Pakistan Christians must die


Valued Senior Member
for their infidel and wicked insolence.


Eight infidels have been eradicated by some peaceful good Muslims only trying to protect themselves. The infidels - 4 women, 1 man and 1 very small girl were all trapped and roasted alive in their houses by good strong Muslim men who set fire to their houses ensuring their place in Heaven next to Mohammad and Allah and maybe even Xenu. Apparently other good Muslims started a fake rumor about how the Christians had desecrated a Harry Potter novel or the Qur'an, whatever. The point is the word has been ridden of a few more Christian infidels thanks to the heroic deeds of these fine good Muslim men.

This has nothing NOTHING at all to do with the fact that Muslims are taught the Qur'an is THE ONLY PERFECT BOOK in the world. These adult Muslim men roasting their fellow Citizens (5 girls and an old man) ALIVE, in their houses, is in no way a reflection of this INTOLERANT CAVEMAN LIKE IDEOLOGY. The fact that these Muslim MEN were told their entire lives that the Qur'an is PERFECT, that this message was POUNDED into their heads, in no way influenced their decision to take it upon themselves to murder these innocent.. Oh, I mean evil infidel girls and old man.
The title makes my skin shiver and makes my brain spin . You are saying " Pakistan Christians must die " . You are talking about the Christians of a whole nation . Religions created too many wars and too much hatred . NO one must die because of religion . Let all people live according to their beliefs and their ways of life . Peace for always .
After watching the YouTube video (posted in another thread) of "pro-peace" people bashing neo-Nazi people.... well, the irony hey?

People by nature, will without any provocation, defend their beliefs. It's in our DNA. People will bash, smash and murder people anyone who goes against their beliefs. That's a fact of humanity.
EVEN when their beliefs are simple as "tolerance is good" they'll bash people they perceive as intolerant.

Which IMO is why it's important that we stress: Do not harm. I've said it time and again, we should NEVER mix a reason why it's OK to kill people, in with belief. Because, no matter what, people will latch onto that (as they did in this case) and Oh Gee -- KILL innocent people. It happens over and over and over again.

IF we impress upon people the idea NEVER KILL. People will still kill, but, much less often. People will ALWAYS defend themselves. Again, it nature. So, IMO, that's the better ideology.

The only other thing I can think of, is, I wonder how many Pakistani people are already pointing the fingers at the USA as being behind this violence. In some way or other it's someone elses fault... because it surely can't be the Qur'ans fault... It's PERFECT and PURE PEACE - Say otherwise and I'll kill you! :bugeye:
I'm quite certain the Pakistani government will investigate this as a crime. Just like India did when Graham Staines and his two sons were burned alive in Orissa. This seems more like a revenge killing than anything else, otherwise, like Americans who bombed 80 children in the madrassa in Pakistan, a lot more people would have died.
Why do you suppose this crime occurred in the first place? What was it that these poor girls and old man did that warranted their murder, in the mind of their attackers?

Do you remember the story about the singing slave girl who had her head chopped off. You said this tale wasn't true. But I said it didn't really matter what "really" happened, because all that really matters is what people believe happened. If, in the story, the singing girl had her head chopped off for making fun of Mohammad and his so-called prophesies, do you think the protagonist, Mohammad, acted wrongly? Ordering to have the singing girls head chopped off? I remember Kadark said: How do we know she didn't deserve it? That maybe there was a side of the story we didn't know about. Like maybe she was a paid Ninja assassin!?! In effect, saying, yes, morally it was wrong.

Now, imagine IF you didn't think it was morally wrong to murder someone for making fun of Mohammad (or the Qur'an). Not at all. It was GOOD to murder people for making fun of Mohammad. God rewards those who murder infidels - with goodies and even virgin girls. Now rethink these events because as surely as you can't not condemn Mohammad's actions in the story, they are going to happen again. And again. And again. And again. And again.... seems sad and stupid to me.
Why do you suppose this crime occurred in the first place? What was it that these poor girls and old man did that warranted their murder, in the mind of their attackers?

Who knows why people do it? Why are Americans throwing bombs at their homes? Why did the French throw white phosphorus at this innocent girls home and burn her, killing her two sisters?

Who can pretend to understand how such people think?
Yeah, who knows SAM? Gee it's such a conundrum. Oh, nice tie in with America. Good one there. Nice dodge on the question of the singing girl too. Good. All in order per usual.

Silence sometimes says more than words hey.

What will the prosecutor do? Its such a hard one to figure out?
Muslims hear rumor about Christians desecrating their fairtale book.
Pakistan has a law that premits the murder of people who desecrating their fairtale book.
[I wonder if any Buddhist countries have this law? that's interesting].
Muslims roast Christians alive in their homes for the crime of blasphemy against the Qur'an.

Just find one person willing testify that the Christians blasphemed the Qur'an and case is shut, Muslims are heroes. Just like in the OP. Kind of sick isn't it? We'll wait and see what Pakistani people's reactions are.

Muslims hear rumor about two singing girls making fun of Mohammad.
Mohammad orders their heads be brought to him.
One is.
People are so appalled at Mohammad they beg him to please rescind his orders.
He does and is a hero for his compassion.

Welcome to Bizarro world. Chief ambassador SAM at your service :D
That girl burned with white phosphorus is right there. Why do you think she was burned? Why were her two sisters burned to a death with a chemical that melts you down from the skin to the bones? What kind of person throws something like that at a house? When you find that answer, you'll find an answer to why that Pakistani family was burned. Or why Graham Staines and his two children were burned.
michael what makes it different from US millatry actions is that THIS IS A CRIME WHICH WILL BE INVESTIGATED AND PROCUTED. Where as the US dropping bombs on wedings is seen as unimportant or at worst "an acident"

Would you like me to find nasty things done by christans and other groups in Australia and the US?

How about sociopaths who dont subscribe to ANY religion? should athisium take the blame for them?

Of course not
He supported the war in Afghanistan, probably still does

Like the bombing of that girls house with white phosphorus. Maybe he should ask himself, what kind of person supports doing that to other people.
for their infidel and wicked insolence.


Eight infidels have been eradicated by some peaceful good Muslims only trying to protect themselves. The infidels - 4 women, 1 man and 1 very small girl were all trapped and roasted alive in their houses by good strong Muslim men who set fire to their houses ensuring their place in Heaven next to Mohammad and Allah and maybe even Xenu. Apparently other good Muslims started a fake rumor about how the Christians had desecrated a Harry Potter novel or the Qur'an, whatever. The point is the word has been ridden of a few more Christian infidels thanks to the heroic deeds of these fine good Muslim men.

This has nothing NOTHING at all to do with the fact that Muslims are taught the Qur'an is THE ONLY PERFECT BOOK in the world. These adult Muslim men roasting their fellow Citizens (5 girls and an old man) ALIVE, in their houses, is in no way a reflection of this INTOLERANT CAVEMAN LIKE IDEOLOGY. The fact that these Muslim MEN were told their entire lives that the Qur'an is PERFECT, that this message was POUNDED into their heads, in no way influenced their decision to take it upon themselves to murder these innocent.. Oh, I mean evil infidel girls and old man.

This thread should counter the assumption in the other thread that atheists are treated worse than other unbelievers.

Because, well, they're not.
As I have said 1 MILLION times, the USA should not be in Iraq. I supported a limited invasion of Afghanistan to capture Binny-Boy. That's it.

I voted for Obama, because, he said we are going to leave. And it appears we are.

One more time, as I have said tons of times, the USA should withdraw from both Iraq and Afghanistan. Done.

There is NOTHING wrong with criticizing the USA. As a matter of fact, it's good. Even better when it's Citizens doing the critiquing.

The only reason to murder innocent children is hate. I am sure if we investigate each of the instances, you'll find hate to be a root cause. And as I responded to Baron, even hating hate causes violence! So, the only truly worthwhile ideology seems to be based on peace. Kind of like some aspects of Buddhism. But, of course, this is all lala land airy fairy crap in some people's eyes.

Lets not forget, yesterday, a small innocent girl was trapped inside her home and roasted alive.
Lets not forget it happens everytime Americans bomb homes in Afghanistan. But you never opened a thread when 80 children were blown up by American bombs, which is something you supported. Obama is not leaving Afghanistan he's building a giant military base there. Lots more children will die and if American troops hold true to form, will also get raped by the troops

American hypocrisy is sickening.

So tell us, what induces these Americans to kill women and rape children? Bomb schools, weddings and funerals? Kill hundreds of thousands of people with chemical and nuclear weapons? Whats their religious justification? Its certainly a lot more than what killed one family in Pakistan. After all their entire culture is built on and devoted to it.
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He supported the war in Afghanistan, probably still does

Like the bombing of that girls house with white phosphorus. Maybe he should ask himself, what kind of person supports doing that to other people.

Anyone who supports the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan or one of them is morally , spiritually and politically CORRUPT .
Michael again, its sad but its also a CRIME and will be treated as such. Why do you (and not only you) only surport group responcability in the case of Muslim criminals?

Do you think all Christans should take responceability for fred phelps? Julian Knight?
should all tasmainians be tarred with the brush of Martin Bryant?
Michael again, its sad but its also a CRIME and will be treated as such. Why do you (and not only you) only surport group responcability in the case of Muslim criminals?

Do you think all Christans should take responceability for fred phelps? Julian Knight?
should all tasmainians be tarred with the brush of Martin Bryant?

Good point......:bravo::bravo:
The whole world believes that the tragic events of 9/11 were an inside job in order for the U.S. to find pretexts to obtain colonies such as Iraq and Afghanistan . NOT count those who were brainwashed by the Administration and the media....!.