New Book - The Primordial Language - Confirmation of the Divine Creator

Hello Joseph, I’ve got some past posts here that touch on this subject:

However, I will add to this…

Enoch (the Great grandfather of Noah and the 7th descendant from Adam). Enoch lived before the Great Flood of Noah and he was noted as the first scribe in history to read and write the sacred and divine language of Hebrew (The Primordial Language). G-d had appointed His special angel Uriel to teach Enoch this writing. Enoch is also noted in the Hebrew book of Jubilees as being the “first“ scribe. Jubilees 4:17 - And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months.

Some linguistic scholars will surmise that so and so writing and language came first. They usually assume that it was Sumerian or cuneiform. But this is not the case since both these writing are just an offshoot of the Hebrew forms with slight variations. No linguistic scholar with any true confidence can tell us what writing came first, but if one is smart enough, they can figure it out for themselves.

CUNEIFORM AND SUMERIAN ARE HEBREW! All that cuneiform is, is the Hebrew letters (illustrated by what look like arrows or otherwise known as logographic symbols) turned to the left which is just a sideways view of the Hebrew letters. For instance… the Hebrew letter G (Gimel) is the same as the Phoenician letter G as well as the cuneiform letter G. The Hebrew letter D (Daled) is the same as the Phoenician letter D. as well as the cuneiform D. The Hebrew letter H (Hey) is the same as the Phoenician letter H, as well as the cuneiform H. the same goes for the Hebrew letter V (vov) which is the same as the Phoenician letter V as well as the cuneiform V. This is also true of the Hebrew letter S (Samech), which matches the Phoenician letter S as well as the cuneiform S. This also follows with the Hebrew letter S (shin) which matches almost like a glove to the Phoenician letter S. as well as the cuneiform S. I could go on and on… I have studied the comparison in letters for years already. There are also clear matches in Chinese and Mayan, additionally Egyptian hieroglyphs are just a form of the Phoenician letters in some phonic/illustrative way.

For example… here is what the Hebrew letter S (Shin) looks like:


A clear similarity can be seen in both the cuneiform S and Phoenician S, which look like a letter W. Research this for yourself, a simple Google search should suffice.


Now what I’ve discovered lends even more credence to Hebrew being not only the “first” language in the history of mankind, but also the very same language written and spoken by G-d Himself, which is what I am informing people about here:

Additionally let me add… Adam and Eve most likely spoke this same language in the garden (and we are all rooted from this). We also know that according to the Bible (as specified in Genesis) that G-d spoke a language to them in the garden and they understood and spoke this same conceptual language and handed it down to the following generations. Qabalistic tradition holds that Adam understood this supernatural alphabet and the formation of the universe through the powers of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, but lost much of it when he fell from Paradise. The Bible states that when G-d spoke the universe and our earth into existence he used a language. It also states that before “Noah’s flood” there was only one language. Genesis 11:1-2 - Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. As a consequence throughout the centuries the Hebrew letters were copied in similarity and style but through its scattered usage, it became mottled, broken and disjunctive UNTIL IT WAS PROPERLY REVISED AGAIN BY G-D when Moses received the stone commandment tablets written by the finger of G-d. Deuteronomy 9:10*- And the Lord delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of G-d; and on them was written according to all the words, which the Lord spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly. Again also found In Exodus 31:18: And He gave unto Moses, when He had made an end of speaking with him upon mount Sinai, the two tables of the testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of G-d. Again in Exodus Chapter 32:16: And the tables were the work of G-d, and the writing was the writing of G-d, graven upon the tables. And again in Exodus Chapter 34:1: And the Lord said unto Moses: Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first; and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which thou didst break. So the message is clear here that something supernatural took place on those stone tablets that Moses hewed out of the mountain for G-d that transformed the Hebrew letters into their square/block style that we see today reflected within the Torah.

Additionally the Hebrew writing that came down with Moses from mount Sinai was a square/block style that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. This was a completely new style, though still closely resembling the old. This baffles the scholars and is an inexplicable mystery.
This your work for Babylon, sister.
The first languages spoken, were never recorded. Everyone have dreadlocks, wear mud for clothes, like a real Rastaman. O yeah.
This your work for Babylon, sister.
The first languages spoken, were never recorded. Everyone have dreadlocks, wear mud for clothes, like a real Rastaman. O yeah.

Arfa brane, what’s with all this Jamaican talk, do you have dreadlocks to go along with it?

Well, you’re being very nappy and knotty (naughty) about it! ;)
I found it mysterious that the 10 Commandments, given in Hebrew, has its first two words as the first time ancient egyptian is presented in Hebrew [transliterated as 'ANO CHI' = 'I AM'], and that this was directed at the Pharoah who claimed to be divine - yet spoke no Hebrew.

Hi Joseph, I never responded to this…

The Hebrew word Torah (which is the Hebrew Bible - 5 books), comes from the root of the word “Horaah” which means “instruction“. The Torah states this concept in the following way: The first word of the Ten Commandments in the Hebrew letters (Exodus 20:2) is “Anochi” which means “I am the Lord your G-d”. Thus G-d “compressed” Himself into the words of the Torah. Therefore, when a person studies Torah in this world they have a direct link and connection with G-d.

Now let me stretch this understanding further… You may be familiar with the word “ANKH”. If your not this is a picture of what it looks like and I’m sure you will immediately recognize it:


The word “ANKH” is a very fascinating word in itself! One can immediately hear the “Ahhh” sound associated with it and it becomes apparent that the Sistrum that Bastet (Egyptian cat god) is holding in the other hand (which creates a musical sounding noise) is reinforced by the “ankh“ that clearly specifies that it is specifically for reciting and delivering the Ahhh sound.



It becomes even more interesting with the association of words and names. For instance the “Ankh” is an Egyptian word that is carried over from the Hebrew root word of “Anochi” which is another name for G-d (it means G-d is with us). Also the Hebrew word “Adonai” is another name for G-d (which means master). Meanwhile the word “Ankh” is used in several of the god names of the Pharaohs such as (Tut-ankh-amun, Ankh-enaton, Sem-ankh-are). “Ankh” was usually incorporated into a Pharaoh’s or a very important person’s name like Joseph from the Bible (Genesis 41) who was made vizier of Egypt and whose Egyptian name was “Tsopnut-pAnkh” (tSOPH nut) - “Tsophnut” is the goddess of rain or moisture. Joseph was called Tsophnut Pankh representing “the moisture of life” because it was rain, water, and moisture, associated with the Nile river which determined the seven years of plenty or famine which he predicted in Pharaoh’s dream? (Read Genesis 41). Bastet is also associated at the daughter of “Asar and Aset” (Asar and Aset are the Egyptian name for Osiris and Isis) which were the Greek names given to them. Notice how these names also contain the “Ahhh” sound.

Its also interesting that other names and words are also associated with the “Ahhh” sound such as, Amun, Atum, Atun, Amun, Aton, Amen-Ra, Anubis, Amenemhat, Ptah, Ra, Asnut, Yahovah, Yashuah (“Yashuah” which is Jesus in Hebrew) and even the all pervasive commonly used word - Amen.

This sound becomes even more reaffirmed when the Egyptians named the “cat” after its sound - MEOW! And is described as almost the same way in all languages of the world today either as the sound of “meow or cat“. The Egyptian hieroglyphic word for “cat” is MIU (read: mee-u), however the Hebrew word for “cat” is “khah-tool” (notice the Ahhh sound again), which makes it insatiable for me to reiterate that language and writing was not originally Egyptian, it was linguistically Hebrew first. In fact the word “pharaoh” is from the Hebrew interpretation of the word “per aa“, which means “the great house of the stars“, not only as a name directed at the Great Pyramid (that has been found to point to stars), but also its true predecessor the pre-diluvian Enoch (as I’ve explained in my previous posting), which was not only the first scribe in human history but also the one who gave us the calendar, which is a representation for “the great house of the stars”. Jubilees 4:17 - And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months.

Additionally, Enoch’s Egyptian name is “Pa Hanok” which is another name for the “Phoenix bird” that has always been considered the symbol for resurrection or rising again from the flame of the Sun, which is also associated with Enoch as the Sun god since the Earth revolves around the Sun 365 days, the duration of a solar year - thus the calendar.

If there was and is no Evolution, why do all humans on the planet not look the same? I mean after all with no genetic changes, no differences, we should all be exact "clones" of each other with no differences, perhaps even Asexual in nature.
Don't forget: Hebrew is the root language of ancient Egyptian, as long as you ignore a lot of archeology.
Before Moses came along and had a yak with whatsisname, nobody knew how to write, hell, nobody even knew what language was. We surmise that the words in the Bible are retrodictions of this event, since Moses doesn't get any Hebrew letters until quite a way into the story, thus the story has what's known as a continuity problem. If there was no written language until Moses, who wrote the book of Genesis?
But don't worry I'm sure somebody can explain it.
Meyer's post contains false derivations and false assumptions, and it goes poorly for Christian evangelism when someone does this, especially publicly/globally.

The first word of the ten commandments in the hebrew letters (exodus 20:2) is “anochi” which means “i am the lord your g-d”.
Look here to see for yourself. My interlinear Bible in Hebrew, Greek, and English translates אָנֹכִי “anochi” as “I [am]”, followed by יְהוָה “yahweh” as “Jehovah” (typically translated as “LORD”). Following the word for “Jehovah”, is the word אֱלֹהֶיךָ “elohina” (a variation of “elohim”) meaning “your God”. So the phrase transliterates as “anochi yahweh elohim” meaning “I [am] Jehovah your God” or “I [am] the LORD your God”.

For instance the “ankh” is an egyptian word that is carried over from the hebrew root word of “anochi” which is another name for g-d (it means g-d is with us).
No, “anochi” means “I [am]” as shown above, and there's no evidence that the Hebrew came before the Egyptian.

Its also interesting that …
She says this repeatedly. What significance does “interesting” have? None. The word “interesting” has no significance. These things are “interesting” for those who want them to be “interesting”. Oh look, the Chinese word for “cat” is “mao”, isn't that interesting!

The egyptian hieroglyphic word for “cat” is miu (read: Mee-u), however the hebrew word for “cat” is “khah-tool” (notice the ahhh sound again) … [thus] language and writing was not originally egyptian, it was linguistically hebrew first
This is a false association. … and, no, I won’t notice the inane ahhh sound again. It's simply a false association. Ahhhh!

the word “pharaoh” is from the hebrew interpretation of the word “per aa”, which means “the great house of the stars“, not only as a name directed at the great pyramid
Again, no. This time the text only means “great house” similar to such use as in “House of Windsor”.

the great pyramid (that has been found to point to stars)
Yeah, throw a rock at the sky, and you’ll hit some sort of star, so this is meaningless.

This TED video describes why people see false patterns in things.
Enoch (the Great grandfather of Noah and the 7th descendant from Adam). Enoch lived before the Great Flood of Noah and he was noted as the first scribe in history to read and write the sacred and divine language of Hebrew (The Primordial Language). G-d had appointed His special angel Uriel to teach Enoch this writing. Enoch is also noted in the Hebrew book of Jubilees as being the “first“ scribe. Jubilees 4:17 - And he was the first among men that are born on earth who learnt writing and knowledge and wisdom and who wrote down the signs of heaven according to the order of their months in a book, that men might know the seasons of the years according to the order of their separate months.

What is the need to quote scriptures when the reality is adequate, and which can be understood by followers of any scriptures - based on honesty and intelligence! If the multitude say sumer is an older language than Hebrew, I ask for proof. I question why we have 55 telephone sized advanced, alphabetical, historically vindicated Hebrew books - but none from a mightier and older nation? Consider that some encyclopedia lists Hebrew as a derivitive of Canaanite: where is their proof? Two of the Canaanites groups prevailed the war of the Israelites, namely the Jebusites were around for many centures after Israel was established, even selling a hilltop to King David: but where is the Canaanite books - which museum!?

There is great dishonesty when it comes to Israel - this is not a mythical but historically correct statement. After all, we have two of the biggest religions wholly premised in an agenda which negates Judaism and Jews, and claim to be its transcender - this can only be viable if Israel is negated. And they don't even care if both those religions are claiming mutually exclusive doctrines of history and belief - they don't even look at each other and are hypnotically obsessed in chasing tiny Israel - it would be serious if it were not hysterical!

Some linguistic scholars will surmise that so and so writing and language came first. They usually assume that it was Sumerian or cuneiform. But this is not the case since both these writing are just an offshoot of the Hebrew forms with slight variations. No linguistic scholar with any true confidence can tell us what writing came first, but if one is smart enough, they can figure it out for themselves.

CUNEIFORM AND SUMERIAN ARE HEBREW! All that cuneiform is, is the Hebrew letters (illustrated by what look like arrows or otherwise known as logographic symbols) turned to the left which is just a sideways view of the Hebrew letters. For instance… the Hebrew letter G (Gimel) is the same as the Phoenician letter G as well as the cuneiform letter G. The Hebrew letter D (Daled) is the same as the Phoenician letter D. as well as the cuneiform D. The Hebrew letter H (Hey) is the same as the Phoenician letter H, as well as the cuneiform H. the same goes for the Hebrew letter V (vov) which is the same as the Phoenician letter V as well as the cuneiform V. This is also true of the Hebrew letter S (Samech), which matches the Phoenician letter S as well as the cuneiform S. This also follows with the Hebrew letter S (shin) which matches almost like a glove to the Phoenician letter S. as well as the cuneiform S. I could go on and on… I have studied the comparison in letters for years already. There are also clear matches in Chinese and Mayan, additionally Egyptian hieroglyphs are just a form of the Phoenician letters in some phonic/illustrative way.

For example… here is what the Hebrew letter S (Shin) looks like:


A clear similarity can be seen in both the cuneiform S and Phoenician S, which look like a letter W. Research this for yourself, a simple Google search should suffice.


Now what I’ve discovered lends even more credence to Hebrew being not only the “first” language in the history of mankind, but also the very same language written and spoken by G-d Himself, which is what I am informing people about here:

Additionally let me add… Adam and Eve most likely spoke this same language in the garden (and we are all rooted from this). We also know that according to the Bible (as specified in Genesis) that G-d spoke a language to them in the garden and they understood and spoke this same conceptual language and handed it down to the following generations. Qabalistic tradition holds that Adam understood this supernatural alphabet and the formation of the universe through the powers of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, but lost much of it when he fell from Paradise. The Bible states that when G-d spoke the universe and our earth into existence he used a language. It also states that before “Noah’s flood” there was only one language. Genesis 11:1-2 - Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. As a consequence throughout the centuries the Hebrew letters were copied in similarity and style but through its scattered usage, it became mottled, broken and disjunctive UNTIL IT WAS PROPERLY REVISED AGAIN BY G-D when Moses received the stone commandment tablets written by the finger of G-d. Deuteronomy 9:10*- And the Lord delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of G-d; and on them was written according to all the words, which the Lord spake with you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly. Again also found In Exodus 31:18: And He gave unto Moses, when He had made an end of speaking with him upon mount Sinai, the two tables of the testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of G-d. Again in Exodus Chapter 32:16: And the tables were the work of G-d, and the writing was the writing of G-d, graven upon the tables. And again in Exodus Chapter 34:1: And the Lord said unto Moses: Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first; and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which thou didst break. So the message is clear here that something supernatural took place on those stone tablets that Moses hewed out of the mountain for G-d that transformed the Hebrew letters into their square/block style that we see today reflected within the Torah.

Additionally the Hebrew writing that came down with Moses from mount Sinai was a square/block style that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. This was a completely new style, though still closely resembling the old. This baffles the scholars and is an inexplicable mystery.

No one is hearing you - understand why. In a sense, you are asking them to negate themselves and they cannot do so - understandably. But Jews did not do this to them - and they refuse to look at those who did! And those who have become secular are the worst offenders - they have taken on board all the antisimetisms as a compensation they are still serving their community - or lump all scriptures in one green bag as their cursory excuse.

For 2000 years humanity has been inforced to swallow grotesque fictions and now the cherished lie is preferable to a disdained truth. Throughout history, monotheism has always been hated by divine kings - this is the meaning of being told bondage will come for a surety - even before Israel was born! I care not if sumer is first - after all Israel was a late entry in the ancient world, and first is not a merit on anyone's part - we have no control when we are born. My pursuit is truth wherever the dice falls.
This your work for Babylon, sister.
The first languages spoken, were never recorded. Everyone have dreadlocks, wear mud for clothes, like a real Rastaman. O yeah.

LOL! Your problem is the oral history is only focused on the Hebrew bible's recording of history. Please show a NAME older than 6000 years - a name being the mark of human speech and easily recalled orally without writing? You should have 1000's of such names, cultures, cities, folk songs, monuments, wars, etc. But we don't even have history per se older than 6000 - aligning only with the Hebrew bible down to the exact day and year.

This is the problem the world has when it negates the Hebrew - they have no reality proof which supports them so they end up hating Hebrew and Jews. They end up believing in a god who winks and nods at them when ever a lie is successfully accepted. The European and Islamic world are dripping with ficticious paradigms and enfiorced beliefs of its peoples - and they will kill and give their lives for it. This is true even when we know that both Christianity and Islam cannot be equally correct - at east one of them is totally false. But try convncing them of this fact - you end up being a disbeliever or an infidel! :shrug:
The earliest writing is about 60,000 years old, an order of magnitude older than Hebrew. But this old writing is so unlike any modern language that it hasn't been translated. Translation requires some common point of reference. Names especially so, to say nothing of pronunciation.
There are also interesting questions about cave paintings, and whether they were early forms of language. Or if symbolic languages developed from what appears to be an attempt to record tribal activities and histories.
The earliest writing is about 60,000 years old, an order of magnitude older than Hebrew. But this old writing is so unlike any modern language that it hasn't been translated. Translation requires some common point of reference. Names especially so, to say nothing of pronunciation.

LOL! Your proof? And nice how you safe guarded yourself. But a 60K writing will also have graduated imprints along the thread of its history! Not to mention a host of other surrounding imprints like names, population counts, mental prowess, kings, cities, monuments, etc, etc. We know this by examining factual history of the last 6000 years. So you are unperturbed by the astonishing alignment history per se has with Genesis, unequalled and inexplicable elsewhere - how come?!
There are also interesting questions about cave paintings, and whether they were early forms of language. Or if symbolic languages developed from what appears to be an attempt to record tribal activities and histories.

Yes, and they are all 100% bogus. The cave stones are dated and anything on it is classified the same age. Color paint never existed 5,500 years ago. If the population of Australian natives was 60K years - their population would be 17 trillion - not to mention their mental prowess!
IamJoseph said:
Color paint never existed 5,500 years ago.
Complete rubbish. We've been making paint out of coloured clay and plants for a lot longer than 5,500 years, pal.
....the astonishing alignment history per se has with Genesis, unequalled and inexplicable elsewhere - how come?!
I often wonder what it must have the sort of mind that can willfully ignore the facts of the real world and will simply dream up the assertions necessary to support whatever random beliefs it wants to be true.

In other words: What is it like to be insane?
Complete rubbish. We've been making paint out of coloured clay and plants for a lot longer than 5,500 years, pal.

Oldest monument with color is the Pyramids - they got the red from India 5,200 years ago. And the red has fully faded away. Get my drift about your 60K year BS?
I often wonder what it must have the sort of mind that can willfully ignore the facts of the real world and will simply dream up the assertions necessary to support whatever random beliefs it wants to be true.

In other words: What is it like to be insane?

Insane is he who does not put anything on the table as his evidence. The Hebrew bible marks the first alphabetical book and introduced of a host of premises for humanity, including the first recording the uni is finite, Monotheism, introducing the day and the week, all the laws humanity's bona fide institutions follow and is the biggest selling book in geo-history. It is quoted by more writers and poets than any other. What compares with it? :confused:
LOL! Your proof? And nice how you safe guarded yourself. But a 60K writing will also have graduated imprints along the thread of its history! Not to mention a host of other surrounding imprints like names, population counts, mental prowess, kings, cities, monuments, etc, etc. We know this by examining factual history of the last 6000 years. So you are unperturbed by the astonishing alignment history per se has with Genesis, unequalled and inexplicable elsewhere - how come?!

You are talking about the artifacts of relatively modern civilization. That is an unreasonable expectation for 60,000 year old text. I am not "astonished" about the history in the Bible. Much of it is wrong. There was no global flood, for instance. Genesis is incorrect on many points. No reputable scholar thinks the Bible represents history as we would understand it.

Oldest 'writing' found on 60,000-year-old eggshells
The earliest writing is about 60,000 years old, an order of magnitude older than Hebrew.

Oh really! Can you please explain what determines this? :rolleyes:

Oldest 'writing' found on 60,000-year-old eggshells

And another question Spidergoat, how did they determine that the egg shell is 60,000 years old? :rolleyes:

The Bible (explicitly in Genesis) records for us the order in which life came about. Now the Theory of Evolution asserts otherwise based off of NON observable observations except for a hypothetical theory on paper. The fossil record does not implicitly tell us that one kind of creature evolved into another. On the contrary the Bible describes for us the true reality of all life, which is like-life coming from like-life. This is the true REALITY of all life, and not some hokey theory based on imagination!

Assuming Moses wrote Genesis, the information would have had to come from G-d. Who else would have known the origin of how all life came about?

Cifo, thank you for exhibiting the Hebrew, but it seems that you were trying to refute my posting, but in all truth you basically were saying the same thing and just authenticating what I wrote. Now as pertaining to the linguistic aspect, you tell us that the Chinese word for Cat is also Mao… so not only is it Hebrew and Egyptian, but its also Chinese.

How far do you want to take the linguistic side of this? I can assure you that all written and even spoken languages were the predecessor of Hebrew.

Now as to the true origins of Egypt. There are things that archeologists do not let out of the bag, and this is really the cats @ss in all of this! They know that Egypt was founded on “Enoch” because they have found a whole subterranean city of tunnels stretching under the Pyramids, which has revealed some very interesting things. :)

Archaeologists have found tunnels that open to a huge natural cavern system below the Giza Plateau that extends out in an easterly direction under Cairo. Its main entry is from inside the Sphinx, with stairs cut into rock that lead down to the cavern below the bedrock of the River Nile. There is also a second entry to this subterranean city with stairs leading up to the basement of a Coptic Church in old Cairo (Babylon). In this subterranean cavern they found drawing from narratives of people "living in the Earth". The city may have originally been called Gigal, and mentions a man by the name of “Enoch“.
There are well established scientific methods for determining the dates of things. The same methods, by the way, that archeologists use to determine the dates of artifacts found in Israel.