*OMG* It's official

I've been an agnostic for far more than two months. Anyway, as I've already explained, I am attracted to Christianity alot, and I choose to follow Christ. Does that bother you? Anyway I still have my old Bible, so that's good

Dude, I don't care what religion you have or how many times you change it.
But you started a thread on it. If not to hear other peoples opinions about your habit of changing religion, then for what ??
I've re-converted back to Christianity

Brought up a Muslim, and then went Christian, and then agnostic atheist, and then Christian again now

I don't know, it just happened. My faith is just very strong right now.

Your faith is very weak if you can hop back and forth between religions as if trying to decide your next ice cream flavor.

It would also refute any nonsense you may have argued that theists make reasoned and rationale choices in their faith.

"It just happened."

Sure it did. But, you haven't been baptized. So, grab the person next to you and have them dunk your head in some toilet water and utter these words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and in the name of Jesus”

Of course, normally, we would have a detailed explanation as to the merits of Christianity over Islam from someone who actually did convert, but instead, you offer little more than when a child would declare himself "Superman" one day and "Batman" the next.

The game your playing is getting old, Norsefire. And, at best, all you're doing is demonstrating what many suspect the results of Islamic indoctrination and the fact that you're making Muslims in general, look very, very bad, indeed.

Perhaps, Sam will come rushing in to defend you, again, or not.

So Sam, "how now, brown cow?" :D
Christianity makes about as much sense as Agnosticism, so I'm not surprised. Jesus wasn't a Christian, you know.
Jesus was the kind of Jew that existed in posterity. Oh I forgot. Jesus was a mythstory not history, right? or is it mystery and you have a speech impediment? *yawn* I'll start a thread just so we can have this little talk, K?
No. Jesus was a jew.

And was it not at that same period of time that all Jews followed the Old Testament?

The first Talmud was not compiled until 368. Christianity doctrine was "unified" by Constantine in 325.

After Titus destroys the Second Temple, the Great Jewish Revolt and the destruction of Herod's temple in around 75, within a decade or so the Rabbinic Period begins coupled with a flurry of gospels starting with Mark, Peter, Matthew, Luke, John. Both religions take off and within a few hundred years dominate the landscape.

What's interesting is that these are the series of events that are cast as being notable to the origins of Christianity. The actual event of the Resurrection occurred over 40 years earlier, a seemingly non-event in the timeline of Christianity.

Actually lately I've been having some rough times, and Jesus Christ eases my pains. What's wrong with that?:shrug:
Nothing wrong with that, the weaker you are the closer He comes. It's made up that way I think, and I think it's good :)
Yea, in a way Jesus is remarkably similar to Hitler.
Your savior in times of hardship !
Prey on hope and desperation..