Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

Michael said:
Does India have Islamic culture or Indian culture?
I can answer that with a question: by "India", do you mean: "the Ganges and Indus valleys, and part of the Tibetan plateau", or do you mean the lines on a map?
I can answer that with a question: by "India", do you mean: "the Ganges and Indus valleys, and part of the Tibetan plateau", or do you mean the lines on a map?
In the sentence "The history of India begins with the Indus Valley Civilization, ....." from Wiki it starts out "The history of India....." - it's this India that I am referring to. I'm sure some of it is delineated by lines on a map and other parts are outside such boundary.
Middle Easterner colonists.

So the Persian and Egyptian scientists were middle easterner colonists? :p

It would appear that 100 year of Arab rule, some hundred years of Moorish and Mongolian rule and some 600-800 years of Ottoman rule still left behind enough natives to rule their own countries. Compared to that, the natives of the Americas and Australias were ethnically cleansed in the last 400 years. So are the Americas and Australias European colonists?

Islamic culture? Does India have Islamic culture or Indian culture?

What do you think? We have a 1400 year old mosque built in the lifetime of the Prophet,Muslims in India for the last 1400 plus years and were under Moghul rule for 800 years. Do you think Ajmer, Delhi, Lucknow, Hyderabad are Indian or Islamic?
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So the Persian and Egyptian scientists were middle easterner colonists? :p
then I guess you answered your own question. What to call Persian and Egyptian scientists? Persian and Egyptian :)

So are the Americas and Australias European colonists?
Yes, most were. We refer to scientists who live in America as American scientists not Xian Scientist.

Do you say the Shaman Golden Age or Chinese Golden Age?
Do you say Islamic Churches of Scientology?
Christian Calculus?

There were a LOT of different Christian people living in and around Europe. Italians, Spanish, English, French, German, etc... all with various languages and cultures. Do we say Christian Renaissance no we say European and then refer to the country next, Italian, Spanish, etc...

You just said Persian, Egyptian, .......

Islamic Golden Age is simply propaganda. It implies that Islam had damn all to do with the scientific achievements made. Which is simply silly. Pure propaganda.

What do you think?
The last passport I looked with my pic in it did not say India :) I know what I think, I'm asking what you think.

Do we refer to Japanese culture or Buddhist culture? Chinese culture or Tao culture? Buddhist religion or Buddhist culture? Islam is a religion not a culture. It's not a big surprise Muslims again confuse the two as that's simply what they are taught. Most majority Muslim nations are ruled by religious leaders who use such propaganda to maintain the social norm and by doing so their own power base. Simply look at Iran, Malaysia, KSA, Pakistan, etc...

I'm kind of shocked you can't see it, but there's no accounting for d2h4 protein expression....
We refer to Hindu culture and Buddhist culture. Why don't you?
Perhaps if you are strictly speaking of the effects of Buddhism/Hindu on the larger or local culture.

Do you also speak about Islamic Churches of Scientology?

Does it makes sense to compare Egyptian Mosques with Indian Mosques with American Mosques with Chinese Mosques? Yes it does.

Does it make sense to compare Indian Muslim Mosques with Indian Hindu Temples? Yes

Would you compare Islamic Indian Mosques with Islamic Indian Hindu Temples? No.

Let me guess, the concept of culture as being influenced by but also a separate concept from religious belief is just too foreign to even be comprehensible? The words make no sense? I guess we are left with Islamic Churches of Scientology.

Ever been to an Islamic Church of Scientology? What was it like?
Fine, I'll persist in following the history of science, you can write your own.
In 50 years there probably won't be any Christians left in the Sudan. Is that just the usual "muslims spreading enlightenment"? Just a little persuasive nudge? Janjaweed passing the ganja weed? Why is Egypt called an arab country today, when 3000 years ago that was demonstrably not the case?

What happened to the Berbers of north Africa? I have muslim friends from north Africa who are still bitter about the brutal arab conquests. I had no clue about any of it until they brought it up themselves.
So the Persian and Egyptian scientists were middle easterner colonists? :p

It would appear that 100 year of Arab rule, some hundred years of Moorish and Mongolian rule and some 600-800 years of Ottoman rule still left behind enough natives to rule their own countries. Compared to that, the natives of the Americas and Australias were ethnically cleansed in the last 400 years. So are the Americas and Australias European colonists?

I am of the opinion you are willfully ignorant (in which case discussion with you is fruitless) but in case I am mistaken I will respond.
The Main differences were this. Both the australian aborigines and most of the native tribes of north america were hunter gatherer societies. I assume you realize one of the characteristics of hunter gatherer societies is a relatively small population (as opposed to agrarian societies). The other main difference between islamic conquests in asia, africa and europe and the european conquest of the americas has to do with immunology. Native americans had no defense against european and for that matter middle eastern diseases (feel free to trot out the documented incident of polio infested horse blankets, I would be disappointed if you didn't). The decimation of the already small north american populations in particular did indeed leave a vanishingly small population. Compare the population of natives and mestizos in south and central america (they were agrarian societies with large populations and they are still in the majority) to the small native populations in north america today.

Take the time to watch "guns, germs and steel" It's 18 episodes but I have great faith in your attention span. ;)


One last thing he focuses only on european dominance (so it shouldn't threaten you) and we see today that it's ending so rejoice ;)
So you're saying that genocide is permissible against hunter gatherer societies?

Its okay to put them in reservations, kill them for land and impose your culture on them? Does it make it less of a colony?
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The Berbers are the current Morroccans. They were the Moorish invaders of Spain.

The Berbers were forced at swordpoint to convert to islam and to breed with the arab conquerors, very little of the old cultures survived. The people living there today have arab DNA that wasn't there before these violent conquests. If these people no longer have grounds for complaint, then neither do North American natives, a majority of whom at this point have at least some European colonial DNA. Yet you keep trying to whip North American aboriginals into a revolutionary frenzy with your rhetoric. How hypocritical.

For Sudan, look up British divide and rule policy in Sudan


Does the Quran teach people to follow Britain's example and do whatever they did? Yeah it'll lead to technological, intellectual, military and industrial mastery, but I thought muslims supposedly cared about morals.
Please read some Berber history. A majority of Berbers [and hardly any Arabs] ruled Spain for 700 years. Those who did not run away were tortured and forcibly converted to Christianity during the Inquisition, ending 700 years of a multicultural society, sometimes called the Golden Age for Jews.

As for Sudan, its what happens when you divide a society and destroy its stability. For other examples of British divide and rule, see India Pakistan, Sri Lanka [Buddhists vs Tamil], all the divisions [or countries] "created" in the Middle East.
So you're saying that genocide is permissible against hunter gatherer societies?

Its okay to put them in reservations, kill them for land and impose your culture on them?

How comforting I see you are taking the willfully ignorant path as I suspected. No I am saying the consequences of colonizing/conquering hunter gather societies without immunity to your diseases is much more devastating than doing the same to agrarian societies who have a similar immune system to you.

Are you saying it is fine to conquer/colonize people who are agrarian and immune to your diseases?
Please read some Berber history. A majority of Berbers [and hardly any Arabs] ruled Spain for 700 years.

The arabs conquered the Berbers by force, not peace, and permanently tainted their culture thereafter just like you accuse the British of doing to others. If Britain's guilty of all the stupid crap still going on in southeast asia, then muslims are to blame for all the crap that went on in north Africa.

As for Sudan, its what happens when you divide a society and destroy its stability. For other examples of British divide and rule, see India Pakistan, Sri Lanka [Buddhists vs Tamil], all the divisions [or countries] "created" in the Middle East.

Then why is the Sudanese slaughter being done specifically in the name of islam? Why don't they dedicate the conquest to King George if it's all Britain's fault?
How comforting I see you are taking the willfully ignorant path as I suspected. No I am saying the consequences of colonizing/conquering hunter gather societies without immunity to your diseases is much more devastating than doing the same to agrarian societies who have a similar immune system to you.

Are you saying it is fine to conquer/colonize people who are agrarian and immune to your diseases?

Hmm lets see, after 800 plus years of "Arab rule" we have Syrians in Syria, Lebanese in Lebanon, Persians in Iran and Indians in India.

Is that likely to be replicated in European colonies?
Hmm lets see, after 800 plus years of "Arab rule" we have Syrians in Syria, Lebanese in Lebanon, Persians in Iran and Indians in India.

Is that likely to be replicated in European colonies?

The Syrians and Lebanese speak arabic, and most of them call themselves arabs. That's a perfect example of ethnic cleansing, and it wasn't by buddhist arabs, so figure it out. As for the Iranians, they hate the arabs... hmmm I wonder what could have been done to them by those harmless, peaceful muslim arabs that would have pissed them off so badly, so long ago?
The arabs conquered the Berbers by force, not peace, and permanently tainted their culture thereafter just like you accuse the British of doing to others. If Britain's guilty of all the stupid crap still going on in southeast asia, then muslims are to blame for all the crap that went on in north Africa.

So lets see, the Arabs conquered the Berbers by force and tainted their culture, so that they went on to create the golden age for Jews in Spain, a movement that brought Europe out of the Dark Ages. Yes, you're right, its comparable to the British destruction of Indian culture.

Then why is the Sudanese slaughter being done specifically in the name of islam? Why don't they dedicate the conquest to King George if it's all Britain's fault?

Same reason the Buddhists are still fighting the Tamils in the name of Buddhist supremacism. They divided the people on the basis of ethnicity or religion. Whatever they used, it worked. Why do you think the Kashmir issue is, between India and Pakistan?
When most people compare the British with the "Muslims", they forget the Arab expansion lasted only 100 years, at the end of which, it was still only the Arabs who were Muslims. The latter Muslims were the people in the countries who attended Arab schools and adopted the culture. The Mongolians came from Asia, as did the Turks [Ottomans], where the Arabs never went.
So lets see, the Arabs conquered the Berbers by force and tainted their culture, so that they went on to create the golden age for Jews in Spain, a movement that brought Europe out of the Dark Ages. Yes, you're right, its comparable to the British destruction of Indian culture.

A golden age for jews in Spain? You mean the apartheid dhimmi servitude crap they were forced to live under? It only looks enlightened in comparison to the Inquisition, but so does just about anything else. The advances of the jews in that period pale in comparison to the golden age they experienced in post-Enlightenment Europe.

The Average Afro-American has a better life than almost any continental African, do you say that America brought a golden age for black people? And the majority of Indian cuisine as we know it today didn't exist 'til the British started bringing in spices from other colonies. I guess Britain gave India its golden age too, with its own satellites and computers and all that?

Same reason the Buddhists are still fighting the Tamils in the name of Buddhist supremacism. They divided the people on the basis of ethnicity or religion. Whatever they used, it worked. Why do you think the Kashmir issue is, between India and Pakistan?

By your logic, Britain can claim they picked up their own bad habits from the muslim Moorish invaders who attempted to conquer all of western Europe. So it's the Moors' fault. And where would the Moors have originally found their bad habits? Hmmmm....