Okinrus, Flores, et. al. except The Proud Syrian

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Fully Realized
Valued Senior Member
I have reached the conclusion that you supply the 'fires' by feeling a need and thus providing a response to every silly attempt to ridicule your religious beliefs. There is no need to prove anything, or defend anything. You have a faith; and wrong or right, it is a faith and demands no defense. I suggest you therefore treat every silly attempt to poke 'fun' or ridicule your faiths with contempt, and reply to only serious and serious arguments. [Personal insult deleted.]

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Originally posted by thefountainhed
I have reached the conclusion that you supply the 'fires' by feeling a need and thus providing a response to every silly attempt to ridicule your religious beliefs. There is no need to prove anything, or defend anything. You have a faith; and wrong or right, it is a faith and demands no defense. I suggest you therefore treat every silly attempt to poke 'fun' or ridicule your faiths with contempt, and reply to only serious and serious arguments. Proud fool is a moron, and thus is excluded.


Thank you so much for making a great point. I hope every one follows. Once again. Thank you
Just curious

I'm just curious why we don't put the burden on the detractors to buy a clue every now and then ...?

Strategically, however, I have to agree with the sentiment. People should remember that in dealing with Westerners, you're dealing with people whose logical systems inevitably lead to conflict. Americans, for instance, complain that "they" aren't like "us", yet vilify "them" for Westernizing when, for instance, Muslims try to "speak the language" and address the conflicts according to Westenr priorities. The whole point is to have an issue to fight about with someone, anyone. Crap, whenever things get relatively better in the US, we get a flood of trailer-trash daytime talk shows to provide us a low-key sense of unceasing conflict.
Re: Just curious

Originally posted by tiassa
I'm just curious why we don't put the burden on the detractors to buy a clue every now and then ...?

Strategically, however, I have to agree with the sentiment. People should remember that in dealing with Westerners, you're dealing with people whose logical systems inevitably lead to conflict. Americans, for instance, complain that "they" aren't like "us", yet vilify "them" for Westernizing when, for instance, Muslims try to "speak the language" and address the conflicts according to Westenr priorities. The whole point is to have an issue to fight about with someone, anyone. Crap, whenever things get relatively better in the US, we get a flood of trailer-trash daytime talk shows to provide us a low-key sense of unceasing conflict.

I hope you're wrong about this, tiassa, the thing that embarrasses me about being an American are the trailer-trash talk shows. These people represent middle-class America. It's disgusting. So is their IQ.

I suggest you therefore treat every silly attempt to poke 'fun' or ridicule your faiths with contempt, ……
Be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and wrong. Sometime in your life, you will have been all of these.

It is doubtful that showing anger, hatred, or contempt for another human for any reason will ever be a productive endeavor.
Yes, but he does have a point. There's absolutely no reason why we should have to answer stuft over and over again like the Torah commanding the Jews to kill their first son's. Perhaps we need a FAQ for religion.
How might one discern serious comments from un-serious comments?

I will dig on religions until the day I die most likely because I get a snide kick out of it, but I can back it up as either the joke that it was or take it to the extreme of showing you with your faith is flawed as compared to mine in the only possible mutual context.

That said: What if it's a trap eh? What if by acting snide, you're doing the work of satan? I mean, isn't that what your silly fucking books say? Something about humility and kindness in there somewhere, maybe uh, maybe like uh.. something about not judging and stuff? Maybe? No? I suppose I wouldn't know. Ha. Hahaahaha.

Just kidding.


See my point?

(okay so you don't miss it: the point is that YOU are the only person who can determine how you should act. while you have to dig the thought behind fountain's commentary, it's ultimately moot as it brings your own character, interpretation of faith, etc. into question)
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(Endless nameless?)

Medicine Woman

That's the problem with being me or someone like me. If we're right, there's generally no joy in Mudville. But I offer a simple and recent example:

- During the Reagan years the United States concentrated on vast foes like Communism, both having pushed themselves to the wall. Reagan, to his credit, pushed an inventive economy that won the Cold War but created a savage and consumer-dependent economy that saw its height during the 1990s. It's hard to explain the first Bush presidency in these terms, but neither am I espousing a truly credible theory. But by the time Clinton took office, the country was starting to look better than my childhood taught me to expect it. I even tolerated the faux-optimism of the pop-alternative world that brought us the unfortunate Woodstock revivals. But what happened politically? With no demons left to stand down, the people set about picking things apart. Clinton was hounded by a shady real estate deal, and Congress spent millions and shredded the Constitution over a blowjob. In the meantime, the revolution that started with Oprah vs. Phil spread like a plague; soon enough every Ricki, Montel, Maury, Jerry, Jenny, Geraldo, Phil, and Oprah were serving up filth and depravity as a main course. I'll never forget the day I sat first in laughter and then stunned silence as my roommates passed around some very good dope and we watched the revelation of what turned out to be like 30 people all vaguely related to one another who had pretty much had sex with everybody else. Now, achieving this and being able to document it is one thing in the short attention span era of the 1990s, but what to think when we stop and consider that at the last revelations of who zoomed who, the people tangled up in this sordid chapter were still surprised to find out each new revelation. And I looked around at the people I was smoking with and said, "How the hell is it that these people can't give a damn about child labor scandals in Nepal except to say that they wouldn't f@ck Kathy Lee but find Springer so engaging?" The whole thing was an odd revelation to say the least; it stands out as one of those moments of clarity when I started understanding certain aspects of the Absurd. But here's the thing: how is it that we come to such a point? Well, I'd go so far as to assert that nothing better seems appealing. Think of it: for over a generation the nation thought in the Us/Them terms of the Cold War. In the absence of that major evil, well ... nature abhors a vacuum. And this is were the benefits of education would have shown themselves if education wasn't such a hypocritical issue with Americans. Because we couldn't find anything better to do than pretend we didn't know cigarettes were killing us in order to win a lot of money, hold ritualized cluckings around the water cooler after Seinfeld, or whisper knowingly about shows we alleged not to watch, such as the aforementioned sleazemongers. (How we went from debating racism with a gnome-like, incoherent "Grand Wizard" of the KKK to a woman arguing that the man her twelve year-old daughter has her heart set on is fat and ugly when in reality it seems to me the issue is that he's forty ... I can't quite explain.) In the end, Americans and to a certain degree the first-world "West", have the "luxury" of plaguing ourselves with trivial pursuits. If Americans, as this discussion has it, were better educated in the sense that I'm constantly lamenting the disappearance of the idea of a "well-rounded education", we would find more vital concerns to fill the void. Yes, I suppose it might be annoying that the president banged an intern with a cigar in the oval office while talking to senators about Chinese diplomatic scandals, but if--for instance--we'd paid any attention to Liberia then, we might not have the problem we do now. Clinton got a hummer? You don't like federalizing "midnight basketball"? Big freaking deal. This is a big planet, we've got mouths to feed. But no ... Newt had to bitch about not getting to ride up front on the airplane. I perceive a malaise in Western culture that allows the society to invent its own demons and go tilting after windmills. As a pastime, I guess that's fine. But people are starving in the meantime. Obviously, I desperately hope I'm wrong, too.

Or so goes my two cents. How's that for a grim worldview?
You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you.
Well ....

You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you.
Fair 'nuff.

So let me try this one on for size:

- Someone finally went and blew up a lot of people in America in an act of terrorism! Woo-hoo! I was right! Goddamn it feels good to be right!

What do you think?

I'm not happy with that color. Shades of death should not be so essential in my wardrobe, but rather superficial.

- Yay! I was right! Lots of civilians died because of ____'s inaction! Good for me! I'm so f@cking cooooooool!



I'll be in the corner ... smoking.
End of the cold war put the american mindset onto an altar that they don't have any worthy enemies. i wonder all those alien-sci-fi-UFO crap of movies that became favourites and satisfied, in a strange way, this notion. running after triviality subsequently affected other non-western cultures also severely who take anything american for granted and thought of being in vogue. The only sanity i could find is in the field fo science & technology, naturally. it generally is not guided by human subjectivity. US is the one of the leading country in the world in this filed. yet they miserably failed on 9/11. most of the educated american knew where exactly is afghanistan and what happens in that region only after Osama & co intruded in their pointless routine of life. Osama unknowingly instilled the fear of God in american minds. american for once,briefly, forgot the alien-sci-fi-UFO challenge and got down to the ground and looked around and around the world. but all other pursuit of trivialities remain unscathed as they are trivalities ofcourse. God bless America is one of few rare non-trivial revealation and had its effect both ways. Instead of stay focused on remembering God the leaders initiated clash of Gods.

since i only smoke cigarette, not stuff, let me have a break. later, the ramblings.

Tiassa, i miserably failed in an attempt to follow your style of thought. but, i won't smoke stuff. let me be satisfied with clear-cut-tasteless way of expressing though i wish to have your style..:D :m:
Or so goes my two cents. How's that for a grim worldview?
Having an accurate perception of the state of things has the unfortunate side-effect of cynicism. Idealists will always seem doomed to be wrong, realists will always seem grim.
Re: Well ....

- Someone finally went and blew up a lot of people in America in an act of terrorism! Woo-hoo! I was right! Goddamn it feels good to be right!

What do you think?

Everyone has their opinion, struggle is part of life. Sometimes people are on the other team and take the shit seriously. So much so as to want to kill you.

/I'm not happy with that color. Shades of death should not be so essential in my wardrobe, but rather superficial.

Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects? Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner. Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem.

- Yay! I was right! Lots of civilians died because of ____'s inaction! Good for me! I'm so f@cking cooooooool!



You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded.

/I'll be in the corner ... smoking.

Good for you.

Maybe consider:

It isn't easy to haul much of anything. If that crushes your joy then you're a pussy, because you apparently don't place enough value on it to see the imperative of maintaining it, regardless of the bullshit.

Fight when it's time to fight. When it's not time to fight, be merry damnit.
That was a disappointing showing on your part, Wesmorris

What do you think?
My bad. I had thought I made myself clear on that issue.
Everyone has their opinion, struggle is part of life. Sometimes people are on the other team and take the shit seriously. So much so as to want to kill you.
And what joy should I take when I'm right about certain bad things happening?
Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects?
The usual. Think before you vote. Think before you do. Think.

As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least. I have serious suspicions about the rest of the world, too.
Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner. Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem .
I can definitely ask how the weather is in Majorca here. Because I don't know why you're there instead of ... oh, say, Bakersfield.

Or, to put it simply enough for your palate: Where did that come from?

Left field? Maybe once you get to the ballpark.
You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded.
I'm growing more and more disappointed with your approach. What I can't figure out is if you're supremely ignorant and arrogant and actually believe this, or whether you're being a prick for the hell of it and the only real annoying thing is that your personal standards advocate such behavior.
Good for you.
Go fuck yourself.

And I'll even explain why I say that:
Maybe consider:

It isn't easy to haul much of anything. If that crushes your joy then you're a pussy, because you apparently don't place enough value on it to see the imperative of maintaining it, regardless of the bullshit.

Fight when it's time to fight. When it's not time to fight, be merry damnit.
Wes, what the hell are you talking about?

Very simply, to recap:

I wrote:

- If we're right, there's generally no joy in Mudville.

And you responded:

- You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you.

Now I admit I thought this an odd response. So I provided examples of what I was talking about:

- Someone finally went and blew up a lot of people in America in an act of terrorism! Woo-hoo! I was right! God damn it feels good to be right!

- Yay! I was right! Lots of civilians died because of ____'s inaction! Good for me! I'm so f@cking cooooooool!

Now ... the question is: What joy should I take when my grim assessment of the world proves correct?

What joy should I haul into Mudville?

Tell me, Wes. You raised the issue. What fucking joy should I bring to Mudville?

Excuse the fuck out of me if I don't take comfort in being correct when thousands of people die.

But since you raised the issue, Wes, what joy should I haul to Mudville?
Re: That was a disappointing showing on your part, Wesmorris


Sorry T. I'll just never be up to your standard. Have you considered that maybe you're just too entrenched in dissapointment to realize that some things are somewhat simple?

/What joy should I haul into Mudville?

The joy that sparked the smile that sparked the hope that sparked the man that sparked the people that sparked the revolution into joy joy joy for everyone.

If you don't bring any joy to Mudville, how do you expect it to ever get there? You think the calvary will bring it?

It's simple. You find your own fucking joy OR YOU SUFFER.

Suffer if you must brother, but I choose joy. I fight when it's time to fight.

Oh, and go fuck yourself, ASS.


Pretentious cock.
Now if you'd rather be civil about it, your original sentence just struck me odd and that was the first thing that came into my head. I think it's pertinent, though I did take your sentence sort of out of context. My point was indirectly related as follows:

Knowledge and wisdom comes at a price.

If you cannot handle that price (in you forgo your joy) for that knowledge and wisdom, you are almost surely going to be emotionally fucked up from it.

So though you understand why thousands of people must die, you have to fucking get over it. Torturing yourself over shit you can't control is silly. Your desire to control the situation is noble but typical of the arrogance induced by intellect. Like you don't see it everywhere.

So to sacrifice your joy is to LOSE THE GAME. Maybe you already think you lost. I say, you're still alive and you have a beautiful daughter. Find your fucking joy asshole - she needs it from you (and YOU need it from you, unless you'd rather be bitter I suppose). (and I don't mean that cruelly, I just mean you seem to need to get your feet on the ground from the evidence you've presented here).

So find some fucking joy and haul it into mudville, asshole. People are counting on you.
Re: That was a disappointing showing on your part, Wesmorris

/My bad. I had thought I made myself clear on that issue.

The "what do you think" thing was YOUR question that I failed to annotate or delete. Pardon.

/And what joy should I take when I'm right about certain bad things happening?The usual.

The joy that they didn't happen to YOU. The joy that they haven't happened YET. WHATEVER YOU CAN MUSTER. It's just a happy happy joy joy thing. You sound like an angst-ridden teen for chrissake. Boo hoo tiassa. People die. I'm going to die. My daughters, they're gonna die. You gonna die. Wouldn't it suck to make the most of it? Obviously to you, making the most of it is basically whining incessantly about how smart you are.

/Think before you vote. Think before you do. Think.

Like YOU are the fucking benchmark? BITE ME, ASS. Maybe I'm WAY ahead of you t. Maybe I'm not. You obviously have it all figured out though so why don't you tell me how joyless it is again. It's so stark when you do it like that.

/As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least.

Like that is more sophisticated than FUCK YOU. I'll keep it simple. FUCK YOU.

/I have serious suspicions about the rest of the world, too.I can definitely ask how the weather is in Majorca here. Because I don't know why you're there instead of ... oh, say, Bakersfield.

This again? Jeez tiassa, not everyone is as smart as you. Depressing eh? THINK by whose standards? YOURS? Hehe. I'll just drop that one.

/Or, to put it simply enough for your palate: Where did that come from?

From the realization of the pointlessness (in my eyes) of the joyless. You make yourself blind to it and then state that it's not anywhere to be found.

/I'm growing more and more disappointed with your approach.

Hehe. Yeah.

/What I can't figure out is if you're supremely ignorant and arrogant and actually believe this, or whether you're being a prick for the hell of it and the only real annoying thing is that your personal standards advocate such behavior.

So your inability to figure out simple people like me yields:

/Go fuck yourself.


/Excuse the fuck out of me if I don't take comfort in being correct when thousands of people die.

You're making plenty of excuses just fine on your own.

Then have some fucking discipline and think about it when you need to and then let it go when you need to, fuckign pussy. Everyone dies. Sucks eh? Why not have a little fun while we try to help the world survive as long as possible? If you let it steal your joy, IMO, you defeat the point.

Uhm... jackass.
Go back to the farm league, boy.

The joy that sparked the smile that sparked the hope that sparked the man that sparked the people that sparked the revolution into joy joy joy for everyone.
I have to officially accept the possibility that you have no idea what you think you're arguing insofar as you're operating on some interpretation of my words that I have not foreseen.

Other than that, I still don't understand what the hell your problem is.
The joy that sparked the smile that sparked the hope that sparked the man that sparked the people that sparked the revolution into joy joy joy for everyone.
This was a telling point. I'm left with a split response.

- Holding my own line: I'm wondering then why change the issue in response to grim reality.
- Attempting to interpret a possible divergence between us: Actually, I'm referring more to the idea that if I think, I'm apparently bound to be a Joe Scarborough caricature against conventional liberalism.

I'm erasing here a huge bit on 9/11 because I think I can use a slightly less charged example; it could be that WTC, for instance, is too polarized for you.

I had not seen my father for a while; while we argued much in my childhood we bear no long-term hostilities. He just prefers to live on his boat two hundred fifty miles away, and doesn't stick his head out much. But he came up to see me one day and before he even said hello, he sort of slumped in the doorway and said, "I owe you an apology."

I couldn't imagine for what. Nothing of late had happened.

"You used to say some things I didn't like," he explained. Then he got vague and downright sheepish. "Corporations. Executives. I didn't really think ...."

Essentially, what he was apologizing for was a very fundamental and formative fight we had throughout my childhood in which he despised my more communal principles on the grounds that he perceived them as reactionary and phantasmic.

He really didn't believe that people generally behaved that way.

And it had been such a period that I had long forgotten any notions of demanding an apology. I had neutralized those chapters through repeated examination, and had long ago put them on the shelf.

I should have felt great. I don't jump on the frontrunner, the odds-on favorite. I admit to a certain degree of distrust of convention. And because of this, I don't "win" certain causes very often.

And on that day, I flat-out won. Total and complete victory in what turns out to have been a vitally defining episode of my childhood.

It should have felt great. (I haven't any psychologists in my immediate circle, but that would be an odd episode to investigate ....)

But it didn't. In fact my father that day learned something about me that is irrelevant to the chapter in general, except that knowing he learned that small factoid brought a measure of personal satisfaction that actually felt warmer than "winning" a 28-year (okay, 23, since it probably didn't start until I hit school) argument that we'd long ago stopped devoting any energy to.

"Winning", Wes, involved a very grim reality. Lots of people lost tons of money to thieves. People saw their savings and retirements wiped out. Energy infrastructure--perhaps the most vital in any society--nearly came apart. Before that my father had seen his throat figuratively cut by his business partner. And all along he ideal of family and society was confounded by reality.

So in the end, my "victory" comes at the expense of my father's mental health, his basis for relating to the world; how many dollars, and how many ruined lives?

Now ... should I stop to pat myself on the back for "winning" like I never really could? Or perhaps as this post might, by some acceptable psychological theories, be attempting to do?

There were more important things going on. I mean, it's well enough for some, such as a starving musician I know, to obtain some spiritual satisfaction watching a friend of ours enter poverty for the first time. But for him it wasn't the satisfaction of seeing our friend's world fall apart. For him it was the spiritual aspect of his friend suddenly coming to understand him more. The joke is that about a third of what the newly-poor friend found odd about the starving musician suddenly became perfectly explicable to him as soon as he didn't have money. And it gave a couple of my friends a newfound appreciation for each other.

And just as I take comfort in strengthening my association with my father after all these years, so too do my friends take comfort in their newfound perspectives.

But none of those comforts means there's any joy in being remotely accurate in one's assessment of grim reality.
If you don't bring any joy to Mudville, how do you expect it to ever get there?
So ... let's import it from Cleveland?
It's simple. You find your own fucking joy OR YOU SUFFER.
This is where I get really disappointed with your standards, Wes. The American Buddha attitude problem was annoying back around 1992, and was obsolete by 2000. Get in the twenty-first century, or something superficial like that.
Suffer if you must brother, but I choose joy. I fight when it's time to fight.
Again, your standards. As with the last, it seems you've leapt from the particular to the general, cast my life according to a chosen archetype based on that leap, and have taken up that cause. While I certainly respect your right to be an opinionated fuck, I just wonder why you have to invent that one.

Do you wonder why there are so few deep conversations around here, Wes? The phrase "you become part of the problem" springs to mind.

Go back, read the conversation, and then try to explain to me what you were thinking when you decided to address the problem of joyless Mudville.

It's real simple, Wes. If I bet five bucks on the Marlins and they win, yes, I can take joy n being right. On the other hand, if I say to someone, "Bad shit is going to happen and people are going to suffer," I don't take joy in being correct.

You've leapt from a very particular discussion back to a general principle of joy. Were the discussion you inserted yourself into of a different context, there are conditions whereby I would agree with you. But in taking a very particular facet of this discussion, applying it as a generalism, and pursuing the results of that equation, you're inventing your own problem to object to.

Don't make me map it out for you, Wes.
Oh, and go fuck yourself, ASS.


Pretentious cock.
See? You're even unable to explain the basis of your profanity.

Look, I stated my case, boy. I told you where I found you disappointing. I realize eye-for-eye, tit-for-tat is the most important thing to you, but really, Wesmorris, perhaps you should stop trying to pretend you're intelligent and just stick to the asshole-provocateur role. You play it so damn well.

So get off your holier-than-thou coward's routine. The best way to bring joy to Mudville has nothing to do with supreme and willful apathy.

That's your own choice, boy. Get over yourself and buy a clue.
I was merely making a simple statement about the source of happiness, and you blew it up into a big fucking pretentious argument.

YOU made it into a contest with this assenine comment:

"As you've demonstrated, thinking is something sorely lacking in American society at least."

I had no animosity or lack of civility toward you until you so graciously implied how useless my comments were. Then you follow it with low-grade commentary like "fuck yourself" and think you are somehow vindicated by explaining WHY you think I should fuck myself.

FUCK YOU, tiassa, for degrading this to shit. YOUR BAD.
Next time I just won't bother to be even remotely polite

I was merely making a simple statement about the source of happiness, and you blew it up into a big fucking pretentious argument.
Personally, I would like to see you support that statement. I'm quite confident that as of my post "Well ...." you had no clue what I was talking about.

And you validated that suspicion with your response. By the time you got to the moralistic, bullshit "part of the problem" argument, of course I was annoyed. You seemed determined to make the issue about me and not anything else:

1) Indeed, but what do you think is the best way to kull the effects?
2) Ah, I see. Smoking in the corner.
3) Maybe you've illucidated "the way it is" and if you can't get comfy with that well, you become part of the problem
4) You shouldn't take responsibility for shit that's out of your control. That's retarded.
5) Maybe consider ....

Now then:

(1) Again, this seems pretty obvious: By simply not taking joy having predicted accurately to a given degree when there are more important issues afoot.
(2) Far too specific. Especially since you have no idea what the phrase indicates.
(3) At this point you're riding on your own bitterness, exploiting a specific point that you quite obviously do not understand.
(4) That's reasonable advice, except for the fact that it's beside the point. Again I wonder what the hell you think you're about in this discussion.
(5) By this point, you're reminding me of (A) things I'm aware of, and (B) things that are irrelevant to the point you chose to undertake.

Point 1 seems to be invested in your need to invent an issue. Points 2 and 3 are useless ad hominem. Points 4 and 5 are condescending and presumptory, and wholly invested in your prior errors.

Overall, you're not even in the ballpark at that point, Wes.

So that when we look back to your earlier statement--

You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you

--we see that it's a great line for a different debate. What you put forth equals avoiding the issue and presumes the magnitude of the issue without examining a little matter of reality.

Here, I'll give you the compression:

- Fountainhed: I suggest you therefore treat every silly attempt to poke 'fun' or ridicule your faiths with contempt, and reply to only serious and serious arguments.
- Tiassa: Strategically . . . I have to agree with the sentiment . . . .
- M*W: I hope you're wrong about this, tiassa . . . .
- Tiassa: That's the problem with being me or someone like me. If we're right, there's generally no joy in Mudville . . . Obviously, I desperately hope I'm wrong, too.
- Wesmorris: You can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in with you.
- Tiassa: Fair 'nuff . . . So let me try this one on for size . . . What do you think? I'm not happy with that color . . . Better? Nah. I'll be in the corner ... smoking.
- Wesmorris: Everyone has their opinion, struggle is part of life. Sometimes people are on the other team and take the shit seriously. So much so as to want to kill you . . . . (also ad hominem and irrelevance, see discussion of points 2 - 5 above)

Now, is there anything about that you'd like to object to or amend? I saw your valid point about discerning serious and frivolous comments. Sorry I didn't get down and blow you for it. I'll try to be sure to pat you on the back and give you a gold star more often when I see you making sense. I left that out of the above because it's not part of our immediate discussion, but shit, Wes, the way you've been behaving, I figured I'd better cover that base before you burn a hole in the back of your shorts.

In the meantime, excuse the hell out of me if I don't see the relevance of yet another two-bit cock-knocker walking into a discussion and expecting everyone to flock to his attitude problem. I mean, so you can't count on there being joy in Mudville unless you haul it in yourself. Great. Happy day. I applaud your sacred golden phallus. What the hell ever. Tell me, though, Wes, what the fuck did that have to do with anything? If you wish a new aspect of the conversation extrapolated from or spun off of that point, then do just that. But a two-bit retort that demonstrates a lack of understanding? I figured the post where I tried a couple of versions of hauling joy into the joyless as examples would make the point clear, but no, you had to be all snotty and demand that I read your freaking mind.
I was merely making a simple statement about the source of happiness, and you blew it up into a big fucking pretentious argument.
I find your appeal to context just a little late, boy.
YOU made it into a contest with this assenine comment
I can understand how that line might have annoyed you. But I also think it's a little late for you to be appealing to the role of saint. I've told you why I found the line I responded to with that very stinger annoying.

Maybe next time you'll think twice before coming out with your fake wisdom wrapped up in the guise of a comedian's one-liner.

I took your line to be rather asinine in light of the context of the discussion that was taking place. Would you like to officially play "You Started It", or is there something better we can spend words on?
I had no animosity or lack of civility toward you until you so graciously implied how useless my comments were.
Well, the obvious solution is to put your talents less toward being useless. Seriously: you really do seem that far out of the park on this one, and if you want to make that the point and transform the prior into a new line of discussion entirely, give me something more to work with than an ill-founded, ill-intended one-liner.
Then you follow it with low-grade commentary like "fuck yourself" and think you are somehow vindicated by explaining WHY you think I should fuck myself.
I'll tell you what, Wesmorris, stop wasting my time and yours inventing goddamn windmills to tilt and I'll stop telling you to go fuck yourself. Easy enough? Why the hell are you playing the offended princess when your whole attitude in this discussion has been vulgar and contradictory for no other reasons than it gets you off and you want to insist that it's your right to be an asshole?

And yes, since I was going to tell you to go fuck yourself, I thought that someone of your esteem at least deserved to know why. Next time I'll spare you the courtesy.
FUCK YOU, tiassa, for degrading this to shit.
Look in the mirror, Wes. I haven't degraded anything, but merely attempted to accommodate the level of discussion you so desperately wished to foster.

Quit your crying. If you don't like the way I respond to your dime-store preacher routine, go fuck yourself.
"You ain't down! You ain't bad! You ain't nothin'! You ain't nothin'!"

Remember that? One of your fellow perverts said that a few years back.

Look, Wes, what would you like? Apparently giving your dumbassed one-liner post more honest consideration than it deserved is offensive to you. Perhaps you could tell me what about my response, "Well ...." annoyed you so badly that you had to resort to such an empty, bitter, and useless post.

I'll even go so far as to point out that if you were to have posted your "civil" post, or at least the substantive part of it, originally, I would have left it alone as another one of your damn crackpot sidebars. But you're the one who built the point into something more than it was, and you're the one who got pissed that I gave your flippant remarks honest consideration. Why that is, I don't know. Only you do, at best.

So quit crying, boy. Tuck in your shirt, comb your hair, and get your attitude straight, mister.

Get a clue, get a point, get some decency. Whatever. But life will get better if you stop seeking the contrarian route for the sake of your own joyless entertainment.
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