Oh the madness ...


Registered Senior Member
On a thread in the Science forum titled:

Did we realy go to the moon?

four posts were stripped "***post edited as off topic***", one of
mine (a humorous reply to Xev's request to be forgiven for being
rhetorical rather than factual) Xev's reply to my post, Q's reply to
one or both of our posts, and Xev's subsequent post.

Now the problem I have with this is the following:

1. What was the thread, already some four and a half pages long,
doing in Astronomy, Exobiology, & Cosmology forum to start with?

2. Considering that the posts were 'edited' as being 'off topic' I'm
wondering how humor can be 'off topic' when someone is asking:
"Did we really go to the moon?" in a science forum.

3. It appears that two moderators have conspired to 'get those
free spirits' (for lack of a better term) and put them in their place.

4. Since I had previously PM'd one of the moderators for irrationally
supporting the other who was being 'harrassed' by members who
questioned the rationality of her thought, I have to wonder if there
is not more than just an 'appearance' of conspiring.

Right now, I'm disgusted by what is going on and for that reason
am re-posting in this forum what had been 'edited' in the other
(wording approximate - didn't think I had to save my post).

As Supreme Planetary Dictator I do hereby decree:

(Damn, I haven't used that title in a while)

That Xev be forgiven for being rhetorical
and thus disseminating false information.

Scribe, so note.

Take care :mad:

Edit: For clarity
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I don't want to speak for anyone here but the concern is that people are being off topic (shown at the top of the forums in question). I guess no one thought the moon thread should be in free thoughts but I think that when you guys decide to play around and insult each other (jokingly I hope ;)) this is being off topic. The bottom line is that you should do this in free thoughts, not in a science thread-even if it is not science in your opinion, it obviously is for someone else.
Pollux V ...

"I think that when you guys decide to play around and insult each other (jokingly I hope ) this is being off topic."

Did you read the fifth page of the thread referred to?

If not, then I suggest that you do.

Neither Xev's initial post re. US/Russian cooperation in space, my
'correction', her request 'for forgiveness', or my, what I thought to
be a humorous 'granting', was in no way insulting to one or the
other of us.

Take care :rolleyes:

Edit: For typo
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As far as I can see, the need for trimming posts is there, not because of idol chitchat, or primative name calling, but due to the fact that it takes some of the strain off the board from people having to sift through endless posts of arguement.

Perhaps that Arguement forum should have gone ahead, then you could of added a button at the bottom of the post and say "Please continue it here!".

Okay that's probably made me a bad guy all of a sudden, but most of the time it's good to try and discuss the topic at hand, be it helping someone with an answer or discovering an answer for yourself.

Admittedly at times it is difficult to stay on topic, but thats due to the human beings cognative being so good at tangenting. (Now this is where I would mention tangent adaptive and artificial intelligence, which just proves my point that I'm moving off topic.)

I know moderator's have a tough job, as they don't just have to decide what stays and what goes (or what gets moved) but also they have to deal with those that get all hepped up when their post is moved.

There... had my rant... hope that doesn't effect anyone too badly :p
And what a post it was - I disproved the existance of God and provided the formula of a cure for cancer.

And took back sundry insults to Chagur's masculinity and mental capacity.

Not that the two go together. :p

Oh dear, I'm off topic.

It's rather like shushing people for talking during 'preformance art' - the topic could not have gotten any more bizzare as is.
I see this on boards every few months. The local mods, the last bastions of "burn the village in order to save it" decide for some reason to that they are going to make the board more efficient and clean it up or something. It is utterly ridiculous. You cannot control some hundred or so people in an open forum that way. The occasional throw-away one -liner or even 7-post-long joke exchange is going to happen, period. Let it go. It hurts no one. Those of you who argue about how it helps make the board better and not having to sift through extra posts, please go sit on a red-hot anvil.

Mind you, I do not disagree with moderating the forum, nor trying to keep some semblance of order, but when regular members sometimes let off with a joke and let loose some steam, don't be so damned anal.
If the Moderators wish to go to the trouble of reading posts, deciding the posts require moderation, knowing all to well there may be confrontation in doing so, and then making the changes to the posts, I say, let them.

I will not agree nor disagree if my posts are edited. There is little if nothing I can do about it. If I don't like it, I can move on to another forum.

It is ultimately up to the admimistrator to decide whether a moderator is unjustly moderating. And of course, it is the administrator who is providing the forum for all to enjoy.

If you don't agree with the moderators, then you don't agree with the administration. If you don't agree with the administration.... well... you can figure out the rest. ;)
Q ...

"If you don't agree with the moderators, then you
don't agree with the administration."

Having been part of what I consider the latter part of the
'HowardStern' era, I can only say, "That ain't necessarily so."

I truly think that Porfiry is in a bit of a bind. We'll see.

Take care.

Oh, man. Gag me with a spoon. Take some risk. Make a principled stand.

et. alia,

A proprietor opens his establishment to patrons. The proprietor exchanges service and product for patronage. Whereas the proprietor can at anytime prevent patron access to his establishment, without patrons the proprietor's establishment is disfunctional.

Now, moderation should be just that. Set and enforce basic rules of patron-patron/patron-establishment interaction, but -- say sciforums.com was actually an ale house, don't constrain patrons' choice of spirits to cheap, volume house stock or patrons' social customs to bartenders' contriving to maintain order by allowing only the serving of watered down lite pilsner.

One Bourbon, one Scotch, one beer, or die!
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Oh, man. Gag me with a spoon. Take some risk. Make a principled stand.

I fought the law and the law won.

The Q would rather fight with the patrons then the bartender anyday. If the grog gets watered-down, I'll find a new ale house in which to rail. Or pull out my own stash of 12 year old scotch. :D
The Q has been warned !

It appears Banshee has full right to do as she pleases. After the spam attack from ETtracker, my request to have the spam removed once Banshee welcomed said spammer was forwarded to Porfiry by Banshee. I have now been officially warned by administration. The Q is under a microscope. I must be on my best behaviour.

Questioning moderators and their postions will not be tolerated.

So much for free speech.
You know Q this kind of action isn't that unnormal. In fact, I saw a video documentary about this kind of administration a little while ago made about 70 years ago or so. Very convincing, it made the system look very logical and very proper. I think I would have ended up believing it to, except I couldn't understand the narration; it was in German.
Now wait a second, this is a privately-owned group here, which means that you do what the owner says no matter what. This is Porfiry's place and you have to adhere to his rules. Free speech makes no difference here because this place is not owned by the government. Grow up and enjoy it.
Free speech makes no difference here because this place is not owned by the government.

In other words, free speech will not be tolerated. :D
Correct Pollux, the administrator does have every right to do what he wishes with the forum. This does not disable him, however, from letting the forum be dealt with in a democratic and adult manner.
The only problem I have with this, is that Ive noticed that a particular moderator who does not think too highly of a particular member - is more prone to edit their posts rather that edit everyone who is off topic. I think if you are going to edit ones edit alls - but then thats not fair either. I dont know, Im just glad Im not a moderator.

Take care
I got's to agree with Mr.G. Look at the way FoxM runs rampant, and because he agrees with Banshee, his posts are untouched.

Now wait a second, this is a privately-owned group here, which means that you do what the owner says no matter what. This is Porfiry's place and you have to adhere to his rules. Free speech makes no difference here because this place is not owned by the government. Grow up and enjoy it.

Oooh, you naughty little strict constructionist!

That's true enough, this is Pofiry's 'sandbox' and he can do as he pleases. Just don't expect me to defend you should you run afoul of a mod.


I have no problem with rules. However, they do not seem to be applied fairly. The Q's behavior has been quite civil, while posters such as Loone, FoxM, and, well, I have been allowed to run rampant.

My behavior, especially when defending my country against Banshee's inept flames, has been quite more 'abusive' than the Q's. I stand by it, however...

The Q is one of the most rational and calm posters here. If he is being treated in this way because he disagrees with a mod, who is next?

What is next? Are we to descend to the level of an AOL discussion board, where Tyler's sex thread, my use of the term 'fuckwit', any off topic posts, etc etc are deleted?

I do not 'AOL'. I prefer the company of intelligent people who can discuss such things as sex and science as adults.

Basically, Banshee is acting like a spoiled brat. If that behavior is to be allowed, the intellectual level here will go down.

It is the moderator's choice on whether or not free speech will be tolerated. The purpose of parapsychology is to talk about parapsychology-related subjects, not spending the whole time with petty arguments.

Tyler, strgrl, Xev you all seem to be having a problem with Banshee and how she handles Q. If you don't like it, talk to Porfiry, but I believe the order that posts in parapsychology came right from the top, not from Banshee herself. If you have a problem with any of the mods then work the problem out, don't keep squabbling like infants just because your insults were edited.
Pollux: What insults? Jesus fuck, man, read the thread. There were no insults.

Like I said, I simply do not like the double standard. If you have a problem with discussing it, you don't have to read this thread. There's no reason for you to be insulting, unless you value your position enough to...great googly moogly!