating dark matter through not placing enough distance with the true universe in the paradoxes creation)
Wait a second, something is wrong here. You just tried to knock down one unlikely theory with another unlikely one. Interesting attempt at 'debunking'.
I'm trying to contain myself from debunking the debunker... it seems like it creates some logical/kook time paradox.
Do you believe in real ghosts then?

Personally if you want a real explanation for a debunk well it's very simple, Think of how many years that humankind has existed on this planet, now ask yourself this:

If ghosts exist, Why is it that you only occasionally get some "evidence" of their existance? Shouldn't the planet be over populated with the ectoplasmic apparitions? In fact so much so that you wouldn't be able to see your hand in front of you face?

I know full well this is where the religious lot would chirp "but they are let into heaven", But I'm not even going to go down that road.

You might think my explanation was a "debunk", well the reality was it's not to debunk ghosts, it's to provide a clue that some of those things that occur are extremely complex hoaxes not to take everyone for a ride, but because the methods are so unbelievable that everybody seems to think to mention them is a potty way of debunking.

What I'm saying there is your more likely to believe a ghost exist than me mentioning how to make them exist with particular equipment. What a bizarre species we are!
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
You might think my explanation was a "debunk", well the reality was it's not to debunk ghosts, it's to provide a clue that some of those things that occur are extremely complex hoaxes not to take everyone for a ride, but because the methods are so unbelievable that everybody seems to think to mention them is a potty way of debunking.

What I'm saying there is your more likely to believe a ghost exist than me mentioning how to make them exist with particular equipment. What a bizarre species we are!
I don't believe that the original image was a ghost, but the methods that you've listed are just as far fetched... especially in this case where (if even the technology existed) they don't actually explain the image.

If you are going to debunk, at least debunk the image at hand with something that is plausible. You basically just said that the pink flying elephant doesn't exist, because it's actually a blue flying pig.
Persol, Perhaps you just don't see something from the same perspective. For instance I can see the wires, the tube and how a television might work, But from your perspective it's a magic box with people trapped inside.

To state that what I suggested was too extreme is false, the reality is that such equipment does exist as remote as it sounds, but to those that do not know of it's existance it's a mythical faerytale.
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
Persol, Perhaps you just don't see something from the same perspective. For instance I can see the wires, the tube and how a television might work, But from your perspective it's a magic box with people trapped inside.
Funny. I design stuff for a living, so no... this doesn't categorize me.

To state that what I suggested was too extreme is false, the reality is that such equipment does exist as remote as it sounds, but to those that do not know of it's existance it's a mythical faerytale.

What you suggest IS currently a fairytale. If you suggest that it is not, provide a link to this technology that would apply to this case. NONE exists.

Let's break your orignal post down line by line, because that's the only way my point will get across.

Such pictures are either straight up hoaxes through doctoring of images, or more elaborate ones that require alot of work in the Physics department.

You seem to completely disregard that it is probably just a guy in a costume, as a visual effect would not push a door open, and is much more complicated.

...where certain Doctors/Professors have harnessed methods of generating alternate realities (parallels)

Baseless guess, at best.

and use them to create some visual effects through generate a paradox (and inturn creating dark matter through not placing enough distance with the true universe in the paradoxes creation)

This reminds me of the 'science' behind star trek. Lots of scientific words used in ways that they don't actually work.

Another more elaborate variation involves the usage of radiological manipulation. Camera's are effected greatly by particular frequencies of light, I'm sure if you've ever used a remote infront of a camera or pointed a lazer pen at one you'll notice that it's very easy to create "Over exposure" of the len's light limit.

Which has NOTHING to do with this. To create an image in a camera from a distance using this method is currently impossible due to the very small angles that would be required.

I mention this as those particular frequencies might not be seen b the human eye when looking that them from a right angle position (a lazer pen leaves no trail) so it's possible to generate a "Ghost" without any witnesses being wise to it existing around them.

These images do not float in mid-air, and sure as hell don't push doors open like people do.

Lastly there is a method of merging both methods together, to generate a radiologically (holographically) created apparition to appear at a point in time space without actually projecting the hologram through dopplers. This can involved the use of vacuum equipment to help with the innitial project, causing the area around the apparition to be effectively cold.

Link? Source? Anything? Every air based projection currently designed uses some extra medium injected into the air to reflect/emit off of. This has nothing to do with creating a vacuum, and would be consistent... not just for the initial projection.

Feel free to provide links to any of this technology that you think exists.
It's possible to provide links to equipment that would be a preportion of the equipment that would need to be setup, but you seem to miss one of the underlining points about such equipment, the point that using such equipment is done by a select few that currently do not publish any information on such equipment on the internet.

The people responsible don't write about how they do it, because if they did they would undermine what they have studied over a number of years.

For instance, what job would a parapsychologist have if it was found they had been preying on the guilibility of everyone and that there was nothing paranormal about such occurances?
Originally posted by Stryderunknown
It's possible to provide links to equipment that would be a preportion of the equipment that would need to be setup, but you seem to miss one of the underlining points about such equipment, the point that using such equipment is done by a select few that currently do not publish any information on such equipment on the internet.
Bullshit. People with such equipment would make millions, and find ways around a few laws of physics which would make them even more money.

But if you want to go with the conspiracy theory so be it. At least your idea has already been posted in pseudoscience. It is even funnier that you seem to have knowledge of such equipment. Perhaps you could explain how it works, and why it's such a a secret.

Otherwise, once again, bullshit
You say such equipment would make millions, I personally would ask how, All I can see of such equipment is one problem after the next.

Afterall what if such equipment was used to project a straight road when someone comes to a bend, or what if projections of religious figures were placed to turn people towards a certain religion. The possible use of subverge should itself provide clue as to where the equipment belongs and to whom controls it.

My understanding of the equipment is based on 5 years of reverse engineering some equipment, but thats all I can tell you of that since I was never clued up to where it was originally from.