Discrediting a thought experiment as bad science is just one of your many anti-science claims. Attacking Einstein for explaining special relativity by way of a particular thought experiment is another, and attacking scientists for being naive and ignorant is yet another.I am not posting anti-science,
Fortunately for science, you're not qualified to make that call.I am only distinguishing what is and isn't really science.
No, on its face the reverse is true.So be not agreeing with me your post are actually anti-science
More moronic nonsense. It's even too moronic to be called flaming., this seems to be a very common condition known as the Dunning–Kruger effect.
Sitting in judgment of the world is preventing you from dwelling on, and correcting, your own mistakes.I am starting to think that this is a very serious and contagious disease that can even be transmitted online over the internet.
Another example of anti-science posting.Just because a thought experiment by a famous scientist wasn't right
In your own twisted way of reasoning, perhaps, but it doesn't change the fact that you are posting anti-science BS.doesn't mean that all of science is wrong,
You seem to want to talk about the history of the scientific progress, but there you are off the mark as well. For example:only that the thought experiment was wrong at the time.
Straight BS. The order of things was this (1) MME (2) the explosion of publications by Einstein, beginning in 1905 -- notably his theory on SR -- and (3) a later book in which he brings up a couple of thought experiments by way of example.This error was corrected with the MME experiment.
Your characterization of the Einstein's explanation is backwards. This is one reason I said: until you look for and correct your own mistakes, you're hardly in a position to judge others.
More BS. It was in part a consequence of what MM proved that Einstein begins numerous papers with the axiom that c is constant in all frames. Part of your confusion is science, part math, and part history. If you think MM and Einstein are in conflict, you're simply grasping at straws. Or should I say strawmen.So then any ideas on how the velocity of light is seen to be affected by an objects velocity where done away with.
Language is also your stumbling block, but by repairing your defective grammar I've come understand you now. You're acknowledging that my posts are anti-anti-science. Any posts conflicting with nearly all of yours fall into that category.So then I would have to ask you to stop posting anti-science threads,
When all else fails, just lie. I never said that.and claiming that an objects velocity can change the measured speed of light.
Getting back to your central thesis which has the kiss of death on it (BS), Einstein did not become a celebrated authority on science on account of the one silly thought experiment you keep harping on. Nor does any theory, axiom or principle of modern science rely on it. He had long established himself as an authority on this and other subjects by a flurry of publications beginning in 1905 which, among other things, earned him the Nobel Prize.
Your belief that scientists adopt the teachings of a particular person simply because he or she is famous is just piling on more of the anti-science BS. You fail to recognize (and obviously you have failed to understand) that the works of a theorist are judged on content to the extent the work is useful and innovative. Being correct (at the level you understand the word) is child's play for folks who are fluent in math and science. But actually saying something meaningful is the mark of brilliance -- which is why you're having so much trouble here. You're behaving like the dunce in the corner who is acting out rather than worrying about the correcting the behaviors that are making him a dullard.
In sharp contrast to these two voices, the one a brilliant clear one, and the other a sheer jackass, I offer for your perusal Einstein's own words which you have massacred beyond recognition. This way you can't go on trying to hack what he said by twisting snippets from Wiki out of context. Of course you won't be able to understand much of it, but everyone has to start somewhere. The day you are able to digest this is the day they are going to let you out of rehab, the day you'll leave your life savings to the advancement of science: