Oh the madness ...

Xev it's been my experience that (Q) insults people who don't really provide proof to back up their claims (in the form of websites). That seems to be the problem here, as I recall Fox Mulder insulting YOU.

It is the moderator's choice on whether or not free speech will be tolerated.

You've got to be kidding. Do you live in China ? North Korea ? Are we to expect this forum will be run in a similar manner as to that of communist rule ? Or will it be a dictatorship ? Free speech for all, as long you're a moderator. What is the state of affairs if one is allowed to criticize their governments actions yet cannot criticize the actions of forums moderators ? Can you see how asinine that is ?

Free speech is what forums are all about. The entire concept of a forum ceases to be if its members are not allowed to voice their opinions.

Statements like that will not only chase away members but will discourage others to join.

The purpose of parapsychology is to talk about parapsychology-related subjects, not spending the whole time with petty arguments.

And it is free speech that allows those that believe in 'parapsychology-related subjects' to voice their beliefs. If not for free speech, those believers would not be allowed their opinions. They would be carted off to asylums, locked up and left to rant.

Xev it's been my experience that (Q) insults people who don't really provide proof to back up their claims (in the form of websites).

Please provide some proof to back up your allegations. I don't insult someone unless insulted first.
Originally written by the (Q),
'If not for free speech, those believers would not be allowed their opinions. They would be carted off to asylums, locked up and left to rant.'

It's all very well saying that someones belief is an output of some mental affliction but it's more likely that they are just suffering from a lack of education.

Rather than being a bigot to such people, why not try to point them in the right direction. Then perhaps the (Q) could be some form of iconism in the shape of "Help" rather than a "Plague of Intolerance".

I don't mean this to be a personal attack of the (Q), just some advice which could make you twice the person you are now.


Free speech is good when it concerns a subject that is being whitewashed and information with-held, Free speech doesn't necessarily mean that if I think someones FAT I should state they are out loud in public. It's just common sense to try and remain slightly dignified.

Lets look at this simply... WHAT IS A FORUM?

My understanding is this:

People gather to hear a topic spoken, and at a point a period of questions and queries is raised between the audience and the speaker. (In this case it would be the audience as all of us, and the speaker is the topic starter)

It's good etiquette not to get to the point of a rabble, or overwhelm the speaker with talk of how intolerant you are of their beliefs.

It is in fact in the best interest of a forum, to try and allow the speaker to arrive at new conclusions from the discussion that follows from the original topic.

Petty name calling and Bigotry has never lead to mankind having a universal understanding, but more likely to stop co-operation and tolerance to one another. (Just look at the Israel-Palenstine problem)
You've got to be kidding. Do you live in China ? North Korea ? Are we to expect this forum will be run in a similar manner as to that of communist rule ? Or will it be a dictatorship ? Free speech for all, as long you're a moderator. What is the state of affairs if one is allowed to criticize their governments actions yet cannot criticize the actions of forums moderators ? Can you see how asinine that is ?

You can't compare a private organization to a government. It is a dictatorship. Porfiry is god. Do what he says or face the consequences. This is his place, not yours. It's not run that way and I doubt that it ever will be, but the fact remains that if you do something that he doesn't like [or something that one of his subordinate moderators like me or banshee] don't like repeatedly then you will face the consequences.

They would be carted off to asylums, locked up and left to rant.

This is all the proof I need but I won't deny that I could've been wrong. The fact remains that it is you, (Q), who is usually involved in arguments of this nature. There must be a link here somewhere, I doubt that they're just coincidences.
Please note the Rules mentioned at Registration:

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page.

Although the administrators and moderators of sciforums.com will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of sciforums.com or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of sciforums.com have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. Your membership at sciforums.com may be revoked without prior warning for any reason.

Now you all must have read that at some point to AGREE.
From what I can see, you can't blame Porfiry for a persons contents, or for in fact having moderators that edit posts. It's Generalised in the rules although not specifically mentioning the editing via a moderator, a moderator is proxing for Porfiry.

When you look at the Warrant of what you will not post, I have seen many posts on the board that have broken those rules. Of course it's been very lapse until now, and only now because of the amount of heat people are stiring up.
Tyler, strgrl, Xev you all seem to be having a problem with Banshee and how she handles Q.

Wait, how did I get brought into this? I wasnt even talking about Q. Look, I have never insulted, put down or called anyone out of their name. Im just here to post my opinion, not play little kiddie games with one-side persons. Well, since this is all so stupid and one-sided - and yes, it is one-sided, Ive decided not to post in that forum anymore. Not that anyone would care anyways.... Ill just stick to my Ethics and Free thoughts!!!!

Take care
This is all the proof I need but I won't deny that I could've been wrong. The fact remains that it is you, (Q), who is usually involved in arguments of this nature. There must be a link here somewhere, I doubt that they're just coincidences.

Yeah? So? He's opinionated and honest. Good for him. You haven't shown any evidence that he insults when he dosen't have to.

Basically, you made a blanket assertion and didn't back it up. You accused the Q of being insulting. You haven't shown any evidence of that. You accused me of being insulting, you haven't shown any evidence of that.

I've never insulted unless insulted first, and I haven't noticed such behavior on the part of the Q. I think you owe us proof of such behavior or an apology.

Xev it's been my experience that (Q) insults people who don't really provide proof to back up their claims (in the form of websites). That seems to be the problem here, as I recall Fox Mulder insulting YOU.

So, what, I asked for it? Yeah, I probably did.

I don't suffer fools gladly and I pray that I never become some Martha Stewert-esqe 'lady' who does. I intend to speak my mind.

If that means that the likes of FoxMulder will start screetching, so be it. I find his insults amusing.

After all, being a "demon worshipping athiestic slut" is much more interesting than being a nerd. :p

You can't compare a private organization to a government. It is a dictatorship. Porfiry is god. Do what he says or face the consequences. This is his place, not yours. It's not run that way and I doubt that it ever will be, but the fact remains that if you do something that he doesn't like [or something that one of his subordinate moderators like me or banshee] don't like repeatedly then you will face the consequences.

There are no gods, no demons, no heaven and no hell. Pofiry is a man, who so far I've quite a bit of respect for.

Now, what's the point of a forum if people are run off because they run afoul of a mod? We have to goose-step with Pofiry?

I doubt that he'd want that.
The evidence is in the 'skeptics' thread, xev. Like I said I could be wrong, but the fact remains that Q is at the center of this issue. If it appears that I dragged you [xev] in I'm sorry...

I don't know that you have to work this out with Porfiry, but he is the leader here. If you have a problem with a mod, like Banshee, then avoid her forum(s). Stryde makes excellent points in his post, and points out that you don't need to insult people to get your point across. Just because someone insults you doesn't mean that you have to insult back. Ignore them and continue with the original idea but don't shift the focus of the post (the original problem here). This is getting out of hand and I feel like I'm fighting a whole army with my bare hands, and I don't want to go too far on this issue without reassurance from porfiry.

I'm a moderator, so naturally I'm on the other side of this conflict than the majority of people here. The fact remains in the statement you agreed to when you joined sciforums. Enjoy this unique place as it once was without so much bickering. I can't shake the feeling that this very well could be the demise of such a wonderful internet utopia (as unlikely as it is I am still worried-I love this place so much).
This will not be a destruction threatening issue if we get some order around here. There was no reason for Porfiry to shut down the Skeptics page. Myself and Xev were still engaged in attempting to make f.m. see a little reality.
I see a total nutter who insulted first. The Q compared him to Bozo the Clown. An insult to Bozo, if to anyone.

Shall I dig through religion and pseudoscience to find where he insulted first?

I don't know that you have to work this out with Porfiry, but he is the leader here. If you have a problem with a mod, like Banshee, then avoid her forum(s). Stryde makes excellent points in his post, and points out that you don't need to insult people to get your point across. Just because someone insults you doesn't mean that you have to insult back. Ignore them and continue with the original idea but don't shift the focus of the post (the original problem here). This is getting out of hand and I feel like I'm fighting a whole army with my bare hands, and I don't want to go too far on this issue without reassurance from porfiry

Let's get one thing straight - I'll obey my government's laws, but nobody else tells me what to do. Even they have limits on what they can tell me to do.

And nobody ever, ever tells me when or what I can and cannot speak.

Grow up, kiddo. You're four years younger than I, and ten years younger than the Q.

As for refraining, I do. I've yet to insult you, even though your manner has been consistently insulting.

Edit to get back on topic:

The fact remains that certain posters have run-afoul of moderaters - namely, Q and I. Q for unconcealed disdain of the New Age, I for sticking up for my country in the face of Banshee's hateful prattle.

Our posts are deleted without explanation, and when a member insults first myself, then Q, his posts are allowed to stand, while my description of him as a 'nutcase' is deleted.

Q is warned not to tell our moderater what to do, after merely enlightening her on the definition of spam and asking her to enforce the rules.

Pollux acts in a consistently insulting manner, yet tells me not to insult. What am I to make of these things?

I have no problem with rules, but I do have a problem with their selective enforcement.

I know that none would find my leaving a bad thing, but I do not think you would wish to lose the Q. Given this, would not a resolution of this be in the interests of all?

I am sure that such resolution is possible.
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It's all very well saying that someones belief is an output of some mental affliction but it's more likely that they are just suffering from a lack of education.

You've taken my statement in the wrong context. I said nothing to indicate 'mental afflication.' Don't put words in my mouth. The context was that if one were to opine about para-psychology related subjects in a society such as communism, for example, they would be put away so as not to inflict themselves on said society. That stands true for other topics as well, like religion.

Rather than being a bigot to such people, why not try to point them in the right direction. Then perhaps the (Q) could be some form of iconism in the shape of "Help" rather than a "Plague of Intolerance".

I had assumed I was helping. However, "Plague of Intolerance" is not so bad a title.

I don't mean this to be a personal attack of the (Q), just some advice which could make you twice the person you are now.

I am ten times the person you think I am.


A forum is a place where anyone can discuss anything. I personally do not like profanity, but I tolerate it. The only thing that may be moderated or deleted are pictures of pornography. Thats it. Nothing else should get in the way of the discussion. So what if arguments and squabbles arise. So what if there's name-calling and flaming. A forum is nothing more than words. If you are offended by words, you shouldn't be in a forum.

Words cannot hurt you.

The evidence is in the 'skeptics' thread, xev. Like I said I could be wrong, but the fact remains that Q is at the center of this issue.

What evidence ? What issue ? You've obviously not read that thread. Please read my first post in that thread and tell me I wasn't being civil. Then read on to see how it was FoxMulder who began insulting.

If you have a problem with a mod, like Banshee, then avoid her forum(s).

I have no problem with Banshee except the fact she is a biased moderator. If she would just leave people alone to post what they want and not go crying to the administration whenever her 'abilities' are questioned, there would be no problem.

This is getting out of hand and I feel like I'm fighting a whole army with my bare hands, and I don't want to go too far on this issue without reassurance from porfiry.

Unfortunately, it's too late. You've already stated free speech is not tolerated. How does that foot taste ?

I'm a moderator, so naturally I'm on the other side of this conflict than the majority of people here. The fact remains in the statement you agreed to when you joined sciforums.

It is highly doubtful that you, Pollux, prior to being appointed moderator, did not break the rules. Don't try and feed that BS to us.

Enjoy this unique place as it once was without so much bickering. I can't shake the feeling that this very well could be the demise of such a wonderful internet utopia (as unlikely as it is I am still worried-I love this place so much)

So leave everyone alone to post what they want. Thats what will make this place great.

Free speech for all.
Words cannot hurt you.

If that was the case, then there would never be a slander case and lots of lawyers would be out of a job.

Okay that was humour and off topic, but it wasn't insulting anyone. (although I could have added "Pity!" after "job." to create a statement of sarcasm.... But you know where that would of led)
The thread that would never have been ...

Insulting? Off topic? Denigrating? Vulgar?

Hell yes!

This is what was possible: <a href=http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?threadid=3425&perpage=20&highlight=Chagur&pagenumber=1><font color=red> Pseudoscience Forum </font></a>

No crying to Porfiry (as far as I know)!

And great fun to boot!

Take care ;)
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"I had assumed I was helping. However, "Plague of Intolerance" is not so bad a title."

It's under 25 characters....;)

Thanks for the link, Chagur.

Which reminds me....there was a time when Chagur and I were exchanging insults. Yet neither of us complained to the mods when such things as "insipid, pedantic baby-factory" and "foolish git who couldn't get a screw if he walked into a hardware store" were being exchanged.

Grow up and grow some balls, people. (Except me, of course).

Disagreement happens.
You've got to be kidding. Do you live in China ? North Korea ? Are we to expect this forum will be run in a similar manner as to that of communist rule ? Or will it be a dictatorship ?

(Q), I urge you to go outside and should racist slurs at the top of your lungs. Alternatively, you should go to your boss and tell him he's a jackass. Go tell an assuredly heterosexual man that you find him (and his young boy, perhaps) attractive. Please report back to me on the state of free speech in America.

"Free speech" is purely an illusion. Every utterance of yours has a consequence. Perhaps you will be thrown in jail. Perhaps you will be ostracized from the community. Perhaps someone will think you're an idiot. They're all varying forms of consequence that arise from some vocal production of yours. Nothing is consequence free. Social consequence will only disappear if you live alone.