Okinrus, Flores, et. al. except The Proud Syrian

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Re: Next time I just won't bother to be even remotely polite


Admit your fault.

You blew it out of proportion.

I thought you were saying something larger than you were with the mudville comment. I was only addressing that particular comment, not your larger rambling.

My bad.

You posted a retort, which I was STILL holding in my original slight of your context.

You could have made it easy.

You chose to make it shitty.

You could have been kind.

You chose to be an asshole.

It's pretty simple.

You can't admit you were wrong. tiassa, you were wrong.

Justifying it with huge testaments to what you percieve as my simplicity or lack of manhood just makes you more of what you accuse me of being.

I don't like it when you call me names, but ultimately I don't care.

I'd rather you understand what I'm saying. I'd rather understand what you're saying.

Do you expect never to be taken somewhat out of context? Did you put forth an earnest effort to correct the simple context error? Did you do ANYTHING but preach and wag? Your entire bullshit preaching is completely fucking baseless, yet you berate how many aspects of my character, intellect and "manliness" based on a simple little thing that you could have so easily corrected with "OH yeah, I agree in the larger context but I meant this specifically, so the larger context doesn't apply here, but yeah it does in that context that didn't have much to do with what I was talking about".

Maybe that's what you tried to do, but it didn't work. Instead you got nasty. If you do that what do you expect in return? LOL. Then you insult MY intellect and call ME shallow? Hehe. I don't care man, whatever but you might consider the other side of the story before casting such baseless judgements. When people do that and stick by it... I can't help but lose respect.
Re: Next time I just won't bother to be even remotely polite

/By the time you got to the moralistic, bullshit "part of the problem" argument, of course I was annoyed.

It wasn't really a huge argument. It was a simple truism based on the context I was in by my mis-interpretation of your words. If you fail to bring some joy to the table, you can't really expect it to be provided for you. Simple, direct. I wouldn't have made it it you would have acknowledged a context problem.

You seemed determined to make the issue about me and not anything else:

Attitude is a big part of how we interpret out surroundings. Seems like yours could use a little happy juice, but apparently with your superiority complex, you've got all the "juice" you need eh? You go girl.

Mind you, mudslinging is not my business. I'm bad at it. Think of me what you will, but my intent in the beginning of this thread was nothing but pure and good. I read you slightly off to what you claim and you started in as if I'd stepped on your itty bitty

1) Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects?
2) Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner.
3) Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem
4) You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded.
5) Maybe consider ....

Seemed you were seething at me. Take this in the larger content that I originally established and you'll see it makes sense. Seemed to me that YOUR BAD ATTITUDE was permeating my orginal courtique of what seemed to me like a bad attitude. Kind of annoying. So we annoy each other. Surprise.

Now then:

(1) Again, this seems pretty obvious: By simply not taking joy having predicted accurately to a given degree when there are more important issues afoot.

You are talking about a different context that i was. I was talking about a shit attitude (not even necessarily yours), not joy in death.

(2) Far too specific. Especially since you have no idea what the phrase indicates.

That just baffles me. You don't think I can relate to "smoking in the corner"? Okay then.

(3) At this point you're riding on your own bitterness, exploiting a specific point that you quite obviously do not understand.

Right. LOL. You don't think I understand what I said. Impressive that you could know what I mean. Ick dude, ick.

(4) That's reasonable advice, except for the fact that it's beside the point. Again I wonder what the hell you think you're about in this discussion.

No, we disagreed as to the very point. It was relative to the point I was making, which yes, was completey obvious to me, just seemed like your attitude had gotten out of control and you'd forgotten. Being a caring fuck, I was trying to help. You could have stopped me pretty quick, but instead chose to be an asshole. Nicely done.

(5) By this point, you're reminding me of (A) things I'm aware of, and (B) things that are irrelevant to the point you chose to undertake.

A) As I mentioned, your attitude (which i may have mis-interpreted at the time, but you have not at least partially validated) appeared to be fucked. I don't hold that I was correct at the time, though in retrospect it seems somewhat applicable.

B) Just seemed you were being kind of hypocritical. I know it's shocking.

Point 1 seems to be invested in your need to invent an issue.

You're wrong. I have zero need to invent issues. I simply read more into it that you intended, which is not seeming more and more spot on. You seem unhappy because you have a beautiful, lovely daughter with a chick you refer to as 'my partner' and whom you seem to somewhat loath. I just was giving you a cheap, cheesy motivational speech to remind you of the simple shit like "you are the source of your joy" and shit like that. I'm an earnest fucker dude. Pardon if you're not used to it.

Points 2 and 3 are useless ad hominem.

They were relevant to the simple message, not relevant to your argument outside of that simple context.

Points 4 and 5 are condescending and presumptory, and wholly invested in your prior errors.

I was slightly annoyed in your attitude at me and considered it evidence of the original suspicion of your fucked up attitude.

Overall, you're not even in the ballpark at that point, Wes.

I was in my ballpark.

So that when we look back to your earlier statement--

You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you

What you put forth equals avoiding the issue and presumes the magnitude of the issue without examining a little matter of reality.

It was an observance of what i thought represented a shit attitude. At the time it was an incorrect observation as it was taken out of context. The more I think about it, the more it seems correct in retrospect though. Funny.

Here, I'll give you the compression:

- Fountainhed: I suggest you therefore treat every silly attempt to poke 'fun' or ridicule your faiths with contempt, and reply to only serious and serious arguments.
- Tiassa: Strategically . . . I have to agree with the sentiment . . . .
- M*W: I hope you're wrong about this, tiassa . . . .
- Tiassa: That's the problem with being me or someone like me. If we're right, there's generally no joy in Mudville . . . Obviously, I desperately hope I'm wrong, too.
- Wesmorris: You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you.

Actually I commented before that, but okay. I have admitted I took you slightly out of context at the time which led to a larger misunderstanding. I was commenting on YOU, not your argument, you're right.

- Tiassa: Fair 'nuff . . . So let me try this one on for size . . . What do you think? I'm not happy with that color . . . Better? Nah. I'll be in the corner ... smoking.

I've already adressed it.

- Wesmorris: Everyone has their opinion, struggle is part of life. Sometimes people are on the other team and take the shit seriously. So much so as to want to kill you . . . . (also ad hominem and irrelevance, see discussion of points 2 - 5 above)

Context clash, looking correct in retro to me.

Now, is there anything about that you'd like to object to or amend?


I saw your valid point about discerning serious and frivolous comments. Sorry I didn't get down and blow you for it.

Please, after so significantly insulting me, there is no need to gross me out.

I'll try to be sure to pat you on the back and give you a gold star more often when I see you making sense.

Hehe. Okay I'm the condescending and presumptuous one? Hmm.

I left that out of the above because it's not part of our immediate discussion, but shit, Wes, the way you've been behaving, I figured I'd better cover that base before you burn a hole in the back of your shorts.

Yeah, the problem is ME. Uh huh. I've admitted my mistake. You refuse and make it a twenty page excercise in boring me to death. Hehe.

In the meantime, excuse the hell out of me if I don't see the relevance of yet another two-bit cock-knocker walking into a discussion and expecting everyone to flock to his attitude problem.

You accuse ME of an attitude problem? LOL. Man you're just not real self-aware eh?

I mean, so you can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in yourself. Great. Happy day. I applaud your sacred golden phallus. What the hell ever.

No attitude problem there eh? LOL. Sheez dude. You sure it's me?

Tell me, though, Wes, what the fuck did that have to do with anything?

How many times do I have to explain it? Happy yet? I bet you brought your joy huh? LOL. I'm thinking you forgot it.

If you wish a new aspect of the conversation extrapolated from or spun off of that point, then do just that.

I was kind of doing that. A one liner comment and you did THIS. Not what i was thinking really and it being a simple point I didn't really want to take it a great distance.. but uh.. okay.

But a two-bit retort that demonstrates a lack of understanding?

Who is failing to understand here? Seems like I've got a pretty clear handle on what happened and you're still flailing like your pussy hurts. Dude, you can be a person of much respect. EARN THAT SHIT. Calling people who respect you and slightly fuck your context all the things you've called me.. well, it absolutely proves that YOU HAVE AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM. You should smoke more pot or less or something. You're being an asshole. Not much more to it than that. Oh, besides that you won't admit it.

I figured the post where I tried a couple of versions of hauling joy into the joyless as examples would make the point clear, but no, you had to be all snotty and demand that I read your freaking mind.

It seemed plain to me. I thought my one liner established a context that you could have simply corrected. If you didn't understand what I meant you could have said "dude, what do you mean" and I would have gladly fixed you up something nice. Instead, you shit everywhere. That's disgusting. You're losing it bro. Stop being a jackass and choose kindness.

I find your appeal to context just a little late, boy.

Man that's just dangerous. You're talking shit you can't back up.

I can understand how that line might have annoyed you. But I also think it's a little late for you to be appealing to the role of saint.

LOL. Compare to you in this issue, I am a saint. I did nothing but suspect that which you have provent. Your attitude has gone to shit. (while obviously at the time you hadn't provided this wealth of evidence, so thanks I guess)

I've told you why I found the line I responded to with that very stinger annoying.

Uhm, thanks?

Maybe next time you'll think twice before coming out with your fake wisdom wrapped up in the guise of a comedian's one-liner.

Doubt it. I'll just say what i have to say and bear the consequences. You know, like MEN do? You do know about that part right? Eh.

/I took your line to be rather asinine in light of the context of the discussion that was taking place. Would you like to officially play "You Started It", or is there something better we can spend words on?

When you start it, yeah. You started it. You started it. You perpetuated it. You're an asshole, I'm a saint. *shrug*

Actually I'm just a dude. Nevermind about that saint stuff. I'm an earnest fucker though, no doubt abou tit (I just like tits, pardon).

The thing that baffles me is why you're so insistant when it was a simple little problem that YOU blew out of proportion and could have fixed easily. You claim such superiority, but couldn't fix an itty bitty lil problem that would have been so easily tweaked. To me, it's not indicative of your intellectual failing, so much as the appearance that your attitude has gone (if it was ever better) to shit.

I am simply sick of talking about your sorry assed attitude, so now I stop. Too much ado about your asshole. FUck the formatting. I just got back from two hours at the emergency room with my lil one and I'm tired.


I suppose misunderstandings are just that, so that's NOT YOUR FAULT.

IMO, you fucked up when you chose to make this shitty (which maybe you thought I'd already done). As far as I knew I'd been perfectly fair until you started talking shit about how "you've demonstrated that you don't think" (referring to me).
Part 1


I can't make heads or tales of that long, whining post in which you really didn't bother to divide up the words.

And that's kind of an interesting analogy.

So take a deep breath and either edit that thing into shape or try again.

But we'll start with your desperate appeal to sainthood and the self-righteous:
Admit your fault
Fine. I overestimated your perceptive faculties and underestimated your attitude problem.
You blew it out of proportion.
What did I blow out of proportion? Ad hominem distractions, exaggerated characterizations, and your implicit demand that I be clairvoyant? I addressed you according to your needs.
I thought you were saying something larger than you were with the mudville comment.
And I tried to put that error into perspective, yet you came back with horsepucky.
I was only addressing that particular comment, not your larger rambling.
Why? The larger rambling establishes the context. We'll get to that point, as you ask about it directly.
Among others.
You posted a retort, which I was STILL holding in my original slight of your context.
We'll get to context in a moment.
You could have made it easy.

You chose to make it shitty.

You could have been kind.

You chose to be an asshole.
Yes, I could have stood there with blood trickling from my freshly punched lip and said, "Oh please, Wesmorris, you're so sexy and intelligent. May I have another, sir?
It's pretty simple.
I agree: You got exactly what you demanded and now you're whining like a child because you don't like it.
You can't admit you were wrong. tiassa, you were wrong.
Actually, you're incorrect. I'm not sarcastic about overestimating your perceptive faculties and underestimating your attitude problem. You're sort of proving that point, too. Like I said, we'll get to context in a moment.
Justifying it with huge testaments to what you percieve as my simplicity or lack of manhood just makes you more of what you accuse me of being.
Wes, if you gave an issue of substance, there would be more to discuss. In the meantime, excuse the hell out of me for being accommodating. You don't like the rain in Mudville, don't bring the rain to Mudville.
I don't like it when you call me names, but ultimately I don't care.
I would have accepted this line when I read it last night, but I think the two additional posts to try to reinforce your point between then and now indicates that ultimately you do care. While neither bravado nor dishonesty inherently brings derision, the combination does bring a chortle and a snort.
I'd rather you understand what I'm saying. I'd rather understand what you're saying.
And here we can begin on a more vital issue:

- I, too, would prefer the understanding relations between posters. But Wes, look at yourself:
Do you expect never to be taken somewhat out of context?
To the contrary, I'm quite used to it to the point that people losing context doesn't bother me. The important examination is why and how they lost the context.

And you chose a restricted context: "I was only addressing that particular comment, not your larger rambling."

And you know, Wes, how I can get all sarcastic from time to time and talk about letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and so forth? And I drip with condescension and the implications against people's reading comprehension? The difference this time is that I know from prior example that this isn't simple stupidity.

This is an error of your priorities.

You change the context, give no cues, ignore a clarification insofar as by that point you seem to be looking for a fight, and then you start crying like a schoolyard bully whose target for daily harassment finally pops him one square.

You could have been honest.

But you chose to be arrogant.

You could have been decent.

But you chose to be despicable.

Quit your goddamn wailing, Wes.
Did you put forth an earnest effort to correct the simple context error?
At the time I would have said so. But the demonstrative application of what you were telling me in the context of the post you responded to only seems to have upset you. Again, we look back to my perception of you. I won't make that mistake again; I must admit you've made a forceful stand against my overestimations of your character and intelligence.
Did you do ANYTHING but preach and wag?
Your entire bullshit preaching is completely fucking baseless, yet you berate how many aspects of my character, intellect and "manliness" based on a simple little thing that you could have so easily corrected with "OH yeah, I agree in the larger context but I meant this specifically, so the larger context doesn't apply here, but yeah it does in that context that didn't have much to do with what I was talking about".
Well, Wes ... imagine a bad nightmare. Imagine that somebody very important needs you. I choose a child because it makes the rest of the illustration easy. And as you're talking to the doctor about the transfusion and how much blood you need to give, what if your wife says, "You don't love me like this. You need to treat me better." Now, as you pause to think about it, perhaps you'll find a couple of points about which she may possibly be correct. But then you look down at the child in need and say, "Yes, that's a point worth considering, but isn't there something more important afoot?"

The point is that I'm happy to change subjects, if that's what I know is afoot. Lacking any better clarification on your point, I applied your statement in its original context.

You could have made yourself clear.

But you chose deliberately to not be.

How few extra words would have clarified your context on entry? Yet you chose to be a faux-guru. Did it occur to you to provide more than a one-liner? Or did your apathy toward the rest of the post you responded to simply erase that idea before it got started?

You claim a contextual error, yet you note your deliberate ignoring of the rest of the post. And then you ask how to cull the effects of what I'm talking about.

Remember the bit you got upset at? As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least. I have serious suspicions about the rest of the world, too.

Perhaps it's vicious in its phrasing, but this many posts later we see that it is correct.

If you'd thought about the context of what you were responding to instead of trying to build a horsepucky one-liner out of a tiny fragment intentionally taken out of context, we wouldn't be having this current discussion.

And yet you choose to whine and cry about reality.
Maybe that's what you tried to do, but it didn't work.
Whatever. I've noted my error.
Instead you got nasty
Where did I get nasty? You mean after you repeatedly missed the point and resorted to shallow sarcasm?

- Everyone has their opinion, struggle is part of life. Sometimes people are on the other team and take the shit seriously. So much so as to want to kill you. Fortune cookie. Thank you for presuming I have the mind of a five year-old who doesn't yet understand that people don't always like each other. Too condescending.
- Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects? Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner. Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem. What, you don't find this a little bitter, mean-spirited, beside the point, and useless? Perhaps you could show me the wisdom, kind spirit, relevance, and use of such a statement.
- You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded. While it's good advice, I'm not going to thank you for addressing me as if I was a teenager worried about my girlfriend's parents divorce. And yes, you sound about as bright as my father sounded in those days.
- Good for you. Given your condescension, ad hominem, mean-spirited, simpleminded behavior, this seemed sarcastic, wasted, and spiteful.
- Maybe consider: It isn't easy to haul much of anything. If that crushes your joy then you're a pussy, because you apparently don't place enough value on it to see the imperative of maintaining it, regardless of the bullshit. Beside the point, exaggerated, dependent on your intentional slight of context. Altogether dishonest and distasteful.
- Fight when it's time to fight. When it's not time to fight, be merry damnit. Interesting in terms of the topic itself, but at this point you might as well be the street prophet drooling at me to repent or else. That line has about as much use in this discussion as "The end of the world is nigh!"
If you do that what do you expect in return?
Quite obviously, I think that's a question you should be asking yourself.
Then you insult MY intellect and call ME shallow?
If you choose to be insulted, that's your problem.

Yes, you were in the intellectual gutter, and yes, you are being shallow. Duh.
I don't care man, whatever but you might consider the other side of the story before casting such baseless judgements.
And I did. And you affirmed my considerations. You admit to intentionally sacking the context. You admit to not getting the clarification. About the only thing you don't seem to understand is when you resort to two-bit horseshit like your "Re: Well ...." post, people aren't going to get down and suck you off in thanks for your wisdom and generosity.
When people do that and stick by it... I can't help but lose respect.
That line would have some effect if I pretended you had much respect for anyone or anything. Walking into discussions and being intentionally irrelevant is something you do often enough for me to recognize it. And your insistence on a deliberately sacked context screams your disrespect.

I'm aware you don't respect much, Wes. You show it around here daily. So bits about you losing what you don't have in the first place seem just a little stupid to me.

Get over yourself.
heh heh
brother wes finally got the fight he was flirting with for quite sometime now.
whaddya think wes? is everything falling into place? expectations exceeded?
or perhaps a disappointment?

on with the fucking show!
/brother wes finally got the fight he was flirting with for quite sometime now.

The misdirected wrath of a huge fucking cunt? LOL. Wow, you know it's just the way, especially for huge fucking cunts. We don't call'em cunts for nuthin.

/whaddya think wes?

I think I've made it pretty clear.

/is everything falling into place?

nothing is more or less out of place than before.

/expectations exceeded?


/or perhaps a disappointment?

hehe. i'm almost always dissapointed by huge fucking cunts.

/on with the fucking show!

but of course.
because I dig the brother spookz.

/I can't make heads or tales of that long, whining post in which you really didn't bother to divide up the words.

You're the whiner, not me. Nanny nanny boo boo little girl.


Sorry but that's all you deserve, cunt.

/But we'll start with your desperate appeal to sainthood and the self-righteous:Fine. I overestimated your perceptive faculties and underestimated your attitude problem.

What you fail to understand is that I have no attitude problem. Sometimes I read stuff and don't put it in the context it was in. This time, as I previously mentioned... it just jumped out at me as indicative of a larger problem you might be having. Sure maybe I was wrong, but as I've mentioned... you've made it look as if I was right. Thank you.

/What did I blow out of proportion? Ad hominem distractions, exaggerated characterizations, and your implicit demand that I be clairvoyant?

LOL. No, just the whole thing. This for instance, a long pointless post over the fact that you're too much of a cunt to admit you fucked up. *shrug*

/I addressed you according to your needs.

LOL. Oh man that's funny. Uhm, well then thanks for being an idiot? How in the world do you think you understand "my needs"? LOL. Oh man, that is the most passive aggressive bullshit. You're a cunt. LOL.

/And I tried to put that error into perspective, yet you came back with horsepucky.Why?

Because I to me it seemed that you weren't doing that at all, but rather you were just being insistant that my simple lil out of context comment was wrong.

/The larger rambling establishes the context.

No, it establishes the context of YOUR POST. I only quoted a litttle tiny piece of your fucking windbag. Only referred to it in a simple, easy to discern way and you went cunt.

we each establish our own context, cunt.

/We'll get to that point, as you ask about it directly.Among others.We'll get to context in a moment.

Foreshadowing, how dramatic.

/Yes, I could have stood there with blood trickling from my freshly punched lip and said, "Oh please, Wesmorris, you're so sexy and intelligent.

How the fuck would I know you had blood trickling from your freshly punched lip. I never threw a punch until after you insulted me, cunt.

/May I have another, sir?

Just like the first one that I didn't even know I threw, cunt.

/I agree: You got exactly what you demanded and now you're whining like a child because you don't like it.

LOL. I'm not whining, I'm labelling you a cunt because uhm.. you're acting like a cunt.

/Wes, if you gave an issue of substance, there would be more to discuss.

Dude, not every little thing I ever do or say has a lot of substance. What I did say was a nice little truism (of some actual substance now that I reflect on it, you cunt) about the source of joy. It was SO simple and well intended that I earnestly had no idea you'd end up acting like a cunt about it, cunt.

/In the meantime, excuse the hell out of me for being accommodating.

But you have yet to be. If you were being accomodating you would have just said "dude that's out of context" or ignored it. Instead.. can you guess what I'm gonna say? Yup. Cunt.

/You don't like the rain in Mudville, don't bring the rain to Mudville.I would have accepted this line when I read it last night, but I think the two additional posts to try to reinforce your point between then and now indicates that ultimately you do care.

I care that a simple little truism is just that. At first I was only defending that silly little simple true statement. Now I'm calling you a cunt a lot, cunt.

/While neither bravado nor dishonesty inherently brings derision, the combination does bring a chortle and a snort.

I'm almost never dishonest, and I'm brave when necessary but have little bravado. Luckily for me, I'm not a cunt (usually I guess, on rare occasion I get in a mood).

And here we can begin on a more vital issue:

/- I, too, would prefer the understanding relations between posters.

Apparently cunts aren't particularly understanding. ;)

/But Wes, look at yourself
: To the contrary, I'm quite used to it to the point that people losing context doesn't bother me.

That is the biggest joke in this thread so far, but it kind of bombs on me because I can't stand cunts and well.. you're one.

/The important examination is why and how they lost the context.

Oh this should be interesting. A cunt trying to figure out that which is unknowable from his perspective.

/And you chose a restricted context: "I was only addressing that particular comment, not your larger rambling."

I did.

/And you know, Wes, how I can get all sarcastic from time to time and talk about letters, words, sentences, paragraphs, and so forth? And I drip with condescension and the implications against people's reading comprehension? The difference this time is that I know from prior example that this isn't simple stupidity.

I'm not dumb, but I do dumb shit sometimes because of this that or the other. This however is not really one of those cases. It was a very simple little deal where I just had a comment and you acted like a cunt. Cunt on cunting cunter.

/This is an error of your priorities.

Now you tell me what my priorities should be? Hehe, I'm feeling that the excessive cuntage here is really working some magic, cunt. CUNT CUNT CUNT. LOL. Fucking cunt. Who the fuck do you think you are cunt? LOL. Okay, let's see what you think I should do because YOU, the cunt, knows better.

/You change the context, give no cues, ignore a clarification insofar as by that point you seem to be looking for a fight, and then you start crying like a schoolyard bully whose target for daily harassment finally pops him one square.

Maybe I underestimated your reading comprehension? Maybe I "overestimated your perceptive faculties and underestimated your attitude problem". Yup. I think that's what happened.

/You could have been honest.

I was, I just didn't realize you had failed to realize that I'd switched contexts because I never consciously did. I just saw the line and made the comment. I liked the comment. I still like it. I still think you're a cunt for being a cunt about it you cunt.

/But you chose to be arrogant.

No, I didn't. I just didn't understand why you were being a cunt. If you think I'm arrogant for having made the comment in the first place, then you're simply a much larger cunt than I've given you credit for.

/You could have been decent.

I was actually attempting to be as such and if you'll note, after getting over your cuntness the first time I attempted to go back and be civil. I see you've yet to do so yourself, as you are simply a slanderous cunt.

/But you chose to be despicable.

LOL. I chose to react to a cunt.

/Quit your goddamn wailing, Wes.

You are one to talk you fucking cunt. Why don't you admit that you're a cunt? You do that and I'll quite "wailing" you fucking cunt.

/At the time I would have said so. But the demonstrative application of what you were telling me in the context of the post you responded to only seems to have upset you.

I don't like cunts, so I got peeved when you decided to be one, yes.

/Again, we look back to my perception of you. I won't make that mistake again; I must admit you've made a forceful stand against my overestimations of your character and intelligence.

LOL. You're a fucking cunt, so your estimations are probably a little skewed.

/The point is that I'm happy to change subjects, if that's what I know is afoot.

THEN EMPLOY WHAT YOU KEEP CLAIMING TO BE SUCH A SUPERIOR FUCKING MIND AND REALIZE THERE WAS A CONTEXT SWITCH. You see, since I wasn't involved with your particular conversation at the time, I figured you knew the first comment could go either way. But instead, cunt. So let's play the game cunt. Cunt on.

/Lacking any better clarification on your point, I applied your statement in its original context.

And as I was defending MY context, (which it seemed to me that you didn't get, and in which I thought I sensed a serious snide attitude from you) which led to misunderstanding. I thought you were criticizing my simple comment as wrong, not defending your original context as I really hadn't realized you were so adamant about it.

/You could have made yourself clear.

I attempted it but a misunderstanding ensued.

/But you chose deliberately to not be.

Wrong. I had no intent of misleading you. I just didn't understand you cunt-like attitude and took offense. Again, if you realized there was a context problem you could have just explicitely called it out as the problem and this wouldn't have happened. Instead you're a huge fucking cunt.

/How few extra words would have clarified your context on entry?

It simply didn't occur to me at the time. Yet you assume I intend to fuck with you or mislead or belittle you. I didn't, and now my only intent is to belittle you as you have attempted to do me - because I think you have acted like a huge fucking cunt about all of this.

/Yet you chose to be a faux-guru. Did it occur to you to provide more than a one-liner?

Nope. It was just a simple comment. One-liner was perfect for my thought at the moment. There was no mal-intent, just a simple little thought about joy.. yet you have me in the electric chair over it you fucking cunt.

/Or did your apathy toward the rest of the post you responded to simply erase that idea before it got started?

Actually I just wasn't interested in the rest of your post. I was just skimming it and came across that line, which struck a chord, which led to a simple thought which I posted, cunt.

/You claim a contextual error, yet you note your deliberate ignoring of the rest of the post.

See above, cunt.

/And then you ask how to cull the effects of what I'm talking about.

You are speaking out of context, cunt. I was speaking to the effects of a bad attitude really. Totally unrelated to your topic.

/Remember the bit you got upset at? As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least. I have serious suspicions about the rest of the world, too.

Yes cunt, I remember.

/Perhaps it's vicious in its phrasing, but this many posts later we see that it is correct.

LOL. So because I wasn't thinking about YOUR post that means I wasn't thinking? HAHA. JUST what a cunt would say, cunt.

If you'd thought about the context of what you were responding to instead of trying to build a horsepucky one-liner out of a tiny fragment intentionally taken out of context, we wouldn't be having this current discussion.

/But I am not obligated to you, you sorry assed cunt. I was speaking my mind on a halfassed related simple deal.

And yet you choose to whine and cry about reality.

Show me where I've done this.

/Whatever. I've noted my error.Where did I get nasty? You mean after you repeatedly missed the point and resorted to shallow sarcasm?

Oh please dude, your entire shit here has smelled nasty since your first reply to me you passive aggressive cunt.

/Fortune cookie. Thank you for presuming I have the mind of a five year-old who doesn't yet understand that people don't always like each other. Too condescending.

I was only responding to what you wrote. You seemed to have gotten a little lost in the clouds, I didn't understand your objection to simple logic, cunt.

/What, you don't find this a little bitter, mean-spirited, beside the point, and useless?

No, I found it appropriate at the time. That's why I typed it. It's not useless, nor mean-spiritied. Maybe slightly bitter from the smell of your skanky cunt.

/Perhaps you could show me the wisdom, kind spirit, relevance, and use of such a statement.


it meant that knowledge often reveals uncomfortable facts (like thousands of people inevitably dying, or that tiassa has a skanky, smelly, dirty cunt that he whines about incessantly). If you want to keep gaining knowledge and maintain sanity (and not act like a fucking cunt all the time) you have to be able to segregate your understanding of the desparity of man from your personal good will and joy. That is what I mean, but at the time, the misunderstanding had me thinking you were being a cunt. In retrospect, I still think you were, so... *shrug*. Get over yourself, cunt.

/- You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded.

/While it's good advice, I'm not going to thank you for addressing me as if I was a teenager worried about my girlfriend's parents divorce.

Never asked for thanks. Just wanted a non-cunt response. Seems as if I went to the wrong source.

/And yes, you sound about as bright as my father sounded in those days.

Do you call you father "boy" too you skanky fucking cunt? Apparently, he should have spanked you more.

/Given your condescension, ad hominem, mean-spirited, simpleminded behavior, this seemed sarcastic, wasted, and spiteful.

That is so funny coming from the cunt who instigated this fight.

/Beside the point, exaggerated, dependent on your intentional slight of context.

As I mentioned, CUNT, the fact that I'd slighted your context honestly didn't occur to me at the time.

/Altogether dishonest and distasteful.

FUCK YOU, lying fucking cunt. I am one of the most honest people on the planet, cunt. Oh, and I could shit on your sorry fucking taste you stinking fucking cunt. You consider Styx genius. LOL. PROOF of cuntdom.

/Interesting in terms of the topic itself, but at this point you might as well be the street prophet drooling at me to repent or else.

LOL. Yeah, okay whatever. Consider me droolng if you'd like. LOL. Cunt.

/That line has about as much use in this discussion as "The end of the world is nigh!"

To you, obviously. As you fail to acknowledge a misunderstanding, you apparenly feel obliged to cuntulate.

/Quite obviously, I think that's a question you should be asking yourself.If you choose to be insulted, that's your problem.

As if what you think I should be asking me is at all relevant? HEHE, ah, part of the whole cunt thing. Inevitable I suppose.

/Yes, you were in the intellectual gutter, and yes, you are being shallow.

LOL. Oh man that's uh... just snobby and bitchy. Hmm.. reminds me of something. I can think of as single word that describes it. I think.. maybe. Hmm. Yeah I got it:


er i mean uh..



"the intellectual gutter"? omfg. LOL. holy shit you're a fucking skanky cunty bitch ICK. omfg. dude, uhm, you were talking about something in a context. I was talking about something in a different context. simple stuff 'lessen you're a stupid fucking cunt - okay maybe a moron would think similarly.

/Duh .And I did. And you affirmed my considerations.

That simply isn't possible, cunt, since we were in two differnt contexts. If you weren't such a stinky little cunt, you would take that into consideration.

/You admit to intentionally sacking the context.

No, I didn't do it intentionally. I just didn't consider it at all at the time and again, it seemed obvious to me as it was so simple, that it didn't have shit to do with the larger context of your shit, as it did not interest me enough to read it. Further, I would have assumed your self-proclaimed superiority would have been able to discern this for itself. It probably could have if you didn't have that HUGE FUCKING CUNT that it fell into.

/You admit to not getting the clarification.

Obviously I didn't think it was required. From my perspective, I saw you arguing against a simple lil truism. Seemed like well, you know - a skanky cunt and annoyed me, but I tried not to get out of hand until you started directly insulting me. Then I started directly insulting you. Face it cunt, you're a hater.

/About the only thing you don't seem to understand is when you resort to two-bit horseshit like your "Re: Well ...." post, people aren't going to get down and suck you off in thanks for your wisdom and generosity.

Why would you think that I'd expect that? Ah, because you're a dirty cunt? Hmm.. I dunno. Yeah probably. Anyway, I love blowjobs but I never expect them. Also, I really only expected a rational response. THanks? Hehe.. no, I didn't even remotely consider that a possibility. At best I thought "OH, I see what you mean, yeah cool then" but of course, CUNTS don't say that kind of thing.

/That line would have some effect if I pretended you had much respect for anyone or anything.

What would you claim to know about my respects. How could a dirty CUNT like yourself even begin to fathom what respect really is? I don't think you fucking get it you sorry assed piece of shit cock slurping bitch ass CUNT. ;)

/Walking into discussions and being intentionally irrelevant

Hehe, think about the larger context NOW, cunt. Do you still find it irrelevant? May I ask who it is that determines what is and is not relevant? Keep in mind, cunt, that I never stated any direct relevance to the context of yours that i never read. I merely stated relevance to the fucking shit I quoted you stupid fucking skanky cunt.

/is something you do often enough for me to recognize it. And your insistence on a deliberately sacked context screams your disrespect.

dude, you're a fucking cunt. how could i respect that? I HAD respect for you on entering a room. Said one little truismish thing and you cuntploded, like smelly cunts do.

/I'm aware you don't respect much, Wes.

I seriously don't think your cunt-ass has a clue what respect is about. spooky gets it. you don't. you're a cunt cunt cunt cunt cunty cunt cunting cuntily.

/You show it around here daily.

You are simply too shallow to understand, cunt boy. Comments like "go back to the farm league, BOY" are pretty hard evidence.

/So bits about you losing what you don't have in the first place seem just a little stupid to me.

As they must, you being so fucking stupid and all you stupid fucking cunt. (mind you I think you're pretty bright really, just emotionally cuntish)

/Get over yourself.


Done you sorry cunt. Doubt you could do the same.

For the record, I just used the word cunt 108 times. :D
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pooky ooky poo.

ring the bell damnit. i need a breather, I'm encuntulated and I gotta take a breather for chrissake.
What a pair of halfwits.

There might come a time when both of you realise you're acting like school kids for no good reason whatsoever.
I wonder if it's just that sarcasm is much tougher to spot in this here medium, so comments just slide right by to offensive. lack of face readage is a huge downer.
Wes: At least you're not pretending to appeal to decency anymore.

You're the whiner, not me. Nanny nanny boo boo little girl.
Really? Show me. Go on, I dare you.
What you fail to understand is that I have no attitude problem.
Ri-ight. And Father Geoghan did it in the name of love.
Sometimes I read stuff and don't put it in the context it was in. This time, as I previously mentioned... it just jumped out at me as indicative of a larger problem you might be having.
And that's your presumption. And, in being incorrect, it kind of undermines your clamber to the podium. And it reveals the nature of your condescension. Like I said before: Think.
No, just the whole thing.
You could have left it where it was. But you spent three posts on it. I'd have left it at telling you to go fuck yourself on that one point, but you felt it necessary to spend three posts in defense of your mistake, and what is even more disappointing is that you couldn't even manage to be sincere about it.

I liked that point where you started complaining that I made it into a contest by being asinine while ignoring the sarcasm, ad hominem, irrelevance, and general disrespect of your own post. I don't like that kind of dishonesty, Wesmorris.

I'm blowing it out of proportion? Hey, you're the one dedicating yourself to being a fucking liar.

Blow it out your ass, boy. If your complaints were grounded in reality, I wouldn't mind your anger nearly as much. But you're a fucking liar, and I'll demonstrate yet again the problem:
YOU made it into a contest with this assenine comment:

"As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least."

I had no animosity or lack of civility toward you until you so graciously implied how useless my comments were.
I consider that a cheap lie. No animosity or lack of civility? I believe I demonstrated that quite clearly, liar. And I will demonstrate it again for your lying ass:
-Someone finally went and blew up a lot of people in America in an act of terrorism! Woo-hoo! I was right! God damn it feels good to be right!

What do you think?

Everyone has their opinion, struggle is part of life. Sometimes people are on the other team and take the shit seriously. So much so as to want to kill you.

/I'm not happy with that color. Shades of death should not be so essential in my wardrobe, but rather superficial.

Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects? Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner. Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem .

-Yay! I was right! Lots of civilians died because of ____'s inaction! Good for me! I'm so f@cking cooooooool!



You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded.

/I'll be in the corner ... smoking.

Good for you.

Maybe consider:

It isn't easy to haul much of anything. If that crushes your joy then you're a pussy, because you apparently don't place enough value on it to see the imperative of maintaining it, regardless of the bullshit.

Fight when it's time to fight. When it's not time to fight, be merry damnit.
Remember writing that post, Wesmorris? No animosity or lack of civility? What a cheap lie, you stupid twat.

What kills me most is that assholes like you don't realize how easy it is to legitimately fuck with me. It's stunning that such a small effort escapes your faculties, Wes. It's like watching Cris swat flies; two cents' worth of sincere effort and he might be able to accomplish something useful, but it's not worth it to him to actually make that effort. In the meantime, starry-eyed religionists flock and murmur and object, and the whole thing is a stunning parody of how humans screw up their chances for progress.

Christ, Wes, you want to call me out? Call me out on something of substance someday. In the meantime, don't tromp around like a muscleheaded cartoon character pissing in people's gardens and expect to be respected for it.

Come on, boy. Spin us some more lies.
This for instance, a long pointless post over the fact that you're too much of a cunt to admit you fucked up.
It's true that I should simply accept your lack of integrity, accept that you don't actually read the posts you criticize except to build some smarmy, off-topic one-liners here and there.

Even though I think you're being an asshole for the hell of it, I still figured you smart enough to understand a few things.

Sorry, my bad.

And since you're standing on your lies, you can consider the note taken.
Uhm, well then thanks for being an idiot?
Yes, stooping can stretch the back sometimes. It was, obviously, my pleasure to accommodate your idiocy.
How in the world do you think you understand "my needs"?
By examining your conduct.

Fuck. How simple is that? Super powers are not required to see your appreciation for disrespect.
Because I to me it seemed that you weren't doing that at all, but rather you were just being insistant that my simple lil out of context comment was wrong.
I've already noted that I won't overestimate your perceptual faculties again.
No, it establishes the context of YOUR POST. I only quoted a litttle tiny piece of your fucking windbag. Only referred to it in a simple, easy to discern way and you went cunt.
And what, pray tell, did your simpleton sound-bite have to do with anything, Wes?
we each establish our own context
Yes, I suppose so. On the one hand I was holding the context of the discussion taking place, while you were seeking to establish a whole new conversation with its own context.
I never threw a punch until after you insulted me, cunt.
How many times do I have to document what's wrong with that assertion, liar?
Just like the first one that I didn't even know I threw, cunt.
That reminds me of the guy who pleaded that he didn't throw the first punch. No, it's true. He didn't close his fist and throw the first "punch". He did, however, try to throw the other guy through a window.

Ignorance may be a reality, Wes, but it's not an excuse.

And if you want to pretend you didn't realize the nature of your remarks, I'm happy to remind you yet again that I will not at any point in the future repeat the mistake of overestimating your perceptual faculties.

Seriously, Wes. That's really no joke. I honestly thought you were smarter.

In the words of Carl the Alien: "Moo. Moo-moo." ("Sorry. My bad.")
I'm not whining, I'm labelling you a cunt because uhm.. you're acting like a cunt.
In what way am I acting like a cunt? Go ahead, show me. I've shown how you're a fucking lying twat.
Dude, not every little thing I ever do or say has a lot of substance
We're well aware of that, boy.
What I did say was a nice little truism (of some actual substance now that I reflect on it, you cunt) about the source of joy.
Wonderful. Start a topic. You're so fucking wise.

In the meantime, make a better effort to establish that you're starting a new conversation, and I'll not make the mistake of thinking you're participating in the one you insert yourself into.
It was SO simple and well intended that I earnestly had no idea you'd end up acting like a cunt about it, cunt.
And my response was so simple and well intended that I have no idea where the hell your attitude problem came from.

In the future, I'll make sure to be sickeningly patronizing when I address you. I'll use short words and try to keep the ideas tiny enough for you to handle.
But you have yet to be. If you were being accomodating you would have just said "dude that's out of context" or ignored it.
What do you want? I applied your principle according to my context. You chose to have an attitude problem, and then you lied to cover your ass. I've accommodated you all the way through this. And since you demand such an easy-to-accommodate manner and tone, no, you don't have to thank me. It's my pleasure.
I care that a simple little truism is just that. At first I was only defending that silly little simple true statement.
Yes, and if you weren't such an irreverent, lying twat I might be amused enough to let it be.
I'm almost never dishonest
Gee, should I take your word for it? I mean, you're only perpetuating your lies right now.
It was a very simple little deal where I just had a comment and you acted like a cunt.
And it's this sort of shit that keeps the burn on, Wes. The rest of it doesn't really matter much to me. But you're leaving out a couple of steps because you really do seem to think that we should all know your context without you telling us what it is. I consider that different from your choice to ignore context and blow things up out of proportion. After all: ". . . it just jumped out at me as indicative of a larger problem you might be having . . ."

But we'll go with whatever you say now? Is that how it goes, liar?
Now you tell me what my priorities should be?
No. I'm telling you that your priorities as they have been revealed by your conduct in this discussion with me are demonstratively, observably incorrect, unless of course I should presume that creating this kind of discord is that high a priority. And that would go well with the theme, despite your words about preferring understanding; after all, you are a liar. Who knows, maybe your priorities are right on target.

Was it a mistake to presume your priorities to not be malevolent?

You've spent a lot of words since your simpleton sound-bite trying to explain it and fill in the context of what you wanted the discussion to be about. Quite obviously, it was not important enough to you to establish that up front.

Unless dysfunction is what you seek, I'd say that was an inappropriate apportionment of your priorities.

I mean, look at you now, using cunt ... how many times did you say? 108? Even though you're a cheap liar, I'm going to take your word for it because it's not a priority of mine to actually verify the fact. In other words, it's not important enough to me to count them. Counting the number of times you used the word "cunt", or the number of times I call you a cheap fucking liar, a lying twat, a liar, or employ some other reminder of your lack of integrity just aren't big priorities for me.

And yes, there comes a point when I stop lashing someone like this. It doesn't require apologies, it doesn't require kowtowing, winning, or losing. All it requires is a cessation of your dishonesty.
Maybe I underestimated your reading comprehension?
Um ... sure. Yes, you generally do. But is that really what you mean to say?
Maybe I "overestimated your perceptive faculties and underestimated your attitude problem". Yup. I think that's what happened.
You didn't give much to perceive, did you, Wes? You know, establishing your context independent of the conversation you were inserting yourself into just wasn't enough of a priority for you. I'm not here to tell you what your priorities should be, Wes, but would you like to tell me what there was to perceive? Habit compels me to presume that most people who insert themselves into conversations like that are actually attempting to participate in the conversation, not start a new one. Typically, when someone wishes to start a new one, they give a little of their own context in order to affect the direction.
I was, I just didn't realize you had failed to realize that I'd switched contexts because I never consciously did.
Your response to the "Well ...." post betrays that assertion. Your antagonism was deliberate and did not rely on an honest assessment of the conversation. I mean, look at you: did you just not get the post or did you presume I was being snotty to you? It seems to me that you presumed I was being snotty, but that would speak much about what you presume in people, and that something is utterly reinforced by the remainder of your cheap whining and lying in this discussion.

You're looking too closely for the bad things in people, Wes.

I know the bits about overestimating your faculties seems condescending, but that's a reality I have to face. When I presume you intelligent, it's because I'm trying to not expect the worst in you simply because you're alive.

And making the search for the bad things in people such a high priority as to let it override your considerable rational intelligence is definitely a wrong priority. It creates the kind of distrust that would explain your escalation of the issue in your post "Re: Well ...."
I just saw the line and made the comment. I liked the comment. I still like it.
And as I've noted before, and as you seem to have difficulty understanding or appreciating, it's a good line. For a different discussion. And most days, I'd have that discussion with you. But if you don't make establishing that context a priority ...? Consider it functionally. Tomorrow, go around and whomever you run into, no matter what you're actually talking about, change the subject and don't tell them. Despite the advantage of having tone in spoken conversations, I think you'll find that you need to fill people in on where you're going with it, or else they'll consider it in the context of the conversation they're still having and not the one you think they should be having.
No, I didn't. I just didn't understand why you were being a cunt.
The only thing that makes this difficult to respond to is that you haven't demonstrated the cuntish aspect or its development. However, at what point did you stop and say, "Why are you being such a cunt?"

I mean, I recognize where you keep leaving details out of your presentation of events, and if I cue from that, I might ask you about the following:

Sorry T. I'll just never be up to your standard. Have you considered that maybe you're just too entrenched in dissapointment to realize that some things are somewhat simple?

/What joy should I haul into Mudville?

The joy that sparked the smile that sparked the hope that sparked the man that sparked the people that sparked the revolution into joy joy joy for everyone.

If you don't bring any joy to Mudville, how do you expect it to ever get there? You think the calvary will bring it?

It's simple. You find your own fucking joy OR YOU SUFFER.

Suffer if you must brother, but I choose joy. I fight when it's time to fight.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, ASS.


Pretentious cock.
As I noted, it would be better for us both if you were to make the cunt case a little bit more strongly, but by this post of yours ("Re: That was a disappointing showing on your part, Wesmorris") you seem to have willingly ignored any chance to honestly inquire as to what was bugging me and motivating my behavior.

Honest? Lie. Not arrogant? Another lie.
If you think I'm arrogant for having made the comment in the first place
Not exactly. I think you're arrogant if you refuse to learn that your approach needs some serious work. I think you're arrogant for lying to cover your errors. I think you're arrogant for ignoring the "fucking windbag" in order to presume it as "indicative of a larger problem" and addressing that without giving any thought to making yourself clear.
I was actually attempting to be as such and if you'll note, after getting over your cuntness the first time I attempted to go back and be civil. I see you've yet to do so yourself, as you are simply a slanderous cunt.
Unless you can demonstrate this and refute the issues of your "Re: Well ...." post and explain your dishonesty, you're left merely repeating and attempting to build your lies.
LOL. I chose to react to a cunt
You haven't established what cunt you are reacting to. You keep throwing the word around, but you can't establish it as having any value. But I find the nearest implication I can discern to be dishonest. If you are disrespectful, and get disrespect in turn, you're not "reacting" to anything but rather perpetuating your own disrespect.
Why don't you admit that you're a cunt?
Wes, don't be so lazy. Just because you cannot establish the cunt factor you want me to do it for you? Don't be so pathetic.
I don't like cunts
Well, that might go a ways toward explaining a few things.
so I got peeved when you decided to be one
So you got peeved because someone else was peeved at your reckless disrespect? Poor fucking you, boy.
You're a fucking cunt, so your estimations are probably a little skewed.
Repeating it over and over won't demonstrate a thing except that you know how to type the word "cunt".
Well, let's look at that post:
You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you.
Alright ... now what is it you are pleading here?
You see, since I wasn't involved with your particular conversation at the time, I figured you knew the first comment could go either way.
In other words, it wasn't important enough for you to make yourself clear and we all have to guess what you were thinking?

Really, Wes, what was the cue?

As I sit here and look at that post, it strikes me that five words could have established, while not exactly your context, the idea that a shift of context or perspective was occurring and inviting a new discussion.

Five words. And they're pretty silly words, too.

Five words that weren't important enough to you to think of or write down.

Something about priorities goes here, Wes.
And as I was defending MY context, (which it seemed to me that you didn't get, and in which I thought I sensed a serious snide attitude from you) which led to misunderstanding. I thought you were criticizing my simple comment as wrong, not defending your original context as I really hadn't realized you were so adamant about it.
Was that before, during, or after your post "Re: Well ....."?
I attempted it but a misunderstanding ensued.
Was that before, during, or after your post "Re: Well ...."?
Wrong. I had no intent of misleading you.
What you mean to say and do, compared to what you actually say and do, is often quite different.

You didn't know you "threw the punch"? Consider the guy in the bar stumbling recklessly around. No, he didn't intend to elbow you in the jaw, but does that excuse his actions? And when he wants to be rude and condescending about it instead of polite? And yet you wonder why I became so sharp?

You chose Wes. Priorities again. You chose to not establish any new context, but rather to wait for people to read your mind.
Again, if you realized there was a context problem you could have just explicitely called it out as the problem and this wouldn't have happened.
And here we come again to your post "Re: Well ...."

If you voiced your lack of comprehension instead of your attitude problem, ...?

Yeah, we would have arrived at the explicit point of, "Okay, here's the deal."

But you chose disrespect.
It simply didn't occur to me at the time.
Five is the fewest I've found, but I haven't given it a whole lot of thought. Writing your posts for you, quite obviously, is not something I'm going to do.
Yet you assume I intend to fuck with you or mislead or belittle you
I'm going to split a hair here.

Can we agree on the #6 definition of "assume"? Because I didn't really assume anything. We can apply either the #3 or #4 definition of "conclude".

In the case of d4 of "conclude", you might have a case for premature conclusion. In the case of d3 of "conclude", I stand firmly on my conclusions drawn from your behavior. We might look here again to the disrespect of the "Re: Well ...." post combined with the missed opportunity to determine why I'm "being a cunt" in your post "Re: That was a disappointing showing on your part, Wesmorris".

Your choices do speak loudly of your priorities, Wes.
I didn't, and now my only intent is to belittle you as you have attempted to do me - because I think you have acted like a huge fucking cunt about all of this.
Again, we see your priorities showing through.
Nope. It was just a simple comment. One-liner was perfect for my thought at the moment. There was no mal-intent, just a simple little thought about joy.. yet you have me in the electric chair over it you fucking cunt
I won't call that falsehood a lie on the simple grounds that you actually seem to believe in some unspecified but erroneous construction of events.

I can think of one sentence, a relatively short one at that, which would have served the purpose you allege in retrospect instead of your post "Re: Well ...."

And several variations of that sentence. Admittedly, I didn't think of it until just now, but I haven't made it a priority to do your thinking for you, as we can probably both agree that it's not my role to do so.
Actually I just wasn't interested in the rest of your post. I was just skimming it and came across that line, which struck a chord, which led to a simple thought which I posted
Fuck, Wes ... if you'd bothered to give it a title, even, there might have been a shard of context to adjust to. But you didn't. And you know, perhaps there's an abstract case for examining the presumption of consistency, but at what point am I supposed to presume irrelevance? And that's even a neutral irrelevance, not so much a "forgivable" irrelevance, but perhaps even a slightly compassionate one.

But the thing is that I have a hard time imagining such irrelevance to be the basis of communication insofar as typically, when a similar expansion of a conversation occurs among people around a table, I'm generally--

(A) not of a mind that they're being irrelevant, and
(B) not usually left to guess, as people usually give cues when they are splintering, digressing, transmogrifying, or whatevering a part of a conversation.

Thus, lacking any indication of a splinter, digression, transmogrification, epiphany, abstraction, or whatever, I tried on the idea in the context of the conversation.

And rather than checking in with perhaps one sentence, you chose disrespect.

At what point did the fact of a contextual disagreement occur to you?

At what point did you choose to do anything about it? I see it, I think. But it's a bit late and sandwiched between your determined dishonesty and disrespect.
See above
Indeed. Try it yourself.
So because I wasn't thinking about YOUR post that means I wasn't thinking?

Rather, your post "Re: Well ...." was the demonstration that you weren't thinking.
JUST what a cunt would say, cunt.
You should work on establishing the cunt factor, Wes, as we see from the prior section of this post that what a cunt would say does not represent the issue, but rather your vicious construction of events designed to warrant your cunt tantrum.

But we already know you have some issues with honesty, Wes, as I've demonstrated and you've chosen to not refute.
But I am not obligated to you, you sorry assed cunt. I was speaking my mind on a halfassed related simple deal.
Shall I simply presume that every post of yours should be ignored, then? Because I can't read your fucking mind, Wes!

Would you prefer if I just ignored every post of yours altogether, and presumed you were talking about whatever was important to you and that you have nothing important to say in the context of the ongoing conversations? I am happy to oblige, if so.
Show me where I've done this
First off, let's take a look at the four paragraphs you've addressed individually put back together:
Remember the bit you got upset at? As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least. I have serious suspicions about the rest of the world, too.

Perhaps it's vicious in its phrasing, but this many posts later we see that it is correct.

If you'd thought about the context of what you were responding to instead of trying to build a horsepucky one-liner out of a tiny fragment intentionally taken out of context, we wouldn't be having this current discussion.

And yet you choose to whine and cry about reality.
Now let's take a look at some of the whining and crying that led up to that:
I was merely making a simple statement about the source of happiness, and you blew it up into a big fucking pretentious argument.

YOU made it into a contest with this assenine comment:

"As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least."

I had no animosity or lack of civility toward you until you so graciously implied how useless my comments were. Then you follow it with low-grade commentary like "fuck yourself" and think you are somehow vindicated by explaining WHY you think I should fuck myself.

FUCK YOU, tiassa, for degrading this to shit. YOUR BAD.
Oh, poor you. Liar.

How about this bit?

You could have made it easy.

You chose to make it shitty.

You could have been kind.

You chose to be an asshole.

It's pretty simple.

You can't admit you were wrong. tiassa, you were wrong.
Or how about this, from the same post:
Your entire bullshit preaching is completely fucking baseless, yet you berate how many aspects of my character, intellect and "manliness" based on a simple little thing that you could have so easily corrected with "OH yeah, I agree in the larger context but I meant this specifically, so the larger context doesn't apply here, but yeah it does in that context that didn't have much to do with what I was talking about".
Or yet, from still the same post:
Maybe that's what you tried to do, but it didn't work. Instead you got nasty. If you do that what do you expect in return? LOL. Then you insult MY intellect and call ME shallow? Hehe. I don't care man, whatever but you might consider the other side of the story before casting such baseless judgements. When people do that and stick by it... I can't help but lose respect.
Poor, poor Wes.

Shall we continue? This is getting long. Yawn-yawn. Whatever.

It wasn't really a huge argument. It was a simple truism based on the context I was in by my mis-interpretation of your words. If you fail to bring some joy to the table, you can't really expect it to be provided for you. Simple, direct. I wouldn't have made it it you would have acknowledged a context problem.
Oh, poor Wes. Poor boy is upset because Tiassa isn't a fucking psychic? Give me a break. I mean, really, Wes.
Actually I commented before that, but okay.
This seemed an odd thing for you to point out especially since I acknowledged that comment, and you threw a hissy-fit about it a few sentences later:
Please, after so significantly insulting me, there is no need to gross me out.
And you even blew right by further discussion of it in pursuit of a fight:
Yeah, the problem is ME. Uh huh. I've admitted my mistake. You refuse and make it a twenty page excercise in boring me to death.
And you go on and on:
Who is failing to understand here? Seems like I've got a pretty clear handle on what happened and you're still flailing like your pussy hurts. Dude, you can be a person of much respect. EARN THAT SHIT. Calling people who respect you and slightly fuck your context all the things you've called me.. well, it absolutely proves that YOU HAVE AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM. You should smoke more pot or less or something. You're being an asshole. Not much more to it than that. Oh, besides that you won't admit it.
Or perhaps:
It seemed plain to me. I thought my one liner established a context that you could have simply corrected. If you didn't understand what I meant you could have said "dude, what do you mean" and I would have gladly fixed you up something nice. Instead, you shit everywhere. That's disgusting. You're losing it bro. Stop being a jackass and choose kindness.
Compare to you in this issue, I am a saint. I did nothing but suspect that which you have provent. Your attitude has gone to shit.
The thing that baffles me is why you're so insistant when it was a simple little problem that YOU blew out of proportion and could have fixed easily. You claim such superiority, but couldn't fix an itty bitty lil problem that would have been so easily tweaked. To me, it's not indicative of your intellectual failing, so much as the appearance that your attitude has gone (if it was ever better) to shit.
I am simply sick of talking about your sorry assed attitude, so now I stop. Too much ado about your asshole. FUck the formatting.
And at this point, three minor digressions:

- Yeah, that was a really incoherent post.
- And I'm sorry that I'm just getting to the part about the little one. I was serious when I said I couldn't make heads or tails of it, and that's why I left it alone the first time. Despite all else, I hope things are well, or at least better for the li'l one.
- And with that comes an apology for the "bad nightmare" paragraph (cf "Part 1"). I would have used a different example had I finished reading that post instead of leaving it for either reconstruction or the junk heap.
As far as I knew I'd been perfectly fair until you started talking shit about how "you've demonstrated that you don't think" (referring to me).
I consider this a lie. So I'm adding it to your whining and crying.

By the time you get to your post "because I dig the brother spookz", you really do seem to be sulking. If you weren't such an embittered, lying twat about these issues, I'd almost be amused by the cuntrification.

However, having shown you where you've whined and cried, let's move on:
Oh please dude, your entire shit here has smelled nasty since your first reply to me you passive aggressive cunt.
That's ... a good argument.

You have yet to begin making the case. It's the difference between telling the press you can win the case and going into court and refusing to present evidence.
I was only responding to what you wrote. You seemed to have gotten a little lost in the clouds, I didn't understand your objection to simple logic
This from someone who feels victimized when someone gives him what he demands?

What was the simple logic that you've been after? That I'm supposed to read your fucking mind? Is that it, Wes?
No, I found it appropriate at the time. That's why I typed it.
And that's a good portion of what about your priorities makes you such a despicable fuck in this case.
It's not useless, nor mean-spiritied
Demonstrate the use of it. Go for it.
Maybe slightly bitter from the smell of your skanky cunt
If I take that in a certain retrospective way, for instance as part of your cunt tantrum, I might point out that we have yet another clear demonstration of your priorities: being rudely useless. If we take that in the sense that you actually thought that at the time, we have yet another clear demonstration of your priorities: the presumption of the worst.

In either case, boy, it's your problem to deal with.
it meant that knowledge often reveals uncomfortable facts (like thousands of people inevitably dying, or that tiassa has a skanky, smelly, dirty cunt that he whines about incessantly). If you want to keep gaining knowledge and maintain sanity (and not act like a fucking cunt all the time) you have to be able to segregate your understanding of the desparity of man from your personal good will and joy. That is what I mean, but at the time, the misunderstanding had me thinking you were being a cunt. In retrospect, I still think you were, so... *shrug*. Get over yourself, cunt.
Has it occurred to you, Wes, that you're not doing much for your actual case by demonstrating that you are unable to show the wisdom, kind spirit, relevance, or use of your statement?

Let's try the whole thing again. Both your statement and your explanation:
- Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects? Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner. Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem.

- it meant that knowledge often reveals uncomfortable facts (like thousands of people inevitably dying, or that tiassa has a skanky, smelly, dirty cunt that he whines about incessantly). If you want to keep gaining knowledge and maintain sanity (and not act like a fucking cunt all the time) you have to be able to segregate your understanding of the desparity of man from your personal good will and joy. That is what I mean, but at the time, the misunderstanding had me thinking you were being a cunt. In retrospect, I still think you were, so... *shrug*. Get over yourself, cunt.
So ... whatever you say, Wes. That's the point of it all anyway, right? Whatever the fuck you say.
Never asked for thanks. Just wanted a non-cunt response. Seems as if I went to the wrong source.
Tell me, if you dislike the response to condescension, why be condescending?

Poor you. Poor, poor you.
Do you call you father "boy" too you skanky fucking cunt? Apparently, he should have spanked you more.
Yes, Wes, violence solves everything, doesn't it?
That is so funny coming from the cunt who instigated this fight.
Quit your whining. Quit your crying. Quit your goddamned lying and try showing that, Wes. If the facts of the dispute could honestly be represented to your favor in that, I'm sure you would have done it by now.
the fact that I'd slighted your context honestly didn't occur to me at the time
The fact that you bucked it by default and presumed I could read your mind is a result of your own choices, Wes. Apathy does not excuse you from the results of your actions.
FUCK YOU, lying fucking cunt.
Is this in lieu of any real response?
I am one of the most honest people on the planet, cunt
Perhaps you are. But I wouldn't know because you've shown such sterling dishonesty and malice. The evidence of your actions suggests that you're lying when you say you're honest.
Oh, and I could shit on your sorry fucking taste you stinking fucking cunt.
And is your daddy bigger than mine, little boy?
You consider Styx genius.
Genius? Aesthetic, yes. Tommy's a good songwriter. JY penned a few good ones. And even Dennis had his days, but if Styx were geniuses, they would have conducted themselves better and not allowed themselves to become such a laughingstock as to only be saved by REO Speedwagon, Journey, and Foreigner. And, while Dennis had his days ... nobody can explain what the hell he thought he was doing.
PROOF of cuntdom.
Now that you've tried it for pretend, you ought to try it for real. Make the cunt case.
To you, obviously. As you fail to acknowledge a misunderstanding, you apparenly feel obliged to cuntulate.
You chose disrespect for reasons that still aren't clear to me. I mean, I know I overestimated your intelligence, but how can I possibly discuss the aspects of a misunderstanding if I do not acknowledge it? You are out of touch with reality on that point, Wes. Another incorrect representation of reality from someone who is documented to be a liar .... Try a little integrity, Wes. It won't kill you to be honest, will it?
As if what you think I should be asking me is at all relevant?
No, but reinforcing the point in evidence that you are a liar and extending it to include hypocrisy is quite relevant to the issues we find ourselves disputing.
Oh man that's uh... just snobby and bitchy. Hmm.. reminds me of something. I can think of as single word that describes it. I think.. maybe. Hmm. Yeah I got it:


er i mean uh..



"the intellectual gutter"? omfg. LOL. holy shit you're a fucking skanky cunty bitch ICK. omfg. dude, uhm, you were talking about something in a context. I was talking about something in a different context. simple stuff 'lessen you're a stupid fucking cunt - okay maybe a moron would think similarly.
Ayuh. The intellectual gutter indeed. You're lying trash, Wes. Get used to it or change it. But don't expect me to pretend you're anything else until you choose to be.
That simply isn't possible, cunt, since we were in two differnt contexts. If you weren't such a stinky little cunt, you would take that into consideration.
And if you were smarter you'd realize what's wrong with that.

Specifically, if you weren't so obsessed with seeking things to criticize negatively about other people, you would realize what's wrong with that.

Because I didn't start to be irritated with you until your post "Re: Well ...."

And you felt unjustly offended by it? Is that the problem? And you didn't seek the reason why? You didn't seek the contextual issue on your own? By the time we'd gotten back to the issue of context, you'd already chosen to sling shit--after all, slinging mud ain't your thing--all over the place.

But the reality of it is that I did, in fact, consider both sides when I wrote the post "Well ...."

And remember, that post starts with two simple words: "Fair 'nuff".

Did those words somehow convey hostility? I don't know because you've never addressed them.
No, I didn't do it intentionally. I just didn't consider it at all at the time and again, it seemed obvious to me as it was so simple, that it didn't have shit to do with the larger context of your shit, as it did not interest me enough to read it.
Wait, wait, wait.

So, you didn't read what you referred to as a "fucking windbag"? And yet without that information, you decided to chime in because what you chose not to read struck you as possibly "indicative of a larger problem" I might be having?

Excuse me, Wes, but I think you recently used the phrase, "objection to simple logic"?

What about drawing conclusions from what you didn't read is logical?
Further, I would have assumed your self-proclaimed superiority would have been able to discern this for itself.
Based on what cues? ESP?
Obviously I didn't think it was required. From my perspective, I saw you arguing against a simple lil truism.
Right, because you had no regard for the context of the discussion you drew from, and offered no sense of context to adjust to, and yet you expect me to discern your context?

And your chosen course of action was disrespect?
but I tried not to get out of hand until you started directly insulting me
Document it, Wes. Oh, wait, you can't, can you? Because you're lying.
Then I started directly insulting you.
Okay, so ... you were upset that I didn't take well to your deliberate disrespect so you started directly insulting me?
Face it cunt, you're a hater.
What do I hate, O Supreme Liar? Go ahead, make any old thing up if you want to. Sure, I'd prefer to see you come up with something grounded in reality, but we're aware that you prefer to play with illusions.
Why would you think that I'd expect that?
Well, you didn't seem to be thrilled with a response that disagreed with your disrespect as much as it disagreed with your ill-stated position at the time.
Also, I really only expected a rational response.
Wes ... would you please tell me which part of your post "Re: Well ...." warranted a rational response? Or at least the part to which a rational response was possible?

Seriously, I'll give you another chance. Nothing would thrill me more in this discussion than to figure out what the hell you thought you were doing in that post.
At best I thought "OH, I see what you mean, yeah cool then" but of course, CUNTS don't say that kind of thing.
Perhaps you're right: "Were the discussion you inserted yourself into of a different context, there are conditions whereby I would agree with you."

True, we were already heating up by that point, Wes. But what, do I have to get down and blow you before you're satisfied that I respect your point?

I'm starting to think the falsehoods are a sick joke, like your cunt tantrum.
What would you claim to know about my respects.
I observe your behavior. I see your disrespect. I'm familiar with its form. I even find it useful on some occasions. But your dedication to it is ... discouraging. (Is that a watered-down enough word for you? Or will you be unhappy with anything but glowing praise of your conduct?)
How could a dirty CUNT like yourself even begin to fathom what respect really is? I don't think you fucking get it you sorry assed piece of shit cock slurping bitch ass CUNT.
The winkies are well and fine, Wes, but why bother with them at this point? And that's not a surly question this time out. I'm aware of a good degree of humor in this tantrum of your illegitimacy, but if you've dragged us through this for a lark, I'll have a few things to say about that. And since I don't really want to worry about that slender possibility, it's best not to dwell on the motivations of winkies from someone like you.
Hehe, think about the larger context NOW, cunt. Do you still find it irrelevant?
May I ask who it is that determines what is and is not relevant?
Well, we start with the idea of "to each their own". But you've admitted to being irrelevant to the discussion you drew from. I didn't think the irrelevance was that much of an issue, but rather the intention of that irrelevance and the issues that arose form there. As you pushed your case for irrelevance, you also noted that everybody was supposed to discern what you were talking about, Wes, and lacking any cues, I went in the context of the conversation that was taking place. Lacking any cues, I even reiterated myself sharply after you got sullen and disrespectful. And yes, I did tell you to go fuck yourself, because that's how disrespectful you were being. Turns out that I'm expected to know your context, to essentially read your mind, Wes, and you know ... if it's not important enough to you to make yourself clear, you only have yourself to blame.
Keep in mind, cunt, that I never stated any direct relevance to the context of yours that i never read. I merely stated relevance to the fucking shit I quoted you stupid fucking skanky cunt.
Um ... Wes, what post are you referring to? Because when you walked into the discussion with your chosen context that you didn't want to let anyone in on that happened to be irrelevant to the context of the discussion from which you drew your point, you didn't quote anything. You spun a line, and reasonably well in the abstract. But what the hell are you talking about here?
dude, you're a fucking cunt. how could i respect that? I HAD respect for you on entering a room. Said one little truismish thing and you cuntploded, like smelly cunts do.
Like, whatever, dude.

We know you lie. It might do you well to demonstrate what you accuse.
I seriously don't think your cunt-ass has a clue what respect is about.
Like, dude, I'm not the one who got all pissy when someone failed to read my mind.
Comments like "go back to the farm league, BOY" are pretty hard evidence.
Hard evidence of what? My distaste for second-rate, amateurish disrespect? Sure.

And besides, we were talking about joy in Mudville, you know.

That you're second-rate is not a problem in and of itself. There are many ways to point that out. But "farm league" went well with Mudville, you know. Perhaps I should take your route, claim it was a cute metaphor that you didn't understand, and now you're being a cunt about it and lament that I don't know why you're being so rude.

Like, whatever dude.
As they must, you being so fucking stupid and all you stupid fucking cunt.
Well, would you like to explain with that "simple logic" you mentioned how exactly you can lose what you don't have in the first place?
mind you I think you're pretty bright really, just emotionally cuntish
On the one hand, I would have said the same of you at one point, although I'm happy to leave you with the dislike of cunts. But turns out, I would have been wrong. I thought you were bright, Wes, and just wrapped up in your own priorities like everyone else. But now I realize my error. You're not as bright as I had estimated, Wes, and your priorities are sicker than I would have ever imagined.
Done you sorry cunt.
The language of the bright mind, indeed!
Doubt you could do the same.
I admit ... I couldn't possibly tell so many lies, stoop so low, or be so childish in spite. It's true, Wes: between your attitude problem and your dishonesty, I couldn't possibly hope to be such a pathetic twat as you.

What a pair of halfwits.

There might come a time when both of you realise you're acting like school kids for no good reason whatsoever.
People seem to like it.

Besides, it's well-known around here that if you want to get me into a long and nasty argument, disrespect and lying are a surefire one-two punch that will get me started.

Besides, Snake ... this is pretty much all anybody wants around here these days. Fuck it. I'll give the audience what it wants from time to time.

Sure, it's tragic in that sense, but after a while, you'll get used to it.

There is further commentary that would only start fights with other people that goes here, but wisdom indicates against it. Suffice to say that I was actually expecting a bit different grade of mudslinging.

Nonetheless, your point holds. I don't object to it in the least.
Moderation message:

<b>Tiassa and wesmorris:</b>

You both seem to be enjoying yourselves, but you aren't adding anything useful to the Religion forum.

I am inclined to simply delete your whole conversation here. Instead, I have decided to let you each have a final say following this post, after which this thread will be closed.

this is real simple.

you fucked up.

you picked a fight for the most bonehead of reasons.

i have no obligation to satify YOUR criteria for posting.

i had a simple thought which in it's simple way i thought was pretty.

it was based on a one liner from a post of yours.

seemed self explanitory to me

you got attitude because you thought i should respect your larger context which, not to be insulting, i did not care about at the time. i just liked my pretty little thought. it was completely innocent.

but you shit all over it anyway, inducing the type of behavior that you obviously KNEW would follow and then blame ME for it.

to that I say:

You're a fucking jerk.

if you had an inkling as to what actual respect was, or cared at all to avoid this type of exchange, i'm pretty sure you could have not been wholly self-involved long enough to see that my comment was completley innocent.

otherwise, if you noticed, i tried to diffuse what is apparently a huge miscommunication when I said:

"I suppose misunderstandings are just that, so that's NOT YOUR FAULT.

IMO, you fucked up when you chose to make this shitty (which maybe you thought I'd already done). As far as I knew I'd been perfectly fair until you started talking shit about how "you've demonstrated that you don't think" (referring to me).

but you still had to claim I'm a liar and the slew of other offences to my character. you sling the mud and then expect me to just "der duh ahyuck well okay there massah, I sho doan no y I be typin. pleez massah, tell me how you know what I'm thinking"?

exactly why you're a sorry jerk.

brother, you didn't know what I was thinking, assumed you did, and jerkploded (btw, thanks for inspiring that word, as it has had me giggling for some time now).

I'm doing exactly what you claim you were doing by "giving them what they ask for".

My intentions here were pure (as yours may have been) and simple. Pretty thought, move on. You said my thought wasn't pretty, I was annoyed by that (because it was such a simple little pretty, i wasn't claiming it to be the end all be all, just a pretty). Then you asked for a fight and got it.

You can call me a liar more if you want, but deep down you have to know it isn't true. I'm a horrible liar. I just don't do it.

My thoughts well-intended.

Simple or not simple, my thoughts well-intended.

They come in all sizes, yet all of them are well-intended.

I am the definiton of earnest. (until you accuse me of otherwise without showing me the respect of asking me first)

I can even see how you could have thought otherwise, but when I explained, you could have said "oh shit, I see, my bad" but instead it's easier for you to think I'm a liar. that way you don't have to deal with the fact that your'e a fucking jerk.

I'm sorry, they're all well intended until I'm shown how my good intentions are smeared into something they are not. That is annoying. I react to my annoyance in general, as it's not good for me to bottle it all up. I need to resolve it. I express it. I didn't however, call you a liar or call you dumb. You may have thought it implied but that's YOU. It wasn't meant to be in the second post. I was merely defending my pretty for what it was.

I was in the third and since, because it's become apparent that you're a serious jerk.

Bye jerk.
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Is it impossible for you to comprehend that I do not EVER (except on occasional technicalities) lie?

I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.
I don't lie t, you're an ass for accusing me of it.

I'm wrong sometimes.

But I almost NEVER lie.

I certainly haven't in this thread, not once, not at all, not a hint.

But you claim I "lied" and was "disrespectful" to set you off?

FUCK YOU JERK. I did neither, you're just too self-involved and jerkulated to realize it.
I agree, Wes is a major pain in the ass, but he hasn't lied to me yet....at least, I have not caught him lie yet.
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