not attracted to men nor women

Nah! Clearly we're dealing with Rasmussen Johnsen Thomsen syndrome here. Or maybe Gordon hyperkaliemia-hypertension syndrome. :cool:
Honestly, it sounds like Rambaud Galliad to me. Should we operate? You know, experimental surgery.

Asexuality (if that's what he has) has always seemed so foreign to me, but I am sure there are lots of therapists well-versed on this.
You see, this is the problem with asking medical advice on the internet. We don’t know anything about this case and the people involved other than a few meagre details provided in the OP. But now we’ve got people talking about Asperger’s Syndrome and schizoid tendencies. :rolleyes:

Actually I think that's a step up, I'm sure the normal response is something along the lines of OMGSSS he's such a FREAK!!!.
We're an accepting but overly helpful crowd. Can't wait for someone's "I Need Help with my Enema" thread.
Looks like this thread might have been a troll. "mummsy" hasn't been back.
Just exactly how much water is too much?
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Looks like this thread might have been a troll. "mummsy" hasn't been back.

Or it might well be him, pretending to be his mother, trying to explain this very personal problem with us the only way he can.

I have a son who is almost 17. He is not attracted to women and he is not attracted to men. What is this called?

Speaking in strictly human terms, this 16 year old should be raging with hormones physiologically... his juices should be flowing big time- he is a year or two away from his sexual peak. Morningwood should be a normal occurrence.

My first interest would be the environment- does he life in ultra-rural Nebraska or New York City? Does he live near a contaminated water supply?

My second regard would be hormone level testing, and my third course of action is psychological help.

We are concerned that he will never develop an attraction to anyone. He is an otherwise normal teen. This is causing him a great deal of stress and discomfort.

This is the "call for help" part of the message.

I will give you sagely advice everyone should hear.

You are going to live a real long time, Far longer than my lifetime or of anyone I know. I can live to be 100 and there will still be you at 80, using a walker to attend my funeral.

Like is a long and slow process and takes TIME to unfold. We cannot accelerate how long it will take- wisdom is the sum of knowledge over spances of time and the older we get, the wiser we get.

I look around and see people at 16, 15...14 and with child and it totally disgusts me- it's a snake eating its own tail.

26 is the new 21, and 21 is the old 18, which is the very old 12. The more civilized society goes on, the slower one's understanding of the scope of living life in the present day. But that's okay- we will all live to see 100!

If you have no interest at 16, then maybe you need time to develop an interest. And so what if you don't have a girl at 18- in the scheme of life the fools marry early and often. Chill out and slow down.
this is not about wanting or not wanting him to be sexually active. Obviously at his age we do not want him to be sexually active. We want to be able to give him an answer when he asks why he does not like girls or boys. his peers do give him greif about it. He is social and has both male and female friends. Has plenty that want to date him, but he is apathetic. we do not nag him to get out there date and experience relationships. He will do that all on his own good time. he just wants to know why this is happening to him.
btw as for the porn we gave him a stack 6mths ago (when he aprroached us with this question) we live in europe, 15 is leagal age to purchase porn here. Thought that would help him decide if he liked girls or boys...
btw as for the porn we gave him a stack 6mths ago (when he aprroached us with this question) we live in europe, 15 is leagal age to purchase porn here. Thought that would help him decide if he liked girls or boys...

That really wasn't a very smart thing to do. Why not just accept him as he is ,as I said perhaps he is just wanting to be alone and there's nothing wrong with that.
Shall I start one?

Immediately. Must you be asked what we must so obviously do in the name of science?

Just exactly how much water is too much?

I personally say more than a 16.9 oz bottle at a time.

Speaking in strictly human terms, this 16 year old should be raging with hormones physiologically... his juices should be flowing big time- he is a year or two away from his sexual peak. Morningwood should be a normal occurrence.

Not being attracted to people doesn't mean he's not experiencing normal sexual function. My question is if he's experiencing nocturnal emissions or masturbating.

this is not about wanting or not wanting him to be sexually active. Obviously at his age we do not want him to be sexually active. We want to be able to give him an answer when he asks why he does not like girls or boys. his peers do give him greif about it. He is social and has both male and female friends. Has plenty that want to date him, but he is apathetic. we do not nag him to get out there date and experience relationships. He will do that all on his own good time. he just wants to know why this is happening to him.

Has he tried going on a date?

The best advice I can give you is find a qualified therapist and unless he wants to discuss it, don't. You're his mother and it's very odd to keep discussing it with you. I think giving him porn is a bad idea. That's something he should seek out on his own, and it's not an appropriate gift from his parents. I admire that you're trying to be supportive of him sorting out his sexuality, but it's not a place where parents should tread and probably just makes him a bit more self-conscious. It's not a big deal.

btw as for the porn we gave him a stack 6mths ago (when he aprroached us with this question) we live in europe, 15 is leagal age to purchase porn here. Thought that would help him decide if he liked girls or boys...

My best friend was also confused until he was in his twenties. He's sorted it out and he's heterosexual and enjoys a normal sex life. My brother never had a single date in high school and didn't lose his virginity until he was 19. Now he's a normal gay man.
Can I ask how Asperger's, mild autism, or schizoid disorders kill your sexuality?

I don't know about schizoid, but I know quite a few people with A-syndrome, and they have normal sexuality.
personally i think this is an individuals personal choice and how they feel. even as a parent you have to just be understand and not overly newsy.
Your son is perfectly normal asexual, eventually he will get really fat, then a second head will grow and a split will form between the two until his body completely divides into two separate beings.

Despite belief asexual often have the same problems us fornicators have: many will at one time or another want companionship, be it with no requirement on sex, many may also want to reproduce at some stage in their life, but now have the nasty problem of doing it with someone. Asexual are also divide into two groups: those that do masturbate and those that don't, very few asexual don't even masturbate, it may just be that some people are perfectly find jerking it rather then going through all the mess of trying to get a hotdog in a bun. Thus the continuum of sexuality is at least 2D with sexual preference (male-female) as one dimension, strength of sexual desire another dimension. sexual odd behavior (animals, children, etc), Masturbation rate, and most of all time (change of sexual behavior and desire over time) are other dimensions
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I get it. It's a joke about asexual reproduction. Hilarious.

Got any fag jokes or anything else cutting edge in that bag of yours?