New Moses Museum Opens

Marlin said:
Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

The following statements are submitted for appraisal:

1. 1 + 1 = 2

2. Jesus is the Saviour of the world.

3. There have been many artifacts found in archaeological digs around the world.

Statement one is true but not spiritually relevant. Statement two is true and is a key element of the Christian faith, necessary for salvation to occur. Statement three is interesting and true, but also not spiritually relevant.

Now here is what WBY is saying: Statement three takes precedence over statement two. Archaeological evidence is more important than the saving truths of Jesus Christ, in his view. At least, that is how I interpret what he is saying (correct me if I'm wrong).
Actually, yes you're wrong again! I believe both 1 & 2,its 3 that has problems :D

the LDS cult suffers from one major flaw, it originated in recent historic times, among many witnesses, but pro & con, so that many aspects of it can be tested

it claims that Joe Smith was a prophet & what is his claim to fame?

why the BoM

and what does that tome claim to be?

the history of several major Semitic civilizations here in the Western Hemisphere, not in the far-flung Middle East, but here under our very noses

why do I make such a big fuss over that point, cause sweetie-pie, no evidence has come out of the ground to prove one iota true, yet here you stand all pompous, saying that I'm saying that archeology trumps the witness of God. silly me, I thought you were going to accuse me of being illogical. the simple point I'm trying to make, is that any civilizations that had such supposed impact in any area, leaves evidence, its that simple.

how simple is that?
here are simple 1+1=2 questions, that even you should be able to answer correctly, but won't, because it would prove LDS wrong, a mental block that you can not accept whether true or false

1) how do we now that Jews lived in what is now Palestine prior to 70AD?
2) how do we know that the USA was founded approx in 1776?
3) how do we know that Native Peoples (probably known to you as 'Indians') lived in what is now the Western Hemisphere (probably known to you as the 'Americas')?

Now, here’s the clincher; do we have only “spiritual” or “real” tangible evidence for those events/or peoples to answer those questions?

Occupations, camps, wars, farms, most human endeavors leave tangible proof, yet the LDS claim that a man that practiced money-digging, treasure hunting with peepstones & using those very same techniques brought out a “new” gospel called the BoM, that tells a new “spiritual” truth.

None of the ‘witnesses’ for the BoM actually saw the “real” BoM plates while they were being “translated”, (because spirits, guardian angels, etc… said no one but Joe Smith could look at them, how convenient), yet they saw them under covers, sheets, behind curtains with “spiritual” eyes, isn’t this a spin on the story of the “Emperor’s New Clothes”? Many of those ‘witnesses’ later left the LDS, not very credible for the BoM, at least for people like me :p
Well, WBY, I will trust the testimony that the Holy Spirit has given me that the LDS church is true, rather than all your tired old anti-Mormon misinterpretations that have already been debunked as such many times over. I would venture a guess that you have been reading anti-Mormon, biased web sites to get all those misinterpretations you are alluding to.

That is the strength of the Mormon position: that no one can disprove us except they humble themselves, read the Book of Mormon, and then pray about it. If you do this correctly, God will testify to you that it is true and you won't even try to debunk us anymore. If you never do this, you cannot say that we are false, having never tested Moroni's Promise for yourself.

Mormonism is true, good brother.
Marlin said:
That is the strength of the Mormon position: that no one can disprove us except they humble themselves, read the Book of Mormon, and then pray about it. If you do this correctly, God will testify to you that it is true and you won't even try to debunk us anymore. If you never do this, you cannot say that we are false, having never tested Moroni's Promise for yourself.
And who decides who did it "correctly"? What about the many people who have read it and prayed, and been told it's a subtle lie?

And it never occurs to Mormons that even if Joseph Smith translated a long lost book, it only means he translated a long lost book. It does not mean every word he said or wrote beyond that was equally inspired (something Mormons are usually quick to affirm when some of Joseph Smith's stranger beliefs are quoted). A person can read the original BoM without becoming any wiser. It's the other books and doctrines that you really want people to believe, isn't it? because the central claim of Mormonism - restored priesthood authority - isn't even mentioned in the BoM.
Jenyar, I can only go by what I know, not the experiences of others. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. I know that the Book of Mormon and the other "standard works" are true. And I know that Jesus Christ lives and loves us, and that He stands at the head of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That is my testimony. I have faith that God can tell others this through the Holy Spirit. Even if some people are dishonest enough to say that God told them differently, my testimony stands.
WildBlueYonder said:
and you are so biased
if I told you the sky was blue some of the time, would you believe me?

So? Got a point? Read between the lines moron. I'm talking about christianity and its baseless accusations.

Don't believe him anyway. The sky is black. It's just photons of a wavelength small enough to be scattered by atmospheric molecules that make it look blue. The bible misses important stuff like this, which is why it sucks as a textbook.
Cottontop3000 said:
Super, you are so right, as usual. I just want to "bitch slap him cold cause I don't know why." : )
I take it you must only be used to dealing with weaklings, big man

don't act tough on an anonymous media, big mouth

use your so-called super-intellect, show me where I'm wrong, big man

because if you saw me in person, bet you'd never dare say anything to my face,

act as tough as you want, hiding behind your desk
Marlin said:
[hijacking my own thread]

Interestingly enough, Cottontop3000, the Joseph Smith Translation has the words "and God hardened Pharaoh's heart" replaced with "and Pharaoh hardened his heart."

Smith might have changed Exodus 4, but he didn't change Paul's reference to Exodus 4, so the point is lost:
"For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, 'Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.'
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth." (Romans 9:17-18, Inspired Version)​
WildBlueYonder said:
I take it you must only be used to dealing with weaklings, big man
Your take is wrong, as usual, muscle man. Got directions to your house on this forum?

don't act tough on an anonymous media, big mouth
Directions to my house are in these forums. If you want to bring some of your air force buddies, bring em. Need them? My picture is also on these forums, muscle man. Is yours?

use your so-called super-intellect, show me where I'm wrong, big man
Typical. What do you want me to show you that you are wrong about?

because if you saw me in person, bet you'd never dare say anything to my face,
Got money? Will travel?

act as tough as you want, hiding behind your desk
Who's hiding? :bugeye:
Jenyar said:
Smith might have changed Exodus 4, but he didn't change Paul's reference to Exodus 4, so the point is lost:
"For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, 'Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might show my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.'
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth." (Romans 9:17-18, Inspired Version)​

Jenyar, Joseph Smith never finished his translation of the Bible, so your point is lost. The Greek may also be translated as "whom he will he leaves to stubbornness," which supports the change in Exodus.
Jenyar said:

Marlin said:

Even if some people are dishonest enough to say that God told them differently, my testimony stands.

That's the answer I was looking for.

I should add, "OR, even if some people don't know how to discern the truth from error, even if they are totally honest."
Cottontop3000 said:
Your take is wrong, as usual, muscle man. Got directions to your house on this forum?

Directions to my house are in these forums. If you want to bring some of your air force buddies, bring em. Need them? My picture is also on these forums, muscle man. Is yours?
should have known you were a loud-mouth Texan, hehehe
Marlin said:
I should add, "OR, even if some people don't know how to discern the truth from error, even if they are totally honest."
we know thats your problem, but what can we do about it, to help you? we'll pray for you, I hope you'll read the Bible more

God bless