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I didn't mean that it was important to commit to a religous view, I meant it was important to decide on something, even if that something is that nothing happens after we die. That decision gives you some comfort, for one who believes that nothing happens, there is a certain peace to that I guess; not worrying about facing any kind of "judgement". The agnostic view, though, really, the only logical point of view, leaves you wondering, "What if one of these religions is right?" Or, I guess that person could just not worry about it.
Is the act of dieing your main purpose in beleif?

Suppose there is a God and She wants your adoration, your worship, she wants you to orient yourself towards Detroit 7 times a day and pray to her, she wants you to live your life according to her wishes, she chooses which animals you may consume which you may not, etc... BUT, suppose, these two things as well.
1) She will in no way interfere in your life. You can take comfort that she is there, she watches you live your life, but she will not alter this physical reality in any way.
2) She does not offer you life after death. You will die just as anyone else and "you" end there for all eternity.

So? Are you still happy to worship her, adore her, pray 7 times a day towards Detroit and follow her strict diet?

Why or Why Not?
I didn't mean that it was important to commit to a religous view, I meant it was important to decide on something, even if that something is that nothing happens after we die. That decision gives you some comfort, for one who believes that nothing happens, there is a certain peace to that I guess; not worrying about facing any kind of "judgement". The agnostic view, though, really, the only logical point of view, leaves you wondering, "What if one of these religions is right?" Or, I guess that person could just not worry about it.

it's one thing to worry about it, and another to know about it. how do you suggest that someone know about it without actually doing it? no one knows what happens after we die unless they've died, and i've heard very different accounts of experiences from those who have returned. i would suggest you can know if there really is a spiritual realm or not...whether there is a god or not...and i know how to do that. i wonder what your take on that is though.

The problem there is assuming “religion” means pro-religion only. And the issue is not that people resent the idea but that no one can show that the idea has any merit.

Religion has no merit to you. Atheism has no merit to me. So?

No, its that religionists claim their religion explains everything. The skeptics make no competing claims.

I never made any such claim as that and I'm a Christian.

Faith is primarily the domain of the religionist, and whether anyone lives long enough to see anything seems somewhat irrelevant.

Faith is what somebody believes to be true. I have faith in Newton's law of gravity, hence I don't step off a building. Likewise with religion. Certain spiritual laws guide those who are spiritual. That's why we live longer.

There is no mystery to faith. It is simply an irrational conviction that something is true in the absence of any evidential basis.

If there were no Bible, you would have a point. The Bible says there is a place called heaven and hell beyond our temporal existance. It also says there are beings smarter than we are. With an eternal consequence as a potential outcome, the burden of proof falls on you. If I'm wrong it's just the trivial sloution.

From the minds of those who cannot think clearly.

Many scientists are included on your snub list.

Although most were at one time similarly beguiled and indoctrinated by faith based fantasies and managed to eventually think for themselves and escape.

And at church we see those that were once atheists, now believers. So?

That’s ok, Its pretty clear your apology isn’t genuine.

I did think of it before you, however.

That has some merit. Religionist ideas are usually bound to emotions rather than clarity of thought. It is a primary cause of the irrationality of religious ideas.

Actually I am quite analytical with regard to what the scriptures say. Those who lack clarity are in the heretic camp.

Ahh the expected Christian propaganda and preaching.

I wouldn't be a Christian without it. ;)

It’s a religion subforum within a science forum and the bias is definitely towards critical thinking and rational analysis of religious concepts.

Ohhh it's biased alright. What you call critical thinking I call denial.

Atheism is just one perspective that results from such analysis.

All rocks are atheists too. ;) Atheism requires no thought whatsoever.
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no one knows what happens after we die unless they've died, and i've heard very different accounts of experiences from those who have returned. .

The accounts do vary in their particular details ...but...there are commanalities that the great majority of NDEs' do appear to share.
By commanalities I mean ...the major issues. What is God? How we are "judged", why the universe exists, hell, Jesus,religion,etc.
Of course, each individual has to evaluate this phenomanae and the nays and yays and decide whether it has substance or not. I have and tend to believe it's the closest thing we have to knowing about the afterlife.