not attracted to men nor women

Can I ask how Asperger's, mild autism, or schizoid disorders kill your sexuality?

I don't know about schizoid, but I know quite a few people with A-syndrome, and they have normal sexuality.

Schizoid does not kill sexual desires of a person, but it does limit emotional responsiveness of the individual. Often, the individuals with Schizoid prefer masturbation over a partner because they don't want to deal with the social and emotional aspects of sex.
Schizoid does not kill sexual desires of a person, but it does limit emotional responsiveness of the individual. Often, the individuals with Schizoid prefer masturbation over a partner because they don't want to deal with the social and emotional aspects of sex.

You're confusing a number of things and giving her misinformation. Asexual individuals may or may not masturbate, but schizoid behavior (you don't "have Schizoid," schizoid behavior is a symptom, not a condition, unlike Schizoid Affective Disorder or Schizoid Personality Disorder). There is NO evidence that they do not experience normal sexual attraction/desire. Celibacy is a choice; asexuality is a sexual orientation.
There is NO evidence that they do not experience normal sexual attraction/desire. Celibacy is a choice; asexuality is a sexual orientation.

And that is what I said right from the start. I should know because I was diagnosed as schizoid tendencies when I was a teenager.

Schizoid does not kill sexual desires of a person
Can I ask how Asperger's, mild autism, or schizoid disorders kill your sexuality?
I don't know about schizoid, but I know quite a few people with A-syndrome, and they have normal sexuality.

it totally depends on what medication the person is on, some medications for such conditions lower sex drive,

How to the op, person your son just isnt ready yet, kids are differant, and he'll be ready when he's ready to be, if you push him into a descion then he will resent you
And that is what I said right from the start. I should know because I was diagnosed as schizoid tendencies when I was a teenager.

You and reading comprehension should hang out.

Just because someone chooses not to have sex with someone is not the same thing as not being sexually attracted to someone. Some people may be sexual and find the idea of sex repulsive. The young man in question is not attracted to either sex. That's not particularly demonstrative of schizoid tendencies. My libido has been low when I've struggled with depression, but from the little that's been indicated, the kid's not depressed.

I think telling someone their child may have "schizoid," as you call it, may unnecessarily scare the bejeezus out of someone when it's unlikely accurate. Same goes for the Asperger's diagnosis, although I'd rather my child have mild autism than be suffering from delusions/hallucinations.
You and reading comprehension should hang out.

Just because someone chooses not to have sex with someone is not the same thing as not being sexually attracted to someone. Some people may be sexual and find the idea of sex repulsive. The young man in question is not attracted to either sex. That's not particularly demonstrative of schizoid tendencies. My libido has been low when I've struggled with depression, but from the little that's been indicated, the kid's not depressed.

I think telling someone their child may have "schizoid," as you call it, may unnecessarily scare the bejeezus out of someone when it's unlikely accurate. Same goes for the Asperger's diagnosis, although I'd rather my child have mild autism than be suffering from delusions/hallucinations.

And none of us have ever met the child, nor are any of us experts. We are voicing opinions only from experiences.

And who said anything about delusion/hallucinations?
Sixteen is still probably just barely young enough to chalk it up to slow development and wait for him to catch up. Does he have sexual urges and take care of them himself? It's not good to rely solely on nocturnal emissions, that can be hard on the prostate.

Most boys that age get erections at the most inconvenient times, often triggered by the proximity of an attractive member of the gender he's oriented toward, but also by conversations and thoughts. Does this happen to him? If it doesn't, then that means he's not being sexually stimulated, which supports my suggestion that he may just be a slow developer. But if it does, he needs to perform some "transactional analysis" on the cause and effect; it could be that he is suppressing his sexuality for reasons that have not been discovered.

Does he have a reasonably healthy social life in other ways?

You say you live in Europe. Are you expats from the US or another anglophone country, living among foreigners? Cultural differences can be stimulating for adults, but they can make it difficult for a kid to socialize. He could even be overwhelmed by homesickness.
And none of us have ever met the child, nor are any of us experts. We are voicing opinions only from experiences.

And who said anything about delusion/hallucinations?

Some of us are actually voicing from knowledge of knowing what we are talking about. You're the one talking about schizoid behavior, and those who display it are often delusional. Delusion/hallucination are separate things. Pay attention.
Some of us are actually voicing from knowledge of knowing what we are talking about. You're the one talking about schizoid behavior, and those who display it are often delusional. Delusion/hallucination are separate things. Pay attention.

And I am paying attention. You were the one that posted delusions/hallucinations. Schizoids can have delusions, especially ones with narcissism, but hallucinations no. Hallucinations are what schizophrenics experience. Schizoid and schizophrenia are not the same. Don't confuse them.

I think telling someone their child may have "schizoid," as you call it, may unnecessarily scare the bejeezus out of someone when it's unlikely accurate. Same goes for the Asperger's diagnosis, although I'd rather my child have mild autism than be suffering from delusions/hallucinations.

I don't have any advice particularly, only to say that the best thing you could do as a parent is to support him where he is at. I'm now 30 and although I've had relationships, I don't find them particularly necessary and would rather pursue the fields of study and exploration that I am passionate about. I'm really not that interested in 'dating, etc.' people of either gender either.

The larger problem, and the one that has been painful, is the social pressure. At 30, most of my friends are in relationships or are married and are starting to have kids. I too feel as though I should be married with kids, that I should be interested in finding a life long companion, and yet internally, I'm quite happy being single. So there is a definite dissonance between what I feel I should be doing according to my 'surroundings' and what I am doing. Maybe this will be something that goes away for both of us when we 'meet the right person,' maybe it won't. I don't think this is actually abnormal; it's just rare.

The way I've become more comfortable with this is to be involved in groups and organizations with other people who share my interests and passions. Anyway, I wish all of you well and know that your son is both not alone and not abnormal ... he's just a bit of a rarity and there is nothing wrong with that.