New York UFO sighting

_W4LLY_0wNz_ said:
err...i think we all know wot CNN stands for.
i got my copy of the sighting on a shareware program, in english and japanese news station. In the jap. version they do a slow motion view of it also and im sorry to say but if its a fake damn does that person have a bright future in hollywood.Also if anyone is that narrow minded to believe that threw out our entire galaxy that we r the only living creatures is just pure ignorance. no offense just my opinion.
Deadwood said:
Are you talking about the one where there is a UFO that looks big hovering near the World Trade Center or some big building. It hovers from left to right.

That particular one was proved as a fake, because the ufo was actually a digitally created image. Because it overlaps the front of the building while being behind it. A few sprites to say the least. Or popping or what everyou call it.
anyone who wants to get the full version download ares. p2p program n get both english and japanese news version. you will find alot of interesting stuff there on this subject..
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Indeed I will openly admit that we are probably not the most intelligent species of life in the universe... my arguement is that the "other species" have not come to earth.
its funny to me when scientist claim to have facts about outer space when they dont even have all the facts about earth and the deep seas. It just shows me how ignorant we are as a race to explore outside our world for answers to life when we haven't figured out all about life on this planet..
manmadeflyingsaucer said:
Indeed I will openly admit that we are probably not the most intelligent species of life in the universe... my arguement is that the "other species" have not come to earth.

And probably never will. :D
SkinWalker said:
I'm an Anthropology student... I have yet to hear / read of any startling mystery about alien races.....

Of course I'm only in my Junior year. Perhaps they save the good stuff for Seniors or Grad Students :p
there is no study for alien races and thats cause there is no published documents about a alien race. but yes there has been recorded history of aliens on drawings from egypt n beyond of men in space like suits flyin on birds. What do u think the ancient egyptians where trying to say. And further more if u really think that those pyramids which are built and those lime stone brick which are cut with laser precision was built with the tools of those days then i suggest that you talk to the best architects in the world and ask them if its possible cause the discovery channel did a segment on this subject and chinese master architects couldn't figure out how they did it even with our technology. and also to build them that if u connect the top points to each pyramid that if forms a line pointing directly to the north pole an not a single degree off, the north pole that stands erect now is 5 degrees off please someone tell me how did they know all of this at that time and built those wonders that our most gifted architects of our time couldn't even come close to figuring i say was the aliens giving a helping hand or was it pure luck?
brooklyn_real_1 said:
there is no study for alien races and thats cause there is no published documents about a alien race. but yes there has been recorded history of aliens on drawings from egypt n beyond of men in space like suits flyin on birds. What do u think the ancient egyptians where trying to say. And further more if u really think that those pyramids which are built and those lime stone brick which are cut with laser precision was built with the tools of those days then i suggest that you talk to the best architects in the world and ask them if its possible cause the discovery channel did a segment on this subject and chinese master architects couldn't figure out how they did it even with our technology. and also to build them that if u connect the top points to each pyramid that if forms a line pointing directly to the north pole an not a single degree off, the north pole that stands erect now is 5 degrees off please someone tell me how did they know all of this at that time and built those wonders that our most gifted architects of our time couldn't even come close to figuring i say was the aliens giving a helping hand or was it pure luck?

Advanced aliens from another solar system traveling hundreds of lightyears to earth just to be stone masons and helping to build pyramids in Eygpt is a little hard to swallow. What were they paid with? Dates? The mysteries of the egyptian pyramids and how they were constructed will always be a mystery, except to the ancient egyptians. :D
CH, indeed there was, however over time they have either been chased off from people refuting their claims or they've left school and put away their childish philosophies.

As for the topic:
No one and I mean no one has ever stated "there is not life elsewhere in the universe". The only disputes are about who people are that see these "Aliens" and why these "Aliens" didn't do such a wonderful job with their vastly superior technology to "Coverup their tracks".

In truth most of what people suggest along "visitors from other worlds" stretches the imagination just a tad.