Nypd, Fuck Yeah!

Ultimately, I trust the cops over three gang-bangers.

The cops here in New York City are top quality. They've cleaned this city up well and crime is wonderfully low. NYC is one of the safest megacities in the world and the safest in the US.
Ultimately, I trust the cops over three gang-bangers.

The cops here in New York City are top quality. They've cleaned this city up well and crime is wonderfully low. NYC is one of the safest megacities in the world and the safest in the US.

Have to admit I like New York too, especially the strtech from Penn Station to Times Square and to 5th avenue in the other direction. I've spent many a day down that stretch and up along the Museum mile. Glorious! And NYC has some of the best authentic Chinese I've ever eaten. Yum!
Have to admit I like New York too, especially the strtech from Penn Station to Times Square and to 5th avenue in the other direction. I've spent many a day down that stretch and up along the Museum mile. Glorious! And NYC has some of the best authentic Chinese I've ever eaten. Yum!

Take a jaunt down into the ghettos, then come back and report how great NYC is! Oh, and don't forget to be unarmed, and carry lots of hundred dollar bills hangin' out of your pockets! :D

Baron Max
Take a jaunt down into the ghettos, then come back and report how great NYC is! Oh, and don't forget to be unarmed, and carry lots of hundred dollar bills hangin' out of your pockets! :D

Baron Max

Been all over, Soho, Harlem, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island. Still love the city. Just prefer the places with the best shopping and food. ;)
Been all over, Soho, Harlem, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island. Still love the city. Just prefer the places with the best shopping and food.

Ya' know, it really is interesting how some people just love the "horrors" of the big city, while simple, ol' country folk like me are absolutely horrified at even the thought of being in a big city. Once a town population grows to over, say 5,000, it becomes a horror for me!

Baron Max

Museum mile really -is- glorious. It's the crown jewel of New York high culture, I say.

We really do have a lovely city here. Glad you appreciate it. And yes, our Chinese food is great. Specifically in China Town, but really everywhere. And of course, our Italian food is not to be beat outside of Italy.

Also, for the record: Screw Chicago. New York pizza FOREVER!

Baron Max:

There are some ghettos, but most of those places are shrinking and/or gentrifying. Williamsburg in Brooklyn used to be a ghetto, but has in the last ten years become the new hipster place. Lots of awesome lofts and virtually no crime.
I was born in Bombay. Enuf said.

...LOL! Just that picture scared me!!!

I was born and raised on a farm, with the nearest neighbor about two miles away ....and that was just another farm! The nearest town was five miles, and the population was 2,500 and that counted some of the farmers that were "close".

I just ....nope, just can't imagine how anyone could feel comfortable with so many people so freakin' close! Just the smell of the bad breath and worse body odor makes me gag ...hell, just the thought of it makes me gag! Thanks, Sam!! :D

Baron Max

Museum mile really -is- glorious. It's the crown jewel of New York high culture, I say.

We really do have a lovely city here. Glad you appreciate it. And yes, our Chinese food is great. Specifically in China Town, but really everywhere. And of course, our Italian food is not to be beat outside of Italy.

Also, for the record: Screw Chicago. New York pizza FOREVER!

Baron Max:

There are some ghettos, but most of those places are shrinking and/or gentrifying. Williamsburg in Brooklyn used to be a ghetto, but has in the last ten years become the new hipster place. Lots of awesome lofts and virtually no crime.

My favorite parts are West 8th Street ( realy anyplace in Manhattan), Williamsburg,,,spent many nights there(even after i moved away;) , umm many places in Queens and LI too. Mill Basin area, Coney Island....................

Sam, that picture is too funny with that guy right there in the middle, reminds me of a line from a movie "where'd you get the toe head":cool: Did you photoshop him in?
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Cops put their lives on the line everyday, its always hard to take a side in issues like this. To be honest a lot of this problem is the medias fault. Another problem is that white people don't know what the fuck to do with other races, they know they are out there but they haven't yet decided a direction. The corona is usually left to pick up the pieces.
What if they weren't cops?

What if you and your three buddies were packin', and someone rammed your car.

How justified would you be if you executed the unarmed people in the other vehicle?
Looks like we put cops in jail if they shoot a drug dealer (Texas) but they go free when they beat up or kill innocent people. Something is wrong!
What if they weren't cops? What if you and your three buddies were packin', and someone rammed your car.

How justified would you be if you executed the unarmed people in the other vehicle?

Why did you forget that the car rammed into one of the officers first?! Are you trying purposely to be sensationalist by ignoring that little tidbit of info, so as to sway the readers????

And if someone tried to run over me, armed or not, I'd shoot the fuckers! And in any court of law in the USA, I'd be vindicated.

Interesingly, there seems to be some evidence of a fourth person in the vicinity ....who may have started shooting at the cops! Hmm, what now?

Baron Max
Looks like we put cops in jail if they shoot a drug dealer (Texas) but they go free when they beat up or kill innocent people. Something is wrong!

Yeah, somethin's wrong! Victims have no rights anymore in courts .....only the criminals have rights now!! No one gives a fuck about the victims!

Baron Max
Why did you forget that the car rammed into one of the officers first?!

He didn't. He put himself in the cops situation.

You're driving along.
You've got firearms.
You get rammed.
Are you then justified to get into a one-sided firefight with the car that rammed you?
Even execute them for their unmitigated gall?

I think we all know the answer to that.
You're driving along. You've got firearms. You get rammed.

Huh? The cop was standing on the street ....he wasn't driving!! Where the fuck have you been?

You get rammed (as a pedestrian!). Are you then justified to get into a one-sided firefight with the car that rammed you?

Yes, you are justified. A car is classified as a deadly weapon in that case, and you're justified in using deadly force to stop the assault.

I think we all know the answer to that.

Apparently you don't know!!

Baron Max
Yes, you are justified. A car is classified as a deadly weapon in that case, and you're justified in using deadly force to stop the assault.

Not according to the NYPD...
The rules, in the department’s Patrol Guide, are clear: “Police officers shall not discharge their firearms at or from a moving vehicle unless deadly physical force is being used against the police officer or another person present, by means other than a moving vehicle.”


I, for one, agree with the regulation.

1.) You don't know who else may be in the car and perhaps innocent.
2.) What happens if you get the driver? The vehicle can very well lose control and crash into what?
It is the same reasoning why most cities will not allow cops to chase another vehichle beyond a certain speed limit in populated areas or shoot out tires.

If someone is running at you with a vehicle, simply move out of the way.
It is safer, more relaistic and shooting the driver of a vehicle will not stop the vehicle - he doesn't die and put his foot onto the brake.
Not according to the NYPD...

Yeah, I can believe it of the NYPD ...they're so fucked up with rules and regulations that the cops have virtually no power and no authority at all!

In fact, that city is so fucked and liberal, that the criminals have more rights than the cops or the law-abiding citizens! Hell, they let criminals right back out onto the streets in NYC just by posting a little bail and a promise to be good little boys!

Maybe all that's the reason y'all have so damned much crime in your city?! Y'all must like it that way, huh?

Baron Max
Yeah, I can believe it of the NYPD ...they're so fucked up with rules and regulations that the cops have virtually no power and no authority at all!

In fact, that city is so fucked and liberal, that the criminals have more rights than the cops or the law-abiding citizens! Hell, they let criminals right back out onto the streets in NYC just by posting a little bail and a promise to be good little boys!

Maybe all that's the reason y'all have so damned much crime in your city?! Y'all must like it that way, huh?

Baron Max

Crime in NYC has been declining for the past decade, decade and a half.