original sin?

There is only the One Spirit of God that we share. There are no old or new souls (plural), there is only the One Spriit of God, so you didn't "inherit" it from someone else. However, the portion of the One Spirit of God that lives within you may have lived within someone else. Generally, I've read that the same portion of the One Spirit of God tends to stay within the same families. Have you ever heard anyone say, "The baby sure looks like Uncle Harry!"
Can there be oneness when there is only one M*W?
M*W 's One spirit idea is equivalent to the ocean and waves. though the waves seem to have individuality and temporal attributes they are integral part of the one big ocean.

But she got this idea in a confused way.:

Generally, I've read that the same portion of the One Spirit of God tends to stay within the same families. Have you ever heard anyone say, "The baby sure looks like Uncle Harry!"

Mixing physical attributes with soul to prove the unity of spirit seems a confusion obviously.
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Originally posted by Quantum Quack
What can I say!!!??
Maybe it should be rephrased: God does not take responisibility for the stupidity of misusing our freedom. What He allows is freedom. What we do with it is our responsibility.

Can you please quote any where in the bible where is states this as said by God. That he does not take full responsibility.

Excuse my ignorance

Any bible will do
Originally posted by Quantum Quack

Can you please quote any where in the bible where is states this as said by God. That he does not take full responsibility.

Excuse my ignorance

Any bible will do
Leviticus 5:17
"If a person sins and does what is forbidden in any of the LORD's commands, even though he does not know it, he is guilty and will be held responsible."

God does not take responsibility for what we do. He does take responsibility for bringing good and bad over us when it is His will - what we do with it is our decision, and accordingly, our responsibility.

Luke 11:50
49Because of this, God in his wisdom said, 'I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and others they will persecute.' Therefore this generation will be held responsible for the blood of all the prophets that has been shed since the beginning of the world.

Prophets are people who tell you what God expects; they show you where God will act and where He will assume responsibility. To act outside God's will is to assume authority over God, and you take full responsibility for that.

Sin creates a pool of guilt that stretches from Adam until today - that spills from his life to yours - and whoever drinks from it at any stage in time has part in it - in Adam's sin - and needs to be saved.
sounds a bit like delegated responsibility to me.

May be the laws of Principle and agent should come into effect?:)
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
sounds a bit like delegated responsibility to me.

May be the laws of Principle and agent should come into effect?:)
You're not far off. The welfare of our nature (in both senses) is our responsibility. The welfare of our soul is God's, and He has taken exquisite care of it. But the soul goes where the body leads.
Originally posted by everneo
M*W 's One spirit idea is equivalent to the ocean and waves. though the waves seem to have individuality and temporal attributes they are integral part of the one big ocean.

But she got this idea in a confused way.:

Well, that was not the best example! I liked yours better. Physical attributes really don't matter where the spirit is concerned.

Mixing physical attributes with soul to prove the unity of spirit seems a confusion obviously.
M*W: That was not the best example. I liked yours better. Physical attributes really don't matter where the spirit is concerned. That's not to say that physical attributes are not important to do the work of the spirit. Let's use a severely handicapped child or adult, for example. Just because they may have severe limitations of physical/mental attributes, spiritually they could very well be more advanced.

It's just that for me to reconcile the nature of the soul is simply that everthing has a soul. even an ashtray.....as to life after death well...who knows?

Exactly, who knows?

But I find it interesting people are ready to admit they have souls, are ready to admit even ashtray’s have souls (that’s a good one), but simply cannot come up with any reasonable definition of that which is invisible and non-detectable.

I quote from another sciforum member:

“The invisible and the non-existent are one and the same.”
M*W: It emanates from us as our aura or "halo." It's our energy field. It can emanate sometimes in subtle hints of color.

Really? Why has this so-called ‘halo of color’ never been detected? How do you know about it?

M*W: The soul/energy field moves through our bodies. I would imagine this energy field is constantly moving through us, with us, in us. It is what gives us interconnectedness with the universe.

Yes, the key word in this statement is “imagine.”

M*W: There is only the One Spirit of God that we share. There are no old or new souls (plural), there is only the One Spriit of God, so you didn't "inherit" it from someone else.

One soul? So, I am sharing this soul with murderers and rapists? How much of the soul do I get? Is it a percentage? Where was this soul prior to man’s existence?

God that lives within you may have lived within someone else. Generally, I've read that the same portion of the One Spirit of God tends to stay within the same families. Have you ever heard anyone say, "The baby sure looks like Uncle Harry!"

Term of endearment, wouldn’t you say? You are inferring that the soul takes on the physical looks of family members and genetics has nothing to do with it?

M*W: Yes. The soul may not feel the same as the body with a nervous system would, but the "pain" the body feels is imprinted on the soul. That's what we call genetic memory.

Genetic memory is theorized to be the information passed along with our DNA. Are you saying that our DNA is our soul?

M*W: First, I don't believe in death per se.

So, the thought that we may exist for a short time on this Earth doesn’t sit well with you? Are you of the mind that man is somehow immortal?

M*W: Perhaps. I tend to think that the portion of the One Spirit of God that will dwell in that baby has made contact with the fetus off and on in utero.

Is the soul checking up on the progress of the fetus or simply dropping by to say hello now and again? Maybe the soul is giving the fetus a “fitting.”

This is where the lessons of life are learned and the One Spirit of God determines the body it will occupy.

What are these so-called ‘lessons of life?’ What do you mean by determining the body it will occupy?

To answer your question, a baby is born with a portion of the One Spirit of God.

Is this ‘portion’ doled out at birth? If the soul is some sort of ‘energy halo of color,’ why is it not detected during birth? Why do some babies die at birth? Did god decide they didn’t deserve a portion of this soul?

There is not an individual soul for each person. There's only one that we all share.

If we are all sharing one soul, why can’t I ‘see’ your thoughts or ‘hear’ what is going on in your head? How is the soul divided up amongst the billions of people in the world and no one portion is in contact with the other? As more people inhabit the Earth, do the portions of soul get smaller? Is the portion of soul that I have bigger than the ones given to new babies today?
Originally posted by (Q)
M*W: It emanates from us as our aura or "halo." It's our energy field. It can emanate sometimes in subtle hints of color.
Really? Why has this so-called ‘halo of color’ never been detected? How do you know about it?
M*W: Oh, but it HAS been detected, and there is enough literature out there on the subject. I've known about it for most of my life--well before the "New Age Movement." You can see it if you look for it. If you're blind to it, you probably won't see it. Different people have different auras. The more 'spiritual' one is, the brighter the aura.
M*W: The soul/energy field moves through our bodies. I would imagine this energy field is constantly moving through us, with us, in us. It is what gives us interconnectedness with the universe.
Yes, the key word in this statement is “imagine.”
M*W: I didn't write the book on it, so I "visualize" how the spirit moves through us. Just becuse you can't "imagine" it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!
M*W: There is only the One Spirit of God that we share. There are no old or new souls (plural), there is only the One Spriit of God, so you didn't "inherit" it from someone else.
One soul? So, I am sharing this soul with murderers and rapists? How much of the soul do I get? Is it a percentage? Where was this soul prior to man’s existence?
M*W: Yes, one soul. And, yes, you ARE sharing the One Spirit of God with murderers and rapists. How much of the One Spirit moves through you depends on YOU! How much "removed" from the spirit others are depends on them. It's called "free-will." Prior to our existence, the One Spirit of God existed before the Big Bang and will continue to exist beyond the next Big Bang. Where is this soul? It's EVERYWHERE there is positive energy. It's NOWHERE there is a vacuum or negative energy.
God that lives within you may have lived within someone else. Generally, I've read that the same portion of the One Spirit of God tends to stay within the same families. Have you ever heard anyone say, "The baby sure looks like Uncle Harry!"
Term of endearment, wouldn’t you say? You are inferring that the soul takes on the physical looks of family members and genetics has nothing to do with it?
M*W: I said earlier in another post that this was a bad example. The One Spirit of God has no physical appearance, only man and nature have physical attributes. Genetics has everything to do with with our appearance. Our soul is an electrophysiological manifestation that dwells in our bodies and keeps us alive.
M*W: Yes. The soul may not feel the same as the body with a nervous system would, but the "pain" the body feels is imprinted on the soul. That's what we call genetic memory.
Genetic memory is theorized to be the information passed along with our DNA. Are you saying that our DNA is our soul?
M*W: You are right about genetic memory in our DNA. The One Spirit of God can also dwell in our DNA just as it dwells in all of creation. Perhaps that explains why it has been said that the soul "tends" to stay within family structures.
M*W: First, I don't believe in death per se.
So, the thought that we may exist for a short time on this Earth doesn’t sit well with you? Are you of the mind that man is somehow immortal?
M*W: Immortal--not now. When I look at the greater picture of creation, death is but a transition not a finality. Therefore, I don't believe there is a such thing as death as we know it. There is "genetic decay," originally quoted by someone else on this forum. I like this description. The physical body is subject to "genetic decay." The soul never dies.
M*W: Perhaps. I tend to think that the portion of the One Spirit of God that will dwell in that baby has made contact with the fetus off and on in utero.
Is the soul checking up on the progress of the fetus or simply dropping by to say hello now and again? Maybe the soul is giving the fetus a “fitting.”
M*W: Haven't you ever heard it said of a pregnant woman that she has a special "glow?" That's the spirit moving through the baby before birth. When, why and how the spirit moves is determined by the spirit, not me.
This is where the lessons of life are learned and the One Spirit of God determines the body it will occupy.
What are these so-called ‘lessons of life?’ What do you mean by determining the body it will occupy?
M*W: Wrongs that are righted. Sins that atoned for. Dis-eases that are healed. The spirit determines which body it will occupy and why based on spiritual needs.
To answer your question, a baby is born with a portion of the One Spirit of God.
Is this ‘portion’ doled out at birth? If the soul is some sort of ‘energy halo of color,’ why is it not detected during birth? Why do some babies die at birth? Did god decide they didn’t deserve a portion of this soul?
M*W: It's actually "doled out" before birth AND before conception. It's possible that a baby could have a halo during birth, but the spirit dwells within a body and generally requires an entire lifetime to manifest to the max. The babies that die before, during or after birth, simply return to nature. The spirit never dies. For whatever reasons, the baby's soul returned to the source.
There is not an individual soul for each person. There's only one that we all share.
If we are all sharing one soul, why can’t I ‘see’ your thoughts or ‘hear’ what is going on in your head? How is the soul divided up amongst the billions of people in the world and no one portion is in contact with the other? As more people inhabit the Earth, do the portions of soul get smaller? Is the portion of soul that I have bigger than the ones given to new babies today?
M*W: You can't 'see' or 'hear' my thoughts, or know what is going on in mine or anyone else's head, because you CHOOSE NOT TO. How is the soul divided? The One Spirit of God is infinite. There's plenty of God to go around and then some. No, the portions of the soul do not get smaller with more people! Is your soul bigger than a baby's? I would hope so--and this is NOT to say that a baby is less divine than you. You've had more time for spiritual growth and resurrection than the baby. I hope you use it wisely.
M*W: Oh, but it HAS been detected, and there is enough literature out there on the subject.

I have found nothing of the sort in any peer-reviewed journals. Where is this literature?

You can see it if you look for it. If you're blind to it, you probably won't see it.

That makes no sense – if it exists, we should be able to see it unless one is clinically blind.

Different people have different auras. The more 'spiritual' one is, the brighter the aura.

I have yet to see this so-called aura on anybody, including the pope.

Just becuse you can't "imagine" it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

And just because you CAN imagine it does NOT mean it exists.

Where is this soul? It's EVERYWHERE there is positive energy. It's NOWHERE there is a vacuum or negative energy.

Those are new terms for me. What is positive and negative energy? What do you mean by a vacuum?

Our soul is an electrophysiological manifestation that dwells in our bodies and keeps us alive.

And yet this electrophysiological manifestation has yet to be detected – funny that you alone know about this amazing discovery. Can you link a paper to this phenomenon?

M*W: Haven't you ever heard it said of a pregnant woman that she has a special "glow?" That's the spirit moving through the baby before birth. When, why and how the spirit moves is determined by the spirit, not me.

That’s quite a stretch of the imagination. I’ve never seen a pregnant woman “glow.” Do they glow in the dark?

M*W: Wrongs that are righted. Sins that atoned for. Dis-eases that are healed. The spirit determines which body it will occupy and why based on spiritual needs.

What about the wrongs that are never righted, sins not atoned, diseases that never heal? Are you saying the spirit can think and make these determinations before entering a body? How does it do that?

M*W: It's actually "doled out" before birth AND before conception.

So, you are saying that a ‘doled out’ portion of soul is floating around somewhere before conception? What if conception does not take place – what happens to that portion of soul? Does it get recycled?

It's possible that a baby could have a halo during birth, but the spirit dwells within a body and generally requires an entire lifetime to manifest to the max.

What does that mean? How does a soul ‘manifest to the max?’

The babies that die before, during or after birth, simply return to nature. The spirit never dies. For whatever reasons, the baby's soul returned to the source.

You’ve contradicted yourself. You are implying that god made a mistake and did not know the baby was going to die.

M*W: You can't 'see' or 'hear' my thoughts, or know what is going on in mine or anyone else's head, because you CHOOSE NOT TO.

Ah yes, a very convenient answer – I choose not to. Sorry, but that argument has no meaning because regardless of whether I choose to or not choose to, I cannot hear or see others in the ‘shared soul.’ At this time, I choose to see and hear… nothing so far.

The One Spirit of God is infinite. There's plenty of God to go around and then some.

Of course it is, how silly of me to think otherwise. There are an infinite amount of portions of soul to go around.

But I’m not happy with my portion; it does not appear to be functioning. For some reason, I want to see and feel and hear these gods that everyone keeps talking about, but all I keep getting is Mexican hat-dance music.

You've had more time for spiritual growth and resurrection than the baby.

It appears I’ve had no spiritual growth whatsoever, as far as I can tell. Could you please tell me how I might monitor this growth?

I hope you use it wisely.

Sure, tell me how.
Despite popular belief, God was the first being to sin. He began by creating imperfect beings in a world where imperfections lead to an almost garaunteed stay in eternal damnation.

Technically though, God's wrongs can not be considered a sin. "Sin" is a religious word, and only applys to wrongs set according to God's standards. In fact, sin would not even exist if God wasn't such an obsessive compulsive, judgmental jackass. God would never admit fault himself. He only creates moral standards for beings infinitely dumber than himelf. He only uses the eternal suffering punishment on beings infinitely less important than him. God could never sin himself! Why? Because He says so. And who is "He"? Nobody knows who He is. We just believe everything He says. Why do we believe in an unknown source of information? Because we are gullible idiots.
Originally posted by matnay
Despite popular belief, God was the first being to sin. He began by creating imperfect beings in a world where imperfections lead to an almost garaunteed stay in eternal damnation.

Technically though, God's wrongs can not be considered a sin. "Sin" is a religious word, and only applys to wrongs set according to God's standards. In fact, sin would not even exist if God wasn't such an obsessive compulsive, judgmental jackass. God would never admit fault himself. He only creates moral standards for beings infinitely dumber than himelf. He only uses the eternal suffering punishment on beings infinitely less important than him. God could never sin himself! Why? Because He says so. And who is "He"? Nobody knows who He is. We just believe everything He says. Why do we believe in an unknown source of information? Because we are gullible idiots.
You have a weird concept of sin. Replace the word "sin" in your post with "missing your purpose" and see what it says. You are blaming God for existing and thereby presenting you with a right way of life - a purpose that you can miss. And that's just one aspect of it.

And don't you realize, for you, sin doesn't exist. So what are you complaining about. Didn't God let you have it the way you want it? You just don't want to be held responsible for your freedom, is that it?
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Re: Re: original sin?

Originally posted by Jenyar
You have a weird concept of sin. Replace the word "sin" in your post with "missing your purpose" and see what it says. You are blaming God for existing and thereby presenting you with a right way of life - a purpose that you can miss. And that's just one aspect of it.

And don't you realize, for you, sin doesn't exist. So what are you complaining about. Didn't God let you have it the way you want it? You just don't want to be held responsible for your freedom, is that it?

So if I choose not to live my life according to the way God wants me too(missing my purpose), I am sinning and I will go to hell. This is not freedom. Did the african slaves have freedom when they were brought over to America? No. Sure, they could choose to run away and live there own lives, hoping that it wouldn't catch up with them. That's not freedom. God says that when we don't let him in our lives that we are lost. But when it comes time to punish us for eternity, he finds us real quick. Again, that's not freedom.

Sure, I do think that I should be held responsible for my freedom, as we all should. We have a humane system set up for this already on Earth- it's called modern civilization. It's not perfect, but at least it's humane(for the most part). You may be too scared to admit that eternal damnation is certainly not a punishment deserving of anyone. Nothing that any human is capable of doing, no matter how wrong, warrants eternal pain and suffering. God could fix this problem real quick, but he chooses not too. Eternal damnation is a punishment perfectly fit for an eternal God. Instead he chooses to make our souls eternal and send us there in his place.

You are blaming God for existing...

That's right, I am. God did choose to create us, using his Godly freedom. He fucked up big time, as there are an uncountable number of souls now suffering incredible pain for eternity. God was bored I guess. So why shouldn't God be held responsible for using his freedom. Oh that's right, there's no power higher than this tyranical maniac.

We're all supposed to take for granted that God is doing the right thing. Even when God dishes out psychotic punishments, we are expected to think that God is doing something right- something so right that our mere human brains could not possibly comprehend. We're completely clueless creatures, yet God has no problem with punishing us as if we are on his same intellectual level. If you don't see that this is wrong, then you are a good slave.
Originally posted by (Q) I have found nothing of the sort in any peer-reviewed journals. Where is this literature?
M*W: : Stud Anc Med. 2002;25:1-171. Related Articles, Links

The art is long: on the sacred disease and the scientific tradition.

Laskaris J.

Publication Types: Biography
Historical Article

MeSH Terms:
Greek World/history*
History of Medicine, Ancient
History of Medicine, Early Modern
History of Medicine, Medieval
History of Medicine, Modern
Religion and Medicine*
Religion and Science*

Personal Name as Subject: Hippocrates

PMID: 13678056 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
That makes no sense – if it exists, we should be able to see it unless one is clinically blind.
M*W: Like I said, if you LOOK for it, you will SEE it. I absolutely cannot believe you've never heard of this phenomena. You must live in a cave or in a jungle somewhere!
I have yet to see this so-called aura on anybody, including the pope.
M*W: Have you ever seen the pope in person? I have, and he definitely has a beautiful aura.
And just because you CAN imagine it does NOT mean it exists.
M*W: Do you not have access to a public library? I know you have the Internet, so look it up there!
Those are new terms for me. What is positive and negative energy? What do you mean by a vacuum?
M*W: You don't know what positive and negative energy are? I assumed you had at least some schooling! Have you never been shocked before by a battery or static electricity? If you haven't, it's possible that you are nothing but dead meat.
And yet this electrophysiological manifestation has yet to be detected – funny that you alone know about this amazing discovery. Can you link a paper to this phenomenon?
M*W: I've posted lengthy citations from Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, by Laurence Gardner. Look for them and this will give you the explanation you seek. I am NOT the one who made this discovery. You have lived a very sheltered life and obviously don't do a lot of reading. What a pity!
That’s quite a stretch of the imagination. I’ve never seen a pregnant woman “glow.” Do they glow in the dark?
M*W: You sound as if you have been a lifelong hermit living in a far away cave. If you've never seen the glow of a pregnant woman, I feel sorry for you. Do you have a social anxiety disorder or something? I'm beginning to think you have no soul.
What about the wrongs that are never righted, sins not atoned, diseases that never heal? Are you saying the spirit can think and make these determinations before entering a body? How does it do that?
M*W: Sometimes that is the case. Nobody wants to be born retarded or handicapped or with a terminal disease. The spirit knows what the spirit needs and takes it from there. When the One Spirit of God occupies a body that is disease-ridden or malformed, there is a REASON for it. This person may have done something in his/her past life to need atonement. This life they are seeking that atonement.
So, you are saying that a ‘doled out’ portion of soul is floating around somewhere before conception? What if conception does not take place – what happens to that portion of soul? Does it get recycled?
M*W: Yes it is "recycled," but more accurately, the part returns to the whole source--God.
What does that mean? How does a soul ‘manifest to the max?’
M*W: The One Spirit of God will dwell in a body as long as it needs to in order to reach atonement. It could be one day or 100 years. It's different for everyone.
You’ve contradicted yourself. You are implying that god made a mistake and did not know the baby was going to die.
M*W: I am not implying that God "made a mistake." There are NO accidents! The One Spirit of God is the embodiment of all knowledge. It is the parents who did not know the baby would die. The spirit that was to occupy that baby may have been with that baby for a brief time before, during or after birth. There are no mistakes.
Ah yes, a very convenient answer – I choose not to. Sorry, but that argument has no meaning because regardless of whether I choose to or not choose to, I cannot hear or see others in the ‘shared soul.’ At this time, I choose to see and hear… nothing so far.
M*W: Then there's definitely a problem between you and your soul. That's not good, in fact, it can be fatal. Are you plagued with disease or have you had a lot of bad luck? It sounds as if you have a lot of negativity going on where your soul should be. Maybe it's just a vacuum now but could be filled with positive energy. In any event, this is something you need to give serious consideration to before you lose the rest of your soul.
Of course it is, how silly of me to think otherwise. There are an infinite amount of portions of soul to go around.
M*W: I've already answered this. The One Spirit of God is infinite.
But I’m not happy with my portion; it does not appear to be functioning. For some reason, I want to see and feel and hear these gods that everyone keeps talking about, but all I keep getting is Mexican hat-dance music.
M*W: Yes, I can see that you do have a spiritual problem. I wish I could help you, but that is between you and God. Forgiveness is the most powerful tool we have to heal the spirit. I would suggest that you make a list of everyone you need to forgive and start from there. Don't forget to forgive yourself for what you've done to others or what you've failed to do. Be diligent in your forgiveness and, above all, be sincere. It's okay to repeat the forgiveness over and over. You'll reach a point where you start seeing good things happen to you--like blessings and such. You can NOT forgive too much! Let me know how it goes!
It appears I’ve had no spiritual growth whatsoever, as far as I can tell. Could you please tell me how I might monitor this growth?
M*W: See my previous answer, and good luck!
Sure, tell me how.
M*W: I'll also say a prayer for you. Maybe others on this forum would like to join in, too. There is strength in numbers!
in all fairness to the discussion.

Often when people want to counter a religious expression of joy they go to the other extreme and suggest quite strongly that even though the dis-believe in a God they are strong in suggesting that he is reponsible for the big negatives in life.

To me this sounds of a believer who is incredibly dissappointed with his belief.

To be truelly atheist one does not blame the thing they disbelieve in....

To hold a resentment towards religion and "God" is to state a belief be it a negative belief.

When the resentment and bitterness is gone then one can truelly say he is an atheist I feel.

I think the premis for my thinking is that I realised along time ago that delusion percieved or other wise is esential in the world today and that over time this perception of delusion will lift.

To rid the world of churches would have many impacts.

Firstly a lot of people are going to go hungry and have no where to live. People will find an ethical vacuum or void and the prospect of Chaos is rather possible.

This also applies to the religious believers attitude to the atheist in that an atheists may seem deluded to the religious perspective..

agree to dis-agree

agree that we may all be deluded and go form there
So in my mind delusion is a necessary evil so to speak. As some delusions are quite beautiful in their nature whilst some are not
M*W: Like I said, if you LOOK for it, you will SEE it. I absolutely cannot believe you've never heard of this phenomena. You must live in a cave or in a jungle somewhere!

Regardless of where I live is of no concern. The fact is that this so-called phenomena has not been detected and if you believe you see it, then you are delusional.

M*W: Have you ever seen the pope in person? I have, and he definitely has a beautiful aura.

If you see an aura around the pope, you are delusional.

M*W: You don't know what positive and negative energy are? I assumed you had at least some schooling! Have you never been shocked before by a battery or static electricity? If you haven't, it's possible that you are nothing but dead meat.

You must have majored in arts and crafts in school because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

M*W: I've posted lengthy citations from Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, by Laurence Gardner. Look for them and this will give you the explanation you seek.

Yes, it’s complete nonsense, thanks for nothing.

You have lived a very sheltered life and obviously don't do a lot of reading. What a pity!

Or, maybe I don’t read crap.

M*W: You sound as if you have been a lifelong hermit living in a far away cave. If you've never seen the glow of a pregnant woman, I feel sorry for you. Do you have a social anxiety disorder or something? I'm beginning to think you have no soul.

To see the ‘glow’ of a pregnant woman has nothing to do with your delusions concerning auras. And yes, I have no soul. FYI – neither do you.

M*W: Sometimes that is the case. Nobody wants to be born retarded or handicapped or with a terminal disease. The spirit knows what the spirit needs and takes it from there. When the One Spirit of God occupies a body that is disease-ridden or malformed, there is a REASON for it. This person may have done something in his/her past life to need atonement. This life they are seeking that atonement.

It appears English is not your first language – this makes no sense.

M*W: Yes it is "recycled," but more accurately, the part returns to the whole source--God.

That would make some sense if one believed in gods.

The spirit that was to occupy that baby may have been with that baby for a brief time before, during or after birth.

What would be the point of a spirit sent by god to occupy a baby that was going to die?

M*W: Then there's definitely a problem between you and your soul.

Yes, as I stated before, I have no soul.

That's not good, in fact, it can be fatal.

Actually, not having a soul gives me peace of mind. I never have to worry about losing it.

Are you plagued with disease or have you had a lot of bad luck? It sounds as if you have a lot of negativity going on where your soul should be. Maybe it's just a vacuum now but could be filled with positive energy. In any event, this is something you need to give serious consideration to before you lose the rest of your soul.

Once again, you make assumptions that you know something about me. You are as wrong about me as you are about the existence of souls. Your delusions appear to consume your life.

M*W: Yes, I can see that you do have a spiritual problem. I wish I could help you, but that is between you and God.

I can’t have a spiritual problem if I don’t have a spirit. Gods are not a necessity of life but instead are a crutch.

I would suggest that you make a list of everyone you need to forgive and start from there. Don't forget to forgive yourself for what you've done to others or what you've failed to do. Be diligent in your forgiveness and, above all, be sincere. It's okay to repeat the forgiveness over and over. You'll reach a point where you start seeing good things happen to you--like blessings and such. You can NOT forgive too much! Let me know how it goes!

That is a complete load of crap.

Rather than sit around praying for positive blessings, get off your ass and go out and do something constructive. Gods will do nothing for you; you have to do it yourself.

M*W: I'll also say a prayer for you. Maybe others on this forum would like to join in, too. There is strength in numbers!

Please, do no such thing! Prayers are for weak-minded fools who can’t do things for themselves.
To rid the world of churches would have many impacts.

Firstly a lot of people are going to go hungry and have no where to live.

When did people start living in churches?

People will find an ethical vacuum or void and the prospect of Chaos is rather possible.

Perhaps initially, but those misguided fools will eventually die off and the rest of us can go on building a better world devoid of gods and religion. Bwahahaha!

agree that we may all be deluded and go form there

Why would one be deluded if they were firmly based in reality?

So in my mind delusion is a necessary evil so to speak.

Hopefully, science will find a cure for delusions and we can stop this nonsense about imaginary gods and spirits.