Original Sin- Justice or Injustice?

anonymous2 said:
The author(s) of the Qur'an did a nice job with the hellfire threatening. In my opinion, its description is worse and more often than in the Bible. Is it any wonder that the two major religions in the world are ones which believe in an eternal heaven and an eternal hell? Nice psychological manipulation perhaps. ;)

It works on some I guess.
Funny anecdote, when the first missionaries came to Norway to try and christianize the vikings they used the standard "you will burn in hell fire for all eternity" Well the norsemen had much more fear of cold than heat (being from a colder climate) so they were unimpressed and the monks were chased out of town. The Monks not being men who gave up easily decided to reevalute thier strategy. So they got together a new mission and headed off to the heathen north again. This time however they told the norsemen that hell was a frozen place of endless cold and torment and that was the beginning of the end for odin and thor :D
path said:
It works on some I guess.
Funny anecdote, when the first missionaries came to Norway to try and christianize the vikings they used the standard "you will burn in hell fire for all eternity" Well the norsemen had much more fear of cold than heat (being from a colder climate) so they were unimpressed and the monks were chased out of town. The Monks not being men who gave up easily decided to reevalute thier strategy. So they got together a new mission and headed off to the heathen north again. This time however they told the norsemen that hell was a frozen place of endless cold and torment and that was the beginning of the end for odin and thor :D

Nice story. Sounds like something a missionary might do. ;) I read that some American Indian tribe was evangelized using a Bible which acted like that individual tribe was responsible for putting Jesus to death. Nice guilt trip. ;) I wonder if that tribe ever figured out that the missionaries were using a deliberately altered Bible version.
duendy said:
but i dont believe your belief, so why should i care. i see you as wallowing in piety, what with all the praying praying. but i suppose you are free to do it. but you see yu dont stop there do you. you create this belief that if 'we' dont then we are going to go to your 'hell'. the christians tried this scam too, but presently -in the West at least-it isn't seen as cool or politically correct to harp on about fire and damnation like they have been infamous for in the past

i suppose you dont think yourself an extremist do you. yet it is the beliefs you cling to that grow all of that. the very dream of the suicide bomber is that their 'reward' will be a Islamic-myth-inspired 'heaven', being served by...70 virgins is it?

People who fight in the way of God recieve the reward, that doesn't include terrorists. I don't know anything about virgins.

Peace be upon you :)
Path and Anonymous I guess there is nothing to discuss is there.

Peace be upon you :)
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In response to the initial question, if you say original sin is unfair, then I guess the deliverance from that sin is unfair as well.

"For just as through the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of one man the many will be made righteous."-Rom. 5:19.
786 said:
You really don't see the love?

God sent messengers to the people.
He sent the Quran for your guidence.
He tells you some things about Hell and Judgement Day, so you be good.

Let me give you an analogy, hopefully it can help.

In our Emerson School we had a program called D.A.R.E I think it stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. They taught us the bad things about Drugs, they were literally scaring us, not to use Drugs. They brought real hearts and lungs to show us the effects of smoking.

By the end I was convinced not to use Drugs.

They did this because they love us. They don't want us to use Drugs. But they were actually scaring us.

Same with the Quran. God loves us, that is why he is showing us what to do and what not to do, and also the consequences. Quran talks about Judgement Day and Hell so you try to stay away from it by not doing wrong things.

Peace be upon you :)

You're forgetting or ignoring one major difference. Hell is not a "natural" consequence. It's a place that God supposedly created and will send people to. It's not like God has no choice. Let me put it another way. Say your parents, in order to prevent you from doing anything wrong, threatened to barbeque you for eternity with your skin roasting and renewing, forever, etc. Would you think your parents were loving if they did that?

Think of millions/billions being tormented for eternity according to the gruesome descriptions in the Qur'an. Then tell me that Allah is love. ;)
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anonymous2 said:
You're forgetting or ignoring one major difference. Hell is not a "natural" consequence. It's a place that God supposedly created and will send people to. It's not like God has no choice. Let me put it another way. Say your parents, in order to prevent you from doing anything wrong, threatened to barbeque you for eternity with your skin roasting and renewing, forever, etc. Would you think your parents were loving if they did that?

Think of millions/billions being tormented for eternity according to the gruesome descriptions in the Qur'an. Then tell me that Allah is love. ;)

Well, everyone has there own way to think. Anyways I'm done with this subject.

Peace be upon you :)