New Moses Museum Opens


Registered Senior Member
For the last few millennia after the events of the Bible took place, an alleged account of the enslavement and Exodus of Israelites in Egypt, there is finally,

Sorry, not one artifact, sadly, not one Egyptian has come forward & stated, "Yep, Moses was a verifiably historical figure with archaeological evidence." So after all that time we're still waiting for the Smithsonian to prove that the Israelites were indeed enslaved in Egypt and were led out of it by a super-Prophet named Moses after humiliating the Egyptians with plagues from God. Not one Egyptian monument mentions the Israelites at all in that era.

Sad. This must mean that the Bible is false.*

* Note to the sarcastically impaired: the Bible is true, but this thread is a parody of a certain other thread in this forum. useless is it to begin a thread like this? Why not just post in that thread?

As for the "sarcastically impaired" really did a shit job of being sarcastic.
The point is, the Bible's (and the Book of Mormon's) truths aren't dependent on archaeology. WildBlueYonder seems to think that every truth in the Book of Mormon hinges on whether there were in fact horses in pre-Columbian America. As if horses (or the lack thereof) could save or damn anyone.
superluminal said:
A parody thread. So what's the fucking point here?

Parody or not. Ever noticed in Exodus, during the time of the plagues in Egypt, that God repeatedly "hardened" Pharaoh's heart so that he would not let Moses and his people go. Ever wondered what He had against the Pharaoh?
And what's up with the plagues? Could they be explained some other way? Moses had to repeatedly leave the city to meet with God, before and after each plague. Sounds kind of fishy to me.
[hijacking my own thread]

Interestingly enough, Cottontop3000, the Joseph Smith Translation has the words "and God hardened Pharaoh's heart" replaced with "and Pharaoh hardened his heart."

Marlin said:
[hijacking my own thread]

Interestingly enough, Cottontop3000, the Joseph Smith Translation has the words "and God hardened Pharaoh's heart" replaced with "and Pharaoh hardened his heart."


Very interesting. Hmmmm. Very. I also notice that many translations of the Bible now have "only begotten Son" replaced with "One and Only Son." Amazing how things change.
Must the bible be 100% true in order for the religion to be true? They are not equivalent, are they? Disproving one does not disprove the other.
Yeah. Ever notice how they change the books to address valid points brought up by non-theists throughout history? To make it sound more logical?

They still have a lot of revising to do.

How can it not be self evident that religion is a simple mental function of belief developed to counter the development of the anticipatory centers of the brain that allowed a perception of one's own death?
DarkEyedBeauty said:
Must the bible be 100% true in order for the religion to be true? They are not equivalent, are they? Disproving one does not disprove the other.
You are right. I don't know if there really is a god up there somewhere or not. The only thing I wonder about, though, is this:

If we are going to go to heaven or hell after we die, based on certain texts such as the bible, and what they tell us we need to do to receive everlasting life, as some proclaim, I would think that god would make sure that we had the rules right, 100% of the time, throughout history. Otherwise, how could he justifiably condemn any of us to hell? Do you believe in hell? I don't, for this very reason. We don't know what rules we are playing by. Which rules are right? Surely god could at least be this considerate.
superluminal said:
Yeah. Ever notice how they change the books to address valid points brought up by non-theists throughout history? To make it sound more logical?

They still have a lot of revising to do.


Exactly. I'll go to hell before I ever believe another damned thing a "Christian" tells me he knows.
Cottontop3000 said:
Exactly. I'll go to hell before I ever believe another damned thing a "Christian" tells me he knows.
and you are so biased
if I told you the sky was blue some of the time, would you believe me?
Marlin said:
The point is, the Bible's (and the Book of Mormon's) truths aren't dependent on archaeology. WildBlueYonder seems to think that every truth in the Book of Mormon hinges on whether there were in fact horses in pre-Columbian America. As if horses (or the lack thereof) could save or damn anyone.
funny thing is that the BoM claims to be a history of the Semitic peoples who inhabited the Western Hemisphere for nary 2 thousand years

we have several pesky problems;
1) those pesky y-chromosomes prove that most cohanan are related (thus probably descended form 'Aaron', who is supposedly Moses’ brother)
2) those pesky Jews are still here as a people, claiming descent from Moses’ actions in said event (Exodus)
3) at least 3 civilizations are said to have flourished among BoM people, for about 2 thousand years & left no pesky evidence whatsoever
4) on a similar note, the “Roman” culture & peoples are said to have lived in a large area of the Mediterranean for approx 2 thousand years too; speaking a dead language supposedly called "Latin", in a mysterious alphabet that no one can decipher, no cities can be found, no people, no museums with their artifacts, only one book mentions them called the "Bible" by some. How can we prove these "Roman" people ever existed?
what a pesky problem indeed! :D
This guy is just willfully ignorant, embarrassingly so. He refuses to read the Book of Mormon, yet claims to be an authority on it. He won't pray asking God if it is true or not, using the familiar cop-out that "you shouldn't pray about a book."

And how many times must I mention the fact that the Book of Mormon's importance doesn't derive from archaeological evidences, but rather in the truths it teaches about Jesus Christ?
Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

The following statements are submitted for appraisal:

1. 1 + 1 = 2

2. Jesus is the Saviour of the world.

3. There have been many artifacts found in archaeological digs around the world.

Statement one is true but not spiritually relevant. Statement two is true and is a key element of the Christian faith, necessary for salvation to occur. Statement three is interesting and true, but also not spiritually relevant.

Now here is what WBY is saying: Statement three takes precedence over statement two. Archaeological evidence is more important than the saving truths of Jesus Christ, in his view. At least, that is how I interpret what he is saying (correct me if I'm wrong).
I always thought that a book would be a poor medium to use to teach poeple how to avoid spending eternity in firery basement. Why not use something that would transcend most of the frailites of mankind. Some people are born blind so they can't read it, some people are smart enough to read it but to stupid to comprehend, people mistranslate intintially and unintinally, words don't always translate perfectly, and word meanings change over time etc.

So why not use something that dodges all these problems. Something that everyone has but needs no translation or interpretation. Somethings that transcends culture and values and all people can relate to.

I believe an all-powerful all-knowing being could of thought of something like that. Something like a conscious that tells us when we are doing something that is wrong in the eyes of God, (not in the eyes of man)

I think that would have been far superior to a book, given the history of the Bible.
Mrhero54, that is precisely what the Holy Spirit does. It is His witness that converts the heart, although the scriptures do also provide a strong testimony of truth. God has asked us in our time to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, and He has promised that He will answer us according to our faith. The Spirit is who bears the ultimate witness of the truth, and His influence transcends languages, cultures, etc. by speaking directly to our hearts, Spirit to spirit.