Nietzsche was right, and God is dead… for most people

God isn't dead. He's just dying.
M*W: A "dying" god implies that this god is "still living." To which god are you referring? Please provide proof of the existence of the god in question. If you can accomplish this, I commend you. If you can't, then you believe a lie.
Just to clarify my original statement; I don´t believe in the concrete concept of God depicted in the Bible or in any other book for that matter. Some people don´t believe in God, then call it "truth", call it "love", call it "nature", call it "existence"; or all together. In anyway, God cannot be defined; for example: define "the truth". Ha!! What is "the truth"? very difficult to understand, since "the truth" is different from person to person. No 2 truths can be the same, and yet, there is only 1 "truth".

God is like the top of a mountain, some people are able to get there; they can show you how they got there, but you are standing on a different place than the first person, so you will have to find your own way to the top. Once you are at the top, you can see the path you took, but you also can see that there are thousands of paths to the top; but you cannot see the paths clearly if you are standing at the bottom, and off course, you also cannot see the top.