Obama is not black

The "white" community created the "black" community. The "black" community no longer exists, it's 2008. The only people who still believe in a black community are former black panthers, Louis Farakahn, and other black nationalists who make up a small minority of blacks. There is no black community anymore, and if you think there is, can I assume you believe there is a white community too? Do you think the Nazi's and KKK are still representing the whites?

What are you talking about? Everyone knows that black community is a social construct. Not a physical place. So call me a former black panther, but I do believe in a "black" community. There are certain social/culture issues important to people who have been placed in the "black" race it is referred to as the "black community".
If they lived in the south and tried to marry a white girl they'd be lynched. It's happened, look it up.

There are plenty of places where the same would happen to a white guy and a black woman.

I am half white (because my mom was from deep central america) but look white and i can tell you that when i had a black girlfriend and i walked through some black areas they didnt like it too much and i got out of there real fast.
What are you talking about? Everyone knows that black community is a social construct. Not a physical place. So call me a former black panther, but I do believe in a "black" community. There are certain social/culture issues important to people who have been placed in the "black" race it is referred to as the "black community".

The black community has been replaced by street gangs and clan/kin based groups. If you think random black people on the streets care about you, it's very naive. It's as naive as white people thinking there is a white community that cares about them. I'm sorry but there is no more black community, and the gang violence should be all the proof you need.

If you need more proof, the ghettos, the lack of organized black businesses, the lack of a black militia, the fact that blacks are killing blacks and that blacks are mainly in competition with other blacks. The closest thing to a black community right now are the bloods and crips. And thats not a community, even you recognize that.

I'm just being real here. I hope I don't insult anyone.
There are plenty of places where the same would happen to a white guy and a black woman.

I am half white (because my mom was from deep central america) but look white and i can tell you that when i had a black girlfriend and i walked through some black areas they didnt like it too much and i got out of there real fast.

Yes white guys had problems dating black women in the 60s, but this was after Martin Luther King and others had been assasinated by "white men". It's not like blacks were going around assasinating white leaders, so the hatred against black men was irrational while I can say the riots and the response, including the black panthers and black nationalist movement should have been entirely predictable.

If you go around killing all the best and brightest black people what do you expect to happen? Of course they'll form a nationalist group. But it's 2008 now, so what excuse do white individuals have for not marrying black individuals in 2008? Interracial marriage is actually looked upon as a good thing by blacks in 2008, blacks have the highest percentage in interracial marriages in this country.

So now the question is why aren't white people marrying black people?
The black community has been replaced by street gangs and clan/kin based groups. If you think random black people on the streets care about you, it's very naive. It's as naive as white people thinking there is a white community that cares about them. I'm sorry but there is no more black community, and the gang violence should be all the proof you need.

If you need more proof, the ghettos, the lack of organized black businesses, the lack of a black militia, the fact that blacks are killing blacks and that blacks are mainly in competition with other blacks. The closest thing to a black community right now are the bloods and crips. And thats not a community, even you recognize that.

I'm just being real here. I hope I don't insult anyone.

You're still trying to make black community into something physical, it is not. I never said that the random black person on the street should care about me.
What are you talking about? Everyone knows that black community is a social construct. Not a physical place. So call me a former black panther, but I do believe in a "black" community. There are certain social/culture issues important to people who have been placed in the "black" race it is referred to as the "black community".

I think you are confusing black "culture" with black "community".

I do think there is a hiphop culture, and if hiphop is attacked a lot of supporters of black culture will be upset, but this isn't about just blacks anymore, black culture is embraced by whites too, you have to accept this.

When I say there is no black community I'm saying there is no race based black community, I'm saying there are no race based black militias that control entire towns. I'm saying there is no black hierarchy where some leader guy is the head of the black agenda. I'm saying there is no black agenda.

But if I'm wrong, and if Oprah is the leader of the black community (she is the richest black person?), then prove it. Show me, do something to show us that a black community actually exists because right now it seems the bloods and crips are controlling all the black neighborhoods.
That is what you think, this was not in the '60s. Billions of white people have been murdered throughout history, if you want to think like that then one can easily say that the 'best and brightest' whites were also killed.

The fact is that thinking like that has no merit because brilliant people give birth to stupid children and idiots give birth to brilliant children.

Bottom line is that i am not a Darwinist and i think that Eugenics is a load of BS.
That is what you think, this was not in the '60s. Billions of white people have been murdered throughout history, if you want to think like that then one can easily say that the 'best and brightest' whites were also killed.

Of course the best and brightest whites were killed, but they were killed mostly by other white people, not by black people.

The fact is that thinking like that has no merit because brilliant people give birth to stupid children and idiots give birth to brilliant children.

Yes but on average, idiots give birth to the majority of the worlds idiots, and if idiots pair up it only increases the likelyhood of them producing further idiots.

Bottom line is that i am not a Darwinist and i think that Eugenics is a load of BS.

You can believe in creationism if you want. Personally I do believe in evolution, and I do believe that natural selection is real. We've proven it when we've paired up cats, dogs, horses, and plants, when you pair up the best and brightest, you get higher quality seeds. Try it with plants if you don't think it's true.
Well, last week, Obama confused The Jeffersons and Sanford & Son in front of a huge crowd. What does that tell, ya? :rolleyes:
What you said is laying the ground for genocide against black people.

Of course the black community exists.

Black people need to be protected from whites.

You are being ridiculous. Just because I said there is no black community it does not mean I'm advocating genocide. I don't know how you managed to warp your logic to conclude that because theres no black militia, no black leadership, and that black people are highly decentralized that somehow this means there is genocide against blacks.

What it means is, if you are black you probably don't speak an African language. If you are black you probably don't have a militia to protect yourself (why the hell do you expect white people to protect blacks?!).
And if you are black theres only maybe 2 black billionaires in the world. And they aren't funding an army to protect the "black community" from white invaders.

There is no black community, period. There is a black culture, but it's not based on race, it's based entirely on culture. In general it's tribal, there is no national black tribe, but it's broken up into different gangs, local tribes, in some cases broken down to the level of blocks and street corners. It's tribalism.

In most cases, it's kin/clan based tribes that people are loyal to. That means you and your family against them and their family, thats it. There is no leader. Oprah is not going to give you a job or even think about you. This isn't genocide it's just real, half of all black men are in prison due to the war on drugs. And the truth is, if you have ever been to a ghetto, it's everyone for themselves.
Of course the best and brightest whites were killed, but they were killed mostly by other white people, not by black people.

Yes but on average, idiots give birth to the majority of the worlds idiots, and if idiots pair up it only increases the likelyhood of them producing further idiots.

You can believe in creationism if you want. Personally I do believe in evolution, and I do believe that natural selection is real. We've proven it when we've paired up cats, dogs, horses, and plants, when you pair up the best and brightest, you get higher quality seeds. Try it with plants if you don't think it's true.

Your wrong about much of what you are saying. Black on black crime is responsible for the majority of murders in the black community. I really dont want to get into this though.

As to your other points, most offspring are very little like their parents. As a matter of fact if not for nurturing them and instilling their values and beliefs onto them their children would show practically no likenesses of their parents in thought. Once the cord is cut you are left with an individual, very different from the host.

Appearance is completely different but internally we have a new human being being produced. If you take two brilliant people and they have a child then the cahences that child will be brilliant is no different than two average people. The difference is in the opportunities the child will have but essentially but we are talking about a new brain and new thought processes.
You are being ridiculous. Just because I said there is no black community it does not mean I'm advocating genocide. I don't know how you managed to warp your logic to conclude that because theres no black militia, no black leadership, and that black people are highly decentralized that somehow this means there is genocide against blacks.

Because he probably never seen a black person in real life and has not realized that you are black yousrelf.
Your wrong about much of what you are saying. Black on black crime is responsible for the majority of murders in the black community. I really dont want to get into this though.

Exactly, blacks are killing blacks which is proof that there is no black community. Are white people going to allow blacks to form a nationalist movement to police their neighborhoods? No. So there is no black community.

The black panthers militia idea was tried already and it was attacked and seen as a threat, and since that time there has been no black community in America and there will never be a black community in America again.

As to your other points, most offspring are very little like their parents. As a matter of fact if not for nurturing them and instilling their values and beliefs onto them their children would show practically no likenesses of their parents in thought. Once the cord is cut you are left with an individual, very different from the host.

Both of my parents are college educated, I'm college educated, genetic traits are genetic and this includes traits of the brain and intelligence. Just like if you have big people in your family who are good at sports then you'll be good at sports, or if your dad played pro basketball there is a good chance you could be like your dad.

Appearance is completely different but internally we have a new human being being produced. If you take two brilliant people and they have a child then the cahences that child will be brilliant is no different than two average people. The difference is in the opportunities the child will have but essentially but we are talking about a new brain and new thought processes

So following your logic if we take two physically ugly people and pair them up, the chance of the child being a supermodel is precisely the same as if we pair up the top two most physically beautiful people in the country?

I don't think your logic makes any sense. And even if somehow by fluke the child did not end up brilliant, the gene pool would have more brilliant genes in it and this would still be good for the childs offspring. So while it might skip the child, overall if brilliant people mate and pair up, over time the quality of the gene pool does increase, this is the entire basis behind evolution so if you don't believe this then I don't know how you can make sense of evolution.
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All I can say to you people is this, if you are so smart and care so much about blacks, and you happen to be white and college educated, go find and marry a college educated black woman. Plenty are single, you have no excuse.

And if you want, you and your mixed family can help rebuild the black community. But lets not pretend like the black community exists in 2008 when half of black men are in prison and the black panthers and all the black nationalists are in prison or being investigated. There is no black nationalist racial consciousness in 2008 creating what I'd define as a black community.
The black panthers was tried already and it was attacked and seen as a threat, and since that time there has been no black community in America and there will never be a black community in America again.

Both of my parents are college educated, I'm college educated, genetic traits are genetic and this includes traits of the brain and intelligence. Just like if you have big people in your family who are good at sports then you'll be good at sports, or if your dad played pro basketball there is a good chance you could be like your dad.

So following your logic if we take two physically ugly people and pair them up, the chance of the child being a supermodel is precisely the same as if we pair up the top two most physically beautiful people in the country?

I don't think your logic makes any sense. And even if somehow by fluke the child did not end up brilliant, the gene pool would have more brilliant genes in it and this would still be good for the childs offspring. So while it might skip the child, overall if brilliant people mate and pair up, over time the quality of the gene pool does increase, this is the entire basis behind evolution so if you don't believe this then I don't know how you can make sense of evolution.

And STILL you are referring to appearance. There is absolutely no proof or reason to believe that intelligence is an inherited trait. NONE...ZERO.

People of average intelligence give birth to geniuses just as much as two geniuses do and two geniuses can easily give birth to a childwho is mentally deficient. This is a proven fact. Genetic disorder\diseases and things like height and obviously skin color yes but the brain is an entirely different thing. The brain is like the guidance system in humans and the heart is the engine.

I never really had a reason to accept evolution as fact and religion never had anything to do with it. I also think that Darwin's philosophy was somewhat simplistic but that is not to say that evolution is entirely false. Believe what you want but i just demand a higher level of proof so it really is not a barrier for me.
And STILL you are referring to appearance. There is absolutely no proof or reason to believe that intelligence is an inherited trait. NONE...ZERO.
Yeah just like theres no proof that appearance is an inherited trait. Do more research before you make comments because I have, and there are certain genes which exist in certain families which increase the likelyhood of criminality, and there are certain genes which increase the likelyhood of intelligence in certain areas and not others. For example, most people in my family aren't good at math, as a result I'm not a math genius. Just like I get my intelligence traits from my family, I get my weaknesses from my family as well, it's basic genetics.

People of average intelligence give birth to geniuses just as much as two geniuses do and two geniuses can easily give birth to a childwho is mentally deficient. This is a proven fact. Genetic disorder\diseases and things like height and obviously skin color yes but the brain is an entirely different thing. The brain is like the guidance system in humans and the heart is the engine.

But this does not mean that two people who come from a gene pool of idiots will be as likely to produce a genius as two people who come from a gene pool of geniuses. We are talking probability here and if someone comes from a family in which almost everyone is smart and they pair up with someone else from a family in which almost everyone is smart, then the probability weighs in the favor of their offspring being smart. This is just common sense.

I never really had a reason to accept evolution as fact and religion never had anything to do with it. I also think that Darwin's philosophy was somewhat simplistic but that is not to say that evolution is entirely false. Believe what you want but i just demand a higher level of proof so it really is not a barrier for me.

I never said I believe evolution is a fact, but it's the best theory out there. I do believe in God and intelligent design but I certainly believe in natural selection and evolution. If you pair up stupid people for thousands of years, they'll progressively become more and more stupid over time, thats just common sense. But if you pair up smart people for generations then they'll progressively become smarter over time.

You don't agree? Thats your choice, but I'd say a lot of people believe in evolution and we aren't all genocidal maniacs.
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Has anyone ever told you guys you talk a lot of shit? I mean with all the "what's black? It's light brown anyway.... black is a social construct, no such thing as black... look over there, a dog with spots, let's talk about that... black looks white if you squint really hard and hold your breath for a long time... black FOREST CAKE I AM NOT LISTENING lalalaala"

... the motherfucker's black, fuck me...

Anyway, like I said, not "american black" enough IMO. He's technically not the "black man" that has been struggling with american society for a few hundred years, so it's not legitimately the triumph for black people that it is billed as.