On The Authenticity Of The English Bible

nd birch is young with a big religious chip on his shoulder,don't let him get to you.

i stated something that was a fact. the bible is an arbitrarily pieced together text by church leaders who decided what they did and did not want included. people like you consistently demand to be taken seriously but take factual statements as insults. lol

it doesn't matter what age someone is. there are retards that are extremely old and younger people who have their head screwed on right. doesn't really matter who is the messenger as much as if what is stated is true or not, does it?

your point? i thought so. nothing.
i stated something that was a fact. the bible is an arbitrarily pieced together text by church leaders who decided what they did and did not want included. people like you consistently demand to be taken seriously but take factual statements as insults. lol
because you always have to add an insult to your facts..if the facts are true(which i know those facts to be true) they should stand by themselves, they should not need your personal insults/comments to 'enhance' your point.

it doesn't matter what age someone is. there are retards that are extremely old and younger people who have their head screwed on right. doesn't really matter who is the messenger as much as if what is stated is true or not, does it?
as long as the message is not corrupted by insults and personal biases..

your point? i thought so. nothing.
i believe his allegory to be correct..
Say you had a dozen people witness an accident. If you ask each person what happened, some parts of all their stories would be consistent, but others details might be inconsistent and vary from person to person.

If you were someone, who was not there, to witness the accident, but wanted to know the truth, what would you do with all that converging and diverging information? Would you pick one person and use his account and call it the truth? Or would you use all the data, knowing the truth was scattered among all the data?

I would guess, the people who compiled the first bible saw these inconsistencies, but to avoid the risk of eliminating any truth, they kept it all. Leave it for the future to figure it out the truth, by handing then all the data. This shows honest intent, rather than pretend perfection. A good scientist does not throw out the conflicting data to make his thesis look better.

you tend to be an anti-believer,which means you respond to anything someone says that is pro-believer with your anti-believer attitude..
which all i am saying is be carefull how you say something..if you want your point to be listened to then don't add 'distractors' like 'your making things up' and 'people like you'
With some variations voted on by committee no less... As they say, the Lord works in mysterious ways. :rolleyes:
M*W: A legitimate deity wouldn't be mysterious. It would be a matter-of-fact and provable.
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i do not believe god 'controls' me, i know he influences me.

and MW..to call you on your fopaw (i know,wrong spelling..)

you say you do not believe in god, yet you believe god is a controlling one,that we 'MUST' obey him or else..you have an idea of who God is supposed to be.
you may have answered this before.. did your religious upbringing include diverse types of churches or did your parents stay with a particular creed?

I believe god created adam and eve with the ability to choose, (angels do not have this ability), he set up the apple to show adam and eve that they are/were capable of choosing( of disobeying).
i believe god is there wispering in our ears,(hard to hear sometimes.) letting us know what he wants,
we still have the ability to disobey god, to choose for ourselves.
Most church's/religions do not teach ppl how to think for themselves,they are more comfortable with sheep who do as they are told,this is where i believe religion is screwing up God, there are church's out there who do teach 'think for yourselves' which usually translates to 'be responsible for your own faith',
but they are rare..<sigh>
M*W: "Controls" vs. "influences"... semantics.

For the record, it's "faux pas."

You are right. I don't believe in a god anymore, but I did at one time when I was a christian. My idea of god was what I was taught at that time. I didn't have an especially "religious upbringing." I was raised in an agnostic home. Any mention of god, jesus, or any religious figure was just not done in my home. In fact, great lengths were gone to at avoiding any such subject. I was bombarded with all that crap in public schools (yes, this does show my age). I was schooled before prayer was rightly removed from the curriculum. As a christian convert in adulthood, I was taught that god had my whole life planned out, even before I was born. But then, there was the whole idea of "free will," making it my own fault for anything perceived to be outside my god-given destined path.

The whole idea of "god whispering in our ears, (hard to hear sometimes.) letting us know what he wants," is a form of paranoid mind control. The voices are in our head, not in our ears.

While I agree with your statement about "most church's/religions... sheep..." etc., it is not impossible for religions to "screw up god" if god was really god. People screw up religions, because religions are man-made organizations and man's ego is the driving force. People screw up their holy books, because people have more than one interpretation. People have screwed up the world, because of their religions. If god were really God, then people and their religions and their holy books just wouldn't be able to "screw up god."
M*W: "Controls" vs. "influences"... semantics.
one says we have a choice,the other doesn't.

For the record, it's "faux pas."

My idea of god was what I was taught at that time.
I was taught that god had my whole life planned out,
But then, there was the whole idea of "free will," making it my own fault for anything perceived to be outside my god-given destined path.
what if what you were taught is not what/who god is? (not just anyways..)
you gotta admit that humans can pretty much screw up anything.Did you ever question that god does exist but not how religion portrays him?
IOW i don't think it is just about the two extremes (he exist/he doesn't exist)
life has taught me the truest answers usually end up in the middle..

And perceive by definition means it is susceptible to what we can see..IOW what about what we can't see?

some things we agree on;
the bible was NOT written by God. (the very last verses should confirm this)
religion's focus is NOT on God. (its getting money and conformity)
God does exist but not as an excuse..:bugeye::D;)

The whole idea of "god whispering in our ears, (hard to hear sometimes.) letting us know what he wants," is a form of paranoid mind control. The voices are in our head, not in our ears.
how would it be mind control if you have a choice?

If god were really God, then people and their religions and their holy books just wouldn't be able to "screw up god."

that assumes a physically interactive God.(remember my Mental,Emotional,Physical,Spiritual thing?) there is more than one area of need.

that also assumes humans are capable of perfection.(how much do we tend to focus on only one of those aspects)
True, but if not for them, you would not have interpreted your experiences in terms of biblical themes.

if they hadn't spun the text to their favor (which imo, they didn't do a very good job of doing that), perhaps i would even more. or perhaps not. i just seems to me that god gets a message across perfectly no matter what people try to do to it. it seems to me as well that what's happened in the realm of religion supports god's message. the bible doesn't really have anything good to say about religion. i'm surprised that the council didn't leave all of that out when they were editing. all of that "woe unto you scribes and pharisees, ye hypocrites!" stuff. perhaps they didn't recognize that scripture would one day apply to themselves very well. they apparently still do not.
if they hadn't spun the text to their favor (which imo, they didn't do a very good job of doing that), perhaps i would even more. or perhaps not. i just seems to me that god gets a message across perfectly no matter what people try to do to it. it seems to me as well that what's happened in the realm of religion supports god's message. the bible doesn't really have anything good to say about religion. i'm surprised that the council didn't leave all of that out when they were editing. all of that "woe unto you scribes and pharisees, ye hypocrites!" stuff. perhaps they didn't recognize that scripture would one day apply to themselves very well. they apparently still do not.

well when they cannonized the bible most ppl were illiterate so they pry assumed that they would do all the teaching, i'm not sure they anticipated ppl being able to read it for themselves..