No SciForums psychic, sooth-sayer, precognician, Tarot reader, Astrologer, or...

i do understand that most people are slaves to thier limbic libido
but i dont see that as being a pre requisit to a scientific discusion.

WOW! Perversion as a pre-requisite to scientific discussion. I like this thread very much.

Don't worry, you're use of the word 'perversion' did not leave me with visions of Bebelina and Xev undulating naked with each other atop a giant penis (although that vision IS burned into my mind

Don't make me hurt you, Q. You wouldn't like that.

Although Northie might.

And no clothes, that's right.

I totally missed that. Q, please remove that image from your mind.

Only if you astral project yourself over here and replace the image with another more interesting image. I could fill my pool with whipping cream and strawberries if you like. :D
heyya all
well i myself see no need to try to imagine a lesbian sex scene for personal plesure because i am not a lesbian!!!
which way is this thread being pulled?
or is that pushed?

(Q)... i must say, i am nothing short of 'astonished' at your brash
lude reference to your sexual problems on this board!
it seems you did not like your mother!
oh dear how sad for your x girlfriend!
but im sure you get what you pay for these days!
except love of coarse!
:D ((not to mention the abhorent thought of you having a wife and kids as victim or party to such laguage and psyche))

im almost turning to the dark side if i was not so sure of being correct!
or you could be a women... "undulating" is rahter left brain for a sexualy disfunctional male!
in which case i "pity" your mother!
ok...OK OK!

back to topic!

i said>
e=mc2 is used as a perversion by the masses to answer anything they do not know.
it is not understood by most people

you said in reply>
That's the problem, more people should take the time to try and understand what it means. In it's most basic form, it simply means that mass can be converted to energy and vice-versa. How is that considered a perversion of science ?
you are looking at the issue (i think)
from a student of science believing all that is taught as law in a college/university(extension to highschool)
e=mc2 is actualy used as a mental block!!!!!!!!!!!
people dont use it as would a gene in genetic engineering.
just like the-
tree falling in the woods (unseen)
would it make a sound?
THIS, is also a perversion of science in its nature of limiting of the required progresive thought to then proceed to the next stage!
BUT there is a limit to how much i will bang my head against the wall!
"rare blood type , you see;"
the retarded english language that makes it almost impossible for me to accentuate on an upward tone at the end of a sentence.

not that i know any onthers :eek:
QUOTE... (again)
by (Q)...
"it simply means that mass can be converted to energy and vice-versa"
This in its very nature means that there is infact....
a law of philosophy!
i do not have the typing speed or the arrogance to assume people would read the legth of such a post to explain this!
but if you pay for your air ticket and my coffee then you got a deal!
-and if your in a hurry a few hits of speed

peace... love... and missery to all greed merchants.
ok...OK OK!

Don't you mean 'enough insults?'

i do not have the typing speed or the arrogance to assume people would read the legth of such a post to explain this!
but if you pay for your air ticket and my coffee then you got a deal!
-and if your in a hurry a few hits of speed

Why, so you can insult me face to face ?

If half your posts starts out with puerile, playground insults, why would you expect me to enter into conversation with you and debate the topic at hand ? Try again.

"well i myself see no need to try to imagine a lesbian sex scene for personal plesure because i am not a lesbian!!!"


which way is this thread being pulled?
or is that pushed?"

I think it might get pushed in a rather interesting direction. So far, we have lesbian sex scenes, Bebelina in a pool of whipped cream, and Xev with leather corset and bullwhip.

This is rather like flipping through the porn options on my cable! What's next, I wonder?

*Wander off to order a pizza* :p

Oh, and before I let my mind wander - or drag the pizza boy inside after introducing my female neighbor who came over to use the shower -

Riple, you're not half the man, and never will be even a third of the man that our Q is. Sod off.
Ok, that's enough!

Ripleofdeath is not insulting anyone here. You have to read his posts a little better and try to understand that not evrybody uses the same vocabulary as you do.

Over with nagging and complaining. I see no real insults here. It is more your imagination. Pay a little more attention to what actually is posted by Ripleofdeath and try to see it the way he wrote/meant it.

Riple, you're not half the man, and never will be even a third of the man that our Q is. Sod off.

Now, that is an insult. Quit it please. Thank you!

No need to go further into this. I mean it and do not wish to see another thread turning into trash!

You know the consequenses...

Ripleofdeath is not insulting anyone here.

You're the last one anyone would expect to know the difference. :rolleyes:
I don't want to be picky here, but fair should be fair and this... "i must say, i am nothing short of 'astonished' at your brash
lude reference to your sexual problems on this board!
it seems you did not like your mother!
oh dear how sad for your x girlfriend!
but im sure you get what you pay for these days!
except love of coarse!" ...I would at least interpret as an insult.

Well, I predicted it would get nasty, so there you go Mr.G.. :D
Is he still with us?

Originally posted by Xev
I think it might get pushed in a rather interesting direction. So far, we have lesbian sex scenes, Bebelina in a pool of whipped cream, and Xev with leather corset and bullwhip.

You forgot the beakers.

*pout* :(
Northie: Quit whining, b-


Banshee's gonna censor that. I won't even bother typing the 'itch'

Now, that is an insult. Quit it please. Thank you!

No, it is a statement of fact. Ripleofdeath insulted the Q. I stated that he was not half the man - nor even a third of the man - that Q is.

If implying that somone has to pay for sex, and telling them that they had "sexual dysfunctions" is not an insult, what is?
This is actually also an insult: "I stated that he was not half the man - nor even a third of the man - that Q is. "
One insult does not justify another.
Once again, I make the inarguable point that no one here is so parapsychically adroit as to forecast that I would appear at this time to admonish all thread participants to <cough> stay on-topic.
heyya all :)

LOL :)

what a crazzy world this is!

Mr.G... thank you for making a point which i may have over lusterd with scientific relative off shoots...

mother = freud-ian thought
all that we do is only in the past = x girlfriend

sexual problems = "why start talkng about sexual acts that you
'say' you are imagining with these people"?

it is painting a picture for all the others to see!!!

why are you talking like this on this thread???

Xev... surely you don't think for a second that i am interested in
gaining your aproval or even more outragouse 'sexual desire'???

as banshee said...
why not go to a forum for people who want to talk sexualy and
"all that stuff"
this is a scientific forum
not a school playground
or are you intensionally trying to "TROLL"/DESTROY
this thread???

it certainly seems so!!!
you just did not seem to see past your pride and ego and sexual
gratification. (my perception...of coarse)


who said i am a man???
this comment makes me think you are expecting all men to want you "in a lustful only for sex way"
too sad
please use another thread that is labbeled
"sexual fanatasy by text"
and i will be sure not to bother you in it!!!

peace love and well you know the rest.. well i at least hope so.
(Q) my offer is retracted!
i was mistaken!

Mr.G i am sorry your thread has gone down the "toilet"
im out-ta here!
Originally posted by Mr. G
Once again, I make the inarguable point that no one here is so parapsychically adroit as to forecast that I would appear at this time to admonish all thread participants to <cough> stay on-topic.

But I did, that's why I mentioned your name. banshee said...why not go to a forum for people who want to talk sexualy and "all that stuff" this is a scientific forum not a school playground
Hahaha. Hehe. As if Banshee is an authority on anything actually scientific. :rolleyes:
I guess that's why she only moderates pseudo- and para-type fora....a differerent kind of authority from knowing "scientific". :D

We return you now to the regular playground programming. ;)
Originally posted by Mr. G

Hahaha. Hehe. As if Banshee is an authority on anything actually scientific. :rolleyes:
I guess that's why she only moderates pseudo- and para-type fora....a differerent kind of authority from knowing "scientific". :D
Well, I'm a graduate with top marks from the RAN Surface Warfare School, and now a comptuer engineering student. I have all sorts of qualifications and such. Yet I moderate nothing. The point here being that what Banshee moderates here at sciforums has no bearing whatsoever on her qualifications for anything. Note that Computer Science is not moderated by Porfiry, instead he moderates Free Thoughts. Does this mean Porfiry is a hippy wannabe who knows nothing about computers? So, yes, the point is that moderating Parapsychology does not make Banshee silly.

*Adam puts away his suit of armour and goes back to being a bastard...*