Open Letter to God (please contribute)

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Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member
Dear God Almighty:

Although I do not believe You exist, I would like to make a few points and ask a few questions of you in hopes of, that if you do exist, you will perhaps grant me the honour of knowing these things.

1. If You care for everybody, why do You send people to hell to suffer for eternity? I mean, hell for a year or even 100 is one thing (Ekimklaw likens You sending people to hell to punishing a child, but nobody sends their child to time-out for eternity), however eternity? Sorry, Sir, but I have to question Your love for Your creations. Perhaps you could explain why even evil people get sent to hell? If I loved an (immortal) evil person, while I may be able to bring myself to send them to jail, I certainly wouldn't be able to bring myself to burn them in a fire for them to suffer for all eternity. Perhaps You have a reason, please enlighten me Sir.

2. If You love Your creations, why do You tempt them towards hell with such false evidences as fossil evidence of evolution, dinosaur bones, &c.? If You love them so, why not show Yourself to Your creations as definitive proof that You exist so that they will be offered a chance out of the "new" Pascal's Wager (You're all-knowing, so I won't give You references since You know what I mean) and a chance out of hell? Billions are condemned to hell, yet You could easily save these innocent people by simply giving them definitive proof that You existed. Sorry, but I don't think a 2000-year-old book compiled by bureaucrats of the 8th century that tells of people witnessing You is evidence enough for most people unless they have been raised with You from birth.

3. While many people make the case that You do not interfere with our earthly affairs (thus letting millions of innocent lives perish, as well as millions of young souls raped, severely injured, &c.), I personally would much rather be controlled directly by You like a robot than to live in pain and suffering. Perhaps You could cure me of my disease and pain? It's honestly unbearable, and one of the main reasons I'm going to hell. Also, did You not know about what would and will happen to mankind before You created us? Why did You create us then? Frankly, I'm not very grateful that You created us when You knew we would live to kill and rape and injure. And what about random things like tay-sachs, why don't You even protect God-fearing Christians from such things?

4. I would rather have never existed than to have witnessed pain and suffering and underwent it myself. Perhaps you could grant me this wish and destroy my existance from day 1? I have no wish to commit suicide, however.

Non-believer Mark Williamson
By the way, Tiassa, before you go on about how I ignore your notions of God, I would like to remark that the ones I address are the ones most widely held. However I doubt this will stop you from criticising me...
God, I would like you not torment the innocent. I mean, c'mon, things like Tay-Sachs? That's fucked. Truely fucked.

And would you please stop causing famines and other horrible natural disasters? What the fuck do you do that for? It's, well, it's mean.

I would also like a Alfa Romeao Spider Veloce, in red, and convertable of course.

I won't be too disappointed if it does not have custom sound and leather upholstery.......


If you could do something about all those idiots killing each other in your name, that would be really nice.

There now, that did about as much good as asking Cthulhu. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

This "open letter to God" is interesting. Here's why. Your view (I assume) is that THERE IS NO GOD.

Okay. Try to follow me here...

If GOD does not exist, then your opinions about the goodness or badness of his behavior is *irrelevant*. Why?

Because, without God (and therefore Satan), all things in life are simply random events. Children get raped and abducted. Women get slaughtered. People kill themselves.

Devoid of spiritual purpose, death is just a cessation of brain waves. There is no grand moral underpinning to existence.

So why hold a non-existent God responsible for "bad" happenings?

That's like saying:
"I do not believe in Space Aliens, but they killed my crops and abducted Granny."

Or blaming Santa for the local burglary statistics around Christmas time.

Why attribute something bad to something that DOES NOT EXIST (in your mind at least)?

In your mind bad things that happen aren't part of a great unknown spiritual plan. They're just events randomly happening to us. They have no purpose. There IS NO "bigger picture".

However, if God DOES exist, your opinions about his actions do NOT change the fact that he is God.

For instance, you may hate the death penalty with a passion, but it still exists.

So as an atheist your letter should be addressed to theists. Not a God you claim does not exist.

In short:

If God doesn't exist = Why criticize a non-existent thing?

If God does exist = One's opinion of him doesn't change his nature.
1. If You care for everybody, why do You send people to hell to suffer for eternity? I mean, hell for a year or even 100 is one thing (Ekimklaw likens You sending people to hell to punishing a child, but nobody sends their child to time-out for eternity), however eternity? Sorry, Sir, but I have to question Your love for Your creations. Perhaps you could explain why even evil people get sent to hell? If I loved an (immortal) evil person, while I may be able to bring myself to send them to jail, I certainly wouldn't be able to bring myself to burn them in a fire for them to suffer for all eternity. Perhaps You have a reason, please enlighten me Sir.

The purpose of life is to grow spiritually, to truely control our own souls, we must have free will. God gives us a chose, live your life justly and you will be saved, life your life unjustly and you will be sent to

If your evil ...(Hitler, Stalin, Manson, Barney the dinosaur:D), your place is with Lucifer and the fallen angels. It's Lucifer's will, as to whether you will burn for eternity, not God's.

2. If You love Your creations, why do You tempt them towards hell with such false evidences as fossil evidence of evolution, dinosaur bones, &c.? If You love them so, why not show Yourself to Your creations as definitive proof that You exist so that they will be offered a chance out of the "new" Pascal's Wager (You're all-knowing, so I won't give You references since You know what I mean) and a chance out of hell? Billions are condemned to hell, yet You could easily save these innocent people by simply giving them definitive proof that You existed. Sorry, but I don't think a 2000-year-old book compiled by bureaucrats of the 8th century that tells of people witnessing You is evidence enough for most people unless they have been raised with You from birth.

This would defeat the purpose of free will. If we didn't need Faith, and knew 100% that God existed, no one would allow the true nature of his soul to come out. Thus we would become robots...

Your not condemn to Hell by simply not beliving in the Christian God(As many so-called religious leaders say). We are judge by whether or not we live our lifes the way Christ taught us, through Love. Most people who follow this will be saved.

For centuries after Christ's death, there was no Bible or Christian Religion. The spirituality of his words and teachings are the way to salvation.

*Is it just me, or am I starting to sound like a preacher*:bugeye:

3. While many people make the case that You do not interfere with our earthly affairs (thus letting millions of innocent lives perish, as well as millions of young souls raped, severely injured, &c.), I personally would much rather be controlled directly by You like a robot than to live in pain and suffering. Perhaps You could cure me of my disease and pain? It's honestly unbearable, and one of the main reasons I'm going to hell. Also, did You not know about what would and will happen to mankind before You created us? Why did You create us then? Frankly, I'm not very grateful that You created us when You knew we would live to kill and rape and injure. And what about random things like tay-sachs, why don't You even protect God-fearing Christians from such things?

To live is to suffer....

We live to grow spiritually, WE control our own destiny. God doesn't intervine in Earthly matters, we must pray to Christ to help us. And IMO, it must deal with the soul, which is the most important part of our being.

If God stopped anything bad from happening, then once again free will is gone, we become robots.

4. I would rather have never existed than to have witnessed pain and suffering and underwent it myself. Perhaps you could grant me this wish and destroy my existance from day 1? I have no wish to commit suicide, however.

Do you not realize what's right in front of your eyes. Your soul is what's important,not materials, money, etc...

Your understanding of the World, how evil can effect it, are shaped by your experiences. How can you get a full lesson on the ways of life if everything went perfect in everyone's life.

Once you reach Heaven, you can live this life you desire. And thankfully you will be able to appreciate and understand what you have gained by living and learning on Earth.

*Static rereads his post and cringes when he sees how "preachy" he sounds*
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"Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
So oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz

Oh lord won't you buy me a color TV.
Dialing for dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until 3.
So oh lord won't you buy me a color TV.

Oh lord won't you buy me a night on the town.
I'm counting on you lord, please don't let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round.
Oh lord won't you buy me a night on the town.

Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz
My friends all drive porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends.
So oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz"
Dear God,

Please extend my warranty and expiry dates. Thanks. :D

Why was the human race created? God had His opportunity. He could have made a reputation. But no, He must commit this grotesque folly -- a lark which must have cost Him a regret or two when He came to think it over and observe effects.
Mark Twain
Dear Goddess and God,

I know I just talked to You, but someone asked me to write You a letter, which I thought might be fun. (And You know how much I can't resist fun...)

So yeah, thanks for all the trees and stuff! Really spectacular, I especially like how You made the flowers smell good, and the edible stuff is really helpful too. Did You make the moon too? If so, You did a bang-up job on it as well. I especially like the way it's set up to eclipse the sun occasionally - what a great detail! The size and distance are just perfect.

If I can ask a favor...could I pretty-please have a nice summer thunderstorm? One with lots of loud booms and pretty flashing lights? Some torrential rain would be nice too, especially on a Monday. (You know how I hate Mondays...a nice rainstorm would really cheer me up...)

Oh, and did either of You happen to notice where I left my watch? Dang thing...and the house Fey aren't being very helpful this time, lousy ingrates... Just send a message the usual way, if You don't mind.

One last thing - what did You think of the ceremony last Moon? Sorry about the fire thing, but You know how hard it is to keep that cat out of the valerian... At least she was extinguished fairly quickly, I'm sure You Two know already, but she wasn't hurt in the least. Thanks for looking out for her! Did You like the carrot cake? I kinda thought You would - I put in extra cinnamon. :)

Yer weird kid Cooper

PS - don't be offended by the other letters...You're not gonna believe this, but they seem to think You're just one being, and a male! HAHAHAHA!! Good one, huh? *wipes tears of mirth from eyes* ;) Talk to You later, Mom & Dad. *blows kisses*

(edited to fix minor typos)
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Originally posted by Cupric
PS - don't be offended by the other letters...You're not gonna believe this, but they seem to think You're just one being, and a male! HAHAHAHA!! Good one, huh? *wipes tears of mirth from eyes* ;) Talk to You later, Mom & Dad. *blows kisses*

LMAO! :p :p :p :p
my prayer...

Dear God...

That's it. In sort of an exasperated tone of voice.


Ekimklaw, we (or at least myself) do not blame these things on God, we are saying that, "If You DO exist, WHY..." and not "You don't exist, but anyways WHY...", this is meant to be serious (or at least my post was) and not some sort of joke.
Why do you allow yourself to be worshipped by fools and evil men who use your name to wage wars and kill innocent people with large aircraft? Why do you allow politicians to use you to gain public favor when all they're really interested in is fattening their own pockets? I know you have alot of good and kind followers who truly believe in your many teachings, names, persona's, etc. Why not strike down those idiots who spoil it for the smarter and better of your believers?
Dear God...
That's it. In sort of an exasperated tone of voice.

*Clasps hands piosly*

Dear God, thank you for cranberry flavored vodka. It is most nifty. And thank you for Mike, who is even more nifty than vodka. And thank you for the pretty trees and stuff.

Thanks for everything, but mostly for vodka. And Elkimlaw more than vodka. And forqive us our spelling errors.
Our father, who art in hollywood,
Lucas be thy name.
Thy next movie come,
thy trilogy be complete,
1-3 as in 4-6.
Give us this day our daily sabers
and forgive us our Fanaticism.
As we forgive you Jar-Jar,
and lead us not into temptation,
we can find it ourselves.
In nomine patri, et filius, spiritus sancti.
To whom are you directing that post. I have plenty of heart, thank you. I had a serious post above and then decided to lighten things up a bit.