One v. Multiple Supreme Gods - LG v. Cris


But that would apply to a single god as well. If it tried to use its power to do two opposite things at the same time then it would not succeed either. A god also cannot commit suicide because it is immortal, so yet another example where omnipotence cannot be possible.

It is impossible to will two contradictory things at once. This is equivalent to making a square-circle. Similarly, God is construed as a necessary being, thus as a necessity, to die would be impossible. AGain, square-circle.

It is admitted that no God of any sort can violate that which is necessary. No matter what power one has, the impossible is barred.

Space is a natural concept that doesn’t apply to the supernatural.

Omnipresence is either rooted in space or does not exist. God is said to be omnipresent, so we must assume for the sake of its argument that it is a valid trait.

Within that paradigm an infinite number of separate entities could be everywhere instantly simply because natural rules do not apply.

It is a vacuous concept that cannot have foundation in what it is meant to be everywhere at once. If everywhere includes space, and space can only be filled with one thing at any given time, then God must encapsulate everything in space, but there cannot be another God ontop of him, or another God ontop of that God, or another God ontop of that God.

Nope, you need to think supernaturally, there can be no conflict or limitation.

Illogically noting what "infinite" means.

Again having an ability and not using it for that instance does not exclude the possibility of multiple gods.

If that God has omnipotence in the way Light Gigantic defines, then he could not choose to never use it, as it must be the cause of all things or it is not omnipotence.