On growing up to be, as God says, one of us.

Greatest I am,

What makes you sure?

The english word ''Adam'' is a translation of the Hebrew word aw-dawm
which means ''blood in the face'' or ''a ruddy colour of skin''

Which bible did you get that from?
This is the common translation.


My quote came from the same Bible Gateway but the King James version.

Some of what I believe of the myth of Eden is from the Jewish interpretations. After all, it is their work. usurped by Christianity. There interpretation of an elevation of man was reversed by Christianity to a fall.

The Jews did not have Adam and Eve separate when Eve ate of the T O K. They were both there and the whole Adam blaming Eve thing does not happen. Both share the blame, or to Jews, the elevation, together and equally.


''God'' (with an upper-case 'g'), and ''god'' (lower-case 'g') are different.

1. the one Supreme Being, the creator and ruler of the universe.

3. ( lowercase ) one of several deities, especially a male deity, presiding over some portion of worldly affairs.


A God who is ruler of the universe would rule right?
When was the last time the absentee ruler was here to rule.
Even the myth recognizes and states that man has dominion here. Not some absentee God.

1 Thessalonians 1:4
Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

This, and the way Revelation has Jesus returning to be our God indicates that at end times, biblically speaking of course, there is no such thing, we are to elect him God.

That I think is why his people are called the elect.
