Observations of the Dream World.


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
I thought I'd start a thread to focus key observations made about the dream world. I believe that there is a strong possibility that when we die we enter the dream worlds/realms.

So here are some of my observations, please do add your own.

- Light levels are not easily adjusted eg light switches don't work

- Density of physical matter varies. It seems the denser the matter the more hostile the environment.

- Energy/chi emissions seem to be read by dream charactors very easily.

- freedom of expression seems to be encouraged in most environments.

- There are fewer consequences to conseqences to pay for ones destructive actions eg murder.

- Few electrical goods appear tin my dreams

- Nuclear explosions seems to play a key role, somehow!

- I can levitate

- The dream world seems layered like an onion

- The detail for example the way dream charactors are dressed is incredible

- Colours are more vibrant

- I can got OOB with my dream body

- I recognise some people not of this world within my dreams

- I never eat in my dreams

- I've never noticed it being hot or cold in my dreams

- I'm more handsome and get laid more in my dreams
So here are some of my observations, please do add your own.
You can do anything in dreams it is generaly a reflection of your emotions in the real waking world.

- There are fewer consequences to conseqences to pay for ones destructive actions eg murder.

If you dream of murdering someone you know, then this dream may reveal your hidden feelings of resentment towards that person. Similarly, the person being murdered could represent an aspect of yourself that you are trying to repress or destroy. What is it about yourself that you are trying to kill off? If you are the one being murdered, then this may show how you are at the mercy of your emotions. Perhaps you have repressed your instincts that are now seeking vengeance.

- Few electrical goods appear tin my dreams

- Nuclear explosions seems to play a key role, somehow!

To dream of a nuclear bomb, suggests feelings of helplessness, being threatened and loss of control. You may be experiencing great hostility and rage to the point of being destructive. Alternatively, you may be expressing a desire to wipe out some aspect of yourself. It may also be an indication that something crucial and precious to you has ended and important changes are about to occur.

- I can levitate

To dream that you are levitating, signifies that you are holding on to far-fetched ideas and need to grasp on to more realistic notions. Alternatively, you may be cut off from feeling grounded and safe. It represents a feeling of being disconnected with those around you and feeling helpless.

- Colours are more vibrant
Colors in dreams represent energy, emotions, and vibes. First consider what that single color in your dream means to you and your own personal associations and relationship with that color.

- I'm more handsome and get laid more in my dreams
To dream about sex, refers to the psychological completion and the integration of contrasting aspects of the Self. You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into your own character. Alternatively and a more direct interpretation of the dream, may be your libido's way of telling you that it's been too long since you have had sex. It may indicate repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love......

[The above quotes taken from dream dictionary]

You can potentialy do anything in a dream yet most is as I said a reflection of waking life opposed to the other way round.
Those are personal observations of your own dreams. How in any way do they support a theory that we [all] go to the 'dream world' when we die?
Good lord take a biology class. Dreams are hallucinatory simulations. They are not some weird alternative world.
That's part of it... and it's in a simulated environment. Ever have a nightmare? That's a threat simulation. It increases your chances of survival through practice.
Yes, CrunchyCat is right. They did a test with sleep deprived rats and found survival skills after a certain period of time without sleep declined sharply. Most of our dreams serve as practice.
No Cruncy Cat is partially correct.

Any memory, is recreated, there and then in the human mind. There is no memory we ''keep'', like some kind of record, we just pull open, and take out a file. Everything we come to remember, are in fact reanactments in the present.

Now, quantum mechanics says that there is no reality without the perception of reality, and if this is true, then even the subconcious memory of the dream void, is a realm unto itself. So in a sense, dreams are indeed an alternative world, because the dream world and the conscious world have very little difference between each other.

Both, and most important point of all relating the two, is that the conscious and unconscious world are built up on senses alone, which are in turn nothing but electrical signals interpreted by the brain.

Now that's the truth.
No, its not that reality does not exist without observation, it is that the reality as we know it would cease to exist, so any attempt to deal with reality without A HUMAN observer is left as a retarded theory.

Dr Wolf says

''The first rule in quantum mechanics, is that there is no reality without the perception of reality.''

I won'targue about it. It is hard quantum evidence. And the Copenhagen, does state this. Your lack of knowledge in this area, is why you try and say it isn't. I can qoute physicists who learned the Copenhagen interpretation long before you and I where born, and it states that reality is potential before observation.
Dr Wolf says

''The first rule in quantum mechanics, is that there is no reality without the perception of reality.''
Apart from the fact that that's an argument from authority it asks the question: So how did we get here?
There must have been a reality to spawn an observer.
Yes, the gradual collapse and entanglement of particles in the brain, acts as a conduit for the mind. But the world without an observer is meaningless.
Its like telling me what a ball is, its shape and location in space, when there is nothing in reference that has a memory to say these attributes, if a HUMAN observer is not present.
Yes, the gradual collapse and entanglement of particles in the brain, acts as a conduit for the mind. But the world without an observer is meaningless.

"Meaningless" is not the same as "there is no reality".
And meaningless to whom?
If there's no observer meaning itself is moot.
No, its not that reality does not exist without observation, it is that the reality as we know it would cease to exist, so any attempt to deal with reality without A HUMAN observer is left as a retarded theory.
But reality is still there, whether humans exist or not. Right ? Just making sure :)
Besides, how can anyone deal with reality without being an observer ?

Dr Wolf says

''The first rule in quantum mechanics, is that there is no reality without the perception of reality.''
Which brings me to my original response..
How can you perceive reality if it doesn't exist until your perceive it ?
That quote says reality would disappear the moment all the observers in the universe drop dead. Which is complete and utter nonsense.

I won'targue about it. It is hard quantum evidence. And the Copenhagen, does state this. Your lack of knowledge in this area, is why you try and say it isn't. I can qoute physicists who learned the Copenhagen interpretation long before you and I where born, and it states that reality is potential before observation.
I'm not impressed, sorry..
Scientists can be wrong.
People that focus too much on minute details often loose sight of reality.