Other Worlds and Creationism

Originally posted by Scorpius
"this question has been answered already
evolution is a fact how it happens is a theory

Somebody hasn't been doing his homework, but it seems you know nothing of biochemistry so to help you here is another link:


Tell me after you see it......... which is the real myth?? :cool:
SnakeLord said:
church (England) gives

religion - all the time
science - never

Yes but the point is you have a choice of going to church. I am not suggesting science should not be taught in school, but there should be a bit more of a balance, discussisng different religions and philosophies - not as truth but as discussions of differing ideas in the world.

SnakeLord said:
I never realised there was a problem with typing with conviction. I like to write, I like it to look interesting and meaningful, but it seems you're reading it wrong..

No problem with conviction - I like your conviction. But when you write with convication , you cannot as well imply that the subject matter is not important to you.

SnakeLord said:
The rest of the point is focused on how one is a study of what has evidence and support vs something that has no evidence or support. Out of your time scale above, how long is given to study odin? Or perhaps leprechauns? Do leprechauns not have exactly the same amount of evidence to support them as god does, so why should they not be taught about?.

See my answer to Sarkus above, which probably crossed with your post. There can be logical argument to the existence of the spiritual.

SnakeLord said:
I have a 5 year old daughter. Perhaps you'll understand if you have a 5 year old daugher being forced to stand up in class and say: "thank you god for looking after me", or singing jesus holy songs because the teacher says so, or coming home and telling me god will save her if she's a good girl.

She's 5 years old, it's her rights I am concerned about and my rights to raise my daughter free from the abuse I consider such action to be. If I want my daughter bowing, praying and singing to the clouds I will take her to church.

And this was my main reason for replying. ( and yes, I do have children too).

There is a difference between religious education in school and conducting religious practice in school.

Religious education I agree with, but religious practice absolutely not. Also your child is protected from this under English law. No school may force a child to undertake religious worship. You have the right under law to have your child excepted from such services, and the school has to make provision for such. If I were you I would contact your school immediatley, question what they are doing and have you daughter excepted from this. You may be able to report this school to your local education authority.

Unless your child goes to a private church school - in which case (given your views) why??
Yazdajerd said:
Originally posted by Scorpius
"this question has been answered already
evolution is a fact how it happens is a theory

Somebody hasn't been doing his homework, but it seems you know nothing of biochemistry so to help you here is another link:


Tell me after you see it......... which is the real myth?? :cool:
To quote that site:
"Let us now ask what kind of evidence these fossils, which have undergone no changes despite all the climatic changes over the last 110 million years, constitute? That these creatures have undergone no evolution, of course. When considered together with other known living fossils from many species, these represent evidence that species have not turned into other species throughout the course of natural history and that they have remained unchanged for millions of years, maintaining all their characteristic features for as long as they have been in existence."
Logical fallacy.
The evidence merely shows that THOSE PARTICULAR species have survived without needing to evolve.
Why is this such a difficult thing to accept?
They probably haven't NEEDED to evolve. If I found an evolutionary niche that meant my favoured habitat would continue somewhere on the planet regardless of other geological / meterological changes, then why would I want to evolve, why would I need to evolve?

This is merely evidence that evolution is something that doesn't have to happen if there is no need to.

These animals have survived 80 million years just as they are - so why bother evolving!
Originally posted by SnakeLord
"That's not what I was getting at, but nevermind. In all those 5,000 years and not one testable, observable or supportable theory, not one fact. It's all guesswork supported by more guesswork. Hope supported by hope, wishful thinking supported by wishful thinking."

So, according to you the mirracles that supposedly happened and witnessed by a big number of people, like raising the dead or splitting the sea apart is just "wishful thinking"..........

Wow, I'm impressed by your way in respecting your fellow man............ :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Sarkus
"The evidence merely shows that THOSE PARTICULAR species have survived without needing to evolve.
Why is this such a difficult thing to accept?
They probably haven't NEEDED to evolve. If I found an evolutionary niche that meant my favoured habitat would continue somewhere on the planet regardless of other geological / meterological changes, then why would I want to evolve, why would I need to evolve

Oh, wait...... do you mean evolution doesn't exist????
Thanks, but thats what it implies since all fossils found were of that type!!
There is not one evidence to support the existance of a link between different species, except those science-fictional images made by evolutionists....

But let me ask, since most humans dream of flying, why isn't there a flying primate........ only if you consider airplanes to be evolved humans!! :D
i cant help wondering why snake lord is so concerned about fairies and sky daddies. could this be some kind of unresolved childhood complex?

Slightly amusing, but otherwise worthless. My concerns, as highlighted earlier, are about people enforcing their religious horseshit onto a 5 year old child.

So, according to you the mirracles that supposedly happened and witnessed by a big number of people, like raising the dead or splitting the sea apart is just "wishful thinking"..........

Wow, I'm impressed by your way in respecting your fellow man............

Take note of: "supposedly". Listen carefully: You do not have "a big number of people" as witnesses. You have one or two people who decided to write a story and say there was "a big number of people". Overall witness count = under 5. And do you know those people? No. Can you in any way establish credibility to anything they say? No. Did you put them through psych evaluation, drug testing, sanity testing or anything to even come close to being able to class them as witnesses? No. Did anyone else there at the time even mention the arrival of god on planet earth? No. Is there any evidence to even suggest any of these "supposed" miracles happened? No.

What you have my friend, is a big fat "no".

But hey, while we're on the subject of "a big number of people". Did you know there are a "big number of people" that claim to have seen the loch ness monster? There are an astounding amount of people that claim to have seen aliens and UFO's, or bigfoot. There are a vast amount of 'witness accounts' of vampires, werewolves, leprechauns, unicorns, fire breathing dragons and a bunch of people stating they've seen Elvis still alive somewhere in America.

But let me ask, since most humans dream of flying, why isn't there a flying primate........

Because bananas aren't in the air.

Yes but the point is you have a choice of going to church. I am not suggesting science should not be taught in school, but there should be a bit more of a balance, discussisng different religions and philosophies - not as truth but as discussions of differing ideas in the world.

And as I mentioned, if you want to learn about religion go to church or mosque or synagogue. Or failing that make a choice to do it. Dunno about your side of the country but here RE is a compulsory part of the curriculum. I would assume considering it's the national curriculum that it's the same where you are. Of course RE is also overly bias and concentrates on the main couple of religions while completely ignoring those that are not so popular - and it is generally not 'taught' from an unbiased perspective either.

See my answer to Sarkus above, which probably crossed with your post. There can be logical argument to the existence of the spiritual.

And that very same argument can be used to try and support the existence of leprechauns. Think that should be taught in school too?

There is a difference between religious education in school and conducting religious practice in school.

I suppose that would depend on the school and the teacher.

Also your child is protected from this under English law. No school may force a child to undertake religious worship. You have the right under law to have your child excepted from such services, and the school has to make provision for such. If I were you I would contact your school immediatley, question what they are doing and have you daughter excepted from this. You may be able to report this school to your local education authority.

Already have. Do I come across as being the kind of person to just let them get away with it? I now remove my daughter whenever they're getting upto some religious garbage. However, the education board and the school tell me it is a part of the curriculum - which includes things like nativity plays/hymn singing at christmas time and other such christian orientated activities.

Unless your child goes to a private church school - in which case (given your views) why??

She doesn't.
http://www.biblehelp.org/planet.htm Is there Life on Other Planets?
Understanding God http://www.biblehelp.org/whogod.htm
What is God's Race http://www.biblehelp.org/godrace.htm
Could Jesus have Sinned? http://www.biblehelp.org/jesussin.htm
What an Awesome God http://www.biblehelp.org/awegod.htm
7-Day Creation: Figurative or Literal? http://www.biblehelp.org/7day.htm
Is There Life on Other Planets? http://www.biblehelp.org/planet.htm
UFOs -1: Fact or Fiction? http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo1.htm
UFOs -2: Distances are too Great http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo2.htm
UFOs -3: Ultra High-Speeds are Impossible http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo3.htm
UFOs -4: High Speed Collisions http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo4.htm
UFOs -5: Could Force Fields Protects a Spaceship? http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo5.htm
UFOs -6: Outer Space is Anything, but Empty http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo6.htm
UFOs -7: Problems Detecting Objects in it Path http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo7.htm
UFOs -8: Unable to Avoid Objects in its Path http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo8.htm
UFOs -9: Footnotes http://www.biblehelp.org/ufo9.htm
http://www.icr.org/bible/bhta31.html Question: “Are there intelligent beings on other planets?”
http://www.delusionresistance.org/ufo/ufo_origins.html What Are UFO's--The Purpose Behind Sexual Experiments:
http://www.pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia/02star10.htm Here are 12 reasons why interstellar manned space rocket travel will never occur. Any one or two of the following scientific facts is enough to rule it out. Yet people continue dreaming. This is science vs. evolution—a Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia, brought to you by Creation Science Facts.
CONTENTS: Interstellar Space Rocket Travel
1 - Physical Deterioration - Do not underrate it
2 - Wear and Breakdown - Always to be considered
3 - Radiation Hazards - It could be dangerously present
4 - Meteoroids - Eventually they would strike
5 - Repairs Unlikely - Yet breakdowns would surely occur
6 - Motion Sickness - It would have to be contended with
7 - Air Pollution - It is inevitable
8 - Energy Sources - They are inadequate
9 - Interpersonal Conflicts - Explosions would occur
10 - Distances Too Vast - They would doom the project
11 - Radio Contact - Do not forget this factor
12 - Objectives Unlikely - Might as well forget the whole idea
http://www.carm.org/questions/lifeonplanets.htm Does the Bible tell us if there is life on other planets?