Obama is not black

I prefer to call people "African-Americans." People can decide whether they want to hang onto the culture of their ancestors. They can learn to speak perfect English, listen to heavy metal, eat pizza, play American football, and move into a neighborhood where the other people are not all of one background, and they can become unhyphenated Americans like the rest of us. But if we identify them by the color of their skin, they will always be that color. It just doesn't seem right.
I don't. If you live here in the United States, and as a citizen, you are an American; black, white, yellow, brown...what the fuck ever. You are still an American.
I just think the term African/Mexican/Asian-American is stupid. It's yet another failed attempt at PC.
While we're at it, let's refer to all white people as European-Americans. :rolleyes: Stupid.
IMO, the only acceptable term like that is Native American, as the term Indian can be confusing.

"The color of a man's skin is no more important than the color of his eyes." -Ras Tafari Makonen (Haile Selassie)
I wouldn't go that far...
But that's another thread altogether. Haha.
I don't. If you live here in the United States, and as a citizen, you are an American; black, white, yellow, brown...what the fuck ever. You are still an American.
I just think the term African/Mexican/Asian-American is stupid. It's yet another failed attempt at PC.
While we're at it, let's refer to all white people as European-Americans. :rolleyes: Stupid.
IMO, the only acceptable term like that is Native American, as the term Indian can be confusing.

I wouldn't go that far...
But that's another thread altogether. Haha.

I agree. I hate being called African American. I don't feel any connection cultural or otherwise to the African continent. It's a misnomer.
Stick with CutsieMarie89 idea on it: race is what other people label you, your black if you look black and people treat you as black, thus to some people your a nigger and to others your just another person. Who races you are is all based on personal and social perspective and is very relative (not genetically), it has little to no validity on a biology sub-forum.
"Black" represents a culture, not a race. Obama is obviously as white as they come. That is why he won the election. A black man/woman will never be president. It's as simple as that. Same with an "Asian" man or a "Latino" man. You need to act "white" to be president.

And yes, this has nothing to do with biology.
"Black" represents a culture, not a race. Obama is obviously as white as they come. That is why he won the election. A black man/woman will never be president. It's as simple as that. Same with an "Asian" man or a "Latino" man. You need to act "white" to be president.

And yes, this has nothing to do with biology.

True there is no such thing as race, according to many psychologists. However being part of a culture does not denote that you act a certain way. A black person can take great pride in their culture and actively participate in it without acting "ghetto". It's just stereotyping. The color of my skin makes me "black", no one cares about how I act or carry myself. Black is what I am and what I will always be to them. Being uneducated and rude just perpetuates the stereotype, but being the opposite doesn't change much. I may act "white", but I'm still the black girl.
Cutsie are you one of those black people that only hang out with white kids? I'm betting you are. I grew in the suburbs and I can definitely say that those things were extremely prevalent.

And what's wrong with being called an African-American? I'm also betting that if Africa was a developed contintent with a lot of money, you would want people to called you African-American. And it's really sad that you would try to disasociate with your roots just because Africa isn't "the best place to be" at the moment.

Finally, the only black people acting "ghetto" are the ones born and raised in America. I can assure you blacks from different countries act just like normal people. So maybe you SHOULD disasociate yourself from African-Americans because you don't deserve the label.

And I'm directing this towards you, Cutsie, if you are who I suspect you to be.
True there is no such thing as race, according to many psychologists.

Of course races exist. Physical structures which differentiate races are observable and measurable, that's more than just a subjective science like psychology.

We accept without criticism the research and findings of neuroscientists, even though the mental architecture they describe is invisible to us. Their evidence is far more ephemeral than, say, the large protruding jaw common to most Africans, or the smaller jaw and sharply rising forehead common to most Europeans (a skull type which, incidentally, completely dominates in the field of scientific achievement).

Most working class people reject race simply because this is what they have been conditioned to do by consumer society.
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I knew you'd be back as soon as Mr Barak got elected.

Most people don't reject race; they cling to it as it appears to confirm their prejudices about 'others'. Race is a direct product of the capitalist consumer society which is based purely on the exploitation of resources both human and natural.

Fears of 'other' are easily manipulated. Divisions weaken the whole.

But things that look different on the surface begin to look strikingly similar when that surface is scratched.

Therefore it is always important to learn what lies beneath.

Deepthought why do you speak with a forked tongue?
Race is a direct product of the capitalist consumer society which is based purely on the exploitation of resources both human and natural.

Communist propaganda.

The American Indians believed in races, are they capitalists?

Fears of 'other' are easily manipulated. Divisions weaken the whole.

But things that look different on the surface begin to look strikingly similar when that surface is scratched.

If your a businessman looking to expand his consumer base promoting such mindless platitudes is essential.

Therefore it is always important to learn what lies beneath.

You mean by donning the whole subject in the emperor's new clothes we can pull the wool over everyones eyes?
What are you trying to say DT why don't you just come right out with it?

'Blacks' are intellectually inferior to 'whites'. Women are inferior to men. Life was better back in 1231 when hairy rough men rules the roost and we are all headed for hell on a stick.

Ah the internet in't it great?
obama is of mixed race, just like me!!!

us mixed race people are pretty fucked, we are hated by most people

Once i got a kicking from some white guys one evening and a week later from some Pakis!! Luckily i had my half Egyptian mate with me who put up a resistance, not like me, i was more worried about losing my glasses!!

I mean the cowadice of it all, hitting a guy with Glasses!!
What are you trying to say DT why don't you just come right out with it?

'Blacks' are intellectually inferior to 'whites'. Women are inferior to men. Life was better back in 1231 when hairy rough men rules the roost and we are all headed for hell on a stick.

Ah the internet in't it great?

I have no desire to parade my prejudices.

Alternatively, you could explain how 'race is a direct product of the capitalist consumer society which is based purely on the exploitation of resources both human and natural.'

That is, if it isn't just something you picked up from a socialist manifesto.
I have no desire to parade my prejudices.

Then why do you continue to do so in one guise or another?

Alternatively, you could explain how 'race is a direct product of the capitalist consumer society which is based purely on the exploitation of resources both human and natural.'

Or you could explain how jaw and skull shapes relates to 'race'?

That is, if it isn't just something you picked up from a socialist manifesto.

Don't go in for reading of manifesto's apart from the point of view of historical documents.

Now then. see if you can relate the following words in some way:
work force
division of labour
Then why do you continue to do so in one guise or another?

That you find the mention of race as some form of prejudice says a lot about your fear of transgressing the demands of modern capitalism.

Do you think I did not figure out a long time ago that Western capitalists, socialists, communists, etc... are all fighting on the same side?

Or you could explain how jaw and skull shapes relates to 'race'?

As much as it relates, I expect, to the skulls of so-called pre-human types such as Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus afarensis or Homo Neanderthalensis.

If you comprehend how the shape of the skull has evolved over time - giving us greater intelligence and self-awareness - then the answer to your question is right there.

Now then. see if you can relate the following words in some way:
work force
division of labour

Relate in what way?
Of course races exist. Physical structures which differentiate races are observable and measurable, that's more than just a subjective science like psychology.

Most of our labels for race are grossly inadequate for grouping actual genetic and phenotypical breeds of humans. The term black is used so fucking loosely it can cover anyone from Africans to Australian Aborigines.
Most of our labels for race are grossly inadequate for grouping actual genetic and phenotypical breeds of humans. The term black is used so fucking loosely it can cover anyone from Africans to Australian Aborigines.

The term black serves pretty well I think, except in the case of east African people who's physiology differs markedly from those in the south and west.
That you find the mention of race as some form of prejudice says a lot about your fear of transgressing the demands of modern capitalism.

Or that I think you are wrong?

Do you think I did not figure out a long time ago that Western capitalists, socialists, communists, etc... are all fighting on the same side?

Which 'side' is that then? And who is on the other 'side'?

As much as it relates, I expect, to the skulls of so-called pre-human types such as Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus afarensis or Homo Neanderthalensis.

It does? How?

If you comprehend how the shape of the skull has evolved over time - giving us greater intelligence and self-awareness - then the answer to your question is right there.

I comprehend evolution if that is what you mean. So which has the biggest skull then? An elephant? Or a blue Whale?

Relate in what way?

To how we relate. As humans.
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Or that I think you are wrong?

I asked you to explain how 'race is a direct product of the capitalist consumer society which is based purely on the exploitation of resources both human and natural.'

You haven't even attempted it because I suspect you haven't got a clue what your talking about. You just read it in a book.

So come on Sniffy, prove me wrong and explain your comment.

Which 'side' is that then? And who is on the other 'side'?

The white side.

Racial dynamics are always at work in society, you can't just opt out of them.

I comprehend evolution if that is what you mean. So has the biggest skull then? An elephant? Or a blue Whale?

Unless I'm mistaken, we're not discussing the skull sizes of elephants or blue whales, what possible relevance could that have?

Human brains are relative to human anatomy, not to whales or any other animal.

To how we relate. As humans.

Vague and irrelevant.
I asked you to explain how 'race is a direct product of the capitalist consumer society which is based purely on the exploitation of resources both human and natural.'

Divide and rule. Quite simple. Until the 'natives' get too expensive to exploit because they die or resist or die trying to resist. Time to get someone else's 'natives' in. Then they die or resist or die trying to resist and demand to vote and all those terribly uncomfortable things. Then you just have to assimilate them into the system and turn them into 'producers' and 'consumers'. And then the resources start to run out or things become too expensive to produce or worse still the consumers get sick of consuming stuff they don't want or need. The economy starts to tank. Ah time to start exploiting those old 'racial' divisions again.

You haven't even attempted it because I suspect you haven't got a clue what your talking about. You just read it in a book.

So come on Sniffy, prove me wrong and explain your comment.

You give yourself away when you say things like this. Did you mean to?

The white side.
Racial dynamics are always at work in society, you can't just opt out of them.

Propaganda is always at work in society. You shouldn't opt into it.
Change is also at work in society for better or worse; for richer or poorer.

Unless I'm mistaken, we're not discussing the skull sizes of elephants or blue whales, what possible relevance could that have?

Human brains are relative to human anatomy, not to whales or any other animal.

Sorry I thought you were suggesting that a bigger skull leads to a bigger brain which makes a creature more intelligent. Or is it the other way around? Or is it that doing certain tasks repeatedly will make certain areas of the brain bigger thus requiring more skull space. And by that you imply that white europeans gone done a lot more thinking than some other folks in the world? Right?

Humans are relative to each other and to all living things.

So is bigger better or is what you do with with what you've got more important?

If you don't use it (or need it) don't you lose it, evolutionarily speaking?

Vague and irrelevant.

We have much in common it seems.

How the perception of 'them' might impact on 'us':

A leopard will have a territory and will not be too friendly to other leopards which wander into it (unless it wants to go a mating).
A pack of wolves has a territory and will not be too friendly to other wolves or wolf packs that wander into it.
A family of humans will not be too friendly to another family of humans that might wander unannounced into their home.
A village of humans might not be too friendly to another group of villagers who wander into their village.
A country might not be too friendly to another country that wanders into its territory.

So the lesson is if you wander into the territory of another best have something to offer them if you want to be accepted as one of 'them'.

Resources, labour, knowledge........

Now if you happen to end up in another country because you were captured and taken there against your will. Well that's a whole new ball game isn't it? Especially if you look different to the majority residents.

Oh and then there's that group of people who are invited 'over' to fill in for 'labour shortages'. Well that's another whole new ball game isn't it?

People moving about. It's all so terribly inconvenient.