Okinrus, Flores, et. al. except The Proud Syrian

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/I agree, Wes is a major pain in the ass

it's mostly for the comedy. well that and I can't help it I suppose. sometimes ass pain is good no? hhehe. pardon.

/but he hasn't lied to me yet....at least, I have not caught him lie yet.

I don't think I've ever lied ONCE on this board (except maybe in obvious jest).

I can't STAND liars. The truth is complicated enough.
The play by play for tiassa

I want to fulfill your understanding so here goes:

Originally posted by wesmorris
- Someone finally went and blew up a lot of people in America in an act of terrorism! Woo-hoo! I was right! Goddamn it feels good to be right!

///What do you think?

(this was a typo, I didn't mean to leave it in)

///Everyone has their opinion, struggle is part of life. Sometimes people are on the other team and take the shit seriously. So much so as to want to kill you.

Here I just didn't get what you were doing. My bad I suppose, after having read it several more times I think I see you were attempting to show the larger context of your original post. To me it seemed like a snide comment questioning the wisdom of a simple little pearl. As such, I wanted to make the point that we are inherently diametrically opposed to some people from our individual contexts. Such is a harsh realization - so I stated it harshly to back up that aspect of it. It's hard for me to accept that I'd have to kill a man who I might otherwise respect if he threatened me (EDITED this disclaimer so you understand I don't want to kill people unless faced with no other choice for my own survivial: with bodily harm or harm of my family, or in defense of my country, etc.) significantly - but I've learned to accept it. Again it seemed when I read it the first time that you were arguing that you don't need to be joyous in the face of such horrifying reality. I was just backing my original assertion. You may deem it pointless but obviously I did not.

///I'm not happy with that color. Shades of death should not be so essential in my wardrobe, but rather superficial.

///Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects? Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner. Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem.

Here from my perspective at the time you seemed criminally aloof and self-involved in the sense that you chose angst and shitty attitude rather than joy. You see? So see my prior explanation of this line and you might put it together.

Mind you: I have not lied tiassa, what you consider to be lies are all misunderstandings whereby I'm speaking to one context and you another. You are only considering your perspective. I don't expect you to read my mind, yet you keep trying. I keep trying to explain what I was thinking and you keep trying to skew it into me lying about something. Consider than I do not lie and this would be resolved quicker.

///- Yay! I was right! Lots of civilians died because of ____'s inaction! Good for me! I'm so f@cking cooooooool!



///You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded.

I thought you were saying "this other dude's inaction killed a bunch of people and I can't have any joy now" - or something basically to that effect. That's just how it came off to me in the context that at the time the contextual switch had yet to occur to me. It occurred to me when I first mentioned it, not before.

///I'll be in the corner ... smoking.

///Good for you.

This seemed like a continuation of the same thought from before, where someone had taken your joy from you and instead of fighting for it you just decided to sulk in the corner, smoking. The only reason it seemed that way is because I had not realized a context switch. If I'd known I had done it at the time, I probably would have seen your post in a wholly different light, but I didn't know, so I didn't see, so we were on different sheets of music.

///Maybe consider:

///It isn't easy to haul much of anything. If that crushes your joy then you're a pussy, because you apparently don't place enough value on it to see the imperative of maintaining it, regardless of the bullshit.

///Fight when it's time to fight. When it's not time to fight, be merry damnit.

More of the same defense of my original simple premise. I'm pretty sure I already explained this to you before. It's basically a regurgitation of my comment above about how harsh knowledge can be and how you have to stay your joy for the good of yourself and those around you. I stated it harshly because it seemed you were harshly avoiding it. Mind you, I can see that you were in a different context now, but at the time, I had yet to realize it as I thought I had established my own context (actually I had NO conscious thought as to context, it was just implicit to me that the face value of my words had supplied it).

You see t, the deal is that I thought you WOULDN't try to read my mind and you'd respond to what I wrote at face value. Then it seemed like you were on crack or someting and arguing against that face value. I found that highly annoying, having not realized you were trying to read my mind. Then it got worse with your boy comments and you telling me to go fuck myself. I saw that as uncalled for because I hadn't done anything like that to you and from my perspective had shown no disrespect as I had just defended my lil pearl. I got pissed off about you insulting me and decided that since you were hell bent on fucking with me, a fuck you would get. Then I realize later the source of this was the context switch. I tried to explain it and end it - apparently a day late and a dollar short. The fight was on so I decided to go overkill with the cunt thing which was half intended to be comedy, and half intended to try to show you what I had seen during our interchange. "cuntploded"? Come on man that's fucking funny.

I am sorry tiassa, that this misunderstanding got so out of control.

I did not intend it. I would do the same fucking thing again though as I swear my comment was innocent. This is your fault really in my opinion, because you exactly DID try to read my mind and assume I was a disrespectful asshole. If you hadn't this wouldn't have happened. After that though it was a free for all of fault and misunderstanding. Regardless, blame isn't really important to me. Relationships are.

So in the spirit of friendship and goodwill, I retract my cuntulation and ask that you realize this was a big fat misunderstanding which led to a comedic exchange of bad blood, hopefully ending up as a situation in which it was all laughed at and everyone went home that much better for the entertainment.

Can't we all just smoke a bong?

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Instead, I have decided to let you each have a final say following this post, after which this thread will be closed.
Geez. Come on. I intend to reply to some posts within this thread after I get over the fact that the 'Look" thread was closed. Why not simply delete further flames after the two have had their say, m8?
Sciforums mining disaster 2003

I have not lied tiassa
And that's another lie, Wes, as I have repeatedly documented.
I had no animosity or lack of civility toward you until you so graciously implied how useless my comments were.
And so we're left discussing your post "Re: Well ...." in which you apparently consider your disrespect appropriate. That disrespect is a lack of civility, Wes; I don't know how you call ad hominem sleight-of-hand respectful or civil. I don't even know how you call that post civil at all, Wes.
I was just backing my original assertion. You may deem it pointless but obviously I did not.
It was pointless, specifically in the conversation you entered but didn't want to enter, except you didn't tell anyone anything about your context and expected me to read your mind, and you became uncivil when I failed the ESP test. Another discussion? Great. But your disrespect is founded in an insistence that arose from your presumption of the results of information you did not read. That much you've stated already, remember? You took a line according to your preferred context (your right) and then assigned that context to me (your mistake), and failed to establish that context in your post (your choice). And then you chose to assign me a shitty attitude apparently because I didn't praise you enough (another of your falsehoods, and though you chose that representation which is not factually substantiated, let me guess, you didn't lie?)
You see t, the deal is that I thought you WOULDN't try to read my mind and you'd respond to what I wrote at face value. Then it seemed like you were on crack or someting and arguing against that face value. I found that highly annoying, having not realized you were trying to read my mind.
And Wes, that is another of your representations that is not borne by the facts.

But you don't lie, do you?


Wes, I don't think you're actually reading to the things you're responding to. I might be wrong in that but you seem to have missed a small running theme here that I cannot read your mind, I did not read your mind, and you seem to be upset by contextual confusion that arose because reading your mind would be the only "logical" way to presume your context correctly.

Go back to a gas station someday to ask the guy why he gave you bad directions to Portland. "I didn't give you bad directions," he says. "I gave you good directions." You think about this for a moment and say, "Sure, but to Missoula." And the guy looks back at you and says, "Well, I thought you were smart enough to know I was telling you about Missoula." And you say, "But why would you do that? I asked you about Portland." And then the guy responds, "So why are you upset? You're just part of the problem." Now, maybe, just maybe, if the guy had said, "To get to Missoula from here," before he started giving you directions, you might have known he was giving you directions to Missoula and not Portland. But he took pains to be vague, to say things like, "and then you're there," instead of, "and then you arrive at Missoula".

Will you thank the guy for being of such valuable service to you?

So what is it, Wes? Do you prefer to be thought of as a liar or as someone of mean spirit? Because your representation of these issues seems quite deliberately false. But you're Wesmorris, so deliberate falsehood isn't a lie, right?

Because you don't lie, do you?

This is your fault really in my opinion, because you exactly DID try to read my mind and assume I was a disrespectful asshole.
Too bad you never tried to show that. But then again, I understand why you didn't, since the facts don't support your statement.

And no, Wes, I did not try to read your mind and assume you were disrespectful. I refused to try to read your mind, and concluded your disrespect based on your conduct in the "Re: Well ...." post that you've tried so hard to justify but in doing so have misrepresented the facts, and seemingly deliberately, as you keep insisting that things have occurred which are not in evidence.
If you hadn't this wouldn't have happened
A sad dead-end appeal by a liar, Wes. That's all this kind of statement is.
So in the spirit of friendship and goodwill, I retract my cuntulation and ask that you realize this was a big fat misunderstanding which led to a comedic exchange of bad blood, hopefully ending up as a situation in which it was all laughed at and everyone went home that much better for the entertainment.
I can look past everything but someone lying about me, even in a forum like this. And given how much effort you've put into your dishonesty, it will be a short while at least before the echo of your lies wears off and that, too, fades into the library of the insignificant.

I would love to consider this thing a "comedic exchange of bad blood" and leave it at that. But you crossed the line with your dishonesty.
Can't we all just smoke a bong?
An interesting dimension comes when you sink down to becoming part of the problem in your own opinion, which will finally reconcile your opinion of yourself with my opinion of you.

Sure we can. I intend to go have a rip as soon as I post this. And believe me, living with my partner, I'm very accustomed to drowning the very sensation that comes with someone casting lies about me in a haze of smoke, and I'm very accustomed to coming out smiling afterward. So much so that it's genuine.

Outside this topic is a whole different realm. The only part of this dispute that will extend beyond this topic is the reality of your dishonesty; I don't intend to drill you with it for the rest of your life, or even for a day. But neither will I tolerate future dishonesty in our disagreements.

Oh ... the five words regarding your Mudville one-liner: "It occurs to me that ...."

And the one-sentence "Re: Well": anything about apples and oranges, heads and tails, and so forth. "I think we're having an apples and oranges moment ...."

Seriously ... I just don't understand why you chose ad hominem and shallow disrespect at that point.

I think back to the free-for-all in Free Thoughts, with Spookz, gendanken, myself, and even you ("Three Acts"). Someday I'll ask you what about the idea that I'm perfectly willing to match you disrespect for disrespect if that's your chosen method escaped your perception, recognition, or memory.
I see the problem.

You are simply incapable of understanding misunderstanding and how it plays out.

That's fine.


PS: your head is fully planted in your ass if you think I'm a liar

You know what?

I was just about to spend hours constructing a detailed argument in defense of my honesty, because I've been and will continue to be so but I have had the following realization:

You are a cunt, for real.

You have already decided I'm a liar.

(which is why you're a cunt)

You haven't proved a single thing besides that you're a cunt, yet you're absolutely convinced that you have.

I no longer care you fucking cunt.

You haven't proved a single thing besides that you're a cunt, yet you're absolutely convinced that you have.
You've done such a good job of documenting what's wrong with the repeated demonstrations of how what you've written and claimed to have occurred is not borne out by the facts of this discussion. You know, all that evidence you provided showing how I'm a cunt? Where was it again, Wes?

That's right ... you don't have any except your own attitude problem.
I no longer care you fucking cunt.
Did you ever?
Moderator message: You can both continue this by PM, if you like, or in another forum. Thread closed.
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