No Really, What is Light?

Light is ethereal, in the sense it neither moves through a time, nor through a space. Here is the concept at hand. Does it even exist????

Many scientists are boldly aware that light/photons cannot exist due to relativity.

Well at least you are partially correct. Yes, light does not move through time. If a tiny clock were put in a photon and that photon travelled 1 million light years, the clock would show no passage of time; however, light does move through space just fine. We wouldn't be able to manipulate light otherwise. What this implies of course is time isn't the only way positional change is made possible.

Light is made out of nothing... it travels through nothing, therego, it stands to reason that IT IS NOTHING.

Now, this is where you go from partially correct to just outright fantasy. 'Nothing' is an absence of everything / anything; therefore, light is 'something'.
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it haven't completely explained HOW this dual nature occurs.
By AWT the light is the mechanical wave of dense inertial environment, composed of fluctuations, which are having a structure of nested foam. While the foam gets more dense under shaking in general, every energy wave spreads through such environment like wave packet, i.e. like less or more dense blob of environment at the same moment. From this wave-particle duality of light follows.


...these components oscillate at right angles to each other and to the direction of propagation...
Such behavior follows from the foamy structure of vacuum as well, because it deforms like urethane mattress. Inside such foam the energy is propagating in waves, which are having electrostatic and electrodynamic component mutually perpendicual & shifted by half-period.


Note the photon wave packet can propagate as a twisted wave by spirallike motion (the light wave can be polarized and it exhibits so called spin) - so that the real character of light spreading is even slightly more complex, because the very same torsion deformation can appear in all adjacent levels of nested Aether foam hiearchy. This makes the character of light spreading a literally complex stuff, similar to wave spreading inside of dense elastic fluid or supercritical vapor.
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Aether foam hiearchy? Oh yeah, I just noticed the thread is in pseudoscience so sure why not?
Zepher- Its seems like mentioning the "A" word is an express ticket to a sub-forum. Plus those theories have been abandoned a long time ago and are inconsistent with measured results.
Infact the debate about light itself seems to be a sore point for the QED mainstream.
I think it pisses them off becuase it highlights a flaw at the base of Quantum theory. It requires packets, quanta. A digital universe composed of infinite bytes of data.
QED can't perfectly describe nature because its flawed. Its newtonian. It needs to be radically rethought down to its original premise- photons.
Light is an electromagnetic wave.

Your partially right. But there is more to it than that.
There are three schools posting here:

1 Those below the quantum understanding (example: you).
2 Those grasping the quantum concepts in general but not completely (me, Reiku).
3 Those studied in QED who don't like to consider that quantum theory doesn't completly describe light (DH).

Why am I so obsessed?
Quantum Theory is founded around the concepts of quanta and photon transfer.
We can't completely understand light. Therego ( hi Rieku :) ) Noone can tell you exactly what a photon is or definitively if they really exist.
So, Is QED a castle made of imaginary bricks? Does it not make sense to understand exacly what you are building your castle out of? Wouldn't that understanding make the building process much more sound?
So what if QED can predict results to within a minute probability. So could Newtonian Physics until Relativity came along.
I may be a moron, but I'm a moron who's onto something.
"1 Those below the quantum understanding (example: you).
2 Those grasping the quantum concepts in general but not completely (me, Reiku).
3 Those studied in QED who don't like to consider that quantum theory doesn't completly describe light (DH). "

I would call this an oversimplification.

"Why am I so obsessed?"

You are not the only one!!!

"We can't completely understand light. Therego ( hi Rieku ) Noone can tell you exactly what a photon is or definitively if they really exist."

They do exist, but no one can say knows their exact nature...until and unless they can tie in the shape of color...So what is the shape of red?

"So, Is QED a castle made of imaginary bricks? Does it not make sense to understand exacly what you are building your castle out of? Wouldn't that understanding make the building process much more sound?"

Maybe your not so dumb afterall?

"I may be a moron, but I'm a moron who's onto something."

You are on to something!!! Use the 'Moron' Wheel and find out! I shouldn't of been so harsh with you...(said some mean things earlier...sorry)...your questioning is getting better. And you are not a moron, you would be amazed at how fast your mind can fill up with brilliance. You have potential and your seeking to manifest you will!!!
it pisses them off becuase it highlights a flaw at the base of Quantum theory. It requires packets, quanta.
It pisses them, because of revealing flaw in refusal of Aether theory, not the quantum mechanics. The Aether Wave Theory derives the quanta as well.
It pisses them, because of revealing flaw in refusal of Aether theory, not the quantum mechanics. The Aether Wave Theory derives the quanta as well.

I have a much higher opinion of QED than Aether Theory. QED actually provides approximate results. Aether Theory is useless.
Right on thanks.
"Go suck a tit" is my thang. I pretty much post it at the end of every post in protest to the legions of whiny babies. Not directed at you... wait a minute-
"Hey I just did what you asked lol :" - did you post something at my request or did you actually go suck a tit?
PLEASE tell me you actually sucked a tit!
Right on thanks.
"Go suck a tit" is my thang. I pretty much post it at the end of every post in protest to the legions of whiny babies. Not directed at you... wait a minute-
"Hey I just did what you asked lol :" - did you post something at my request or did you actually go suck a tit?
PLEASE tell me you actually sucked a tit!

I did :cool: