New York UFO sighting


Registered Member
Has anyone seen the video of the recent UFO sighting in New York city? It looks very realistic to me and looks like it couldn't be faked. Any input is appreciated. :cool:
Are you talking about the one where there is a UFO that looks big hovering near the World Trade Center or some big building. It hovers from left to right.

That particular one was proved as a fake, because the ufo was actually a digitally created image. Because it overlaps the front of the building while being behind it. A few sprites to say the least. Or popping or what everyou call it.
At least get the story right!
That was the Mexico City video where the pixels overlapped the front of the building...........
Hey Dave, I guess you watched it to eh? Thanks for correcting me. And explaining better than me.

Thanks :)
Explosion of light and sound in the N. East USA?

Would this have anything to do with the report by CNN, a couple of nights ago?

Explanation: A couple of nights ago, I was watching the news on CNN (The Cable News Network). During the normal broadcast, a "breaking news" alert came up. In this, the news anchor reported that a very bright explosion had lit up the North Eastern sky (from off of the east coast of the United States) and that there was also an extremely loud "boom", which followed.

Since then I haven't had the time to follow up on this CNN report and haven't read anything else about it.

Does anyone else know anything about it? I believe that it was 2-4 days ago?
New York UFO Video

I have video clip of several ufo's and interestingly blimps flying around the next day. I can send to anyone interested.
Out of curiosity, this is just my thought, but why in gods name want to visit us? I really doubt its spiritual enlightenment, or to share technology. What happens when you give a caveman a handgun, He kills his tribe becasue he does not understand it. Besides arnt we being a little egotistical to believe a race would constantly visit us , possibly traveling several thousand light years?
I've heard reports that it was the Aurora jet (if such a thing truly exists) that was dispatched and simply arrive too late. It's in and out of the video in a few frames.

Would love to find the link again. I think i had it from Art Bell's site, but that's down now, replaced remember his name.

a, joojoo , just to let you know. I don' think aliens are visiting us for the reasons you listed rather I think its for the reasons you did'nt list. like maybe they need somewhere to land and not just float in space. maybe its a place to fuel up. maybe there scientists and they study behavior in other worlds. maybe they have a vested interest in the human race. Maybe they need us as slave labor to build them thier ships and buildings. Just maybe they make hybrids that are human and alien as a means to make thier race stronger and more diverse and more creative. Maybe there bored. Also if you have a bad ass spaceship, are you just gonna leave it there. I think not. I think your going to go to point B. The bottom line is you really don't want to believe that there's something bigger than you or smater than you. But I have news for you "There Is". Face up chump your not a the top of the food chain. HAHA :p

Hey Set! I totally agree, some people believe that we are visited cause of our technology and other IMPORTANT things. It could be a simple mishap, wrong turn anything but guess what they are visiting and they will be back over and over and over again. Sorry to say it but one day it won't be a VISIT! It would be a HELLO WE'RE HERE!! What do you think our responce will be?
Why our scientist go to Africa to visit apes

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
Out of curiosity, this is just my thought, but why in gods name want to visit us? I really doubt its spiritual enlightenment, or to share technology. What happens when you give a caveman a handgun, He kills his tribe becasue he does not understand it. Besides arnt we being a little egotistical to believe a race would constantly visit us , possibly traveling several thousand light years?

anthropology is anthropology after all and one must go to where the primitive or ape is.
from one ape to another
with respect
:cool: ;)
Ufos... hmmm

The Ufo sighting in New YOrk I believe to be one of two things: Either A. Its fake and well made or B. Its not a fake but was flown by humans. Have you EVER seen a show on TV that explains "the third theory" of UFO's being man made... and the answer is no. There is a reason for this. The government is covering up for something... but they are not covering up communication with alien life forms. They are in other words "faking a coverup". To make it look like they are covering up for something they aren't... but the very faking of a cover-up is covering up something of the opposite nature. Covering the fact that they are man made. Think about it.
Re: Ufos... hmmm

Originally posted by ManmadeUFOs
The government is covering up for something... but they are not covering up communication with alien life forms. They are in other words "faking a coverup". To make it look like they are covering up for something they aren't... but the very faking of a cover-up is covering up something of the opposite nature. Covering the fact that they are man made. Think about it.

I have met a few conspiracy theorists in my day...
But I think this is the first time I have met a conspiracy within a conspiracy within a conspiracy to cover up a conspiracy theorist before.

I'm impressed.