Nucleus to the universe?

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And you found that ice melts twice as fast when it has a magnet on top of it, did you?

Did you document this effect in any way?

Do you intend to publish this astounding work in a peer reviewed scientific journal? If not, why not?

Have your results been reproduced and confirmed by any independent party?
So what keeps nucleus heat from expanding into the cold like EMR? I bet there is no begining to matter and the answer is just that a lot of heat density packed into a small region is at balance with the aether created by the nucleus of the universe it sits in which is just further balance with other nuclei.
So what keeps nucleus heat from expanding into the cold like EMR? I bet there is no begining to matter and the answer is just that a lot of heat density packed into a small region is at balance with the aether created by the nucleus of the universe it sits in which is just further balance with other nuclei.
Why is trevor allowed to post in the science section? These rambling are not science and a waste of space. His posts don't ever spark any kind of interesting discussion because they usually don't even make any sense let alone contain any science.
Why is trevor allowed to post in the science section? These rambling are not science and a waste of space. His posts don't ever spark any kind of interesting discussion because they usually don't even make any sense let alone contain any science.

Have you ever even heard someone speak of the Luminiferous Aether? I don't recognize a single post in this thread from anyone that's even heard of the Aether before let alone be able to discuss it, let alone know about it and discard it for whatever reason.
Ha! I can't believe I'm the one considered the crackpot for believing in the same Aether that Tesla and Later Einstein admitted had to be real. Meanwhile all the 'bright minds' are so caught up in enjoying their own whim on particle physics, none of which will ever be proven. The Aether should have never been abandoned and is just as much apart of science as anything. I think it speaks volumes about people and there wimpyness when it comes to withstanding stress and there preferences in life and who they follow.
Have you ever even heard someone speak of the Luminiferous Aether? I don't recognize a single post in this thread from anyone that's even heard of the Aether before
We have all heard of it. 99% of us have rejected it, since its existence has been disproven.

No, Einstein didn't "admit" it was real. In fact he put the final nail in the "stationary aether" coffin.
The Aether should have never been abandoned and is just as much apart of science as anything.
It's certainly PART of the history of science, the same as Lamarckian evolution, the flat-earth theory and the geocentric theory is. All have been disproven.
Have you ever even heard someone speak of the Luminiferous Aether?
Of course.
I don't recognize a single post in this thread from anyone that's even heard of the Aether before let alone be able to discuss it, let alone know about it and discard it for whatever reason.
Then you are not paying attention.

I do want to commend you on writing a complete post that actually is constructed with sentences that make sense. Your conclusions are wrong of course but your questions have meaning.
Using a femto camera you could record any light experiment and stop theorizing with maths what is going on. Having already posted a quality experiment with the Femto camera I conclude that the Aether is real. You can't use old superstitions in science to disclaim its obvious results on experiments involving light.
Ha! I can't believe I'm the one considered the crackpot for believing in the same Aether that Tesla and Later Einstein admitted had to be real. Meanwhile all the 'bright minds' are so caught up in enjoying their own whim on particle physics, none of which will ever be proven. The Aether should have never been abandoned and is just as much apart of science as anything. I think it speaks volumes about people and there wimpyness when it comes to withstanding stress and there preferences in life and who they follow.
Tesla went nuts, though not as nuts as you;). Einstein, far from thinking the aether real, devoted years of his life to working out the consequences of it NOT existing, viz. the independence of the speed of light from source and receiver.

We are all well aware of the concept of the aether. The background to the Michelson-Morley experiment is standard advanced school-level physics.

It is not wimpy to reject the silly ideas of cranks and nutcases. It is just sensible to avoid wasting one's time.
Uh - you realize that cameras cannot see light passing by, right? It can only record light that actually hits the imager.
I already told him. He ignored it, or else didn't understand what I told him.

trevor, like many cranks, seemingly operates under the delusion that he isn't completely wasting his and other people's time when he attempts to talk about science.

Please answer the questions I asked you in post #62, regarding your claim to have experimentally tested magnets and melting ice.

Thank you.
This thread isn't in the science section.
I think what happen is I read some of his posts and my IQ temporarily dropped about 40 points, so I became confused and I thought I was in the science section.
Sure thing, no to all of that except the first question which I already answered. Why are you so hung up on it?
Well, because you're claiming it here as if it is fact, but it is not fact. You have no evidence to show, and only your say-so that you tried it at all.

The fact that you provide zero corroboration of your experiment (like, say, any kind of numbers) strongly suggests that you are playing fast and loose with your claim that you did it at all.

I haven't known James R as long as I've known my mama but I've known him long enough to know one of the things he gets "hung up on" is utterly unsubstantiated, undocumented, anecdotal claims. Call it a quirk.
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