New York UFO sighting

Is it all that crazy?

Have you EVER seen a show on FOX that shows "the third theory" of how the UFO's are man-made? No.. even I can answer that for you... no you havn't. Its because it would be against the will of "the powers that be." I know it sounds crazy.. but step back and think about the distance between here and the nearest star... EXTREMELY wide distance, that is, unless you are more of a "religous science" thinker and believe in such idiocies as "time travel" and "warp tunnels." The most logical alternative is to say they are man-made. (ufos)
Re: Is it all that crazy?

Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
Have you EVER seen a show on FOX that shows "the third theory" of how the UFO's are man-made?

Actually I think if anyone would show it, it would be FOX.
Bad example, perhaps.

ACTUALLY, I have seen such documentaries that suggest that UFO's are man made.

What I was commenting on was your assertion that the government is involved in a conspiracy to make people think that there IS an even wider and more sinister conspiracy, in an effort to cover up the ACTUAL conspiracy.

I think it is pretty funny.

Indeed I will openly admit that we are probably not the most intelligent species of life in the universe... my arguement is that the "other species" have not come to earth.
Re: Hostorical evidence?

Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
WHAT historical evidence?

with respect
where to start ?
Aztecs Myans north an south American Indians Egyptians phonations Australian aborigines who knew of dog stars dim companion cave drawings descriptions in ancient text ect....

try talking to anthropologists there have been many nova and national geographic specials on the subject.

with respect
Cave Drawings?

Seeing as you've mentioned cave drawings... I will also let you note that they are just that, cave drawings. And I believe that drawings fall under the subject of art.. you can interpret art as you will. Oh.. and let us not confuse religion with science here. (pertaining to the ancient texts and drawings)

with respect
Re: Cave Drawings?

Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
Seeing as you've mentioned cave drawings... I will also let you note that they are just that, cave drawings. And I believe that drawings fall under the subject of art.. you can interpret art as you will. Oh.. and let us not confuse religion with science here. (pertaining to the ancient texts and drawings)

with respect
Ah but if all religions are false and they insist their gods and demons came from the sky then where dose that leave us. In anthropology one in taught that there is a kernel of truth in all myths and my friend that is a mighty common kernel. And what of those aborigines that knew of a star that could only recently be found with the Hubble.

As to art it is commonly held that the artist of the time were realist not abstractionist that means that they drew that which they saw not what they imagined. And if imagined what could have made such primitives imagine flying machines and things closely resembling modern space suites.

with respect
For a "realist" you sure seem to be tied up in alot of religion.

Are you suggesting that all modern religion is a coalition of encounters with aliens?

P.s. Give me a link or something I can go to so I can see these "cave drawings that closely resemble modern space suits." I asume you've also heard of the renacance(sp?) painting, that show UFO like objects in them?
Re: Re: Cave Drawings?

Originally posted by grimreaper
And what makes you so sure that we are the most intelligent life in the universe.

If that was directed at me...
I didn't say that.
That was an incorrect assumption on your part.

Originally posted by grimreaper
Ah but if all religions are false and they insist their gods and demons came from the sky then where dose that leave us. In anthropology one in taught that there is a kernel of truth in all myths and my friend that is a mighty common kernel.

Because it was pretty clear that all life is directly dependent on the Sun.
It was huge, powerful and would always come. Every day.

Because all (or at least most) the ancients were well versed in astronomy for planting, navigating, seasonal changes etc. They understood the importance of those lights in the sky, and placed special significance in them, however did not understand what they were and what "power(s)" kept them moving.

Their lives revolved around the sun and stars.
When your life revolves around, relies upon and depends on something that is unknowable and unreachable, people will place meanings on them.

There are countless reasons to worship the Sun (the father that fertilizes and supports life) and Earth itself (the mother that gives birth), and that is why so many religions have.

There is no great mystery there.
And what of those aborigines that knew of a star that could only recently be found with the Hubble.

How do you know that they knew about this star? Did they talk about 'coordinates' or something.

The thing is.. NONE of us here have proof that UFO's are man-made or alien-made... we can only argue our beliefs.
Re: Ufo

Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
The thing is.. NONE of us here have proof that UFO's are man-made or alien-made... we can only argue our beliefs.
I think that they are both.
with respect
Re: Re: Hostorical evidence?

Originally posted by grimreaper

... try talking to anthropologists ...

I'm an Anthropology student... I have yet to hear / read of any startling mystery about alien races.....

Of course I'm only in my Junior year. Perhaps they save the good stuff for Seniors or Grad Students :p
Originally posted by Chris63
I think you all are talking about movie available here:

Everyone did notice that the site that reflects the cable channel is called the "SciFi" channel, right? ;)
I think that ufos are saucers of liquid metal that were created through multi co-ordinated airwaves and through universe explosions that have reacted with the earths core. :m: