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Hey, guys, I'm new to these forums, and just wanted to make my first appearance, and offer my views and opinions real quick.

First off, I'm totally open to any discussions or arguments about any topic. I am a Christian (don't shun me right off the bat, please, lol), and I don't mean agnostic, I mean I believe that Jesus is the one and only way to God. But I'm not going to try to convert anyone, at least not in this thread, and if I do, I'll be sure to give you a heads up lol. I'm just a religion minor who finds the entire subject extremely fascinating and love to discuss it, as long as we don't get offensive...

I hope to be able to have non-heated discussions on here; everyone has their own methods they use when in the heat of zeal, be it judgement, or arrogance, or any of various other methods. Here's the best way to avoid this: Always remember that there is a possibility that you are wrong, and that there are millions of other people out there who believe differently than you, and not all of them are less educated than yourself. For most of us, we will continue to believe what we believe no matter what we are presented with (be it atheism, christianity, etc.).

I believe what I believe and believe it whole heartedly because we will never know for certain who is right, and the issue of death is too important to not completely believe in something.

That being said, I hope to have some good discussions on here and to learn some things and open my own mind while opening the minds of others.
I believe God exists, Jesus is true savior of this world and my soul.

Hi, How are you JNS #888
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Welcome to Sciforums.
I believe what I believe and believe it whole heartedly because we will never know for certain who is right, and the issue of death is too important to not completely believe in something.
This is why it is imperative that you have your theta levels checked!

All Hail Xenu!
Hey, guys, I'm new to these forums, and just wanted to make my first appearance, and offer my views and opinions real quick.
First off, I'm totally open to any discussions or arguments about any topic. I am a Christian (don't shun me right off the bat, please, lol), and I don't mean agnostic, I mean I believe that Jesus is the one and only way to God. But I'm not going to try to convert anyone, at least not in this thread,
It would be an impossible task in this thread or not.
and if I do, I'll be sure to give you a heads up lol. I'm just a religion minor who finds the entire subject extremely fascinating and love to discuss it, as long as we don't get offensive...
Then a little word of warning, be sure whatever you assert is backed up with evidence other than biblical scripture, ok.
I hope to be able to have non-heated discussions on here; everyone has their own methods they use when in the heat of zeal, be it judgement, or arrogance, or any of various other methods. Here's the best way to avoid this: Always remember that there is a possibility that you are wrong, and that there are millions of other people out there who believe differently than you,
This is why you should always provide some evidence for your assertions.
and not all of them are less educated than yourself. For most of us, we will continue to believe what we believe no matter what we are presented with (be it atheism, christianity, etc.).
Exactly hence why it is an impossible task, the only way a persons mind is going to be changed is by the person them self.
I believe what I believe and believe it whole heartedly because we will never know for certain who is right, and the issue of death is too important to not completely believe in something.
That being said, I hope to have some good discussions on here and to learn some things and open my own mind while opening the minds of others.
Me too. But you forget that the majority of atheists were once religious like you, they were once open to your kind of fantasy, but changed there own minds and deconverted/reverted to the norm. So they may see your points and arguments, as the same boring ones they've seen before.
Hello and welcome.

Just a starter question:

Here's the best way to avoid this: Always remember that there is a possibility that you are wrong

Do you heed your own advice?

lol yes, it seems so.


This is what I'm talking about with the kind of insulting talk I would really like to avoid. We can discuss our views without calling them "fantasies."


Greetings - and good luck. Here. Take this blaster. It has little effect on the truly frightening trolls - their skins are far too thick - but it may scatter a lesser goblin or two.

welcome jns888.

your message about made me want to cry.

i wish you the best. :)
lol yes, it seems so.


This is what I'm talking about with the kind of insulting talk I would really like to avoid. We can discuss our views without calling them "fantasies."
You have caused me to be angry, which I don't like, so thanks!
I cant believe out of my entire post the only thing you saw was "fantasy" ask any atheist what he thinks his beliefs in god were, and he'll say fantasies. And there I thought I was being helpful, just so you didn't have to face some of our members who don't suffer fools gladly, those who would give you a hell of a bashing, if you don't follow debating rules.
and all you could see is me being insulting well sonny! if you think thats bad god help you later.
I now hope you get beaten to a pulp metaphorically speaking.

P.S. I shall be watching with glee.
You have caused me to be angry, which I don't like, so thanks!
I cant believe out of my entire post the only thing you saw was "fantasy" ask any atheist what he thinks his beliefs in god were, and he'll say fantasies. And there I thought I was being helpful, just so you didn't have to face some of our members who don't suffer fools gladly, those who would give you a hell of a bashing, if you don't follow debating rules.
and all you could see is me being insulting well sonny! if you think thats bad god help you later.
I now hope you get beaten to a pulp metaphorically speaking.

P.S. I shall be watching with metaphorically.


there is no validity in the assertion that just because you don't know about a thing that exists, that it's someone else's fantasy. i know that god exists, so he is not a fantasy. why don't you offer up evidence that any and every one who has a relationship with god is actually entertaining a fantasy? you can't.

Pleased to hear it.

there is no validity in the assertion that just because you don't know about a thing that exists, that it's someone else's fantasy. i know that god exists, so he is not a fantasy.

The other night I was debating on another forum. I looked at the clock: 23:37 and so decided to go for a quick smoke. When I came back in from the garden it was 01:04. Somehow, in having a 5 minute smoke, an hour and a half had passed.

It's 'possible' that I was abudcted by aliens, experimented on or whatever and then put back over an hour later with no recollection of the event.

The problem is that, even if such an event occurred and I remembered it, if it resides solely in my brain how would I distinguish it from fantasy?

If you have 'witnessed' this god of yours, that it resides solely in your own mind makes it no more or less than fantasy - unless you can find a way to establish otherwise - which you simply cannot while it dwells solely in your mind.

Ultimately, without any attempt at insult, these things are no better than fantasy.
The other night I was debating on another forum. I looked at the clock: 23:37 and so decided to go for a quick smoke. When I came back in from the garden it was 01:04. Somehow, in having a 5 minute smoke, an hour and a half had passed.

It's 'possible' that I was abudcted by aliens, experimented on or whatever and then put back over an hour later with no recollection of the event.

The problem is that, even if such an event occurred and I remembered it, if it resides solely in my brain how would I distinguish it from fantasy?

If you have 'witnessed' this god of yours, that it resides solely in your own mind makes it no more or less than fantasy - unless you can find a way to establish otherwise - which you simply cannot while it dwells solely in your mind.

Ultimately, without any attempt at insult, these things are no better than fantasy.

to someone else who may be looking for some empirical evidence of god or of aliens, what i or you have experienced may not be any better than a fantasy but that is their perception. the fact is, that no matter where that evidence resides, an experience did take place. and if the experience took place, then it's not imagination. it's just not presentable, or's experienced.

i've had missing time before once too. fucked up, huh? is there anything out of the ordinary that you remember about the surrounding circumstance? just wondered if anything seemed weird. i was with heart when it happened to us and she fell asleep and wouldn't wake up. i was visiting her for the first time, and we were driving home from a club. i had no idea where i was or where to go to get us home so i needed her to wake up and give me directions. it had seemed as though we had driven in a big circle. i had deja vu about it and at that moment she was out. we had left the bar at a reasonable hour before it closed, and she lived 30-45 minutes away, and we didn't know it ourselves as we went to bed without checking the clock when we got back, but her friend told us she was up when we came in, and it was after 6 am. it didn't take us that long to get home. i really have no idea what happened to me that night.

Hi and welcome.

First off, I'm totally open to any discussions or arguments about any topic. I am a Christian (don't shun me right off the bat, please, lol), and I don't mean agnostic, I mean I believe that Jesus is the one and only way to God.
Note the conflict in your statement. You cannot be open to any argument and assert your Christian idea is the truth at the same time. You need to choose.

But I'm not going to try to convert anyone, at least not in this thread, and if I do, I'll be sure to give you a heads up lol.
Pretty sure no one here has been converted to a religious belief but I know of several who have lost their beliefs because of these debates.

I believe what I believe and believe it whole heartedly because we will never know for certain who is right,
Then why believe with such conviction if you know you will never know if you are right? Isn’t it more rational to leave the question open until we know, if ever? There is no necessity to believe something if there is no substantial basis for the belief.

and the issue of death is too important to not completely believe in something.
Why? Isn’t the exact opposite more rational? I could argue that because billions of people believe that death is a magical gateway to a paradise that they are significantly diverted away from solving the real problems of death because they think their religion has already solved it. If the truth is that we cease to exist at death then what value is your belief that we don’t?

Forcing a choice before we know is simply irresponsible.

That being said, I hope to have some good discussions on here and to learn some things and open my own mind while opening the minds of others.
God luck. I see you recognize that you begin with a closed mind – a good start.