No Gods and therfore no moral code

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If I had the fucking reference for Wittengeinstein, I would have fucking given it! Research to fucking debate a moronic fool like you????? Are you out of your fuckig mind? The most I will do to engage you is a simply search on google. I see that you have now resorted to pathetic spats since you have no response to my argument. Fuck you.

give me the hard version. it should be a cakewalk for you eh?
My moronic fellow Sciforumer, you cannot even debunk the softer version and you wnat the harder version? I do not think so. Respond to what is presented; if you cannot, stick a foot up your mouth, and shut the fuck up.
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My moronic fellow Sciforumer,

what is that? a homosexual term of endearment? you lack originality little man. amazing how you take all your cues from me.

f I had the fucking reference for Wittengeinstein, I would have fucking given it!

naturally, misspelt names will come up with nothing. you do not understand. you provide references that back your play up, not mine. in this case, a critique of wittgenstein's position.

it appears you are upset. please get a grip. throwing tantrums does not reflect well on you

since you have no response to my argument.

it aint christmas yet boy!

If you want quotes from authority, not today. I get off work at 9:30.

i am cool mellow and laid back. aint in a hurry. these issues have not been resolved. you appear to think they have. i dont give damn how long this drags on. if you cant hack, bye. i can mount a tougher response to myself than you ever could. yes that its! i'll debate myself;)
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You 'accuse' me because you do not know any better. The book is simply popular.

popular? you simply assume that it supports your view. why? you have not read the frikkin thing! secondly you know i aint gonna buy the frikkin book. its quite simple. you were being dishonest in order to make a point. think i wouldnt noticed. assume the position boy!!

…rewarding with earthly goods. You must realize for instance that the sacrifice of humans, which you may deem immoral, was considered perfectly moral; in fact, it was holy, as far as that sacrifice was to a deity that demanded human sacrifice.

so? what's your point? i am trying to establish an objective foundation for morality without the need for gods and you are trying to impress me with some relativistic crap? a psychopath's version is good as any other?

…rewarding with earthly goods/rewarding with morality. two entirely different things. i suppose consistency is too much to ask of you eh? dolt!

You can alternatively, simply read a good book on Mexican history.

to hell with your advise. if you do not have any shit to bring to the table, move away from it

You realize they had a god of morality-- Quetzalcoatl, no?

Eventually, Tezcatlipoca and his gang of dark gods gained access to Quetzalcoatl's spiritual palace. Using all sorts of trickery, these gods played to Quetzalcoatl's vanity by revealing his image, and his mortality, in a mirror. (Mirrors are from Venus). The shock of seeing himself was overwhelming, even horrifying, and the dark gods immediately offered Quetzalcoatl a make-over, which he agreed to. (More Venus tricks - decorate it and no one will know). Next, they offered him a way to forget his ugliness, five cups of the intoxicating beverage pulque. Now this drink makes tequila seem like water. Quetzalcoatl got smashed and began to party. In his extremely intoxicated state, Quetzalcoatl actually wound up having illicit sex with his sister, Quetzalpetlatl.(Venus is a sucker for sexual indulgence). This shocking, dishonorable event ended his role as official spiritual leader. It was this fall from grace, due to his loss of control over his passions, that led to his resignation as leader and, consequently, the end of Tollan's golden age. His first act of atonement was to place himself in a stone coffin. Four days later he arose and left town.

Quetzalcoatl and the Sexual Secrets of the Toltec Astrologers

it is amazing that you are unwilling to see the difference b/w two forms of religion. one has a highly developed moral system and the other.... what a fucking joke.

No, necessarily applies because of the sentence structure. The sentence is tautological; a way of life means rules for life.

you have no idea about the actual state of affairs. it is speculation but yet you offer it as carved in stone. i will not accommodate your deliberate pigheadedness again. do you realize i can do a better job debating myself as i am aware of the counter arguments? that these were given hundreds of years ago? yet you are unable to utilize any except your own confused crap? mindless garbage.

*A polytheistic universe is full of unbounded sexual energy

*In the divine realm, all forms of sex occur: Bestiality, adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, incest, along with marital coitus: The Egyptian Ra masturbated, swallowed his semen, self fertilized. He spit to produce the God Shu; He urinated to produce the goddess Tefnut; He cried to produce humans

*Gender is also blurred in the supernatural realm of a polytheistic universe: The Hindu Shiva, for example, integrates both genders. Zeus gave birth to Dionysus after raping Semele, stealing the fetus from her womb, planting it in his thigh and then giving birth.

*Deities may have other deities of the opposite sex which are their counterparts (Ares and Athena for example)
The cosmic order does not preclude any form of sexual behavior

*Sex is a powerful, potentially dangerous force that pervades the entire universe under this cosmology

*The cosmic order does not rigidly segregate what is masculine from what is feminine Monotheism vs. Polytheism

some morality eh? the gods partied. humans did not. their societies require a little more structure to it
what is that? a homosexual term of endearment? you lack originality little man. amazing how you take all your cues from me.
Eh? You really are full of fantasies.

Let me break it down for you

My moronic fellow sciforumer:

moronic—describes you. Too many times, you spew the moronic.
fellow sciforumer—you are part of this community.

Moreover, where is the lack of originality?
That done, we shall move on, my moronic fellow sciforumer.

If I had the fucking reference for Wittengeinstein, I would have fucking given it!

naturally, misspelt names will come up with nothing. you do not understand. you provide references that back your play up, not mine. in this case, a critique of wittgenstein's position.
Pathetic. I originally spelt his name correctly. I brought him up to show a side which expressed the ideas you tried to bring up better. Whenever I thought a ”reference” was needed, I provided; outside that, these are simple notions that do not require authority to be developed.

it appears you are upset. please get a grip. throwing tantrums does not reflect well on you
Stick you concern back down your throat; do not accuse me of dishonesty and I will not get upset.

it aint christmas yet boy!
LOL. “boy”…You cannot feel your dick and need assurance eh, maggot?

i am cool mellow and laid back. aint in a hurry. these issues have not been resolved. you appear to think they have. i dont give damn how long this drags on. if you cant hack, bye. i can mount a tougher response to myself than you ever could. yes that its! i'll debate myself
The issues have been resolved. You have not provided a worthy counter to any argument posed by I.

popular? you simply assume that it supports your view. why? you have not read the frikkin thing! secondly you know i aint gonna buy the frikkin book. its quite simple. you were being dishonest in order to make a point. think i wouldnt noticed. assume the position boy!!
Stupid little fool, if it did not back up my assertions as I have them stated, I would not have presented it as a reference so you can use it to debunk me.

t's your point? i am trying to establish an objective foundation for morality without the need for gods and you are trying to impress me with some relativistic crap? a psychopath's version is good as any other?
Get it through your thick head that our sense of morality differed from theirs. You challenged my assertion that morality and religion were merged before monotheism. Yours has been shown to be an unfounded counter argument; I do not care for your “objective” morality.

…rewarding with earthly goods/rewarding with morality. two entirely different things. i suppose consistency is too much to ask of you eh? dolt!
You fool! All “good” things are supposed to come to come from the “gods”.

You realize they had a god of morality-- Quetzalcoatl, no?

Eventually, Tezcatlipoca and his gang of dark gods gained access to Quetzalcoatl's spiritual palace. Using all sorts of trickery, these gods played to Quetzalcoatl's vanity by revealing his image, and his mortality, in a mirror. (Mirrors are from Venus). The shock of seeing himself was overwhelming, even horrifying, and the dark gods immediately offered Quetzalcoatl a make-over, which he agreed to. (More Venus tricks - decorate it and no one will know). Next, they offered him a way to forget his ugliness, five cups of the intoxicating beverage pulque. Now this drink makes tequila seem like water. Quetzalcoatl got smashed and began to party. In his extremely intoxicated state, Quetzalcoatl actually wound up having illicit sex with his sister, Quetzalpetlatl.(Venus is a sucker for sexual indulgence). This shocking, dishonorable event ended his role as official spiritual leader. It was this fall from grace, due to his loss of control over his passions, that led to his resignation as leader and, consequently, the end of Tollan's golden age. His first act of atonement was to place himself in a stone coffin. Four days later he arose and left town.

Quetzalcoatl and the Sexual Secrets of the Toltec Astrologers

it is amazing that you are unwilling to see the difference b/w two forms of religion. one has a highly developed moral system and the other.... what a fucking joke.
You really are a fool. Your concept of a highly developed moral system is probably one where human sacrifice is disallowed, no? The faults of the gods are irrelevant.

you have no idea about the actual state of affairs. it is speculation but yet you offer it as carved in stone. i will not accommodate your deliberate pigheadedness again. do you realize i can do a better job debating myself as i am aware of the counter arguments? that these were given hundreds of years ago? yet you are unable to utilize any except your own confused crap? mindless garbage.
You spew that nonsense to my assertion that their way of life revolved around religion and hence their morality must necessarily follow? How the fuck is that in any way a response to that assertion? Here, since you like references: [url][/URL]
And as it is in simple English, I am sure you will comprehend with ease.

*A polytheistic universe is full of unbounded sexual energy

*In the divine realm, all forms of sex occur: Bestiality, adultery, masturbation, homosexuality, incest, along with marital coitus: The Egyptian Ra masturbated, swallowed his semen, self fertilized. He spit to produce the God Shu; He urinated to produce the goddess Tefnut; He cried to produce humans

*Gender is also blurred in the supernatural realm of a polytheistic universe: The Hindu Shiva, for example, integrates both genders. Zeus gave birth to Dionysus after raping Semele, stealing the fetus from her womb, planting it in his thigh and then giving birth.

*Deities may have other deities of the opposite sex which are their counterparts (Ares and Athena for example)
The cosmic order does not preclude any form of sexual behavior

*Sex is a powerful, potentially dangerous force that pervades the entire universe under this cosmology

*The cosmic order does not rigidly segregate what is masculine from what is feminine Monotheism vs. Polytheism

some morality eh? the gods partied. humans did not. their societies require a little more structure to it
LMAO. An attack of the “immorality”—from your perspective anyway, of theirs gods is supposed to show what?? Sit down, think, and try to create an argument.
Originally posted by thefountainhed
The issues have been resolved. You have not provided a worthy counter to any argument posed by I.

here are your arguments culled from the entire thread (minus the wittgenstein) relevant to my assertion that morality has its foundations in the innate drives or social instincts that all animals probably possess

The evolution of new laws without a basis in morality (for instance, taxation, etc) is still predicated on the fundamental that a society requires laws to function.

This so called “altruism” between a parent and a child does not extend beyond the fundamental group—the family unit. There is no “hardwired” altruism towards other members of the society who are not part of said fundamental group.

A society needs a self governing mechanism; a variant of which is a law. The law must have a basis in morality for otherwise, it is meaningless in the sense that the group will not believe the law to have their interests accounted for.

Now this is an obvious that further debunks your moronic assertions. The familial ties are much stronger in the cases where there is bonding. Between the parent(mother) and the child, this bonding is even bioligical. When it is extrapolated to the group, it becomes artificial-- this is where morality comes into being-- the ties are specified.

Nitwit, of course eve's kin had to learn that it was "nice" to become members of a group that is not the family unit. It had to be able to trust that the other group(s) will uphold the survival of the group. Instinct had them in the fundamental group that is the family; a need for survival and a realization that the group-- if sharing common goals, increases the chances for survival--this was learnt.

Why do you always seem to miss the obvious? Take a clan of apes and then try to move them into another clan and see how they interact. They cannot. Their ability to form a cohesive group is of course evolutionary and the grouping/bonding is biological through developed behaviour patterns. Humans term their bonding. This formulation of rules that form our social basis is what we term morality.

Bah. I am sorry that I did not feel the need to have to reassert everything in the 'origin of the species'. The statement I made that the human aims to survive is prettu much standard knowledge now.

If social instinct provides the FOUNDATION for basic morality, the two cannot be the SAME. Yuck. (head)

what are your qualifications. why should i buy what is obviously an opinion. you provide nothing to back this up. instead you offer mindless assertions. you speculate and hold that out to be the final word. do you think you are in kindergarten?

dig out some ethological studies. do something other than offering up your just an opinion. as it stands, it is worthless

Ever since our ancestors, the macrotermitine termites, achieved ten-kilogram weight and larger brains during their rapid evolution through the late Tertiary Period, and learned to write with pheromonal script, termitic scholarship has elevated and refined ethical philosophy. It is now possible to express the imperatives of moral behavior with precision. These imperatives are self-evident and universal. They are the very essence of termitity. They include the love of darkness and of the deep, saprophytic, basidiomycetic penetralia of the soil; the centrality of colony life amidst the richness of war and trade with other colonies, the sanctity of the physiological caste system; and the evil of personal rights (the colony is ALL!); our deep love for the royal siblings allowed to reproduce; the joy of chemical song; the aesthetic pleasure and deep social satisfaction of eating feces from nestmates' anuses after the shedding of our skins; and the ecstasy of cannibalism and surrender of our own bodies when we are sick or injured (it is more blessed to be eaten than to eat).

the termite's way of life

LOL!!! And now we get an example of termite society??? What's next, a bee colony?

I am bored Spock. If the assertions I made are not self evident, or if you cannot reach the conclusions I reached with the references provided or simply thinking on YOUR OWN, then fuck it. You cannot find a counter where the author doesn't question his own conclusions, aka Wittgenstein.

I am done with this thread.

Here is a link you could use:
If the assertions I made are not self evident,

if this is the case, why are you here? why are you not teaching the "self evident" over at some ivy college? publishing in reputed journals?

do you realize that you have answers that would revolutionize entire fields of study with this supposedly "self evident" body of knowledge you claim to possess?

all hail professor head! boldly going where no other has gone before

And now we get an example of termite society???

that was a nicely done analogy showing nature's role in the evolution of morality. it is unfortunate subtleties just whizz by your thick skull

I am bored Spock

funny, i thought you mentioned earlier that thats when you come to fuck with me. so cmon boy!

i can blow me out of the water, can you? well can you boy?
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if this is the case, why are you here? why are you not teaching the "self evident" over at some ivy college? publishing in reputed journals?
I am here because I am bored and waiting.
I'm not teaching the "self evident" because I must listen to fools spew the self evident at college before I reach my turn.
I will publish, just not on this topic. Besides, realize that most of the crap I have said have already been said.

do yo realize that you have answers that would revolutionize entire fields of study with this supposedly "self evident" body of knowledge you claim to possess?
Nothing I have said would revolutionalize any field as they already are accepted notions within these fields. Go ahead, pick one assertion that would "revolutionalize"...

all hail professor head! boldly going where no other has gone before
Indeed, all hail the HED. Unfortunately, what I have said in this thread is rather simple; but what I will do later outside this site will be "revolutionary". Heh, like that, maggot?

that was a nicely done analogy showing nature's role in the evolution of morality. it is unfortunate subtleties just whizz by your thick skull
Stupid fool, the "analogy" is irrelevant as societies like termites, bees, etc have completely different dynamics from that of humans. What is unfortunate, my moronic fellow sciforumer, is that after all the schooling, you still swell in the proverbial land of non-sequiturs.

funny, i thought you mentioned earlier that thats when you come to fuck with me.
Yea. But Dr. Lou showed me a link to online table tennis, and it was at first entertaining as it was challenging and new. I find it rather unfortunate that you present no challenge, but I like your gusto!

so cmon boy!
Still can't feel your dick?
Stupid fool, the "analogy" is irrelevant as societies like termites, bees, etc have completely different dynamics from that of humans.

excellent. perhaps you can point these out?

Unfortunately, what I have said in this thread is rather simple;

that could'nt be more obvious. simple sayings for the simple minded. i never expected any different. neither can it be any other way.

you now engage in some "promissory intelligence"? once you depart college the shit will come pouring out? know this boy! if you dont have what it takes now (and you dont), you never will!

I find it rather unfortunate that you present no challenge, but I like your gusto!

i like that. you however have absolutely zero redeeming qualities.
excellent. perhaps you can point these out?
I'm going to punch the next person I see.

that could'nt be more obvious. simple sayings for the simple minded. i never expected any different. neither can it be any other way.
Heh. No longer "revolutionary", eh maggot? Pathetic what you do with bones thrown your way.

you now engage in some "promissory intelligence"? once you depart college the shit will come pouring out? know this boy! if you dont have what it takes now (and you dont), you never will!
Heh. I don't, eh?

i like that. you however have absolutely zero redeeming qualities.
Why thank you. I believe that within this context, my mission is accomplished. LOL
I'm going to punch the next person I see.

you obviously think you said something profound

Heh. No longer "revolutionary", eh maggot? Pathetic what you do with bones thrown your way.

you seem not understand rhetoric. it is tongue in cheek. i will not credit you with anything because you havent yet shown any need for it.

Heh. I don't, eh?

you heard me.

Why thank you. I believe that within this context, my mission is accomplished. LOL

lol, lol. cacking idiot. your fear is such that at every turn you feel the need to declare victory. you have resolved nothing with me.

*heh? adopting my jargon. i like that. hop this way puppet
I'm going to punch the next person I see.

you obviously think you said something profound
Not really; I said something I thought should be obvious, but you seeked expansion and I provided. Obviously that sentence implies quite a lot, but profundity, nae.

you seem not understand rhetoric. it is tongue in cheek. i will not credit you with anything because you havent yet shown any need for it.
Lol, hed misunderstands rhetoric? I see. And yes, you are right, I do not need you to credit me with anything, just acknowledge my intellectual superiority over you.

you heard me.
Really? Should I play it spookystyle and say "you just read what I typed, my boy". :rolleyes:
In any case Spock, you couldn't be more wrong.

lol, lol. cacking idiot. your fear is such that at every turn you feel the need to declare victory. you have resolved nothing with me.
Here is some "cackling" for you: LOL!!!!!!!!!
The lol are mostly for effect; I almost always have a grin pasted on when I reply or read your crap.

But my "fear"? lol. you are a moron.
But I am the victor in this case, in every way, so why not proclaim it?
I have resolved everything with you that was initially said. You have withdrawn all your crap.

*heh? adopting my jargon. i like that. hop this way puppet
Eh? You patented 'heh"? I was not using "heh", Hmm, and other meaningless crap before?
you seeked expansion and I provided.

"sought" mr illiterate. you will never get out of school. you provided nothing. as usual.

*just acknowledge my intellectual superiority over you.
*you couldn't be more wrong.
*But I am the victor in this case,
*I have resolved everything with you that was initially said.

I call you to My house standing in only My name yet, you stand up proudly and proclaim your own names in your own ministries. Do you really seek Me as my servants or do you simply ask Me to bless the self works of your own creation. Shall I be impressed with all that you have done in My name for your own self proclamations, and self promotions? Come down from your high places of pride and bogus accomplishments. You have rallied a toilet webcam club, a pimp club, and you are well known for it. What about your daily service unto Me? What can you say of seeking My will for you daily and doing it? do you wish for the spooky one to strike you down?

You have withdrawn all your crap.

no i havent. show me ( now i am cackling)

I was not using "heh", Hmm, and other meaningless crap before?

no. pay me my dues. my stylings do not come for free
he he he.

interesting post. I'm a loss for words Spock.

Thanks. Funny things is I know it is sought, heh.

you will never get out of school.
you provided nothing.

as usual.

no i havent. show me ( now i am cackling)
I'm not that bored yet. But purely from memory, there was indeed a meshing of religion and morality b4 monothesm, etc. Your last posts were to address your thoughts instead of "refuting" mine. I care not for your thoughts about morality unless I ask them, so those were not considered.

no. pay me my dues. my stylings do not come for free
I'm quite sure I was using them before. Besides, I'm broke.

I call you to My house standing in only My name yet, you stand up proudly and proclaim your own names in your own ministries. Do you really seek Me as my servants or do you simply ask Me to bless the self works of your own creation. Shall I be impressed with all that you have done in My name for your own self proclamations, and self promotions? Come down from your high places of pride and bogus accomplishments. You have rallied a toilet webcam club, a pimp club, and you are well known for it. What about your daily service unto Me? What can you say of seeking My will for you daily and doing it? do you wish for the spooky one to strike you down?
Heh. I simply shot you and took your house and your ghost is fruitlessly attempting to "haunt" me, its "enemy".
you expose yourself to be a pathetic little shell of a man. i truly pity you. yet i will assist in your attempts at self flagellation. you will resume your proper place in the cosmos.....b/w my shoe and the ground
i truly pity you
I am 100% sure you do not, as there is nothing to pity.

yet i will assist in your attempts at self flagellation. you will resume your proper place in the cosmos.....b/w my shoe and the ground
You will do no such thing. Besides, "self-flagellation" from at egotist like myself? Use your fucking head.

All you will do is entertain me, when I want and need entertainment. If you somehow deplore this, tough fucking luck. You presented yourself as a worthy clown; it is not my fault.
I am 100% sure you do not, as there is nothing to pity.

that particular instance? yes

You will do no such thing.

well stop me

Besides, "self-flagellation" from at egotist like myself? Use your fucking head.

heh, you self image is not my concern. nor does it have any credibility. it is what you bring to the table. the giant is really a midget

All you will do is entertain me, when I want and need entertainment.

now sing it for me brother! hallelujah_!_

If you somehow deplore this, tough fucking luck. You presented yourself as a worthy clown; it is not my fault

pathetic shell indeed
that particular instance? yes
All instnaces. As I have already mentioned, pitying shall be done by me, for you.

well stop me
It is impossible to stop a supposed "self flaggelation" that is fantasy.

heh, you self image is not my concern. nor does it have any credibility. it is what you bring to the table. the giant is really a midget
I see.

now sing it for me brother! hallelujah_!_
If you do indeed get entertainment from this crap, that somewhat diminshes mine. In any case, I do not think you do.

pathetic shell indeed
All instnaces.

i pitied you at a particular instance. it is not a common reaction. disgust and contempt is more the norm

As I have already mentioned, pitying shall be done by me, for you.

go for it boy

It is impossible to stop a supposed "self flaggelation" that is fantasy.

heh. i actually have read your recent posts. you shoot yourself in the foot. yet, employ any defensive mechanisms you require to maintain your presence here.

I see.

you think you do

If you do indeed get entertainment from this crap,

no, you say it often enough for it to sound like some whacked ditty. i however suspect it will probably your swansong

In any case, I do not think you do.

do not concern yourself with my motivations. can an ant fathom god?


no jack
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