original sin?

originally posted by Quantum Quack
Often when people want to counter a religious expression of joy they go to the other extreme and suggest quite strongly that even though the dis-believe in a God they are strong in suggesting that he is reponsible for the big negatives in life.

To me this sounds of a believer who is incredibly dissappointed with his belief.
To be truelly atheist one does not blame the thing they disbelieve in....
To hold a resentment towards religion and "God" is to state a belief be it a negative belief.
Bravo QQ. I wish more people would realize this.

Of course, the standard reply is that they are merely trying to argue with the theist on his level. As in "OK, suppose God exist, then ..." But they never really accept the complete premise, and their argument ends up being artificial. Most of the time an atheist would momentarily believe in his own version of "God" and argue from there, but he will never adjust his perception of God if he turns out to be mistaken about Him. In fact, he will rarely admit he was mistaken in the first place...
No need to put "original" as an adjective for sin SINCE biblically speaking, sin is the transgression of the law. If what you mean to say is the concept, no, it`s not biblical. There`s no biblical concept regarding "original" sin.

(Refer: Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. Matthew 12:31


All unrighteousness is sin: and there is a sin not unto death. 1 John 5:17)