Nietzsche was right, and God is dead… for most people


Speaker of my truth
Valued Senior Member
I proclaim now something to cause controversy, because I want to show the ego to the people, including myself.
I shout: “People that believe in the God of a scripture are believers of a dead God.”

Use the scripture for your own personal reasons, use the holy books to excuse “I want to get into heaven and fuck the rest of people”. I mean, this is now the problem, and it has always been the problem.

If there is a God, he/she is alive, because he cannot die, he/she is eternal. This living God cannot speak but with the mouths of living people, and he cannot hear but with the ears of living people. I respect those who speak their mind and speak their truths! Because those people are speaking the living word of the living God!!

I know, this is controversial, and I don’t really give a shit about controversy. I’m not here to make other people feel better about themselves and tell them what they want to hear, I’m just not that guy who strengthen the ego of the weak.

Discuss… ;)
You'd do better proclaiming this to the people on a street corner, rather than typing it on some website on the internet. It seems that a career as a street corner preacher would suit you better anyway. That way you'd also be easier to ignore. Go for it.
I proclaim now something to cause controversy, because I want to show the ego to the people, including myself.
I shout: “People that believe in the God of a scripture are believers of a dead God.”

Use the scripture for your own personal reasons, use the holy books to excuse “I want to get into heaven and fuck the rest of people”. I mean, this is now the problem, and it has always been the problem.

If there is a God, he/she is alive, because he cannot die, he/she is eternal. This living God cannot speak but with the mouths of living people, and he cannot hear but with the ears of living people. I respect those who speak their mind and speak their truths! Because those people are speaking the living word of the living God!!

I know, this is controversial, and I don’t really give a shit about controversy. I’m not here to make other people feel better about themselves and tell them what they want to hear, I’m just not that guy who strengthen the ego of the weak.

Discuss… ;)

What's the source of this God of yours? Where did you get the concept and what is it that made you believe this concept is true, as opposed to the hundreds (thousands?) of other concepts out there. How do you know the Bible and it's God, or the Quran and it's God aren't 100% real?
I proclaim now something to cause controversy, because I want to show the ego to the people, including myself.
I shout: “People that believe in the God of a scripture are believers of a dead God.”

Use the scripture for your own personal reasons, use the holy books to excuse “I want to get into heaven and fuck the rest of people”. I mean, this is now the problem, and it has always been the problem.

If there is a God, he/she is alive, because he cannot die, he/she is eternal. This living God cannot speak but with the mouths of living people,
then the next question would be how come we have the faculty of speech when god doesn't?

and he cannot hear but with the ears of living people.
and the next question would be how come we have the faculty of hearing yet god doesn't?
I respect those who speak their mind and speak their truths! Because those people are speaking the living word of the living God!!
the speech and minds of conditioned souls is frequently revealed to be something distant from truth
I always found it interesting that God needed to whisper to an angle and that angle whisper to a human who then thought about it and told some other humans who then wrote this stuff down on a peace of bark which was buried and found again and then someone smartened up and wrote down what they could find in a book 200 years later.

I wonder why God didn't just send (A) a movie real and (B) free tickets + popcorn and a soda and we could have all sat down and watched the "message" at the movies.
You'd do better proclaiming this to the people on a street corner, rather than typing it on some website on the internet. It seems that a career as a street corner preacher would suit you better anyway. That way you'd also be easier to ignore. Go for it.

Oh man, you said it all in there, If I would be preaching in the street corner, its even easier to ignore than typing it in this website, then why should I do that?

I speak my truth to the people I know, and to the people I have a chance to talk to. I´m not into street-corner-preaching though.

And about those who ask me for proof of this, I only can tell them to take a look at themselves better. I cannot help you more than you can help yourselves.
then the next question would be how come we have the faculty of speech when god doesn't?

and the next question would be how come we have the faculty of hearing yet god doesn't?

God has the faculty of speech and hearing, though us and every human.

the speech and minds of conditioned souls is frequently revealed to be something distant from truth

You are right about that, but inside us there are many personalities. One minute you are someone, the other minute you are someone else. The funny thing is, that which affects you in a negative way, like something that provokes an anger response in you, is that which is preconditioned in you by your ego.
The words of God are in every one of us, deep in there, he speaks to us in our dreams…
Enlightened people are those who speak the complete truth of God, that which is intrinsic in every human, they manage to taste it first hand.
Oh man, you said it all in there, If I would be preaching in the street corner, its even easier to ignore than typing it in this website, then why should I do that?

I speak my truth to the people I know, and to the people I have a chance to talk to. I´m not into street-corner-preaching though.

And about those who ask me for proof of this, I only can tell them to take a look at themselves better. I cannot help you more than you can help yourselves.

Oh speaker of the truth, please help me. I looked at myself and saw skin, hair, eyes, arms, legs.. but no proof! Where am I going wrong?? :bawl:
Oh speaker of the truth, please help me. I looked at myself and saw skin, hair, eyes, arms, legs.. but no proof! Where am I going wrong?? :bawl:

The part were you are looking at an image created by your brain, an illusion limited by your small, temporary brain. When I say small, I mean in comparison to the Universe. If you get offended by thinking your brain is small and insignificant, then you are caged by your own brain.
I always found it interesting that God needed to whisper to an angle and that angle whisper to a human who then thought about it and told some other humans who then wrote this stuff down on a peace of bark which was buried and found again and then someone smartened up and wrote down what they could find in a book 200 years later.

I wonder why God didn't just send (A) a movie real and (B) free tickets + popcorn and a soda and we could have all sat down and watched the "message" at the movies.

I always found it interesting that an all-knowing, omnipotent deity even needed assistants (angels). :confused:
I always found it interesting that an all-knowing, omnipotent deity even needed assistants (angels). :confused:

If that limits your perspective on what God is, then don’t believe in God, and be happy with yourself like that. If you are not completely happy, then don’t try to convince others to believe what you do, and you may have to reconsider your beliefs. If you are completely blissful, you may be in a higher level of awareness than most people, and you can teach others to be blissful.
The part were you are looking at an image created by your brain, an illusion limited by your small, temporary brain. When I say small, I mean in comparison to the Universe. If you get offended by thinking your brain is small and insignificant, then you are caged by your own brain.

Why do you call an image created by my brain an illusion?
If that limits your perspective on what God is, then don’t believe in God, and be happy with yourself like that. If you are not completely happy, then don’t try to convince others to believe what you do, and you may have to reconsider your beliefs. If you are completely blissful, you may be in a higher level of awareness than most people, and you can teach others to be blissful.
Uhhh, if anything is limited, it's God's power. It's a straightforward question that shouldn't be answered philosophically.
And where did you interpret me as trying to convince others to believe what I believe? Please show me.
I'm not doing anything different than what you are doing:
WS said:
I speak my truth to the people I know, and to the people I have a chance to talk to.
I couldn't care less what others believe. To each his own.

I tried being happy as a Christian but wasn't after I realized that prayers did not get answered. So I do not believe in god as Christians view him.
As far as perception goes, I also don't see how a supposedly benevolent god would force his creation to accept him or spend an eternity in hell.
While I do lean towards us being intelligently designed, it's entirely possible that we weren't created by a supernatural deity, but maybe a race of ancient, super advanced extra-terrestrials. But we could have also just evolved from the primordial ooze (I shudder to think that though).
Why do you call an image created by my brain an illusion?

Because your brain is limited by biology. Like a monkey´s brain is limited, our is only a little bigger.

We can´t see colors beyond violet, and we can´t see colors beneath red, this is just one of our brain´s limitations. And you have to take in consideration we are only talking about different frequencies of colors, in an unlimited range of frequencies, we can only look at a certain range because its what we need for basic survival, so we evolved this way.

You can call it reality if you want, but it is in fact a reality created by your brain; same happens with smell and touch...
Because your brain is limited by biology. Like a monkey´s brain is limited, our is only a little bigger.

We can´t see colors beyond violet, and we can´t see colors beneath red, this is just one of our brain´s limitations. And you have to take in consideration we are only talking about different frequencies of colors, in an unlimited range of frequencies, we can only look at a certain range because its what we need for basic survival, so we evolved this way.

You can call it reality if you want, but it is in fact a reality created by your brain; same happens with smell and touch...

So is the proof you're referring to, that I should see when I look at myself, the images I can't see because of my brain's physical limitation? If that's the case, why do you bother to tell me to look at myself for proof in the first place?
Uhhh, if anything is limited, it's God's power. It's a straightforward question that shouldn't be answered philosophically.
And where did you interpret me as trying to convince others to believe what I believe? Please show me.
I'm not doing anything different than what you are doing:

I couldn't care less what others believe. To each his own.

I didn’t interpret you like that, I was just saying... In general, not only to you, that you shouldn’t close your mind to possibilities beyond your comprehension. I’m not saying I comprehend better, I put myself in the same category.

I tried being happy as a Christian but wasn't after I realized that prayers did not get answered. So I do not believe in god as Christians view him.
As far as perception goes, I also don't see how a supposedly benevolent god would force his creation to accept him or spend an eternity in hell.
While I do lean towards us being intelligently designed, it's entirely possible that we weren't created by a supernatural deity, but maybe a race of ancient, super advanced extra-terrestrials. But we could have also just evolved from the primordial ooze (I shudder to think that though).

Your prayers didn’t got answered because you didn’t pray right… When you pray, you can only ask God for wisdom and strength to deal with his will on Earth. You can never understand God, or his will, then instead of trying, we can only ask for the intelligence to deal with what happens to us.
If everybody’s prayers would get answered, that would be some sight… It can’t work that way dude; you cannot expect a prayer to favor your ego to be answered. You can only ask for other people well-being, and even then, we don’t have the comprehension or wisdom to know what is good for others, or what they deserve… God will judge them and do to them as they deserve in Earth, and the same destiny waits for us…

Even when you pray, you cannot lie to God, obviously, then you cannot be hypocritical in your prayers, God knows what you think, then why lie to him in prayers? I have seen Christians do this, and it is just such ignorance.

And you have made it clear you don’t believe in God as Christians paint him, then don’t believe in that God, believe in the true God. The One that doesn’t judge us for what we have done, and love you unconditionally, like a mother. Because the God of religions is a Father figure, it imposes, it has a masculine quality. The God of all has the mother qualities as well, and you can say a thousand times that you don’t believe in God, and it makes no difference to her. Why doesn’t it make any difference? Because you don’t believe in the God of your concept of God. And that is good, because if you don’t believe in that God, it only means that God, as you know him, doesn’t exist. But this doesn’t necessarily means there is no God, maybe a higher God, a different God, an incognisible God is out there and in there, and you just haven’t realized it yet.
I didn’t interpret you like that, I was just saying... In general, not only to you, that you shouldn’t close your mind to possibilities beyond your comprehension. I’m not saying I comprehend better, I put myself in the same category.
Gotcha. All clear.

Your prayers didn’t got answered because you didn’t pray right… When you pray, you can only ask God for wisdom and strength to deal with his will on Earth. You can never understand God, or his will, then instead of trying, we can only ask for the intelligence to deal with what happens to us.
If everybody’s prayers would get answered, that would be some sight… It can’t work that way dude; you cannot expect a prayer to favor your ego to be answered. You can only ask for other people well-being, and even then, we don’t have the comprehension or wisdom to know what is good for others, or what they deserve… God will judge them and do to them as they deserve in Earth, and the same destiny waits for us…
Even when you pray, you cannot lie to God, obviously, then you cannot be hypocritical in your prayers, God knows what you think, then why lie to him in prayers? I have seen Christians do this, and it is just such ignorance.

And you have made it clear you don’t believe in God as Christians paint him, then don’t believe in that God, believe in the true God. The One that doesn’t judge us for what we have done, and love you unconditionally, like a mother. Because the God of religions is a Father figure, it imposes, it has a masculine quality. The God of all has the mother qualities as well, and you can say a thousand times that you don’t believe in God, and it makes no difference to her. Why doesn’t it make any difference? Because you don’t believe in the God of your concept of God. And that is good, because if you don’t believe in that God, it only means that God, as you know him, doesn’t exist. But this doesn’t necessarily means there is no God, maybe a higher God, a different God, an incognisible God is out there and in there, and you just haven’t realized it yet.
Look for a PM with the response to this.
So is the proof you're referring to, that I should see when I look at myself, the images I can't see because of my brain's physical limitation? If that's the case, why do you bother to tell me to look at myself for proof in the first place?

Because you are interpreting it in a different perspective, why do you need to open your eyes to look at something?
And when you close your eyes, you will see images that your brain will build according to what it has experienced in the past. Then don’t think of images... Or just try to think of something you have never seen in this life... A flying golden frog in a rainbow doesn’t count. Because you have seen a frog, you have seen a rainbow and you have seen the golden color. Thousands of images will pass through your brain, but if you are lucky, you will see That which you have never seen before... This is in the "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra".

There is an ancient Latin saying that catches exactly what I’m trying to say: “Homo nosce te ipsum”. Human, Know yourself, and you will know the Universe and the Gods (Gnosis saying).
It also relates to what it says in the Bible: “God created man in His image”, look at that statement from the point of view I’m talking about. Not the actual physical body of the human, but that thing about yourself which you have never seen.
Because you are interpreting it in a different perspective, why do you need to open your eyes to look at something?
And when you close your eyes, you will see images that your brain will build according to what it has experienced in the past. Then don’t think of images... Or just try to think of something you have never seen in this life... A flying golden frog in a rainbow doesn’t count. Because you have seen a frog, you have seen a rainbow and you have seen the golden color. Thousands of images will pass through your brain, but if you are lucky, you will see That which you have never seen before... This is in the "Vigyan Bhairav Tantra".

There is an ancient Latin saying that catches exactly what I’m trying to say: “Homo nosce te ipsum”. Human, Know yourself, and you will know the Universe and the Gods (Gnosis saying).
It also relates to what it says in the Bible: “God created man in His image”, look at that statement from the point of view I’m talking about. Not the actual physical body of the human, but that thing about yourself which you have never seen.

So basically, close my eyes and try my best to think something I've never never seen before? And when I do so see that thing, that will be the proof of your version of God? But if I'm unlucky, I won't see it, and so I'll never have the proof. Is that all correct?