Ok a question to the theists

Difference being I asked an theist the question right? I find it fun seeing them scramble over themselves trying to explain things with them half the fun, anything other than irrational is beyond them.

So really you're less interested in the answer to your question and more interested in being insulting towards theists.

Classy. :rolleyes:
I'm already in my atheist corner. You're the one who's crapping all over it.

No i'm not I asked the question specifically to theists you only have to read the title of the thread, all you did was give the answer on behalf of them, I dont want to hear that i'd rather see what you have to think about it, am I making sense?
I think religious people must convert everyone because even one non-believer is a threat. It's like a wedge, they fear the words that might break up their whole monopoly.
I think religious people must convert everyone because even one non-believer is a threat. It's like a wedge, they fear the words that might break up their whole monopoly.

Thats pretty much it, and its quite easy to back them in a corner its like tyson taking on pee wee herman in the ring.
I'm not a theist - But I would hope it would matter to God that we believe in him so that we can become free from suffering.

We are only free from suffering when we are dead, rational thinking about my 5 brain cells makes me realise that once we die those brain cells also rot like our corpses, and so does our knowledge with it.
I think religious people must convert everyone because even one non-believer is a threat. It's like a wedge, they fear the words that might break up their whole monopoly.

You see, this is something I don't understand: If -as per their own claims- they know the true God, have the right belief, are sure that they are going to be saved - then why with such force and cruelty manipulate and seek to convert others?

They say that that force and cruelty are "for our own good". But frankly, that way, they are making believing in God even less appealing to people.
They say they have good intentions - but the way they act on them, often nullifies those good intentions.
We are only free from suffering when we are dead, rational thinking about my 5 brain cells makes me realise that once we die those brain cells also rot like our corpses, and so does our knowledge with it.

But of course I could be wrong, but i'd rather wait till the end and find that out for myself, and would rather not have some religious person tell me what WILL happen :rolleyes:

Because doubt is poison to their meme. If you don't even know you had the option to doubt, then the meme is safe.
Because doubt is poison to their meme. If you don't even know you had the option to doubt, then the meme is safe.

If this is true, then many theisms are nothing but a farce, a sham.

To accuse them of such is a grave accusation.
You're funny. I always thought they were a sham, but for other reasons. I don't think there's anything grave about it, because only the believers take it seriously. I would not give it credibility it doesn't deserve.
Not funny ...

I don't want to be guilty of making such grave accusations.
You like that? How about this one- religion is a virus on the human mind. Side effects include religious war, murder, suicide, mutilation, rape, and stupidity.
You like that? How about this one- religion is a virus on the human mind. Side effects include religious war, murder, suicide, mutilation, rape, and stupidity.

Heh, I think you give religion too much credit.
So do I believe in god? no i dont, am I moral? yes by my own standards born from the goodness in my heart and common fucking sense.

Should you remain as you are, ironically, those very two things ("the goodness in my heart and common fucking sense") will one day be used to testify against you...unfortunately for you--and despite any goofy notions of a separation of church and state--pleading the fifth will not be an option.

We are only free from suffering when we are dead, rational thinking about my 5 brain cells makes me realise that once we die those brain cells also rot like our corpses, and so does our knowledge with it.

"Rational thinking" does not make you realize this, but rather wishful thinking. Rational thinking would make one aware of the limits of ones knowledge, at which point wisdom would then dictate the appropriate 'path'.

You demonstrate neither rational thinking nor wisdom.

I find it fun seeing them scramble over themselves trying to explain things thats where the fun comes from, anything other than irrational is beyond them.


I bet the god people are russtling around in their bibles to give them their answers lol

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