Our attitude concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

I promise to Bless Allaah

'We have heard about the Westerners making fun of the Prophet'

yes ALL westerners do this and this is a crime and we should be SHAMED to belive in christ instead.

'What should our attitude be towards that?' 'We and every Muslim who feels pride in his religion is grieved by what these fools and criminals have done by mocking our Prophet Muhammad'

But what should you expect from FOOLS and CRIMINALS? i'm sure Muhammad would agree and instead of understanding and forgiving he would move right to insults and hatred, good call!

'This insolence is nothing strange on their part, rather it is to be expected of them.'

Of course, go on.

'Moreover this crime, is nevertheless something which brings us glad tidings of their doom'

Your all SO right all who do not follow the narrow path of anger and hate SHOULD ALL BE PUT TO DEATH! YOU GO!

“For he who hates you 'Muhammad' he will be cut off (from posterity and every good thing in this world and in the Hereafter)”

al-Kawthar 108:3

of course this dictate is only a refrence to non muslims and those that fallow Muhammad should feel free to hate any who follow a different path. I see where your going here, I'd spit on all the Western infidels except I am one :bawl:

' why do they resent the leader of mankind, Muhammad' 'They want to indulge in the swamp of evil whims and desires, and they have got what they want!'

YES! we are all decendents of evil and should be punished! please call down the mighty wraith of your "WE" but I interupt, please go on...

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

Yes, i see it now! we should all KNEEL to the great 'WE' that represents the golden forgiving light that is Muhammad.

'Allaah is wise and does not decree anything that is pure evil; rather there must be something good in it for His believing slaves, no matter how evil it appears to people'

Yes as slaves we see that we can not possibly see what is or is not evil and should look to the islamic masters that by devine right should lord over us, it's all so CLEAR now!!

'Concerning the incident of the slander (al-ifk) – which is well known – Allaah says:

“Consider it not a bad thing for you. Nay, it is good for you. Unto every man among them will be paid that which he had earned of the sin, and as for him among them who had the greater share therein, his will be a great torment”

[al-Noor 24:11]

It's a good thing muslims do not partake of the sin of slander so these words hold no fear for them, makes perfect sense.

“Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:118]

THAT i'm SURE of.

'Exposure of the West’s double standards. Here they cite freedom of opinion, but every wise man knows that this so-called freedom of opinion should stop before violating the sanctity of others and transgressing against them.'

yes because double standards is A BAD BAD THING! our shame is like dirt in the taste of our mouth. :bawl:

“Don’t call the non-Muslims kuffaar, rather call them ‘others’ so as not to fan the flames of trouble between us and them.”

'But everyone should understand just who it is that hates the other, and does not respect his sanctity, and declares war against him every time he gets the opportunity'

Yes it is important to know that non muslims do not have the right to hate like muslims do. we really should find our PLACE!!

'A clear message was sent to the West: that we Muslims will never accept to see our religion insulted or humiliated, or any transgression against our Messenger. We will all sacrifice ourselves for him.'

In that way you can earn a place at his side and do not have to deal with tolerence and kindness to those non muslims that are naught but mud at your feet, WOW I CAN SEE THE LIGHT THAT IS THE PROPHET!

“But if you remain patient and become Al-Muttaqoon (the pious), not the least harm will their cunning do to you”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:120]


'And Allaah knows best'


Please know that you have struck me deeply as i'm sure you have effected all the other heathens. I at least shall use the words you have used to open my eyes every day as I use them at my porcelain alter! I promise to Bless Allaah every time! :)
This article is an answer on the mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

To read the full text visit this link pls


This text is an example of the humanity, or lack thereof, of those claiming allegiance to Allah. Please tell us when the Muslim world will give us an answer for these acts of the allegedly peaceful religion of Islam...

February 10, 1970: Three terrorists attacked El Al passengers in a bus at the Munich Airport with guns and grenades. One passenger was killed and 11 were injured. All three terrorists were captured by airport police. The Action Organization for the Liberation of Palestine and the Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack.

September 5, 1972: Eight Palestinian terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. During rescue attempt by West German authorities nine of the hostages and five of the terrorists were killed.

March 2, 1973: U.S. Ambassador to Sudan Cleo A. Noel and other diplomats were assassinated at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Khartoum by members of the Black September organization.

December 17, 1973: Five terrorists pulled weapons from their luggage in the terminal lounge at the Rome airport, killing two persons. They then attacked a Pan American 707 bound for Beirut and Tehran, destroying it with incendiary grenades and killing 29 persons, including 4 senior Moroccan officials and 14 American employees of ARAMCO. They then herded 5 Italian hostages into a Lufthansa airliner and killed an Italian customs agent as he tried to escape, after which they forced the pilot to fly to Beirut. After Lebanese authorities refused to let the plane land, it landed in Athens, where the terrorists demanded the release of 2 Arab terrorists. In order to make Greek authorities comply with their demands, the terrorists killed a hostage and threw his body onto the tarmac. The plane then flew to Damascus, where it stopped for two hours to obtain fuel and food. It then flew to Kuwait, where the terrorists released their hostages in return for passage to an unknown destination.

June 27, 1976: Members of the Baader-Meinhof Group and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) seized an Air France airliner and its 258 passengers.

November 4, 1979: Iranian radicals seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 66 American diplomats hostage. Thirteen hostages were soon released, but the remaining 53 were held until their release on January 20, 1981.

November 20, 1979: 200 Islamic terrorists seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, taking hundreds of pilgrims hostage. Saudi and French security forces retook the shrine after an intense battle in which some 250 people were killed and 600 wounded.

October 6, 1981: Soldiers who were secretly members of the Takfir Wal-Hajira sect attacked and killed Egyptian President Anwar Sadat during a troop review.

September 14, 1982: Premier Bashir Gemayel, the Lebanese Prime Minister, was assassinated by a car bomb parked outside his party's Beirut headquarters.

April 18, 1983: Sixty-three people, including the CIA's Middle East director, were killed, and 120 were injured in a 400-pound suicide truck-bomb attack on the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

October 23, 1983: Simultaneous truck-bomb attacks were made on American and French compounds in Beirut, Lebanon. A 12,000-pound bomb destroyed the U.S. Marine barracks, killing 242 Americans, while 58 French troops were killed when a 400-pound device destroyed a French base. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

March 16, 1984: The Islamic Jihad kidnapped and later murdered Political Officer William Buckley in Beirut, Lebanon. Other U.S. citizens not connected to the U.S. Government were seized over a succeeding 2-year period.

April 12, 1984: Eighteen U.S. servicemen were killed, and 83 people were injured in a bomb attack on a restaurant near a U.S. Air Force Base in Torrejon, Spain. Responsibility was claimed by Hizballah.

September 20, 1984: United States embassy in the Lebanese capital, Beirut is truck bombed by a member of the extremist group, the Islamic Jihad.

December 4, 1984: Kuwaiti airliner seized en route to Pakistan and forced to land in Tehran. During the siege, two American passengers were killed by the hijackers.

June 14, 1985: A Trans-World Airlines flight was hijacked en route to Rome from Athens by two Lebanese Hizballah terrorists and forced to fly to Beirut. The eight crew members and 145 passengers were held for 17 days, during which one American hostage, a U.S. Navy sailor, was murdered.

September 30, 1985: In Beirut, Lebanon, Sunni terrorists kidnapped four Soviet diplomats. One was killed but three were later released.

October 7, 1985: Four Palestinian Liberation Front terrorists seized the Italian cruise liner Achille Lauro in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, taking more than 700 hostages. One U.S. passenger was murdered.

November 23, 1985: An EgyptAir airplane bound from Athens to Malta and carrying several U.S. citizens was hijacked by the Abu Nidal Group.

December 27, 1985: Four gunmen belonging to the Abu Nidal Organization attacked the El Al and Trans World Airlines ticket counters at Rome?s Leonardo da Vinci Airport with grenades and automatic rifles. Thirteen persons were killed and 75 were wounded before Italian police and Israeli security guards killed three of the gunmen and captured the fourth. Three more Abu Nidal gunmen attacked the El Al ticket counter at Vienna?s Schwechat Airport, killing three persons and wounding 30.

March 30, 1986: A Palestinian splinter group detonated a bomb as TWA Flight 840 approached Athens Airport, killing four U.S. citizens.

April 5, 1986: Two U.S. soldiers were killed, and 79 American servicemen were injured in a Libyan bomb attack on a discoteque in West Berlin, West Germany.

April 24, 1987: Sixteen U.S. servicemen riding in a Greek Air Force bus near Athens were injured in an apparent bombing attack, carried out by the revolutionary organization known as November 17.

February 17, 1988: U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Col. W. Higgins was kidnapped and murdered by the Iranian-backed Hizballah group while serving with the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organization (UNTSO) in southern Lebanon.

April 14, 1988: The Organization of Jihad Brigades exploded a car bomb outside a USO Club in Naples, Italy, killing one U.S. sailor.

December 21, 1988: Pan American Airlines Flight 103 was blown up over Lockerbie, Scotland, by a bomb placed on the aircraft in Frankfurt, West Germany, by Libyan terrorists. All 259 people on board were killed.

September 19, 1989: A bomb explosion destroyed UTA Flight 772 over the Sahara Desert in southern Niger during a flight from Brazzaville to Paris. All 170 persons aboard were killed. Six Libyans were later found guilty in absentia and sentenced to life imprisonment.

January 18-19, 1991: Iraqi agents planted bombs at the U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia's home residence and at the USIS library in Manila.

March 17, 1992: Hizballah claimed responsibility for a blast that leveled the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, causing the deaths of 29 and wounding 242.

February 26, 1993: The World Trade Center in New York City was badly damaged when a car bomb planted by Islamic terrorists explodes in an underground garage. The bomb left six people dead and 1,000 injured.

April 14, 1993: The Iraqi intelligence service attempted to assassinate former U.S. President George Bush during a visit to Kuwait.

February 25, 1994: Jewish right-wing extremist and U.S. citizen Baruch Goldstein machine-gunned Moslem worshippers at a mosque in West Bank town of Hebron, killing 29 and wounding about 150.

December 24, 1994: Members of the Armed Islamic Group seized an Air France Flight to Algeria. The four terrorists were killed during a rescue effort.

March 8, 1995: Two unidentified gunmen killed two U.S. diplomats and wounded a third in Karachi, Pakistan.

July 4, 1995: In India, six foreigners, including two U.S. citizens, were taken hostage by Al-Faran, a Kashmiri separatist group. One non-U.S. hostage was later found beheaded.

August 21, 1995: Hamas claimed responsibility for the detonation of a bomb that killed six and injured over 100 persons, including several U.S. citizens in a Jerusalem bus attack

November 13, 1995: The Islamic Movement of Change planted a bomb in a Riyadh military compound that killed one U.S. citizen, several foreign national employees of the U.S. Government, and more than 40 others.

November 19, 1995: A suicide bomber drove a vehicle into the Egyptian Embassy compound in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing at least 16 and injuring 60 persons. Three militant Islamic groups claimed responsibility.

February 15, 1996: Unidentified assailants fired a rocket at the U.S. Embassy compound in Athens, causing minor damage to three diplomatic vehicles and some surrounding buildings. Circumstances of the attack suggested it was an operation carried out by the 17 November group.

February 26, 1996: In Jerusalem, a Hamas suicide bomber blew up a bus, killing 26 persons, including three U.S. citizens, and injuring some 80 persons, including three other US citizens.

March 4, 1996: Hamas and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) both claimed responsibility for a bombing outside of Tel Aviv's largest shopping mall, the Dizengoff Center, that killed 20 persons and injured 75 others, including two U.S. citizens.

May 13, 1996: Arab gunmen opened fire on a bus and a group of Yeshiva students near the Bet El settlement in the West Bank, killing a dual U.S.-Israeli citizen and wounding three Israelis.

June 9, 1996: Unidentified gunmen opened fire on a car near Zekharya, killing a dual U.S./Israeli citizen and an Israeli. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) is suspected.

June 25, 1996: A fuel truck carrying a bomb exploded outside the U.S. military's Khobar Towers housing facility in Dhahran, killing 19 U.S. military personnel and wounding 515 persons, including 240 U.S. personnel.

August 1, 1996: A bomb exploded at the home of the French Archbishop of Oran, killing him and his chauffeur. The Algerian Armed Islamic Group (GIA) is suspected.

August 17, 1996: Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) rebels kidnapped six missionaries in Mapourdit, including a U.S. citizen, an Italian, three Australians, and a Sudanese. The SPLA released the hostages 11 days later.

September 13, 1996: In Iraq, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) militants kidnapped four French workers for Pharmaciens Sans Frontieres, a Canadian United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) official, and two Iraqis.

November 1, 1996: In Sudan a breakaway group from the Sudanese People's Liberation Army (SPLA) kidnapped three International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) workers, including a U.S. citizen, an Australian, and a Kenyan.

December 3, 1996: A bomb exploded aboard a Paris subway train as it arrived at the Port Royal station, killing two French nationals, a Moroccan, and a Canadian, and injuring 86 persons. Among those injured were one U.S. citizen and a Canadian.

January 2-13, 1997: A series of letter bombs with Alexandria, Egypt, postmarks were discovered at Al-Hayat newspaper bureaus in Washington, New York City, London, and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Three similar devices, also postmarked in Egypt, were found at a prison facility in Leavenworth, Kansas. Bomb disposal experts defused all the devices, but one detonated at the Al-Hayat office in London, injuring two security guards and causing minor damage.

February 23, 1997: A Palestinian gunman opened fire on tourists at an observation deck atop the Empire State Building in New York City, killing a Danish national and wounding visitors from the United States, Argentina, Switzerland, and France before turning the gun on himself. A handwritten note carried by the gunman claimed this was a punishment attack against the "enemies of Palestine."

September 4, 1997: Three suicide bombers of Hamas detonated bombs in the Ben Yehuda shopping mall in Jerusalem, killing eight persons, including the bombers, and wounding nearly 200 others. A dual U.S./Israeli citizen was among the dead, and seven U.S. citizens were wounded.

October 30, 1997: Al-Sha'if tribesmen kidnapped a U.S. businessman near Sanaa, Yemen. They released the hostage on November 27.

November 12, 1997: Two unidentified gunmen shot to death four U.S. auditors from Union Texas Petroleum Corporation and their Pakistani driver after they drove away from the Sheraton Hotel in Karachi. The Islami Inqilabi Council, or Islamic Revolutionary Council, claimed responsibility in a call to the U.S. Consulate in Karachi. In a letter to Pakistani newspapers, the Aimal Khufia Action Committee also claimed responsibility.

November 17, 1997: Al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (IG) gunmen shot and killed 58 tourists and four Egyptians and wounded 26 others at the Hatshepsut Temple in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor, Egypt. Thirty-four Swiss, eight Japanese, five Germans, four Britons, one French, one Colombian, a dual Bulgarian/British citizen, and four unidentified persons were among the dead. Twelve Swiss, two Japanese, two Germans, one French, and nine Egyptians were among the wounded.

April 15, 1998: Somali militiamen abducted nine Red Cross and Red Crescent workers at an airstrip north of Mogadishu, Somal. The hostages included a U.S. citizen, a German, a Belgian, a French, a Norwegian, two Swiss, and one Somali. The gunmen were members of a subclan loyal to Ali Mahdi Mohammed, who controlled the northern section of the capital.

August 7, 1998: A bomb exploded at the rear entrance of the U.S. embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, killing 12 U.S. citizens, 32 Foreign Service Nationals (FSNs), and 247 Kenyan citizens. About 5,000 Kenyans, six U.S. citizens, and 13 FSNs were injured. Almost simultaneously, a bomb detonated outside the U.S. embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing seven FSNs and three Tanzanian citizens, and injuring one U.S. citizen and 76 Tanzanians. The U.S. Government held Usama Bin Ladin responsible.

August 12, 2000: In the Kara-Su Valley, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan took four U.S. citizens hostage. The Americans escaped on August 12.

October 12, 2000: In Aden, Yemen, a small dingy carrying explosives rammed the destroyer U.S.S. Cole, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39 others. Supporters of Usama Bin Ladin were suspected.

December 30, 2000: A bomb exploded in a plaza across the street from the U.S. embassy in Manila, injuring nine persons. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front was likely responsible.

March 4, 2001: A suicide bomb attack in Netanya killed 3 persons and wounded 65. HAMAS later claimed responsibility.

March 15, 2001: Three Chechens hijacked a Russian airliner during a flight from Istanbul to Moscow and forced it to fly to Medina, Saudi Arabia. The plane carried 162 passengers and a crew of 12. After a 22-hour siege during which more than 40 passengers were released, Saudi security forces stormed the plane, killing a hijacker, a passenger, and a flight attendant.

April 22, 2001: A member of Hamas detonated a bomb he was carrying near a bus stop in Kfar Sava, Israel, killing one person and injuring 60.

May 27, 2001: Muslim Abu Sayyaf guerrillas seized 13 tourists and 3 staff members at a resort on Palawan Island and took their captives to Basilan Island. The captives included three U.S. citizens: Guellermo Sobero and missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham. Philippine troops fought a series of battles with the guerrillas between June 1 and June 3 during which 9 hostages escaped and two were found dead. The guerrillas took additional hostages when they seized the hospital in the town of Lamitan. On June 12, Abu Sayyaf spokesman Abu Sabaya claimed that Sobero had been killed and beheaded; his body was found in October. The Burnhams remained in captivity until June 2002.

June 1, 2001: Hamas claimed responsibility for the bombing of a popular Israeli nightclub in Tel-Aviv that caused over 140 casualties.

August 9, 2001: A Hamas-planted bomb detonated in a Jeruselum pizza restaurant, killing 15 people and wounding more than 90.

September 9, 2001: The first suicide bombing carried out by an Israeli Arab killed 3 persons in Nahariya. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

September 11, 2001: Two hijacked airliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Soon thereafter, the Pentagon was struck by a third hijacked plane. A fourth hijacked plane, suspected to be bound for a high-profile target in Washington, crashed into a field in southern Pennsylvania. More than 5,000 U.S. citizens and other nationals were killed as a result of these acts.

December 1, 2001: Two suicide bombers attacked a Jerusalem shopping mall, killing 10 persons and wounding 170.

December 2, 2001: A suicide bomb attack aboard a bus in Haifa, Israel, killed 15 persons and wounded 40. HAMAS claimed responsibility for both this attack and those on December 1 to avenge the death of a HAMAS member at the hands of Israeli forces a week earlier.

January 15, 2002: Palestinian militants fired on a vehicle in Beit Sahur, killing one passenger and wounding the other. The dead passenger claimed U.S. and Israeli citizenship. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Battalion claimed responsibility.

January 17, 2002: A Palestinian gunman killed 6 persons and wounded 25 in Hadera, Israel, before being killed by Israeli police. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility as revenge for Israelis killing of a leading member of the group.

January 23, 2002: Armed militants kidnapped Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi, Pakistan. Pakistani authorities received a videotape on February 20 depicting Pearl?s murder. His grave was found near Karachi on May 16. Pakistani authorities arrested four suspects. Ringleader Ahmad Omar Saeed Sheikh claimed to have organized Pearl's kidnapping to protest Pakistan's subservience to the United States, and had belonged to Jaish-e-Muhammad, an Islamic separatist group in Kashmir.

January 27, 2002: A suicide bomb attack in Jerusalem killed one other person and wounded 100. The incident was the first suicide bombing made by a Palestinian woman.

February 16, 2002: A suicide bombing in an outdoor food court in Karmei Shomron killed 4 persons and wounded 27. Two of the dead and two of the wounded were U.S. citizens. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility.

March 7, 2002: A suicide bombing in a supermarket in the settlement of Ariel wounded 10 persons, one of whom was a U.S. citizen. The PFLP claimed responsibility.

March 9, 2002: A suicide bombing in a Jerusalem restaurant killed 11 persons and wounded 52, one of whom was a U.S. citizen. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

March 21, 2002: A suicide bombing in Jerusalem killed 3 persons and wounded 86 more, including 2 U.S. citizens. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

March 27, 2002: A suicide bombing in a noted restaurant in Netanya, Israel, killed 22 persons and wounded 140. One of the dead was a U.S. citizen. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) claimed responsibility.

March 31, 2002: A suicide bombing near an ambulance station in Efrat wounded four persons, including a U.S. citizen. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

April 11, 2002: Explosion at historic synagogue in Tunisia leaves 21 dead, including 14 German tourists.

April 12, 2002: A female suicide bomber killed 6 persons in Jerusalem and wounded 90 others. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

May 9, 2002: Eleven French nationals and three Pakistanis died when an explosion ripped through a bus outside an upscale Karachi hotel in Pakistan.

May 9, 2002: A remotely-controlled bomb exploded near a May Day parade in Kaspiisk, Dagestan, killing 42 persons and wounding 150. Fourteen of the dead and 50 of the wounded were soldiers. Islamists linked to al-Qaida were suspected.

June 14, 2002: Bomb explodes outside American Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 12. Al Qaida and al-Qanin were suspected.

June 19, 2002: A suicide bombing at a bus stop in Jerusalem killed 6 persons and wounded 43, including 2 U.S. citizens. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

July 17, 2002: Two suicide bombers attacked the old bus station in Tel Aviv, Israel, killing 5 persons and wounding 38. The dead included one Romanian and two Chinese; another Romanian was wounded. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.

July 31, 2002: A bomb hidden in a bag in the Frank Sinatra International Student Center of Jerusalem's Hebrew University killed 9 persons and wounded 87. The dead included 5 U.S. citizens and 4 Israelis. The wounded included 4 U.S. citizens, 2 Japanese, and 3 South Koreans. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) claimed responsibility.

August 4, 2002: A suicide bomb attack on a bus in Safed, Israel, killed 9 persons and wounded 50. Two of the dead were Philippine citizens; many of the wounded were soldiers returning from leave. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

September 18, 2002: Gunmen ambushed a vehicle on a road near Yahad, killing an Israeli and wounding a Romanian worker. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades claimed responsibility.

September 19, 2002: A suicide bomb attack on a bus in Tel Aviv killed 6 persons and wounded 52. One of the dead was a British subject. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

October 6, 2002: An explosive-laden boat rammed the French oil tanker Limburg, which was anchored about 5 miles off al-Dhabbah, Yemen. One person was killed and 4 were wounded. Al-Qaida was suspected.

October 12, 2002: Nightclub bombings in Bali, Indonesia, kill 202, mostly Australian citizens.

October 23-26, 2002: Fifty Chechen rebels led by Movsar Barayev seized the Palace of Culture Theater in Moscow, Russia where they seized more than 800 hostages from 13 countries and threatened to blow up the theater. All of the rebels were killed, but 94 hostages (including one American) also died, many from the effects of the gas. A group led by Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility.

November 21, 2002: A suicide bomb attack on a bus on Mexico Street in Jerusalem killed 11 persons and wounded 50 more. One of the dead was a Romanian. HAMAS claimed responsibility.

November 28, 2002: A three-person suicide car bomb attack on the Paradise Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, killed 15 persons and wounded 40. Three of the dead and 18 of the wounded were Israeli tourists; the others were Kenyans. Near Mombasa's airport, two SA-7 shoulder-fired missiles were fired as an Arkia Airlines Boeing 757 that was carrying 261 passengers back to Israel. Both missiles missed. Al-Qaida, the Government of Universal Palestine in Exile, and the Army of Palestine claimed responsibility for both attacks. Al-Ittihad al-Islami was also suspected of involvement.

December 27, 2002: A suicide bomb attack involving two explosives-laden trucks destroyed the offices of the pro-Russian Chechen government in Grozny. The attack killed over 80 people and wounded 210. According to a Chechen website run by the Kavkaz Center, Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility.

January 5, 2003: Two suicide bomb attacks killed 22 and wounded at least 100 persons in Tel Aviv, Israel. Six of the victims were foreign workers. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs? Brigades claimed responsibility.

February 8, 2003: Members of Ansar al-Islam assassinated Kurdish legislator Shawkat Haji Mushir and captured two other Kurdish officials in Qamash Tapa in northern Iraq.

March 5, 2003: A suicide bombing aboard a bus in Haifa, Israel, killed 15 persons and wounded at least 40. One of the dead claimed U.S. as well as Israeli citizenship.

Netanya, March 30, 2003: A suicide bombing in a cafe in Netanya, Israel, wounded 38 persons. Only the bomber was killed. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility and called the attack a "gift" to the people of Iraq.

May 12, 2003: Suicide bombers attacked three residential compounds for foreign workers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The 34 dead included 9 attackers, 7 other Saudis, 9 U.S. citizens, and one citizen each from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Philippines. Another American died on June 1. It was the first major attack on U.S. targets in Saudi Arabia since the end of the war in Iraq. Saudi authorities arrested 11 al-Qaida suspects on May 28.

May 12, 2003: A truck bomb explosion demolished a government compound in Znamenskoye, Chechnya, killing 54 persons. Russian authorities blamed followers of a Saudi-born Islamist named Abu Walid.

May 12, 2003: Two female suicide bombers attacked Chechen Administrator Mufti Akhmed Kadyrov during a religious festival in Iliskhan Yurt. Kadyrov escaped injury, but 14 other persons were killed and 43 were wounded. Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev claimed responsibility.

May 16, 2003: A team of 12 suicide bombers attacked five targets in Casablanca, Morocco, killing 43 persons and wounding 100. The targets were a Spanish restaurant, a Jewish community, a Jewish cemetery, a hotel, and the Belgian Consulate. The Moroccan Government blamed the Islamist al-Assirat al-Moustaquim (The Righteous Path), but foreign commentators suspected an al-Qaida connection.

May 18, 2003: A suicide bomb attack on a bus in Jerusalem?s French Hill district killed 7 persons and wounded 20. The bomber was disguised as a religious Jew. HAMAS claimed responsibility

May 19, 2003: A suicide bomb attack by a female Palestinian student killed 3 persons and wounded 52 at a shopping mall in Afula, Israel. Both Islamic Jihad and the al-Aqsa Martyrs? Brigades claimed responsibility.

June 11, 2003: A suicide bombing aboard a bus in Jerusalem killed 16 persons and wounded at least 70, one of whom died later. HAMAS claimed responsibility, calling it revenge for an Israeli helicopter attack on HAMAS leader Abdelaziz al-Rantisi in Gaza City the day before.

August 1, 2003: A suicide truck bomb attack destroyed a Russian military hospital in Mozdok, North Ossetia and killed 50 persons. Russian authorities attributed the attack to followers of Chechen rebel leader Shamil Basayev.

August 5, 2003: A car bomb exploded outside the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, killing 10 persons and wounding 150. One of the dead was a Dutch citizen. The wounded included an American, a Canadian, an Australian, and two Chinese. Indonesian authorities suspected the Jemaah Islamiah, which had carried out the October 12, 2002 bombing in Bali.

August 7, 2003: A car bomb exploded outside the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, killing 19 persons and wounding 65. Most of the victims were apparently Iraqis, including 5 police officers. No group claimed responsibility.

August 12, 2003: The first suicide bombings since the June 29 Israeli-Palestinian truce took place. The first, in a supermarket at Rosh Haayin, Israel, killed one person and wounded 14. The second, at a bus stop near the Ariel settlement in the West Bank, killed one person and wounded 3. The al-Aqsa Martyrs? Brigades claimed responsibility for the first; HAMAS claimed responsibility for the second.

August 19, 2003: A truck loaded with surplus Iraqi ordnance exploded outside the United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad?s Canal Hotel. A hospital across the street was also heavily damaged. The 23 dead included UN Special Representative Sergio Viera de Mello. More than 100 persons were wounded. It was not clear whether the bomber was a Baath Party loyalist or a foreign Islamic militant. An al-Qaeda branch called the Brigades of the Martyr Abu Hafz al-Masri later claimed responsibility.

August 19, 2003: A suicide bombing aboard a bus in Jerusalem killed 20 persons and injured at least 100, one of whom died later. Five of the dead were American citizens. HAMAS and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, although HAMAS leader al-Rantisi said that his organization remained committed to the truce while reserving the right to respond to Israeli military actions.

August 29, 2003: A car bomb explosion outside the Shrine of the Imam Ali in Najaf, Iraq killed at least 81 persons and wounded at least 140. The dead included the Ayatollah Mohammed Bakir al-Hakim, one of four leading Shiite clerics in Iraq. Al-Hakim had been the leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) since its establishment in 1982, and SCIRI had recently agreed to work with the U.S.-sponsored Iraqi Governing Council.

September 9, 2003: Two suicide bombings took place in Israel. The first, at a bus stop near the Tsrifin army base southeast of Tel Aviv, killed 7 soldiers and wounded 14 soldiers and a civilian. The second, at a caf? in Jerusalem?s German Colony neighborhood, killed 6 persons and wounded 40. HAMAS did not claim responsibility until the next day, although a spokesman called the first attack" a response to Israeli aggression."

September 20, 2003: Gunmen shot and seriously wounded Akila Hashimi, one of three female members of the Iraqi Governing Council, near her home in Baghdad. She died September 25.

September 22, 2003: A suicide car bomb attack on the UN Headquarters in Baghdad killed a security guard and wounded 19 other persons.

October 4, 2003: A Palestinian woman made a suicide bomb attack on a restaurant in Haifa, killing 19 persons and wounding at least 55. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack. The next day, Israel bombed a terrorist training camp in Syria.

October 9, 2003: Gunmen assassinated a Spanish military attache in Baghdad. A suicide car bomb attack on an Iraqi police station killed 8 persons and wounded 40.

October 12, 2003: Two suicide car bombs exploded outside the Baghdad Hotel, which housed U.S. officials. Six persons were killed and 32 wounded. Iraqi and U.S. security personnel apparently kept the cars from actually reaching the hotel.

October 15, 2003: A remote-controlled bomb exploded under a car in a U.S. diplomatic convoy passing through the northern Gaza Strip. Three security guards, all employees of DynCorp, were killed. A fourth was wounded. The diplomats were on their way to interview Palestinian candidates for Fulbright scholarships to study in the United States. Palestinian President Arafat and Prime Minister Qurei condemned the attack, while the major Palestinian militant groups denied responsibility. The next day, Palestinian security forces arrested several suspects, some of whom belonged to the Popular Resistance Committees.

October 26, 2003: Iraqis using an improvised rocket launcher bombarded the al-Rashid Hotel in Baghdad, killing one U.S. Army officer and wounding 17 persons. The wounded included 4 U.S. military personnel and seven American civilians. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul D. Wolfowitz, who was staying at the hotel, was not injured. After visiting the wounded, he said, "They?re not going to scare us away; we?re not giving up on this job."

October 26, 2003: Two gunmen believed to be Baath Party loyalists assassinated Faris Abdul Razaq al-Assam, one of three deputy mayors of Baghdad. U.S. officials did not announce al-Assam?s death until October 28.

October 27, 2003: A series of suicide car bombings in Baghdad killed at least 35 persons and wounded at least 230. Four attacks were directed at Iraqi police stations, the fifth and most destructive was directed at the International Committee of the Red Cross headquarters, where at least 12 persons were killed. A sixth attack failed when a car bomb failed to explode and the bomber was wounded and captured by Iraqi police. U.S. and Iraqi officials suspected that foreign terrorists were involved; the unsuccessful bomber said he was a Syrian national and carried a Syrian passport. After a meeting with Administrator L. Paul Bremer, President Bush said, "The more successful we are on the ground, the more these killers will react."

November 8, 2003: In Riyadh, a suicide car bombing took place in the Muhaya residential compound, which was occupied mainly by nationals of other Arab countries. Seventeen persons were killed and 122 were wounded. The latter included 4 Americans. The next day, Deputy Secretary of State Armitage said al-Qaeda was probably responsible.

November 12, 2003: A suicide truck bomb destroyed the headquarters of the Italian military police in Nasiriyah, Iraq, killing 18 Italians and 11 Iraqis and wounding at least 100 persons.

November 15, 2003: Two suicide truck bombs exploded outside the Neve Shalom and Beth Israel synagogues in Istanbul, killing 25 persons and wounding at least 300 more. The initial claim of responsibility came from a Turkish militant group, the Great Eastern Islamic Raiders? Front, but Turkish authorities suspected an al-Qaeda connection. The next day, the London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi received an e-mail in which an al-Qaeda branch called the Brigades of the Martyr Abu Hafz al-Masri claimed responsibility for the Istanbul synagogue bombings.

November 20, 2003: Two more suicide truck bombings devastated the British HSBC Bank and the British Consulate General in Istanbul, killing 27 persons and wounding at least 450. The dead included Consul General Roger Short. U.S., British, and Turkish officials suspected that al-Qaeda had struck again. The U.S. Consulate in Istanbul was closed, and the Embassy in Ankara advised American citizens in Istanbul to stay home.

November 20, 2003: A suicide car bombing in Kirkuk killed 5 persons. The target appeared to be the headquarters of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan. PUK officials suspected the Ansar al-Islam group, which was said to have sheltered fugitive Taliban and al-Qaeda members after the U.S. campaign in Afghanistan.

Attacks on Other Coalition Personnel in Iraq, November 29-30, 2003: Iraqi insurgents stepped up attacks on nationals of other members of the Coalition. On November 29, an ambush in Mahmudiyah killed 7 out of a party of 8 Spanish intelligence officers. Iraqi insurgents also killed two Japanese diplomats near Tikrit. On November 30, another ambush near Tikrit killed two South Korean electrical workers and wounded two more. A Colombian employee of Kellogg Brown & Root was killed and two were wounded in an ambush near Balad.

December 5, 2003: A suicide bomb attack killed 42 persons and wounded 150 aboard a Russian commuter train in the south Russian town of Yessentuki. Russian officials suspected Chechen rebels; President Putin said the attack was meant to disrupt legislative elections. Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov denied any involvement.

December 9, 2003: A female suicide bomber killed 5 other persons and wounded 14 outside Moscow?s National Hotel. She was said to be looking for the State Duma.

December 15, 2003: Two days after the capture of Saddam Hussein, there were two suicide car bomb attacks on Iraqi police stations. One at Husainiyah killed 8 persons and wounded 20. The other, at Ameriyah, wounded 7 Iraqi police. Guards repelled a second vehicle.

December 19, 2003: A bomb destroyed the Baghdad office of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, killing a woman and wounding at least 7 other persons.

December 24, 2003: A suicide car bomb attack on the Kurdish Interior Ministry in Irbil, Iraq, killed 5 persons and wounded 101.

December 25, 2003: Two suicide truck bombers killed 14 persons as President Musharraf?s motorcade passed through Rawalpindi, Pakistan. An earlier attempt on December 14 caused no casualties. Pakistani officials suspected Afghan and Kashmiri militants. On January 6, 2004, Pakistani authorities announced the arrest of 6 suspects who were said to be members of Jaish-e-Muhammad.

December 25, 2003: A Palestinian suicide bomber killed 4 persons at a bus stop near Petah Tikva, Israel. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attack in retaliation for Israeli military operations in Nablus that had begun two days earlier.

December 31, 2003: A car bomb explosion outside Baghdad?s Nabil Restaurant killed 8 persons and wounded 35. The wounded included 3 Los Angeles Times reporters and 3 local employees.

March 14, 2004: Twin suicide bombs from Gaza infiltrated the Israeli port of Ashdod, killing 10 people and wounding over 20.

April 17, 2004: A suicide bomber launched an attack inside the Erez industrial zone at the Israel-Gaza border, killing a border police officer and wounding three others.

July 11, 2004: A bomb hidden behind at a Tel Aviv bus stop killed a woman and wounded more than 20 other people.

August 24, 2004: 2 Chechen female suicide bombers - Black Widows, as they are often known, bomb 2 Russian planes killing 89 people. Islambouli Brigades claimed responsibility.

August 31, 2004: Hamas claims responsibility for twin bus bombings in Beersheva killing 16 and wounding 80 others.

September 1, 2004: Over 30 muslim terrorists including 9 Arab mercenaries take 1000 hostages at school is Beslan, Chechnya. 322 killed with half of them being children.

September 9, 2004: Jakarta embassy bombing, in which the Australian embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was bombed, killing eight people.

October 7, 2004: Sinai bombings: Three car bombs explode in the Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 34 and wounding 171, many of them Israeli and other foreign tourists.

November 2, 2004: Theo Van Gogh is murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri in Amsterdam, Netherlands for his criticism of Islam.

December 6, 2004: Suspected al Qaeda-linked group attacks U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, killing five local employees.

February 14, 2005: A car bomb kills former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri and 20 others in Beirut.

February 25, 2005: A suicide bomber in Tel Aviv kills five Israelis and undermines a weeks-old truce between the two sides.

March 7, 2005: Two policemen and three unknown attackers were killed in a shootout with five gunmen disguised as veiled Muslim women at a police station in southern Thailand.

March 19, 2005: Car bomb attack on theatre in Doha, Qatar, kills one Briton and wounds twelve others.

April 7, 2005: A suicide bomber blows himself up in Cairo's Khan al Khalili market, killing three foreign tourists and wounding 17 others.

June 1, 2005: A suicide bomber blows up in a mosque in Kandahar, Afghanistan, killing 20 people.

June 12, 2005: Bombs explode in the Iranian cities of Ahvaz and Tehran, leaving ten dead and 80 wounded days before the Iranian presidential election.

July 7, 2005: Bombs explode on one double-decker bus and three London Underground trains, killing 56 people and injuring over 700, occurring on the first day of the 31st G8 Conference. The attacks are the first suicide bombings in Western Europe.

July 12, 2005: Islamic Jihad takes responsibility for a suicide bombing in Netanya, Israel, which kills five people at a shopping mall.

July 21, 2005: Attempted London bombings - Small explosions in three London Underground stations and one double-decker bus. This was pronounced as a "major incident" rather than an attack, and only minor injuries were reported. These four bombs were designed to cause as much damage as the 7 July 2005 London bombings, but the explosives had deteriorated and failed to detonate.

July 23, 2005: Car bombs explode at tourist sites in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, killing at least 88 and wounding more than 100.

August 4, 2005: Jewish settler in an IDF uniform opens fire on a bus in Shfaram, Israel, killing four Israeli Arabs and wounding five.

October 15, 2005: Two bombs exploded at a shopping mall in Ahvaz, Khuzestan in Iran. Six people died and over 100 were injured.

October 24, 2005: Multiple car bombs explode outside the Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq, killing at least 20. It is thought that the attacks were targeting journalists inside the Palestine Hotel and the Sheraton Ishtar.

October 26, 2005: A Palestinian suicide bomber detonates a bomb near a falafel stand in Hadera, Israel that kills himself and six others. Twenty-six people were also wounded.

October 29, 2005: In Poso, Central Sulawesi (Indonesia), four Christian schoolgirls aged 15 to 17 years on their way home from school were assaulted by six masked Muslim men who beheaded three of them, Theresia Morangke, Alfita Poliwo, and Yarni Sambue, with machetes and placed their severed heads in front of a church and a police station.

November 9, 2005: Three explosions at hotels in Amman, Jordan, leave at least 60 dead and 120 wounded.

December 5, 2005: A suicide bomb attack kills at least five people in Netanya in north-western Israel.

February 2, 2006: In a deliberate anti-Christian massacre muslim extremists killed at least five people on a farm in Patikul, a small town on Sulu Island near Jolo (Mindanao). After asking the residents if they were Christian, fearless Abu Sayyaf gunmen opened fire on 9-month old Melanie Patinga who was killed and a three-year old boy who was seriously wounded. Also killed were Emma and Pedro Casipong, Itting Pontilla and Selma Patinga.

February 22, 2006: Al Askari Mosque bombing ignites sectarian strife in Iraq.

March 2, 2006: Bombing in Karachi, Pakistan kills four, including a U.S. diplomat.

March 3, 2006: Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar, an Iranian-born graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, drives an SUV onto a crowded part of campus, injuring nine.

April 11, 2006: A suicide bomber explodes himself in Karachi, Pakistan, and kills 57 Sunni worshippers.

April 17, 2006: Sami Hammad, a Palestinian suicide bomber, detonates an explosive device in Tel Aviv, Israel, killing eleven people and injuring 70.

April 24, 2006: Bombings at three locations in Dahab, Egypt kill 20 Egyptians and three foreigners, and injure 62 others.

June 25, 2006: Eliyahu Asheri, an Israeli citizen, was kidnapped and murdered by the Palestinian terrorist group, the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC).

July 9, 2006: 40 Sunni civilians are massacred by Shia militants in Baghdad, Iraq.

July 14, 2006: Suicide bomber in Karachi, Pakistan kills a Shiite Islamic cleric Allama Hasan Turabi and his nephew.

July 18, 2006: Car bombing near a Shiite shrine in Kufa, Iraq kills 53 and injures 103.

July 31, 2006: Two suitcase bombs are discovered in trains near the German towns of Dortmund and Koblenz, undetonated due to an assembly error. Video footage from Cologne train station, where the bombs were put on the trains, led to the arrest of two Lebanese students in Germany, Youssef al-Hajdib and Jihad Hamad, and subsequently of three suspected co-conspirators in Lebanon. On 1 September 2006, Jörg Ziercke, head of the Bundeskriminalamt (Federal Police), reports that the suspects saw the Muhammad cartoons as an "assault by the West on Islam" and the "initial spark" for the attack, originally planned to coincide with the 2006 Football World Cup in Germany.

August 4, 2006: A suicide car bomber struck a market in Kandahar, Afghanistan killing 21 people.

August 10, 2006: A major anti-terrorist operation disrupts an alleged bomb plot targeting multiple airplanes bound for the United States flying through Heathrow Airport, near London, UK.

August 20, 2006: Gunmen spray bullets on Shiites in Baghdad, killing 20 people and wounding more than 300.

August 30, 2006: An Afghani Muslim hit 19 pedestrians, killing one, with his SUV in the San Francisco Bay area.

September 12, 2006: Four attackers armed with grenades and machine guns attempt to storm the U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria. Three of the gunmen and one Syrian guard are killed during a battle between the attackers and Syrian security forces. One Syrian employee of the embassy and at least ten bystanders are wounded, among them, seven Syrian telephone company workers and a senior Chinese diplomat. Police recover a car laden with explosives and other IEDs. Syrian Ambassador to the United States Imad Moustapha announces that his government suspects a group called Jund al-Sham is responsible.

September 15, 2006: Four suicide bombers and a security guard are killed in early-morning attacks on the Safer refinery in Marib and the al-Dhabba terminal in Hadramout, Yemen. Although no group has claimed responsibility Islamic extremists are suspected.

September 18, 2006: Eleven people, including the presidents brother and six attackers, are killed in an assassination attempt on the Somalian president.

September 30, 2006: A suicide bomber detonates his explosives outside the interior ministry in Kabul. The attack kills twelve and wounds over 40. This is one of three hundred and fifty attacks mostly suicide bombings that killed six hundred and sixty nine civilians in 2006 according to Human Rights Watch.

January 10, 2007: Three bombs kill six and injured twenty seven in the southern part of the Philippines. Muslim militants trying to disrupt ASEAN Summit suspected.

January-February, 2007: 2007 United Kingdom letter bombs

January 22, 2007: A bombing in a market in Baghdad, Iraq, kills 88 people and wounds 160 others.

January 29, 2007: A suicide bombing in the Israeli resort city of Eilat kills three people. Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades claimed joint responsibility.

February 3, 2007: A truck bombing in a crowed Baghdad market kills at least 135 people and injures a further 339 others.

February 18, 2007: A car bomb in Mogadishu killed four people, the first such attack of the Islamist insurgency in Somalia.

March 5, 2007: The Taliban kidnap Italian Journalist Daniele Mastrogiacomo whilst beheading his driver. Mastrogiacomo was released March 19 after Afghan President Hamid Karzai agreed to free five Taliban prisoners. His translator was left behind. On April 8 an Afghan government official confirmed the translator was killed.

March 6, 2007: Two suicide bombers kill 114 Shiite pilgrims in Hilla, Iraq.

March 27, 2007: Two truck bombs kill 152 people and injure 347 in Tal Afar, Iraq.

March 29, 2007: Two suicide bombers kill 79 people and injure 81 in a market of Baghdad.

April 11, 2007: Two suicide car bombs kill 33 people and injure 222 in Algiers, Algeria. Al-Queda takes responsibility.

April 12, 2007: One suicide bomber kills eight people and injures 20 in the cafeteria on Iraq Parliament in the Green Zone in Baghdad.

April 14, 2007: A suicide car bomb kills 65 people and injure 100 in Karbala, Iraq.

April 18, 2007: A series of explosions kill 198 people and injure 251 in Baghdad, Iraq.

April 25, 2007: The American International School in the Gaza Strip is stormed by a dozen gunman claiming to be a members of al-Qaida of Palestine who stole eight computers, planted explosives in adjoining buildings, doused the school with gasoline and set it ablaze.

April 28, 2007: Saudi Arabia announced it has arrested one hundred and seventy two people in an Al Queda plot to attack oil facilities, military bases and public figures using civilian aircraft as suicide missiles.

April 28, 2007: A car bomb kills 63 people and injure 70 in Karbala, Iraq.

May 6, 2007: A car bomb kills 35 people and injure 80 in Baghdad, Iraq.

May 6. In a bomb attack on a UN-run elementary school in the southern Gaza refugee camp of Rafah by Muslim extremists one person, a bodyguard of a local Fatah politician, was killed and eight others, including two children, were injured. The attack happened during a sports festival that earlier had been denounced as un-Islamic by the extremists.

May 7, 2007: 2007 Fort Dix attack plot Six men inspired by Jihadist videos arrested in the US, in a failed homegrown terrorism plot to kill US soldiers.

May 13, 2007: A suicide truck bomb kills 50 people and injures 115 in Makhmur, Iraq.

May 15, May 16, 2007: Hamas launches twenty eight rockets into an Israeli town injuring five. Despite Hamas claims the motive was retaliation for Israeli violence, NBC News claims "likely it was an attempt to draw Israel into the fighting as a way of uniting the Palestinians against a common foe".

May 20, 2007: Two women, one of them pregnant, were stopped at the Erez Crossing between Israel and the Gaza Strip while they were en route to commit suicide bombings in Tel Aviv and Netanya. Both women admitted to being members of Islamic Jihad.

May 21, 2007: A Qassam rocket fired by Hamas hits a car in Sderot, killing 35-year-old Shir-El Friedman in the blast.

June 3, 2007: The Righteous Swords of Islam splash acid on women in the Gaza Strip who dress immodestly and threaten female employees of Palestine TV with beheading unless they dress more modestly.

June 3, 2007: John F. Kennedy International Airport terror plot. Thwarted homegrown Islamist terrorism plot to destroy the fuel supply system for the airport located in New York City and cause a large amount of causalities by blowing up the connecting pipeline system that runs through densely populated neighborhoods.

June 3, 2007: A car-bomb suicide attack to the Prime Ministers House in Mogadishu kills six guards and injures 20, while PM Ali Mohamed Gedi survives this third assassination attempt unhurt.

June 13, 2007: Explosions occurred at the Askariya mosque in Samarra and destroyed the two minarets. No casualties were reported. The same mosque was the target of a February 2006 blast that damaged the building and destroyed its golden dome.

June 14, 2007: A car bomb kills ten people in Beirut, Lebanon. Among the killed is the MP Walid Eido.

June 19, 2007: A truck bomb blast on a square near to a mosque killed 75 and wounded 204 people.

June 24, 2007: A suicide car bomb targeted and killed six members of Unifil near the border with Israel. Two others were also injured. The casualties were Spanish and Colombian nationals.

June 29,June 30, 2007: 2007 Glasgow International Airport attack, 2007 London car bombs, 2007 UK terrorist incidents. Car bomb plot suspected Al-Qaeda. At Glasgow Airport car rams into main terminal causing minor injuries to five and setting off blaze. Explosive device caught fire instead of detonating. In London's West End attempt to set off two car bombs by suspected cell phone triggers fail. One car is towed before device is discovered in underground car park. Police link two incidents. Police find suicide notes on two suspects in London incident.Eight men arrested. One Glasgow suspect critically burned. One of the five men could be an associate of Dhiren Bharot a high level Al-Qaeda operative. Authorities say London bombs could have caused "significant loss of life". The two incidents have been linked, by police, to the same two people.

July 2, 2007: Seven Spanish tourists and at least two Yemenis killed and another 5 wounded in suicide bombing attack at the Queen of Sheba temple in Marib.

Hundreds of acts of violence and hatred in the name of Allah and yes, I've fallen behind in keeping up my listing so there are even more than these to list. Please tell us when Islam will stand up and put its money where its mouth is about being peaceful. It looks to me like you're just a bunch of liars.
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This article is an answer on the mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

To read the full text visit this link pls


It's little wonder why Muslims go off on a rampage whenever they feel the need for violence.

We and every Muslim who feels pride in his religion is grieved by what these fools and criminals have done by mocking our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) who is the best man who ever walked on this earth

To mock Muhammad is the same as being a criminal, although no crime ever takes place. Clearly, this is a lie meant to incite violence.

we are prepared to sacrifice our lives in defence of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) – is nevertheless something which brings us glad tidings of their doom

Muslims will go to any lengths to defend and condone their position of violence, all the while happy to commit their violent actions against other people.

When the Muslims besieged a stronghold and its people resisted...

Conquering and converting by force?

There are many historical cases where those who mocked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) were destroyed and finished off.

Violence is no stranger to the Muslim.

Moreover, why do they resent the leader of mankind, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)?

They resent him because...

At this point, the author goes off creating the most ridiculous reasons for Muslims to be violent, none of which have any relevance to non-muslims.

They resent him because he is the Messenger of Allaah! Allaah, may He be exalted, is the One Who chose him above all mankind to convey His message and receive His revelation.

The signs of his Prophethood are innumerable.

Have they not heard about the splitting of the moon? Have they not heard how water sprang from his fingers time after time?

Since non-muslims may not believe in the same fairy tales as Muslims, they are at the mercy of their innumerable whims of violence.

It was narrated from one of their kings that a man who followed the same religion as him (Christian) was brought to him, who used to revile the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and accuse him of lying. The king summoned his religious scholars and asked them: How long does a liar remain for? They said: Such and such – thirty years or thereabouts. The king said: This religion of Muhammad has lasted for more than five hundred years or six hundred years [i.e., at the time of that king], and it is prevailing and is accepted and followed. How can he be a liar? Then he had that man beheaded.

Beheading appears to be the form of dealing with so-called liars (non-muslims). Yet, it is perfectly acceptable to lie for the sake of Muhammad.

A clear message was sent to the West: that we Muslims will never accept to see our religion insulted or humiliated, or any transgression against our Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). We will all sacrifice ourselves for him.

We should request them to punish the criminals for their crime.

So much for the religion of peace.
All right, all right, let's everyone back up a little bit. I appreciate everyone has a passionate take on the case, of one form or another. :D

tresbien - you're just posting a link here. I appreciate that you have feelings on this issue, but you need to post some kind of a personal opinion or something here to be debated. Do you strive hard only with the words of another? Give something of yourself here.


Ok, I was wrong a bit: your point appears to be mockery of Mohammed, which was actually stated.

So you feel, obviously, that this is wrong. But why is it wrong? Merely on the basis of the Quran? But what of those of us who don't believe in the Quran or follow Mohammed? Obviously we feel no reverence for this figure, as you wouldn't for, say, the divinity of Jesus. What should be the right action for you if we continue to mock Mohammed, either individually or societally? What is the correct political position or legal position? What sort of punishment should be meted out to those that mock Quranic figures, Mohammed included?


Tresbien, you (and all who think as you do) should stay out of western countries, and you should not read western media, or watch western films or television. Problem solved.

If you think that you may dictate to those who do not believe in your particular brand of superstition, you are very sadly mistaken.
Well put.

Also, why may not the converse be done, then? Is there a reason - aside from scriptural - that I for instance should tolerate the denial of the Trinity by islam, say? Is there a reason that I should not prosetylize in islamic countries? (Aside from the physical, obviously.)


let there be respect

i believe, everyone should respect eachother's belief regardsless of whatever it is. one should be open to discussion in a respectful manner, w/o mocking.
and believers should respond peacefully the those who mocks religious figures.
if we go on to say " my religion is better than your religion, fight will go forever, with no gain at the end.
thats what i believe.
It would be unfair on my part to illspeak about any one without knowing him or well or read about him or her from reliable sources .Mohamed may peace be upon him is the kindest man on earth.He gives much and tolerate much.he was the most generous man whose life was for putting smile on the lips of the poor and needy and for his kindheartdness to all races.
pls visit this link to know him well
We should respect each other and do not insult each other.Support your arguments with evidences and examples rather than groundless charges.
YET this does not reflect in the first link you posted as it seems intolerence and hate is the word of the day and instead of talking and expressing your view you throw around your religion instead of words from your own mind, I would like to think you are here to speak and share a message rather it seems you are just one person that is part of a larger group who has been sent to sites like this as a means to pass information or in this case propaganda because you have no free will or personal thought in your subjects.
I think the hypersensitivity, and completely disproportionate reaction by the Muslim community of Europe to a perceived slight is very telling about their collective insecurity.

A person of deep faith, and security in their beliefs, is simply not going lose all sense of reason, and go around burning cars, demanding death of a cartoonist, and in general being anti-social because of a damn cartoon.

If a bloody cartoon is all it takes for ones faith to be shaken, it's doubtful their faith and supposedly spirituality will offer them any comfort in times of real misery and sorrow.

I wish I could believe this was only a tiny percentage of the Muslim population, but unfortunately, the numbers refute that notion.
The list of events from the public media is evidence enough to show Islam to be the most violent religion on the Earth today. This title has been earned over the last 40 year from a never ending unwarranted assaults on innocents by Muslims. It should come as no surprise that outsiders will report this by using violent depictions of Islamic symbols. If the Muslims were truly offended by such things as cartoons of Muhammad they would hunt down those that actually tarnished the image of Islam and not those that simply reported it.
The list of events from the public media is evidence enough to show Islam to be the most violent religion on the Earth today. This title has been earned over the last 40 year from a never ending unwarranted assaults on innocents by Muslims. It should come as no surprise that outsiders will report this by using violent depictions of Islamic symbols. If the Muslims were truly offended by such things as cartoons of Muhammad they would hunt down those that actually tarnished the image of Islam and not those that simply reported it.

If you add up only the people killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would surpass the "list" you presented above.

Not counting the gulags, the holocaust, the two world wars, the continuous wars fought by the western world since WWII, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the support for dictators and oppressive regimes and the enforcement of inequitable treaties, laws, the creation of teh state ofIsrael, etc.

The massive civilian death count from all of the above will probably add up to the most violent culture to ever beset this earth. And thats just the last 60 or so years of it.

If you add up only the people killed by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would surpass the "list" you presented above.

Not counting the gulags, the holocaust, the two world wars, the continuous wars fought by the western world since WWII, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the support for dictators and oppressive regimes and the enforcement of inequitable treaties, laws, the creation of teh state ofIsrael, etc.

The massive civilian death count from all of the above will probably add up to the most violent culture to ever beset this earth. And thats just the last 60 or so years of it.

as true as that all is you are speaking of WAR he/she is speaking of killing in the name of GOD.
as true as that all is you are speaking of WAR he/she is speaking of killing in the name of GOD.

Yeah, apparently western civilisation is the most dangerous thing on earth. More than Muslims, more than God.

Whats the solution for that?
ya right

Yeah, apparently western civilisation is the most dangerous thing on earth. More than Muslims, more than God.

Whats the solution for that?


Who said anything about America? After all you cannot blame the Muslims in China for what the Iraqis are doing either. Or can you?

But apparently, they should also be ridiculed by the Danes simply so that the Danes can feel good about themselves.

Why do Americans allow the Saudis to invest 65% of their 800 billion dollars in their country? An oppressive regime that follows the teachings of a Prophet they mock?

Shouldn't the people of the West boycott the oil they buy from Muslim countries? From regimes they detest and deplore?

Stop doing business with terrorists.