Berkeley had a greater spirit (god). God gave or guided his experiences and made them appear to be following what we would call a time evolving universe of related experiences governed by the natural laws, usually, so when God wanted to he/she could violate these laws - i.e. so god could make miracles, which are by definition violations of the natural laws. (The natural laws are not always the known laws of physics and biology so it is hard to be sure if they have been violated.)... If not the self, who or what is in control ? And wouldn't this something be an outside to the self ?
To wise acre: I am not well versed in philosophy but do not make much of a distinction between solipsism and phenomenalism. I.e. I tend to call the experiences of solipsism experiences but think they are phenomena, also existing in and of themselves alone. Sort of Solipsism is the continuing string in time of phenomena.
Can you straighten me out as to what is not standard with this POV? For example stubbing my non-existent toe on nonexistent rock is a phenomenon and so is the pain that follows and collectively these phenomena are solipsism’s "time line."