Once saved, always saved?

yes, I agree Sandy. After I was saved, my old life was something horrid. Something I was ashamed of, and still am. YOu see NDS, include in your calculations, the fact that when you are saved, you no longer wnat the immoral things you had before. They simply dont appeal. Now you are still tempted with them. But god is your strength to resist. It is hard to explain wihout being saved.
Interesting. So it's almost an odds game. If you are living a sinful life you betting that you won't die soon and unexpectedly.

The sad truth is that it is really all a mystery! No one really knows!

So join up, my friend, and you to can become part of the worldwide confusion.

There is no consensus in the Christian church about what any of these terms and ideas really mean. Almost any person you talk to will likely tell you something different.

Have you noticed?
yes, I agree Sandy. After I was saved, my old life was something horrid. Something I was ashamed of, and still am. YOu see NDS, include in your calculations, the fact that when you are saved, you no longer wnat the immoral things you had before. They simply dont appeal. Now you are still tempted with them. But god is your strength to resist. It is hard to explain wihout being saved.

If you don't want "immoral things" anymore, like you say, then how could you really be tempted by them ever again, even in the slightest? And again, why do you need God to help you resist something that you do not want anymore anyway?

Is it just possible that you still want "immoral things" because you have not really been changed?
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Wanting something and being tempted by it are two seperate demons. For example: I don't want to eat that delicious German chocolate cake because I know it'll be the death of me, but that doesn't mean that its ooey-gooey deliciousness doesn't tempt me anyways. By using someone who is above such a temptation (God in Positron's (and my) way, my mom in this case), I can try to draw from their strength to fuel my willpower to resist that which I know is bad for me.

It says in the Bible that we all have the innate urge to do that which is 'immoral' (Thanks, Eve. Thanks alot.). Even if you don't believe that, go visit a preschool and tell me how many peace-loving and perfect toddlers you see. I guarantee that you'll see a few picking fights, hogging all of the toys, and gossiping about their peers. Although they are not commiting full-blown sins, they exhibit tendencies that will develop into crueler habits as they age and develop.
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Various Christians on this site have proclaimed that once someone is "saved" they can never become "unsaved." These same Christians admit that all humans, saved or unsaved, are constantly sinning against God everyday. So what is it that differentiates "saved" people from "unsaved" people?

By saved, I'm guessing that means saved from hell. But it seems like someone who is saved could easily revert back to an unsaved state because of free will.

I am not one who believes in the OSAS doctrine. It really comes from the 5 pillars of calvanisim.

Yes people can and do cease to believe Jesus, that their sins are forgiven and they are saved. A lot of people fall away from the truth.

Saved people are different in respect to the fact that they believe Jesus. It is simple.

And yes free will allows one to reject what they once affirmed. Just like many ex communists party members in the Soviet Union changed and became the most fervent gangster capitalists. Of ten when people change they go to the other extreme.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Okay, here it is:

John 10:22-30

22 Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon's porch. 24 Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him, "How long do You keep us in doubt? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly." 25 Jesus answered them, "I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father's name, they bear witness of Me. 26 But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. 27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. 30 I and My Father are one."

Okay, I suppose you can interpret this passage a variety of ways. Personally, I believe that it would be interpreted as "if you are in a saved state, then nobody can snatch you out of Jesus's hand other than yourself." So only we can make ourselves unsaved again, and no other person can affect our being saved while we are in a saved state. The verse states that no outside person can snatch saved people from God, however it doesn't state that saved people can't become unsaved again through their own free will and on their own accord.

Where in this selection does it state that "once you are in a saved state, you can never become unsaved?" It doesn't state that.

According to the context of this verse, being saved means "believing that Jesus is the Christ." This is a mental belief. By stating that if someone believes something at one time, then they will believe it for their entire lives is absurd. People can lose faith, or belief in anything, including God.

Well said NDS :)

I could not have written it any better.

Top work :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If you don't want "immoral things" anymore, like you say, then how could you really be tempted by them ever again, even in the slightest? And again, why do you need God to help you resist something that you do not want anymore anyway?

Is it just possible that you still want "immoral things" because you have not really been changed?

I see how you are confused, first, you must remember that Satan wants to attack believers, more than non-believers. Being tempted is somethign that will happen to a christian, it says so in the bible. There is always that moment when rationality breaks down and somethign you are beign tempted with seems so good, it would just be so easy to give in. The difference in still wantng them or not is that, before I was saved, I wanted them for the satisfaction and had no arguments about that. Now, if I do give in, I feel disgusted, and I regard the actions as wrong and immoral. Again, this is hard to communicate.
IAC, if someone is born again can they still commit adultery, murder, or steal?

The bible tells us that we can loose his favor in many ways. Those scriptures can be supplied...for there are many. Through adultery, murder or theivery, blasphemy against his holly spirit...

Christians must be careful not to give into the easy tradition of "once saved always saved" It allows us to subcomb to these temptation without consequence and the Christian that believes that there is no consequence to his action does not believe in fruitages of his spirit....one of which is justice.