LOL, yes the facts are the facts, it's too bad you are either incapable of understanding them or unwilling to understand them. The Sun rises every day, and everyday people lie, therefore the Sun causes lying. That is basically on of the fallacious arguments you are making, not to mention comparing apples to oranges.
So you're going to give me a lecture on the
problem of induction? Go for it. I
LOVE that topic area of discussion. I'm curious, how do you suppose the major premise is derived if not through some form of inductive reasoning? How is syllogism possible without empirical knowledge? How do you KNOW the sun will rise tomorrow Joe? Do tell.
Central banks are profit centers for governments.
Yes, Joe - here we AGREE. Central Banks are ONE of the ways the Central Government initiates force against free people. Income Tax is another. Of course, the two go together like hand-in-glove.
I am pragmatic. I do what works.
Appeal to Convenience fallacy.
If I touch something hot and it burns my fingers, I don’t do it again.
Yes you do!
$8.5 TRILLION dollars wasted on MORE made up phoney Wars - only this time in the middle east.
$ 50 BILLION dollars waste each year on the MASSIVE beuracracy "The Department of Education" and with NO GAINS since it's inception in 1979. According to YOUR OWN LOGIC we must end it.
The Federal Reserve CAUSED the GFC under the auspices of Alan "Bubbles" Greenspan, it then BAILED OUT the richest 0.001%, yet there are you pom-poms in hand as the rest of the country sinks into the abyss. Hell, you said it yourself, maybe there's some good slum-houses to be had in these depressed neighborhoods. Does that sound like "your brother's keeper" Joe?
Basically what you are arguing for is, if your finger gets burned, don’t worry put your entire hand on it and ignore the pain. The pain doesn’t exist. The pain is just some evil nebulous central planner conspiracy.
The Central Government wasting $8.5 TRILLION dollars losing two more phony wars is a FACT.
The Central Government using the NSA to spy on Americans is a FACT.
Government Housing SLUMS exist all over the nation - this is a FACT.
Government Schools DO graduate functionally illiterate students, this is a FACT.
You're the one who wants to stick your hand in fire. You ignore all of history. You ignore facts and data right in your face. Why? You are literally brainwashed to believe Central Planning works. The Central Government is a cancer. It IS the initiation of force. Is IS the ring in the Lord of the Rings. Something that must be destroyed by fire. Like a witch, or a Senator
The study evaluated 893,658 major surgical operations from around the country from 2003 to 2007, and normalized the results for age, gender, income, geographic region, operation, and 30 background diseases and Medicaid was correlated with a 13% increase in likelihood to die compared to those with no insurance at all, and 97% more likely to die than those with private insurance.
This IS empiricism Joe - you know "Science". Do you have some OTHER conclusion to draw from the data? If so - do it.
As I said, Government Healthcare will be as useless as Government "High" Schools diploma and as safe as a Government "Housing" slum. AND, you don't care. Why would you? You don't have to go to a Government hospital. You'll use private insurance. Happily sweeping the poor, illiterate and sick under the rug of "
I pay my taxes". Welcome to the middle class Joe. Ever wonder why Republic's all ultimately fail? See: mirror.