Ok a question to the theists


Registered Senior Member
Why does it matter so much that people believe in him? Its hardly going to unmake him, and of course he supposedly made you to have no real understanding of whats real after you die so he's hardly going to get pissed at you for not believing in him, a bit like if its pitch dark and you cant see how many steps you need to take to fall into a deep cavern to your death so you just make tiny steps believing you can stop yourself falling, if you want to believe in something believe in yourself..... and also think back when people were so basic and before proper languages came about, did all those people go straight to hell because they never believed? a bit unfare dont you think?

Now look at poor third world countrys a lot of people from there are very religious because their life is so poor on this earth its a last gasp effort to hold on to something that may be good for them when their suffering ends.

A just god? I dont think so, god's fault? no it has to do with where they are on the planet as to how harsh their climate.

I dont dislike just one religion I dislike them all.

So do I believe in god? no i dont, am I moral? yes by my own standards born from the goodness in my heart and common fucking sense.

To sum up religion in a few words see below


You have free will people use it to the greater side of good, if you are evil it doesnt matter if you believe in god or not, you are still evil.

Because he's God. There are all sorts of ways to jump around and decorate the answer, but when it comes down to it, it's because he's God.
Because God said so.

No, seriously. It's really because God said so.

Wait you read it from that book right? humans wrote that book ;) imagination is a powerfull thing eh, yet religious folk cherry pick what to believe in...
Its all bullshit.
Because he's God. There are all sorts of ways to jump around and decorate the answer, but when it comes down to it, it's because he's God.

See this is how your blindness leads to nothing, its actually pointless discussing rationality with you people.
lol ;)

I'm sorry, but what if I said I was God, would you believe me ? And why not ?
Case? There is no case against me. I'm an atheist. :shrug:

I'm just giving you the only real answer to the OP's question.
Case? There is no case against me. I'm an atheist. :shrug:

I'm just giving you the only real answer to the OP's question.

Hmm ok. But that is not the answer according to you then :shrug:

P.S. I thought you were atheist.. you got me fooled :p
Case? There is no case against me. I'm an atheist. :shrug:

I'm just giving you the only real answer to the OP's question.

Well if you're an atheist you shouldn't have spouted that shit above then lol
What difference does it make if, instead of me, a theist said the same thing? You asked a question, I provided the only answer that's available.
Actually, the only answer for an atheist would be that it wouldn't matter because God doesn't exist :shrug:
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I bet the god people are russtling around in their bibles to give them their answers lol
Explain to me how I'm not making sense. Your question to theists was "Why does it matter if God is worshiped?" The only real answer they can give you is because God said so. That's it. All I did was cut through the crap that would've undoubtedly been spouted and give it to you right off the bat.
Explain to me how I'm not making sense. Your question to theists was "Why does it matter if God is worshiped?" The only real answer they can give you is because God said so. That's it. All I did was cut through the crap that would've undoubtedly been spouted and give it to you right off the bat.

I agree. Still as an atheist it doesn't make sense to take a theist's place lol
Explain to me how I'm not making sense. Your question to theists was "Why does it matter if God is worshiped?" The only real answer they can give you is because God said so. That's it. All I did was cut through the crap that would've undoubtedly been spouted and give it to you right off the bat.

Difference being I asked an theist the question right? I find it fun seeing them scramble over themselves trying to explain things thats where the fun comes from, anything other than irrational is beyond them.