Observations of the Dream World.

And no, the latter theory using conjugate waves was introduced by Dr Cramer, and the two-time measurement hypothesis by Susan D'Amato, among two other physicists.
Well, Roger Penrose. There may be reference to this in his book ''Shadows of the Mind.''

Oh... a pseudoscientist... ok I had my hopes up for a brief moment.

There is also reference to Roger Penroses comments in the award winning book 'Yoga of Time Travel', which is of course written by Dr Wolf.

Knocking down some credibility another notch there...

It is argued that there is no proof the mind is any phenomenon of the brain, nor is there any proof the mind exists in any sort of time and space.

There is no argument for what you just stated that won't rely on severe human fallacy. What you have to do is follow objective evidence and it becomes quite clear that sapience is an effect of the brain (a construct of spacetime).

(I believe, as do a few scientists, that the mind somehow is time). If it is time, then real focal points, such as collapsing the state of a system, is surely a physical phenomenon being created upon a measurement? We can disturb and create the universe, including the indformation in the universe, and thoughts may very well add detail, that we aren't normally aware of, and far too discrete to probably even be measured. We may very well find that thoughts on a system, determine a system in a statistical way. This was also highlighted by Heisenberg, in musings of his concerning ''mindless ramblings created things.''

The type of belief being applied isn't based on evidence, so it's not going to carry any weight.
Actually, in the scientific mainstream, not so much the media or public, he is considered Hawking's nemesis.
No!!!!! He models them from a strictly scientific acceptance of probable metaphysical viewpoints. He is however sometimes critisized for not destinguishing the two, but nonetheless, he is a living genious.
No!!!!! He models them from a strictly scientific acceptance of probable metaphysical viewpoints. He is however sometimes critisized for not destinguishing the two, but nonetheless, he is a living genious.

Metaphysics is the study of reality based on creative human ideas and how they make you feel. In other words it's not really a study of reality. Mixing metaphysics with science is a great way to accomplish, discover, and apply nothing.
Metaphysics is the study of reality based on creative human ideas and how they make you feel. In other words it's not really a study of reality. Mixing metaphysics with science is a great way to accomplish, discover, and apply nothing.

You do realize sweety, you just spoke an oxymoron...???:rolleyes:
He should. Unlike Penrose, he has made a great deal of errors that have been exposed over the last few year. But then again, i follow what's happeneing quite a lot.

OMG, you mean that Hawking has made errors! No way! FUCK his non-perfect disabled ass :rolleyes:.
Not only is he not perfect, like tha rest of us, he has made some academic shameful mistakes, which will discredit him in the future. Guaranteed.
No, that's not what i meant. You said:

''Metaphysics is the study of reality based on creative human ideas and how they make you feel. In other words it's not really a study of reality.''

The only reality at large, is the one we observe, and that is even created inside the mind.

This is irrefutable. So metaphysics is related, and that was why your sentance contradicted itself.
No, that's not what i meant. You said:

''Metaphysics is the study of reality based on creative human ideas and how they make you feel. In other words it's not really a study of reality.''


The only reality at large, is the one we observe,...


...and that is even created inside the mind.

This is irrefutable.

Becuase you say so? I don't know if you understand the concept of truth or evidence. Can you define both? I think the results of your definitions are going to shed some light on how you understand things.

So metaphysics is related, and that was why your sentance contradicted itself.

That made no sense whatsoever; however, I think that once your definitions of truth and evidence are established, better insight into what you are thinking will be provided.
I thought I'd start a thread to focus key observations made about the dream world. I believe that there is a strong possibility that when we die we enter the dream worlds/realms.

MMmm I had the weirdest of dreams last night, a shopping centre was being built and I needed 2 photocopies/or send 2 faxes yet had to ask the centre manager why there was no where to do this, after carrying 2 giant curtains on rails and a large photocopier to her office,I interupted the managers meeting, when I approached the manager who was a tall blonde woman with curly hair she turned into the Lord of bath

who then started talking about his name being mojo then as he was getting up told me he was also jim morrison and asked if I could get him some weed,then on the way into another building(to get the weed) we were accosted by some little black guy with a t-shirt which said "I'm R Kelly on it" and I said to him "hey your not RKelly" he kept replying "M.O.O.N. that spells RKELLY....M.O.O.N. that spells RKELLY" then I woke up:runaway:

I can break this down into what I can interpretate..........

In the 90's I got f*ck*d up at a rave called 'perception' held at longleat safari park home of 'the lord of bath' (during the end of my acid days) and was into the doors at the time....talking about mojo then getting/rising up 'Mr mojo risin'-jim morrison...don't understand the rkelly bit but, M.O.O.N. spells rkelly,I watched Steven Kings 'THE STAND' over the weekend watchin the last part sunday night, and (if you havn't seen it ) there is a character who is retarded that keeps saying 'toolbox M.O.O.N. spells toolbox or bicycle M.O.O.N. that spells bicycle..............
Also i'm going food shopping today and might buy some weed..

Perhaps I had a flashback while I was asleep but whatever it was I can't believe in it's reality even though it was really vivid..............

LOL perhaps lord bath is so scared of being busted by the paparazzi he's resorted to the Astral words to score.......lol perhaps he's waiting for me to drop him of an 8th....lloll