*OMG* It's official

Actually lately I've been having some rough times, and Jesus Christ eases my pains. What's wrong with that?:shrug:

I find it hard to believe that switching religion is something that "just happens".
Obviously the particular faith doesn't mean a lot to you.
He saw the light. Do you have any idea how many people turn their life around like that because of an ephinay or a very good speech.
I find it hard to believe that switching religion is something that "just happens".
Obviously the particular faith doesn't mean a lot to you.

Of course it means alot to me. As I said, as an agnostic I've always been pro-theist. I just couldn't believe, but I do now, after reading up on certain things
He saw the light. Do you have any idea how many people turn their life around like that because of an ephinay or a very good speech.

it seems rather shallow to me..

According to Islam he is now a sinner and evil, and will burn in hell for eternity.. :shrug:
I guess he doesn't really believe.. he just needs something to hold on to or something.
it seems rather shallow to me..

According to Islam he is now a sinner and evil, and will burn in hell for eternity..
I guess he doesn't really believe.. he just needs something to hold on to or something.

You can't tell me what I believe...besides I'm not a Muslim...
it seems rather shallow to me..

According to Islam he is now a sinner and evil, and will burn in hell for eternity.. :shrug:
I guess he doesn't really believe.. he just needs something to hold on to or something.

If it makes him happy and gives him peace of mind, who cares. :shrug:
He's finding his path in life. How is that shallow?
If it makes him happy and gives him peace of mind, who cares. :shrug:
He's finding his path in life. How is that shallow?

How can you really believe in it if you switch religion every couple of years.. ??
How is he finding his path in life ? Perhaps he'll be a Muslim again next month..