Is the act of dieing your main purpose in beleif?I didn't mean that it was important to commit to a religous view, I meant it was important to decide on something, even if that something is that nothing happens after we die. That decision gives you some comfort, for one who believes that nothing happens, there is a certain peace to that I guess; not worrying about facing any kind of "judgement". The agnostic view, though, really, the only logical point of view, leaves you wondering, "What if one of these religions is right?" Or, I guess that person could just not worry about it.
Suppose there is a God and She wants your adoration, your worship, she wants you to orient yourself towards Detroit 7 times a day and pray to her, she wants you to live your life according to her wishes, she chooses which animals you may consume which you may not, etc... BUT, suppose, these two things as well.
1) She will in no way interfere in your life. You can take comfort that she is there, she watches you live your life, but she will not alter this physical reality in any way.
2) She does not offer you life after death. You will die just as anyone else and "you" end there for all eternity.
So? Are you still happy to worship her, adore her, pray 7 times a day towards Detroit and follow her strict diet?
Why or Why Not?