No Gods and therfore no moral code

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HEh, the hed is a mirage! he shot himslf in the foot.:rolleyes:
You are a complete moron. Did you see how quick ze porn loving Marquis jumped out of invisibility?
HEh, the hed is a mirage! he shot himslf in the foot.

amazing that you bring it up. you think repetition will somehow lessen the sheer idiocy of that assertion? you lose total face and yet ramble on. a clumsy, thick skinned, oafish lout is a fitting description at this stage. the honorable thing to do is.... depart these hallowed forums. write a farewell note. strut into the path of a fast moving truck.

Did you see how quick ze porn loving Marquis jumped out of invisibility?

did i not warn you not to get chummy with me? strut away, you foulness is disturbing. i will not be that easily distracted
[color=century gothic](Edit: Removed words bearing the appearance of a threat. I must demand that threats and words giving the appearance of threats not be included as part of the standard fare around here.


-->amazing that you bring it up. you think repetition will somehow lessen the sheer idiocy of that assertion?

LOL. The assertion is idiotic, eh? I will not educate you on Why it was made.

-->you lose total face and yet ramble on.

I deliberately made an assertion to people I consider morons and I lose face? You are backwards. Any opinion the aussie punk and Xev or you think have of me is cultivated by I, for me; I do not lose face. Last repetition.

-->depart these hallowed forums.

LOL. Chasing your "enemy" around will do the trick, no?:rolleyes:
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you came to me. you had receded to the recesses of my mind. now i pay attention

I will not educate you on Why it was made.

caps? i sense a neurosis. i prefer to get my education elsewhere. from qualified individuals, not highschoolers. besides you do not cos you cannot. even a kid can figure that out

I deliberately made an assertion to people I consider morons and I lose face? You are backwards. Any opinion the aussie punk and Xev or you think have of me is cultivated by I, for me; I do not lose face. Last repetition.

your protests leave me utterly unimpressed. as always, expecting me to buy into your self serving self conceptualization and spin of events is really a waste of time. i form my own opinion. you are quite transparent. i see nothing subtle or sophisticated about you. however, do what you must to preserve ego. it is nothing new.

*if you wish you can run home crying to mom. i dont mind
...from qualified individuals, not highschoolers...

...besides you do not cos you cannot...
I do not because I do not want you to
know; also, I am curious whether Marquis really knows what the irony is.

...expecting me to buy into your self serving self conceptualization and spin of events is really a waste of time. . i form my own opinion...

lol. No you do NOT. That you keep repeating it will not make so. Stop being dishonest. came to me. you had receded to the recesses of my mind. now i pay attention...

Quite right, I came to you in boredom as I initially told you. I even told you what I was going to do and how you were going to respond. In your denial, you took on a persona as my "enemy" with a singular aim of making me leave this site. Perhaps you should look at preceeding events and the nature of this whole crap to see why you "chose" this persona.You were saying "pay atention"?

...i see nothing subtle or sophisticated about you...

Perhaps that is because you are seeing what is not there Spock.
I do not because I do not want you to know;

that is the weakest yet. you are now like an extremely insecure child. your delusions of grandeur is a serious blow to your credibility but you persist. you must be a transplanted aoler

I am curious whether Marquis really knows what the irony is.

that bit of flotsam means nothing to me

.lol. No you do NOT.

i see you try to dictate my reality again. the sheer impotence on display boggles. here is a demo... you are a retarded highschhooler. that is my opinion.

That you keep repeating it will not make so. Stop being dishonest.

you cannot play if your life depended on it.

Quite right, I came to you in boredom as I initially told you. I even told you what I was going to do and how you were going to respond.

sing it to me brother! hallelujah_

In your denial, you took on a persona as my "enemy" with a singular aim of making me leave this site. Perhaps you should look at preceeding events and the nature of this whole crap to see why you "chose" this persona.You were saying "pay atention"?

mindless disjointed verbiage

Perhaps that is because you are seeing what is not there Spock.

thanks for agreeing with me
heh. You'd like to think so, eh maggot? Let me explain the situation between a puppet and a master. The master knows how the puppet will respond. This is my long running experiment. When you stop fitting clusters, I"ll let you know-- as I did in the other thread. In any case, can you recall what number in your Art of Trolling list your response matched?

BTW, don't forget maggot, the hed started this mess and will end this mess in his time. Keep your fantasizing to a minimum.
Mod Hat: I hate to interject ....

I hate to spoil your fun, but is there a topic left here?

Originally posted by thefountainhed

shift focus; something new. Else, we shall engage somewhere else.

Awww you're taking the love fest elsewhere:rolleyes:? So is this the end of the soap opera, or is there another instalment coming soon:p?... lol..

No Gods and therefore no moral code

While the general tendency of the notion of the moral code has at times leaned towards notions of good and evil, thereby attaching itself to notions of God, the word moral also deals with character. Most people know the difference between right and wrong. This is not something that is given to us by a so called God but taught to each individual from the age of understanding by society. That is why notions of morality or the moral code will never be the same for all, as not everyone has the same view of what is right or wrong, as each society views things differently.

Originally posted by altec
Who is to say that murder, rape, and pilliging is wrong?

In the past, religious groups thought it moral to murder, rape and pillige other groups. Such actions were normally carried out in the name of God. However today, if an individual or group carried out such acts, they would be breaking the law and deemed to be evil or bad. Yet, through time, such practices have been seen to be bad and ultimately seen to be illegal in most societies.

A child is not born a moral being, but is taught notions of morality or the moral code by the society in which that child belongs. Religious groups have attempted to adopt the notion of morality as their own, as the teachings of God, yet it must be remembered that in the past, what we now deem to be immoral or against the moral code was seen to be moral and perfectly acceptable (see above in regards to murder, rape, etc), and all under the banner or name of God. The development and evolution of societies from those early days have resulted in the creation of laws banning such practices, as society had moved on from its feudal past. Personally I don't think that one's morality stems from God, I think it stems from society in general and especially from those closest to each individual, from childhood and onwards (eg parents, family, friends and social group).

Originally posted by altec
If there is no "moral code" then why wouldn't we all run around killing, raping, and pillaging everything that we could?

I have seen this question many times since I joined sciforums.

The answer is simple.

Even if there is no moral, there will always be repercussion. Duh!
There is no moral code, the evidence of different realities clearly supports the idea that morals are "relative." Now, this still doesnt make a case that they are since our state of affairs could just "relative" on the way to absolute truth. But thats a bullshyt position to hold and improvable. Rationality, logic and understadning human nature can bring you to better morals. The whole "wheel comes into existence and better use is found for it." An extreme moral relavatist cannot agree that morals can be better. And that as always been my problem.

By the way christians really should not be defending moral absolutism for the simple fact is, you dont believe in morality. You believe in obeying god. Then you claim his laws moral because you define it as good. Its a circular mess. If god declares that "child rape" is the most morally perfect thing to do, the christian absolutionist is obliged to agree. Does a standard exists indepedent of god of what is moral? If not, then this is the consequence of christian beleifs. Christians as a whole are the worst relavists. Anything god says has to be moral. I mean, how do you live your life obeying something that has commited the worst genocides and promises to commit even more in a grand finale? If god's power gives him the right to do so, then you must accept that god's power gives him the right to overturn your most cherished belifs. THIS IS NOT MORALITY.
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